Selanik İmparatorluğu
Selanik İmparatorluğu | |||||||||||||
1224-1246 | |||||||||||||
![]() İlk iki hükümdarı Michael I Komnenos Doukas (1205-15) ve Theodore Komnenos Doukas (1215-30) döneminde Epir Prensliği'nin toprak genişlemesinin haritası, Theodore'un "Selanik İmparatorluğu" da dahil. | |||||||||||||
Tür | İkinci Bulgar İmparatorluğu'nun (1230-37) ve İznik İmparatorluğu'nun (1242-46) vasalı | ||||||||||||
Başkent | Selanik | ||||||||||||
Yaygın dil(ler) | Yunanca | ||||||||||||
Resmî din | Rum Ortodoks Kilisesi | ||||||||||||
Hükûmet | Monarşi | ||||||||||||
İmparator, 1242'den sonra Despot | |||||||||||||
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Tarihî dönem | Orta Çağ | ||||||||||||
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Selanik'in Komnenos Dukas hükümdarlarının listesi:
- Theodoros Komnenos Dukas (1224–1230, 1225/27 imparator olarak tac giymiştir)
- (1230–1237, 1235/37 imparator olarak tac giymiştir)
- (1237–1242 imparator olarak; 1242–1244 Despot olarak)
- (1244–1246 Despot olarak)
- İznik İmparatorluğu tarafından ilhak edilmiştir
- Özel
- Genel
- Bartusis, Mark C. (1997). The Late Byzantine Army: Arms and Society 1204–1453. University of Pennsylvania Press. ISBN .
- Fine, John Van Antwerp (1994) [1987]. The Late Medieval Balkans: A Critical Survey from the Late Twelfth Century to the Ottoman Conquest (İngilizce). Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Press. ISBN .
- Finlay, George (1877). A History of Greece: Mediaeval Greece and the empire of Trebizond, A.D. 1204–1461. Clarendon Press.
- Hendy, Michael F. (1999). Catalogue of the Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection and in the Whittemore Collection, Volume 4: Alexius I to Michael VIII, 1081–1261 – Part 1: Alexius I to Alexius V (1081–1204). Washington, District of Columbia: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection. ISBN .
- Magdalino, Paul (1989). "Between Romaniae: Thessaly and Epirus in the Later Middle Ages". Arbel, Benjamin; Hamilton, Bernhard; Jacoby, David (Ed.). Latins and Greeks in the Eastern Mediterranean After 1204. Frank Cass & Co. Ltd. ss. 87-110. ISBN .
- Nicol, Donald M. (1993). The Last Centuries of Byzantium, 1261–1453 (İngilizce) (İkinci bas.). Londra: Rupert Hart-Davis Ltd. ISBN .
- Vasilyev, Aleksandr A. (1952). History of the Byzantine Empire, 324–1453. University of Wisconsin Press. ISBN . 30 Ekim 2020 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 23 Haziran 2016.
Konuyla ilgili yayınlar
- Bredenkamp, François (1996). The Byzantine Empire of Thessaloniki (1224–1242). Selanik: Thessaloniki History Center. ISBN .
- Stavridou-Zafraka, Alkmini (1999). "The Empire of Thessaloniki (1224–1242). Political Ideology and Reality". Vyzantiaka. Cilt 19. ss. 211-222.
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Selanik ImparatorluguSelanik Imparatorlugu1224 1246Ilk iki hukumdari Michael I Komnenos Doukas 1205 15 ve Theodore Komnenos Doukas 1215 30 doneminde Epir Prensligi nin toprak genislemesinin haritasi Theodore un Selanik Imparatorlugu da dahil TurIkinci Bulgar Imparatorlugu nun 1230 37 ve Iznik Imparatorlugu nun 1242 46 vasaliBaskentSelanikYaygin dil ler YunancaResmi dinRum Ortodoks KilisesiHukumetMonarsiImparator 1242 den sonra Despot 1224 1230Theodoros Komnenos Dukas 1244 1246Tarihi donemOrta Cag Selanik in Epirus tarafindan alinmasi1224 Selanik in Iznik tarafindan alinmasi1246Onculler ArdillarEpir DespotluguSelanik Kralligi Epir DespotluguIznik ImparatorluguSelanik Imparatoru olarak Theodoros un Billon trachy sikkesiManuil Komnenos Dukas in Trachy sikkesiHukumdarlarSelanik in Komnenos Dukas hukumdarlarinin listesi Theodoros Komnenos Dukas 1224 1230 1225 27 imparator olarak tac giymistir 1230 1237 1235 37 imparator olarak tac giymistir 1237 1242 imparator olarak 1242 1244 Despot olarak 1244 1246 Despot olarak Iznik Imparatorlugu tarafindan ilhak edilmistirKaynakcaOzel GenelBartusis Mark C 1997 The Late Byzantine Army Arms and Society 1204 1453 University of Pennsylvania Press ISBN 0 8122 1620 2 Fine John Van Antwerp 1994 1987 The Late Medieval Balkans A Critical Survey from the Late Twelfth Century to the Ottoman Conquest Ingilizce Ann Arbor Michigan University of Michigan Press ISBN 0 472 08260 4 Finlay George 1877 A History of Greece Mediaeval Greece and the empire of Trebizond A D 1204 1461 Clarendon Press Hendy Michael F 1999 Catalogue of the Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection and in the Whittemore Collection Volume 4 Alexius I to Michael VIII 1081 1261 Part 1 Alexius I to Alexius V 1081 1204 Washington District of Columbia Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection ISBN 0 88402 233 1 Magdalino Paul 1989 Between Romaniae Thessaly and Epirus in the Later Middle Ages Arbel Benjamin Hamilton Bernhard Jacoby David Ed Latins and Greeks in the Eastern Mediterranean After 1204 Frank Cass amp Co Ltd ss 87 110 ISBN 0 71463372 0 Nicol Donald M 1993 The Last Centuries of Byzantium 1261 1453 Ingilizce Ikinci bas Londra Rupert Hart Davis Ltd ISBN 0 246 10559 3 Vasilyev Aleksandr A 1952 History of the Byzantine Empire 324 1453 University of Wisconsin Press ISBN 978 0 299 80926 3 30 Ekim 2020 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 23 Haziran 2016 Konuyla ilgili yayinlarBredenkamp Francois 1996 The Byzantine Empire of Thessaloniki 1224 1242 Selanik Thessaloniki History Center ISBN 9608433177 Stavridou Zafraka Alkmini 1999 The Empire of Thessaloniki 1224 1242 Political Ideology and Reality Vyzantiaka Cilt 19 ss 211 222