Southampton Adası (Doğu Kanada İnuitçesi: Shugliaq)Kanada'ya bağlı ada. Ada, Kanada'da 'nın Hudson Körfezi girişinde yer alan büyük bir adadır. Kanada Arktik Adaları'nın büyük bir üyesidir. Nunavut'un 'nde yer alır ve 41.214 km2 (15.913 sq mi) bir alanı kaplar. Dünyanın 34., Kanada'nın 9. en büyük adasıdır. 2011 sayımına göre adada 814 kişi ikâmet etmektedir.

- Capt. George Comer'in 1913 Southampton haritası.
- Southampton Island
Konuyla ilgili yayınlar
- Bird, J. Brian. Southampton Island. Ottawa: E. Cloutier, 1953.
- Brack, D. M. Southampton Island Area Economic Survey With Notes on Repulse Bay and Wager Bay. Ottawa: Area & Community Planning Section, Industrial Division, Dept. of Northern Affairs and National Resources, 1962.
- . Contributions to the Physiography of Southampton Island. Copenhagen: Gyldendalske Boghandel, 1931.
- Parker, G. R. An Investigation of Caribou Range on Southampton Island, Northwest Territories. Ottawa: Information Canada, 1975.
- Pickavance, J. R. 2006. "The Spiders of East Bay, Southampton Island, Nunavut, Canada". Arctic. 59, no. 3: 276-282.
- Popham RE. 1953. "A Comparative Analysis of the Digital Patterns of Eskimo from Southampton Island". American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 11, no. 2: 203-13.
- Popham RE, and WD Bell. 1951. "Eskimo crania from Southampton Island". Revue Canadienne De Biologie / ̐ưedit̐ưee Par L'Universit̐ưe De Montr̐ưeal. 10, no. 5: 435-42.
- Sutton, George Miksch, and John Bonner Semple. The Exploration of Southampton Island. Pittsburgh: Carnegie Institute, 1932.
- Sutton, George Miksch. The Birds of Southampton Island. Pittsburgh: Carnegie Institute, 1932.
- VanStone, James W. The Economy and Population Shifts of the Eskimos of Southampton Island. Ottawa: Northern Co-ordination and Research Centre, Dept. of Northern Affairs and National Resources, 1959.
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Southampton Adasi Dogu Kanada Inuitcesi Shugliaq Kanada ya bagli ada Ada Kanada da nin Hudson Korfezi girisinde yer alan buyuk bir adadir Kanada Arktik Adalari nin buyuk bir uyesidir Nunavut un nde yer alir ve 41 214 km2 15 913 sq mi bir alani kaplar Dunyanin 34 Kanada nin 9 en buyuk adasidir 2011 sayimina gore adada 814 kisi ikamet etmektedir Southampton AdasiGaleriCapt George Comer in 1913 Southampton haritasi Southampton IslandKaynakca Issenman Betty Sinews of Survival The living legacy of Inuit clothing UBC Press 1997 pp252 254 Statistics Canada 12 Agustos 2004 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 4 Subat 2014 Konuyla ilgili yayinlarBird J Brian Southampton Island Ottawa E Cloutier 1953 Brack D M Southampton Island Area Economic Survey With Notes on Repulse Bay and Wager Bay Ottawa Area amp Community Planning Section Industrial Division Dept of Northern Affairs and National Resources 1962 Contributions to the Physiography of Southampton Island Copenhagen Gyldendalske Boghandel 1931 Parker G R An Investigation of Caribou Range on Southampton Island Northwest Territories Ottawa Information Canada 1975 Pickavance J R 2006 The Spiders of East Bay Southampton Island Nunavut Canada Arctic 59 no 3 276 282 Popham RE 1953 A Comparative Analysis of the Digital Patterns of Eskimo from Southampton Island American Journal of Physical Anthropology 11 no 2 203 13 Popham RE and WD Bell 1951 Eskimo crania from Southampton Island Revue Canadienne De Biologie ưedit ưee Par L Universit ưe De Montr ưeal 10 no 5 435 42 Sutton George Miksch and John Bonner Semple The Exploration of Southampton Island Pittsburgh Carnegie Institute 1932 Sutton George Miksch The Birds of Southampton Island Pittsburgh Carnegie Institute 1932 VanStone James W The Economy and Population Shifts of the Eskimos of Southampton Island Ottawa Northern Co ordination and Research Centre Dept of Northern Affairs and National Resources 1959