Shin Hyun-joon (d. Ekim 28, 1968) Güney Koreli oyuncu.Onun en iyi rolleri , ve deki rolleridir. Ayrıca en popüler müzik videosu grubunun "Because I'm A Girl" şarkısıdır.Güney KOredeki takma adı 아랍왕자 ("Prince of Arab/Arap prensi")'dir.
Shin Hyun-joon | |
![]() | |
Doğum | 28 Ekim 1968 Seul Güney Kore |
Diğer ad(lar)ı | Shin Hyun-jun Shin Hyun-june |
Meslek | Oyuncu |
Etkin yıllar | 1990-günümüz |
Evlilik | Kim Kyung-mi (e. 2013) |
- George and Bong-shik (TBA)
- (2015)
- (2011)
- (2011)
- Kiss Me, Kill Me (2009)
- (2008)
- The Worst Guy Ever (2007)
- Master Kims (2007)
- Hot for Teacher (2006)
- (2006)
- (2006)
- (2005)
- (2005)
- (2004)
- (2004)
- (2003)
- (2003)
- (2001)
- Siren (2000)
- (2000)
- The Soul Guardians (1998)
- The Story of a Man (1998)
- KK Family List (1997)
- Maria and the Inn (1997)
- (1997)
- The Gingko Bed (1996)
- Channel 69 (1996)
- Hong Gil-dong (animated, 1995)
- (1994)
- Love is Oh Yeah! (1993)
- (1993)
- (1992)
- (1991)
- (1991)
- (1990)
Televizyon diizileri
- Moorim School (KBS2, 2016)
- (KBS2, 2012)
- (KBS2, 2012)
- (SBS, 2012)
- (MBC, 2010) – konuk
- (SBS, 2009)
- (SBS, 2008) – konuk
- Rondo (TBS, 2006)
- (SBS, 2003)
- I Love You! I Love You! (SBS, 1998)
- (SBS, 1998)
- Wedding Dress (KBS2, 1997)
- The Brothers' River (SBS, 1996)
- 1.5 (MBC, 1996)
- Sons of the Wind (KBS2, 1995)
Varyete show
- (KBS1, 2013–günümüz) –
- Show King (Channel A, 2011–günümüz) – MC
- Entertainment Weekly (KBS2, 2010–günümüz) – MC
- (MBC, 2010-2011) – MC
- The Dreaming Sea (KBS2, 2013) – üye
- Family Outing
Bulunduğu müzik videolar
- Zi-A – "Choked With Grief" (2008)
- Zi-A – "I'm Happy" (2008)
- Zi-A – "I Love You, I'm Sorry" (2008)
- Zi-A – "Guardian Angel" (2007)
- Zi-A – "Together with a Star in My Heart" (2007)
- Zi-A – "Absentmindedly" (2007)
- – "Because I'm a Girl" (2001)
- – "Never Again" (2001)
- – "For Your Soul" (1999)
- – 말리꽃 (1999)
- – "Remember Last Christmas" (1998)
- Clown with Smiles and Tears (2013)
- Aladdin and the Magic Lamp (2012)
- 배우 연기를 훔쳐라 (2012)
- Shin Hyun-joon's Confessions (2008)
- 2010: Goodwill Ambassador for
- 2010: Goodwill Ambassador for Grain Welfare Foundation
- 2010: Goodwill Ambassador for
- 2010: Goodwill Ambassador for the 1004 Marathon Relay for Disabled People
- 2010: Goodwill Ambassador for the 2010 Bible EXPO
- 2008: Goodwill Ambassador for South Korea's
- 2007: Goodwill Ambassador for the 7th World
- – Excellence Award, Actor in a Miniseries ()
- 2012 – Top Entertainer Award (Entertainment Weekly)
- 2011 12th Korea Visual Arts Festival – Photogenic Award, Movie Actor category
- 2011 18th Han Il Culture Awards – Grand Prize, Cultural Diplomacy category
- 2010 MBC Entertainment Awards – Special Award in Show/Variety ()
- 2008 16th – Cultural Award
- 2006 26th – Asian Star Award
- 2006 27th – Popular Star Award ()
- 2006 4th Korea Fashion World Awards – Best Dressed Award
- 2001 Best Dresser Swan Awards – Best Dressed, Movie Actor category
- 1999 : Popular Music Video Award ('un For Your Soul videosu)
- 1992 30th – Best New Actor
- ^ "배우 연기를 훔쳐라". . 10 Mayıs 2012. 2 Temmuz 2016 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 18 Kasım 2012.
- ^ "신현준의 고백". . 1 Aralık 2008. 5 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 18 Kasım 2012.
- ^ Kaynak hatası: Geçersiz
isimli refler için metin sağlanmadı (Bkz: ) - ^ "Despite Increasing Applications, Korea Accepts Few Refugees". The Chosun Ilbo. 20 Haziran 2008. 4 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 25 Mart 2013.
Dış bağlantılar
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- X'te Shin Hyun-joon
- Shin Hyun-joon at Cyworld
- Shin Hyun-joon Fan Cafe20 Haziran 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . at
- at Star Brothers Entertainment
- HanCinema'da Shin Hyeon-joon
- IMDb'de Shin Hyeon-jun
- Korean Movie Database'te Shin Hyun-jun
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Shin Hyun joon d Ekim 28 1968 Guney Koreli oyuncu Onun en iyi rolleri ve deki rolleridir Ayrica en populer muzik videosu grubunun Because I m A Girl sarkisidir Guney KOredeki takma adi 아랍왕자 Prince of Arab Arap prensi dir Shin Hyun joonDogum28 Ekim 1968 55 yasinda Seul Guney KoreDiger ad lar iShin Hyun jun Shin Hyun juneMeslekOyuncuEtkin yillar1990 gunumuzEvlilikKim Kyung mi e 2013 FilmografiFilm George and Bong shik TBA 2015 2011 2011 Kiss Me Kill Me 2009 2008 The Worst Guy Ever 2007 Master Kims 2007 Hot for Teacher 2006 2006 2006 2005 2005 2004 2004 2003 2003 2001 Siren 2000 2000 The Soul Guardians 1998 The Story of a Man 1998 KK Family List 1997 Maria and the Inn 1997 1997 The Gingko Bed 1996 Channel 69 1996 Hong Gil dong animated 1995 1994 Love is Oh Yeah 1993 1993 1992 1991 1991 1990 Televizyon diizileri Moorim School KBS2 2016 KBS2 2012 KBS2 2012 SBS 2012 MBC 2010 konuk SBS 2009 SBS 2008 konuk Rondo TBS 2006 SBS 2003 I Love You I Love You SBS 1998 SBS 1998 Wedding Dress KBS2 1997 The Brothers River SBS 1996 1 5 MBC 1996 Sons of the Wind KBS2 1995 Varyete show KBS1 2013 gunumuz Show King Channel A 2011 gunumuz MC Entertainment Weekly KBS2 2010 gunumuz MC MBC 2010 2011 MC The Dreaming Sea KBS2 2013 uye Family OutingBulundugu muzik videolar Zi A Choked With Grief 2008 Zi A I m Happy 2008 Zi A I Love You I m Sorry 2008 Zi A Guardian Angel 2007 Zi A Together with a Star in My Heart 2007 Zi A Absentmindedly 2007 Because I m a Girl 2001 Never Again 2001 For Your Soul 1999 말리꽃 1999 Remember Last Christmas 1998 KitaplariClown with Smiles and Tears 2013 Aladdin and the Magic Lamp 2012 배우 연기를 훔쳐라 2012 Shin Hyun joon s Confessions 2008 Elcilik2010 Goodwill Ambassador for 2010 Goodwill Ambassador for Grain Welfare Foundation 2010 Goodwill Ambassador for 2010 Goodwill Ambassador for the 1004 Marathon Relay for Disabled People 2010 Goodwill Ambassador for the 2010 Bible EXPO 2008 Goodwill Ambassador for South Korea s 2007 Goodwill Ambassador for the 7th WorldOdulleri Excellence Award Actor in a Miniseries 2012 Top Entertainer Award Entertainment Weekly 2011 12th Korea Visual Arts Festival Photogenic Award Movie Actor category 2011 18th Han Il Culture Awards Grand Prize Cultural Diplomacy category 2010 MBC Entertainment Awards Special Award in Show Variety 2008 16th Cultural Award 2006 26th Asian Star Award 2006 27th Popular Star Award 2006 4th Korea Fashion World Awards Best Dressed Award 2001 Best Dresser Swan Awards Best Dressed Movie Actor category 1999 Popular Music Video Award un For Your Soul videosu 1992 30th Best New ActorKaynakca 배우 연기를 훔쳐라 10 Mayis 2012 2 Temmuz 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 18 Kasim 2012 신현준의 고백 1 Aralik 2008 5 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 18 Kasim 2012 Kaynak hatasi Gecersiz lt ref gt etiketi redcross isimli refler icin metin saglanmadi Bkz Kaynak gosterme Despite Increasing Applications Korea Accepts Few Refugees The Chosun Ilbo 20 Haziran 2008 4 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 25 Mart 2013 Dis baglantilarWikimedia Commons ta Shin Hyun joon oyuncu ile ilgili ortam dosyalari bulunmaktadir X te Shin Hyun joon Shin Hyun joon at Cyworld Shin Hyun joon Fan Cafe20 Haziran 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde at at Star Brothers Entertainment HanCinema da Shin Hyeon joon IMDb de Shin Hyeon jun Korean Movie Database te Shin Hyun jun