Sammuramat (Akadca: Sammu-rāmat veya Sammu-ramāt),Shammuramat veya Shamiram olarak da bilinen, Neo-Asur İmparatorluğu'nun güçlü bir kraliçesiydi. Kariyerine kral V. Şamşi-Adad'ın (h. 824-811) kraliçesi olarak başladı, oğlu III. Adad-nirari'nin (h. 811-783 M.Ö.) saltanatı sırasında alışılmadık derecede önemli bir konuma ulaştı. Kocasının ölümünden sonra kraliçe statüsünü koruyan bilinen tek Asur kraliçesidir ve bir askeri sefere katılan ve hatta belki de öncülük eden bilinen tek antik Asur kadınıdır.
Sammuramat | |
![]() Shammuramat'ın 17. yüzyıldan kalma hayali portresi (Semiramis) | |
Doğum | y. MÖ 850 |
Ölüm | y. 798 M.Ö. (aged y. 52) |
Eş(ler)i | V. Şamşi-Adad |
Çocuk(lar)ı | III. Adad-nirari |

Sammuramat, uzun süredir mitolojik savaşçı-kraliçe ve kahraman Semiramis'in arkasındaki ana ilham kaynağı olarak kabul edilmektedir.
- ^ Though usually used by historians today, the title of "queen" as such did not exist in the . The feminine version of the word for king (šarrum) was šarratum, but this was reserved for goddesses and foreign queens who ruled in their own right. Because the consorts of the kings did not rule themselves, they were not regarded as their equals and as such not called šarratum. Instead, the term reserved for the primary consort was MUNUS É.GAL (woman of the palace). In Assyrian, this term was rendered issi ekalli, later abbreviated to sēgallu.
- ^ For alternate transliterations and the etymology of the name, see the "(name)" section
- ^ Assyrian kings at times had multiple wives at the same time, but not all were recognized as queens (or "women of the palace"). Though it has been disputed in the past, it appears that only one woman bore the title at any given time, as the term typically appears without qualifiers (indicating a lack of ambiguity).
- ^ The text reads "stele of Shammuramat, queen of , , , mother of , , , daughter-in-law of , king of the "
- ^ a b c d Kertai 2013, s. 109.
- ^ Spurrier 2017, s. 173.
- ^ a b Novotny 2004.
- ^ Mayor 2014.
- ^ Spurrier 2017, s. 166.
- ^ Melville 2014, s. 233.
- ^ Dalley 2005.
- ^ Melville 2014.
- ^ Svärd 2016.
- ^ CDLI.
- ^ Gera 1997.
- Clancier, Philippe (2014). "Warlike men and invisible women: how scribes in the Ancient Near East represented warfare". Clio: Women, Gender, History. 39 (39): 17-34. doi:10.4000/cliowgh.440. ISSN 2554-3822. 26 Ekim 2022 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 26 Ekim 2022.
- Dalley, Stephanie (2005). "Semiramis in History and Legend: a Case Study in Interpretation of an Assyrian Historical Tradition, with Observations on Archetypes in Ancient Historiography, on Euhemerism before Euhemerus, and on the So-called Greek Ethnographie Style". S. Gruen, Erich (Ed.). Cultural Borrowings and Ethnic Appropriations in Antiquity. Stuttgart: . ISBN .
- Dalley, Stephanie (2013). "The Greek Novel Ninus and Semiramis: Its Background in Assyrian and Seleucid History and Monuments". Whitmarsh, Tim; Thomson, Stuart (Ed.). The Romance between Greece and the East. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN . 26 Ekim 2022 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 26 Ekim 2022.
- Fink, Sebastian (2020). "Invisible Mesopotamian royal women?". Carney, Elizabeth D.; Müller, Sabine (Ed.). The Routledge Companion to Women and Monarchy in the Ancient Mediterranean World. Londra: Routledge. ss. 137-148. doi:10.4324/9780429434105-15. ISBN .
- Frahm, Eckart (2017). "The Neo-Assyrian Period (ca. 1000–609 BCE)". E. Frahm (Ed.). A Companion to Assyria. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN .
- Gansell, Amy Rebecca (2018). "In Pursuit of Neo-Assyrian Queens: An Interdisciplinary Methodology for Researching Ancient Women and Engendering Ancient History". Svärd, Saana; Garcia-Ventura, Agnès (Ed.). Studying Gender in the Ancient Near East. University Park, Pennsylvania: Eisenbrauns. ISBN .
- Gera, Deborah (1997). Warrior Women: The Anonymous Tractatus De Mulieribus. Leiden: . ISBN . 26 Ekim 2022 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 26 Ekim 2022.
- Kertai, David (2013). "The Queens of the Neo-Assyrian Empire". Altorientalische Forschungen. 40 (1): 108-124. doi:10.1524/aof.2013.0006.
- Mayor, Adrienne (2014). The Amazons: Lives and Legends of Warrior Women across the Ancient World. Princeton: Princeton University Press. ISBN . 26 Ekim 2022 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 26 Ekim 2022.
- Melville, Sarah C. (2004). "Neo-Assyrian Royal Women and Male Identity: Status as a Social Tool". Journal of the American Oriental Society. 124 (1): 37-57. doi:10.2307/4132152. JSTOR 4132152. 26 Ekim 2022 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 26 Ekim 2022.
- Melville, Sarah C. (2014). "Women in Neo-Assyrian texts". Chavalas, Mark W. (Ed.). Women in the Ancient Near East: A Sourcebook. Londra: Routledge. ISBN .
- Novotny, Jamie (2004). "Sammu-rāmat or Sammu-ramāt" (PDF). Baker, Heather D. (Ed.). Prosopography of the Neo-Assyrian Empire 3/1. Helsinki: The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project. ss. 1083-1084. ISBN .
- "Sammu-rāmat". . 23 Ekim 2014. 15 Nisan 2021 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 19 Ocak 2022.
- Spurrier, Tracy L. (2017). "Finding Hama: On the Identification of a Forgotten Queen Buried in the Nimrud Tombs". Journal of Near Eastern Studies. 76 (1): 149-174. doi:10.1086/690911. 17 Haziran 2022 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 26 Ekim 2022.
- Svärd, Saana (2016). "Neo-Assyrian Elite Women". Budin, Stephanie Lynn; Turfa, Jean MacIntosh (Ed.). Women in Antiquity: Real Women across the Ancient World. Londra: Routledge. ISBN . 26 Ekim 2022 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 26 Ekim 2022.
- Tadmor, Hayim (1973). "The Historical Inscriptions of Adad-Nirari III". IRAQ. 35 (2): 141-150. doi:10.2307/4199961. JSTOR 4199961. 26 Ekim 2022 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 26 Ekim 2022.
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Sammuramat Akadca Sammu ramat veya Sammu ramat Shammuramat veya Shamiram olarak da bilinen Neo Asur Imparatorlugu nun guclu bir kralicesiydi Kariyerine kral V Samsi Adad in h 824 811 kralicesi olarak basladi oglu III Adad nirari nin h 811 783 M O saltanati sirasinda alisilmadik derecede onemli bir konuma ulasti Kocasinin olumunden sonra kralice statusunu koruyan bilinen tek Asur kralicesidir ve bir askeri sefere katilan ve hatta belki de onculuk eden bilinen tek antik Asur kadinidir SammuramatShammuramat in 17 yuzyildan kalma hayali portresi Semiramis Dogumy MO 850Olumy 798 M O aged y 52 Es ler iV Samsi AdadCocuk lar iIII Adad nirariAsur da Shammuramat tarafindan dikilmis bir stel uzerindeki yazit Sammuramat uzun suredir mitolojik savasci kralice ve kahraman Semiramis in arkasindaki ana ilham kaynagi olarak kabul edilmektedir Notlar Though usually used by historians today the title of queen as such did not exist in the The feminine version of the word for king sarrum was sarratum but this was reserved for goddesses and foreign queens who ruled in their own right Because the consorts of the kings did not rule themselves they were not regarded as their equals and as such not called sarratum Instead the term reserved for the primary consort was MUNUS E GAL woman of the palace In Assyrian this term was rendered issi ekalli later abbreviated to segallu For alternate transliterations and the etymology of the name see the name section Assyrian kings at times had multiple wives at the same time but not all were recognized as queens or women of the palace Though it has been disputed in the past it appears that only one woman bore the title at any given time as the term typically appears without qualifiers indicating a lack of ambiguity The text reads stele of Shammuramat queen of mother of daughter in law of king of the Kaynakca a b c d Kertai 2013 s 109 Spurrier 2017 s 173 a b Novotny 2004 Mayor 2014 Spurrier 2017 s 166 Melville 2014 s 233 Dalley 2005 Melville 2014 Svard 2016 CDLI Gera 1997 Kaynaklar Clancier Philippe 2014 Warlike men and invisible women how scribes in the Ancient Near East represented warfare Clio Women Gender History 39 39 17 34 doi 10 4000 cliowgh 440 ISSN 2554 3822 26 Ekim 2022 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 26 Ekim 2022 Dalley Stephanie 2005 Semiramis in History and Legend a Case Study in Interpretation of an Assyrian Historical Tradition with Observations on Archetypes in Ancient Historiography on Euhemerism before Euhemerus and on the So called Greek Ethnographie Style S Gruen Erich Ed Cultural Borrowings and Ethnic Appropriations in Antiquity Stuttgart ISBN 3 515 08735 4 Dalley Stephanie 2013 The Greek Novel Ninus and Semiramis Its Background in Assyrian and Seleucid History and Monuments Whitmarsh Tim Thomson Stuart Ed The Romance between Greece and the East Cambridge Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 1 107 03824 0 26 Ekim 2022 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 26 Ekim 2022 Fink Sebastian 2020 Invisible Mesopotamian royal women Carney Elizabeth D Muller Sabine Ed The Routledge Companion to Women and Monarchy in the Ancient Mediterranean World Londra Routledge ss 137 148 doi 10 4324 9780429434105 15 ISBN 978 0429434105 Frahm Eckart 2017 The Neo Assyrian Period ca 1000 609 BCE E Frahm Ed A Companion to Assyria Hoboken John Wiley amp Sons ISBN 978 1118325247 Gansell Amy Rebecca 2018 In Pursuit of Neo Assyrian Queens An Interdisciplinary Methodology for Researching Ancient Women and Engendering Ancient History Svard Saana Garcia Ventura Agnes Ed Studying Gender in the Ancient Near East University Park Pennsylvania Eisenbrauns ISBN 978 1575067704 Gera Deborah 1997 Warrior Women The Anonymous Tractatus De Mulieribus Leiden ISBN 90 04 10665 0 26 Ekim 2022 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 26 Ekim 2022 Kertai David 2013 The Queens of the Neo Assyrian Empire Altorientalische Forschungen 40 1 108 124 doi 10 1524 aof 2013 0006 Mayor Adrienne 2014 The Amazons Lives and Legends of Warrior Women across the Ancient World Princeton Princeton University Press ISBN 978 0 691 17027 5 26 Ekim 2022 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 26 Ekim 2022 Melville Sarah C 2004 Neo Assyrian Royal Women and Male Identity Status as a Social Tool Journal of the American Oriental Society 124 1 37 57 doi 10 2307 4132152 JSTOR 4132152 26 Ekim 2022 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 26 Ekim 2022 Melville Sarah C 2014 Women in Neo Assyrian texts Chavalas Mark W Ed Women in the Ancient Near East A Sourcebook Londra Routledge ISBN 978 0 415 44855 0 Novotny Jamie 2004 Sammu ramat or Sammu ramat PDF Baker Heather D Ed Prosopography of the Neo Assyrian Empire 3 1 Helsinki The Neo Assyrian Text Corpus Project ss 1083 1084 ISBN 951 45 9056 2 Sammu ramat 23 Ekim 2014 15 Nisan 2021 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 19 Ocak 2022 Spurrier Tracy L 2017 Finding Hama On the Identification of a Forgotten Queen Buried in the Nimrud Tombs Journal of Near Eastern Studies 76 1 149 174 doi 10 1086 690911 17 Haziran 2022 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 26 Ekim 2022 Svard Saana 2016 Neo Assyrian Elite Women Budin Stephanie Lynn Turfa Jean MacIntosh Ed Women in Antiquity Real Women across the Ancient World Londra Routledge ISBN 978 1 138 80836 2 26 Ekim 2022 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 26 Ekim 2022 Tadmor Hayim 1973 The Historical Inscriptions of Adad Nirari III IRAQ 35 2 141 150 doi 10 2307 4199961 JSTOR 4199961 26 Ekim 2022 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 26 Ekim 2022