Selenocosmia Theraphosidae familyasına bağlı bir örümcek cinsidir.
Selenocosmia | |||||||||||||
Biyolojik sınıflandırma | |||||||||||||
Selenocosmia cinsine bağlı türler (2022):
- Selenocosmia arndsti - (Schmidt & von Wirth, 1991)
- Selenocosmia aruana - Strand, 1911
- Selenocosmia barensteinerae - (Schmidt, Hettegger & Matthes, 2010)
- Selenocosmia compta - Kulczynski, 1911
- Selenocosmia crassipes - (L. Koch, 1874)
- Selenocosmia deliana - Strand, 1913
- Selenocosmia effera - (Simon, 1891)
- Selenocosmia fuliginea - (Thorell, 1895)
- Selenocosmia hasselti - Simon, 1891
- Selenocosmia hirtipes - Strand, 1913
- Selenocosmia honesta - Hirst, 1909
- Selenocosmia insignis - (Simon, 1890)
- Selenocosmia javanensis - (Walckenaer, 1837)
- Selenocosmia jiafu - Zhu & Zhang, 2008
- Selenocosmia kovariki - (Schmidt & Krause, 1995)
- Selenocosmia kulluensis - Chamberlin, 1917
- Selenocosmia lanceolata - Hogg, 1914
- Selenocosmia lanipes - Ausserer, 1875
- Selenocosmia mittmannae - (Barensteiner & Wehinger, 2005)
- Selenocosmia papuana - Kulczynski, 1908
- Selenocosmia peerboomi - (Schmidt, 1999)
- Selenocosmia pritami - Dyal, 1935
- Selenocosmia raciborskii - Kulczynski, 1908
- Selenocosmia samarae - (Giltay, 1935)
- Selenocosmia similis - Kulczynski, 1911
- Selenocosmia stirlingi - Hogg, 1901
- Selenocosmia strenua - (Thorell, 1881)
- Selenocosmia strubelli - Strand, 1913
- Selenocosmia subvulpina - Strand, 1907
- Selenocosmia sutherlandi - Gravely, 1935
- Selenocosmia tahanensis - Abraham, 1924
- Selenocosmia valida - (Thorell, 1881)
- Selenocosmia xinhuaensis - Zhu & Zhang, 2008
- ^ Opatova, Vera; Hamilton, Chris A.; Hedin, Marshal; Montes De Oca, Lauren; Král, Jiři; Bond, Jason E. (2019), "Phylogenetic Systematics and Evolution of the Spider Infraorder Mygalomorphae Using Genomic Scale Data", Systematic Biology, 69 (4), ss. 671-707, doi:10.1093/sysbio/syz064
- ^ "GBIF". 14 Ağustos 2021 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 28 Ekim 2021.
- ^ "Mindat". 28 Ekim 2021 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 28 Ekim 2021.
- ^ . 30 Ekim 2013 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 26 Ağustos 2022.
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Selenocosmia Theraphosidae familyasina bagli bir orumcek cinsidir SelenocosmiaBiyolojik siniflandirmaAlem AnimaliaSube ArthropodaSinif ArachnidaTakim AraneaeFamilya Theraphosidae Bertkau 1872Cins SelenocosmiaTaksonomiSelenocosmia cinsine bagli turler 2022 Selenocosmia arndsti Schmidt amp von Wirth 1991 Selenocosmia aruana Strand 1911 Selenocosmia barensteinerae Schmidt Hettegger amp Matthes 2010 Selenocosmia compta Kulczynski 1911 Selenocosmia crassipes L Koch 1874 Selenocosmia deliana Strand 1913 Selenocosmia effera Simon 1891 Selenocosmia fuliginea Thorell 1895 Selenocosmia hasselti Simon 1891 Selenocosmia hirtipes Strand 1913 Selenocosmia honesta Hirst 1909 Selenocosmia insignis Simon 1890 Selenocosmia javanensis Walckenaer 1837 Selenocosmia jiafu Zhu amp Zhang 2008 Selenocosmia kovariki Schmidt amp Krause 1995 Selenocosmia kulluensis Chamberlin 1917 Selenocosmia lanceolata Hogg 1914 Selenocosmia lanipes Ausserer 1875 Selenocosmia mittmannae Barensteiner amp Wehinger 2005 Selenocosmia papuana Kulczynski 1908 Selenocosmia peerboomi Schmidt 1999 Selenocosmia pritami Dyal 1935 Selenocosmia raciborskii Kulczynski 1908 Selenocosmia samarae Giltay 1935 Selenocosmia similis Kulczynski 1911 Selenocosmia stirlingi Hogg 1901 Selenocosmia strenua Thorell 1881 Selenocosmia strubelli Strand 1913 Selenocosmia subvulpina Strand 1907 Selenocosmia sutherlandi Gravely 1935 Selenocosmia tahanensis Abraham 1924 Selenocosmia valida Thorell 1881 Selenocosmia xinhuaensis Zhu amp Zhang 2008Kaynakca Opatova Vera Hamilton Chris A Hedin Marshal Montes De Oca Lauren Kral Jiri Bond Jason E 2019 Phylogenetic Systematics and Evolution of the Spider Infraorder Mygalomorphae Using Genomic Scale Data Systematic Biology 69 4 ss 671 707 doi 10 1093 sysbio syz064 GBIF 14 Agustos 2021 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 28 Ekim 2021 Mindat 28 Ekim 2021 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 28 Ekim 2021 30 Ekim 2013 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 26 Agustos 2022 Dis baglantilarWikimedia Commons ta Selenocosmia ile ilgili coklu ortam belgeleri bulunur Vikitur de Selenocosmia ile ilgili ayrintili taksonomik bilgiler bulunur Theraphosidae ile ilgili bu madde taslak seviyesindedir Madde icerigini genisleterek Vikipedi ye katki saglayabilirsiniz