Tesla bobini, 1891 yılı civarında Nikola Tesla tarafından bulunan ve yüksek voltaj, düşük akım ve yüksek frekansta alternatif akım üretmek amacıyla kullanılan deşarj bobinleridir. Tesla bobininde kabloyu bir hortum, elektiriği bu hortumun içinde akan su, elektrik akımını suyun akışı ve voltajı da suyun basıncı olarak düşünebiliriz. Hortumun ucuna bir ağızlık eklendiğinde ters orantılı bir şekilde suyun akış hızı azalırken basıncı da artar. Tesla bobininin çalışması da bu şekilde gerçekleşir.

Tesla, bobini oluştururken birkaç konfigrasyon denemiştir ve bu alet genellikle bir araya gelen iki ya da üç çift rezonans elektrik devresinden oluşmaktadır. Tesla bu bobinleri elektrikle aydınlanma, fosforesans, röntgen ışınları üretimi, yüksek frekanslı alternatif akım, elektroterapi ve kablosuz elektrik üretimi gibi alanlarda yenilik getirecek deneyleri için kullanmıştır. Tesla bobinleri 1920'lere dek kablosuz telgraf için spark-gap radyo vericilerinde kullanıldı.
İlgili patentler
- Tesla'nın patentleri
- "Electrical Transformer Or Induction Device". U.S. Patent No. 433,702, August 5, 1890
- "Means for Generating Electric Currents", U.S. Patent No. 514,168, February 6, 1894
- "Electrical Transformer", Patent No. 593,138, November 2, 1897
- "Method Of Utilizing Radiant Energy", Patent No. 685,958 November 5, 1901
- "Method of Signaling", U.S. Patent No. 723,188, March 17, 1903
- "System of Signaling", U.S. Patent No. 725,605, April 14, 1903
- "Apparatus for Transmitting Electrical Energy"26 Temmuz 2017 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde ., January 18, 1902, U.S. Patent 1,119,732, December 1, 1914 (available at ABD patent 1.119.732
- Diğer patentler
- J. S. Stone, ABD patent 714.832, "Apparatus for amplifying electromagnetic signal-waves". (Filed January 23, 1901; Issued December 2, 1902)
- A. Nickle, ABD patent 2.125.804, "Antenna". (Filed May 25, 1934; Issued August 2, 1938)
- William W. Brown, ABD patent 2.059.186, "Antenna structure". (Filed May 25, 1934; Issued October 27, 1936).
- Robert B. Dome, ABD patent 2.101.674, "Antenna". (Filed May 25, 1934; Issued December 7, 1937)
- Armstrong, E. H., ABD patent 1.113.149, "Wireless receiving system". 1914.
- Armstrong, E. H., ABD patent 1.342.885, "Method of receiving high frequency oscillation". 1922.
- Armstrong, E. H., ABD patent 1.424.065, "Signalling system". 1922.
- Gerhard Freiherr Du Prel, ABD patent 1.675.882, "High frequency circuit". (Filed August 11, 1925; Issued July 3, 1928)
- Leydorf, G. F., ABD patent 3.278.937, "Antenna near field coupling system". 1966.
- Van Voorhies, ABD patent 6.218.998, "Toroidal helical antenna"
- Gene Koonce, ABD patent 6.933.819, "Multifrequency electro-magnetic field generator". (Filed October 29, 2004; Issued August 23, 2005)
- ^ a b Uth, Robert (12 Aralık 2000). "Tesla coil". Tesla: Master of Lightning. PBS.org. 28 Mayıs 2016 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 20 Mayıs 2008.
- ^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZL2Wvjvv2I 31 Mart 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . Kablosuz elektrik üretimi videosu
- ^ The Ultimate Tesla Coil Design and Construction Guide. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional. 2007. s. 1. ISBN . 20 Temmuz 2019 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 4 Aralık 2011. Yazar
() - ^ Ramsey, Rolla (1937). Experimental Radio, 4th Ed. New York: Ramsey Publishing. s. 175. 20 Temmuz 2019 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 4 Aralık 2011.
- ^ History of Wireless By Tapan K. Sarkar, et al.
- ^ A Multifrequency electro-magnetic field generator that is capable of generating electro-magnetic radial fields, horizontal fields and spiral flux fields that are projected at a distance from the device and collected at the far end of the device by an antenna.
Daha fazla
Wikimedia Commons'ta Tesla bobini ile ilgili ortam dosyaları bulunmaktadır. |
- Kullanımı ve diğer bilgiler
- Armagnat, H., & Kenyon, O. A. (1908). The theory, design and construction of induction coils 4 Temmuz 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .. New York: McGraw.
- Haller, G. F., & Cunningham, E. T. (1910). The Tesla high frequency coil, its construction and uses 4 Temmuz 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .. New York: D. Van Nostrand Co.
- Iannini, R. E. (2003). Electronic gadgets for the evil genius: 21 build-it-yourself projects 4 Temmuz 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .. TAB electronics. New York: McGraw-Hill. Pages 137 – 202.
- Corum, Kenneth L. and James F. ""
- Nicholson, Paul, "Tesla Secondary Simulation Project1 Mayıs 2009 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde ." (Current state of the art in rigorously describing Tesla coil secondary behavior through theoretical analysis, simulation and testing of results in practice)
- "".
- Vujovic, Ljubo, "Tesla Coil 21 Kasım 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .". Tesla Memorial Society of New York.
- Hickman, Bert, ""
- Cooper, John. F., "Magnifying Transmitter ; ".
- Elektrik Dünyası
- "The Development of High Frequency Currents for Practical Application"., The Electrical World, Vol 32, No. 8.
- "Boundless Space: A Bus Bar". The Electrical World, Vol 32, No. 19.
- Diğer yayınlar
- A. L. Cullen, J. Dobson, "The Corona Breakdown of Aerials in Air at Low Pressures". Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Vol. 271, No. 1347 (February 12, 1963), pp. 551–564
- Bieniosek, F. M., "Triple Resonance Pulse Transformer Circuit". Review of Scientific Instruments, 61 (6).
- Corum, J. F., and K. L. Corum, "RF Coils, Helical Resonators and Voltage Magnification by Coherent Spatial Modes". IEEE, 2001.
- de Queiroz, Antonio Carlos M., "Synthesis of Multiple Resonance Networks". Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. EE/COPE.
- Haller, George Francis, and Elmer Tiling Cunningham, "The Tesla high frequency coil, its construction and uses". New York, D. Van Nostrand company, 1910.
- Hartley, R. V. L., "Oscillations with Non-linear Reactances". Bell Systems Technical Journal, Sun Publishing. 1992.
- Norrie, H. S., "Induction Coils: How to make, use, and repair them". Norman H. Schneider, 1907, New York. 4th edition.
- Reed, J. L., "Greater voltage gain for Tesla transformer accelerators", Review of Scientific Instruments, 59, p. 2300, (1988).
- Curtis, Thomas Stanley, High Frequency Apparatus: Its Construction and Practical Application 4 Temmuz 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .. Everyday Mechanics Co., 1916.
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Tesla bobini 1891 yili civarinda Nikola Tesla tarafindan bulunan ve yuksek voltaj dusuk akim ve yuksek frekansta alternatif akim uretmek amaciyla kullanilan desarj bobinleridir Tesla bobininde kabloyu bir hortum elektirigi bu hortumun icinde akan su elektrik akimini suyun akisi ve voltaji da suyun basinci olarak dusunebiliriz Hortumun ucuna bir agizlik eklendiginde ters orantili bir sekilde suyun akis hizi azalirken basinci da artar Tesla bobininin calismasi da bu sekilde gerceklesir the National Science and Technology Centre da yer alan bir Tesla bobini source source source source source source source source Tesla bobini olustururken birkac konfigrasyon denemistir ve bu alet genellikle bir araya gelen iki ya da uc cift rezonans elektrik devresinden olusmaktadir Tesla bu bobinleri elektrikle aydinlanma fosforesans rontgen isinlari uretimi yuksek frekansli alternatif akim elektroterapi ve kablosuz elektrik uretimi gibi alanlarda yenilik getirecek deneyleri icin kullanmistir Tesla bobinleri 1920 lere dek kablosuz telgraf icin spark gap radyo vericilerinde kullanildi Ilgili patentlerTesla nin patentleri Electrical Transformer Or Induction Device U S Patent No 433 702 August 5 1890 Means for Generating Electric Currents U S Patent No 514 168 February 6 1894 Electrical Transformer Patent No 593 138 November 2 1897 Method Of Utilizing Radiant Energy Patent No 685 958 November 5 1901 Method of Signaling U S Patent No 723 188 March 17 1903 System of Signaling U S Patent No 725 605 April 14 1903 Apparatus for Transmitting Electrical Energy 26 Temmuz 2017 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde January 18 1902 U S Patent 1 119 732 December 1 1914 available at ABD patent 1 119 732Diger patentlerJ S Stone ABD patent 714 832 Apparatus for amplifying electromagnetic signal waves Filed January 23 1901 Issued December 2 1902 A Nickle ABD patent 2 125 804 Antenna Filed May 25 1934 Issued August 2 1938 William W Brown ABD patent 2 059 186 Antenna structure Filed May 25 1934 Issued October 27 1936 Robert B Dome ABD patent 2 101 674 Antenna Filed May 25 1934 Issued December 7 1937 Armstrong E H ABD patent 1 113 149 Wireless receiving system 1914 Armstrong E H ABD patent 1 342 885 Method of receiving high frequency oscillation 1922 Armstrong E H ABD patent 1 424 065 Signalling system 1922 Gerhard Freiherr Du Prel ABD patent 1 675 882 High frequency circuit Filed August 11 1925 Issued July 3 1928 Leydorf G F ABD patent 3 278 937 Antenna near field coupling system 1966 Van Voorhies ABD patent 6 218 998 Toroidal helical antenna Gene Koonce ABD patent 6 933 819 Multifrequency electro magnetic field generator Filed October 29 2004 Issued August 23 2005 Kaynakca a b Uth Robert 12 Aralik 2000 Tesla coil Tesla Master of Lightning PBS org 28 Mayis 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 20 Mayis 2008 https www youtube com watch v wZL2Wvjvv2I 31 Mart 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Kablosuz elektrik uretimi videosu The Ultimate Tesla Coil Design and Construction Guide New York McGraw Hill Professional 2007 s 1 ISBN 0071497374 20 Temmuz 2019 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 4 Aralik 2011 Yazar ad1 eksik soyadi1 yardim Ramsey Rolla 1937 Experimental Radio 4th Ed New York Ramsey Publishing s 175 20 Temmuz 2019 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 4 Aralik 2011 History of Wireless By Tapan K Sarkar et al ISBN 0471783013 A Multifrequency electro magnetic field generator that is capable of generating electro magnetic radial fields horizontal fields and spiral flux fields that are projected at a distance from the device and collected at the far end of the device by an antenna Daha fazlaWikimedia Commons ta Tesla bobini ile ilgili ortam dosyalari bulunmaktadir Kullanimi ve diger bilgilerArmagnat H amp Kenyon O A 1908 The theory design and construction of induction coils 4 Temmuz 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde New York McGraw Haller G F amp Cunningham E T 1910 The Tesla high frequency coil its construction and uses 4 Temmuz 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde New York D Van Nostrand Co Iannini R E 2003 Electronic gadgets for the evil genius 21 build it yourself projects 4 Temmuz 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde TAB electronics New York McGraw Hill Pages 137 202 Corum Kenneth L and James F Nicholson Paul Tesla Secondary Simulation Project1 Mayis 2009 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Current state of the art in rigorously describing Tesla coil secondary behavior through theoretical analysis simulation and testing of results in practice Vujovic Ljubo Tesla Coil 21 Kasim 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Tesla Memorial Society of New York Hickman Bert Cooper John F Magnifying Transmitter Elektrik Dunyasi The Development of High Frequency Currents for Practical Application The Electrical World Vol 32 No 8 Boundless Space A Bus Bar The Electrical World Vol 32 No 19 Diger yayinlarA L Cullen J Dobson The Corona Breakdown of Aerials in Air at Low Pressures Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series A Mathematical and Physical Sciences Vol 271 No 1347 February 12 1963 pp 551 564 Bieniosek F M Triple Resonance Pulse Transformer Circuit Review of Scientific Instruments 61 6 Corum J F and K L Corum RF Coils Helical Resonators and Voltage Magnification by Coherent Spatial Modes IEEE 2001 de Queiroz Antonio Carlos M Synthesis of Multiple Resonance Networks Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Brazil EE COPE Haller George Francis and Elmer Tiling Cunningham The Tesla high frequency coil its construction and uses New York D Van Nostrand company 1910 Hartley R V L Oscillations with Non linear Reactances Bell Systems Technical Journal Sun Publishing 1992 Norrie H S Induction Coils How to make use and repair them Norman H Schneider 1907 New York 4th edition Reed J L Greater voltage gain for Tesla transformer accelerators Review of Scientific Instruments 59 p 2300 1988 Curtis Thomas Stanley High Frequency Apparatus Its Construction and Practical Application 4 Temmuz 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Everyday Mechanics Co 1916 Dis baglantilarCurlie de Tesla bobini DMOZ tabanli