Aziz Theodor Stratelates (Grekçe: Ἅγιος Θεόδωρος ὁ Στρατηλάτης,; Kıptîce: ⲡⲓⲁⲅⲓⲟⲥ Ⲑⲥⲟⲇⲱⲣⲟⲥ), Herakleia Theodor (Grekçe: Θεόδωρος Ἡρακλείας) olarak da bilinir (281-319), Doğu Ortodoks Kilisesi, Doğu Katolik Kiliseleri, Kıptî Ortodoks Kilisesi ve Katolik Kilisesi'nde Yüce şehit olarak kutsanmış şehit ve asker azizdir. Theodor Tiron ile.
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Doğum | 281 Ahaya (Kıptî Ortodoks Kilisesi'ne göre) |
Ölüm | 319 Herakleia Pontiki |
Kutsayanlar | Doğu Ortodoks Kilisesi Doğu Katolik Kiliseleri Kıptî Ortodoks Kilisesi Katolik Kilisesi |
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Simge | mızrak ve kalkanla Savaşçı veya sivil olarak giyinmiş |
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Ayrıca bakınız
Konuyla ilgili yayınlar
- Book of Saints, The "A dictionary of servants of God canonised by the Catholic church" compiled by the Benedictine monks of St Augustine's Abbey, Ramsgate (6th edition, revised & rest, 1989)
- Butler's Lives of the Saints (originally compiled by the Revd Alban Butler 1756/59)
- Delaney, John J: Dictionary of Saints (1982)
- Delehaye, Hippolyte: Les Legendes Grecques des Saints Militaires (Paris.1909)
- Demus, Otto: The Church of San Marco in Venice (Washington 1960)
- Demus, Otto: The Mosaics of San Marco in Venice (4 volumes) 1 The Eleventh & Twelfth Centuries - Text (1984)
- Farmer, David: The Oxford Dictionary of Saints (4th edition, 1997)
- Grotowski, Piotr: Arms and Armour of the Warrior Saints: Tradition and Innovation in Byzantine Iconography (843–1261) (Leiden 2010)
- The Oxford Companion to the Year (by Bonnie Blackburn & Leofranc Holford-Stevens) (Oxford 1999)
- Walter, Christopher: The Warrior Saints in Byzantine Art and Tradition (2003)
- Oikonomidès, N.: Le dédoublement de saint Théodore et les villes d΄ `Euhaïta et d΄ `Euchaneia, Analecta Bollandiana 104 (1986) p. 327-335.
- Συναξάριον, Σάββατον Α' Εβδομάδος, ΤΡΙΩΔΙΟΝ ΚΑΤΑΝΥΚΤΙΚΟΝ της Αγίας και Μεγάλης ΤΕΣΣΑΡΑΚΟΣΤΗΣ, εκδόσεις ΦΩΣ, ΑΘΗΝΑ
Dış bağlantılar
- Lives of all saints commemorated on February 8 7 Haziran 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . at Orthodox Church in America
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Aziz Theodor Stratelates Grekce Ἅgios 8eodwros ὁ Strathlaths Kiptice ⲡⲓⲁⲅⲓⲟⲥ Ⲑⲥⲟⲇⲱⲣⲟⲥ Herakleia Theodor Grekce 8eodwros Ἡrakleias olarak da bilinir 281 319 Dogu Ortodoks Kilisesi Dogu Katolik Kiliseleri Kipti Ortodoks Kilisesi ve Katolik Kilisesi nde Yuce sehit olarak kutsanmis sehit ve asker azizdir Theodor Tiron ile Theodor StratelatesAziz Theodor Stratelates Siyah Aziz Theodor un kisisel Incil Kitabindan Yuce sehitDogum281 Ahaya Kipti Ortodoks Kilisesi ne gore Olum319 Herakleia PontikiKutsayanlarDogu Ortodoks Kilisesi Dogu Katolik Kiliseleri Kipti Ortodoks Kilisesi Katolik KilisesiYortu8 Subat eskiden 7 Subat Latin Ayini ydi ancak su anda bati kilisesinde ayinle kutlanmiyor 20 Epip 15 and 20 Hathor Kipti Kilisesi Simgemizrak ve kalkanla Savasci veya sivil olarak giyinmisKoruyucu azizaskerlerAyrica bakinizI SimeonKaynakca Arsivlenmis kopya 28 Kasim 2020 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 24 Ocak 2021 Walter p 59 Konuyla ilgili yayinlarBook of Saints The A dictionary of servants of God canonised by the Catholic church compiled by the Benedictine monks of St Augustine s Abbey Ramsgate 6th edition revised amp rest 1989 Butler s Lives of the Saints originally compiled by the Revd Alban Butler 1756 59 Delaney John J Dictionary of Saints 1982 Delehaye Hippolyte Les Legendes Grecques des Saints Militaires Paris 1909 Demus Otto The Church of San Marco in Venice Washington 1960 Demus Otto The Mosaics of San Marco in Venice 4 volumes 1 The Eleventh amp Twelfth Centuries Text 1984 Farmer David The Oxford Dictionary of Saints 4th edition 1997 Grotowski Piotr Arms and Armour of the Warrior Saints Tradition and Innovation in Byzantine Iconography 843 1261 Leiden 2010 The Oxford Companion to the Year by Bonnie Blackburn amp Leofranc Holford Stevens Oxford 1999 Walter Christopher The Warrior Saints in Byzantine Art and Tradition 2003 Oikonomides N Le dedoublement de saint Theodore et les villes d Euhaita et d Euchaneia Analecta Bollandiana 104 1986 p 327 335 Syna3arion Sabbaton A Ebdomados TRIWDION KATANYKTIKON ths Agias kai Megalhs TESSARAKOSTHS ekdoseis FWS A8HNADis baglantilarLives of all saints commemorated on February 8 7 Haziran 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde at Orthodox Church in America gt