Düşün ve Zenginleş (İngilizce Think and Grow Rich), Napoleon Hill tarafından 1937 yılında yazılan kişisel gelişim kitabıdır. Kitabın başlığı nasıl zengin olunacağını ima etmesine rağmen, yazar kitapta öğretilen felsefenin insanların tüm çalışma alanlarında başarılı olmaları için ya da istedikleri hemen hemen her şey için yardımcı olacağını öne sürmektedir. Kitabın ilk yayımı Büyük Buhran zamanlarına denk gelmektedir. Hill'in 1970'teki ölümüne kadar 20 milyondan fazla satılan kitap 2011 itibarıyla dünya çapında 70 milyon rakamına ulaşmıştır.

- Hill, Napoleon (1953). Think and Grow Rich. Cleveland, Ohio: The Ralston Publishing Co. s. 381.
- Hill, Napoleon (1960). Think and Grow Rich. Greenwich, Conn.: Fawcett Crest. ISBN .
- Hill, Napoleon (2004). Think and Grow Rich : The 21st-Century Edition, Revised and Updated. High Roads Media. ISBN .
- Hill, Napoleon; Cornwell, Ross (2004). Think and Grow Rich!: The Original Version, Restored and Revised. San Diego, CA: Aventine Press. ISBN .
Konuyla ilgili yayınlar
- Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude, by Napoleon Hill and .
- Earl Nightingale Reads Think and Grow Rich [The essence of Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich], by .
- ^ Briley, Richard Gaylord, 1995, The Seven Spiritual Secrets Of Success, p. 151, Thomas Nelson Publishers,
- ^ Hill, Napoleon, 1960, Think and Grow Rich. [Revised Edition, p. 19], Fawcett Books, New York,
- ^ A Lifetime of Riches: The Biography of Napoleon Hill, Michael J. Ritt and Kirk Landers (Revised Edition 1995) ()
- ^ Forbes 28 Mart 2012 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . on Think and Grow Rich: "It has sold more than 70 million copies since its publication in 1937 and continues to sell robustly today." (March 2011)
- ^ AP, November 10, 1970, 'Grow Rich' Author Dies[]
- ^ Copyright MCMXXXVII by Napoleon Hill, All Rights Reserved and Transferred, March, MCMXLI, to Ralston Publishing Co.
Dış bağlantılar
- Audio Book Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill 17 Mayıs 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Think and Grow Rich Ebook at Internet Archive
- Article on chapter 14 (The Sixth Sense) of Think and Grow Rich: Napoleon Hill's Invisible Counselors by Brett and Kate McKay 28 Mayıs 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
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Dusun ve Zenginles Ingilizce Think and Grow Rich Napoleon Hill tarafindan 1937 yilinda yazilan kisisel gelisim kitabidir Kitabin basligi nasil zengin olunacagini ima etmesine ragmen yazar kitapta ogretilen felsefenin insanlarin tum calisma alanlarinda basarili olmalari icin ya da istedikleri hemen hemen her sey icin yardimci olacagini one surmektedir Kitabin ilk yayimi Buyuk Buhran zamanlarina denk gelmektedir Hill in 1970 teki olumune kadar 20 milyondan fazla satilan kitap 2011 itibariyla dunya capinda 70 milyon rakamina ulasmistir Napoleon Hill kendi kitabina bakarkenBasimlariHill Napoleon 1953 Think and Grow Rich Cleveland Ohio The Ralston Publishing Co s 381 Hill Napoleon 1960 Think and Grow Rich Greenwich Conn Fawcett Crest ISBN 0 449 21492 3 Hill Napoleon 2004 Think and Grow Rich The 21st Century Edition Revised and Updated High Roads Media ISBN 1 932429 23 9 Hill Napoleon Cornwell Ross 2004 Think and Grow Rich The Original Version Restored and Revised San Diego CA Aventine Press ISBN 1 59330 200 2 Konuyla ilgili yayinlarSuccess Through A Positive Mental Attitude by Napoleon Hill and ISBN 1 4165 4159 4 Earl Nightingale Reads Think and Grow Rich The essence of Napoleon Hill s Think and Grow Rich by ISBN 1 4558 1011 8Kaynakca Briley Richard Gaylord 1995 The Seven Spiritual Secrets Of Success p 151 Thomas Nelson Publishers ISBN 0 7852 8083 9 Hill Napoleon 1960 Think and Grow Rich Revised Edition p 19 Fawcett Books New York ISBN 0 449 21492 3 A Lifetime of Riches The Biography of Napoleon Hill Michael J Ritt and Kirk Landers Revised Edition 1995 ISBN 0 525 94146 0 Forbes 28 Mart 2012 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde on Think and Grow Rich It has sold more than 70 million copies since its publication in 1937 and continues to sell robustly today March 2011 AP November 10 1970 Grow Rich Author Dies olu kirik baglanti Copyright MCMXXXVII by Napoleon Hill All Rights Reserved and Transferred March MCMXLI to Ralston Publishing Co Dis baglantilarAudio Book Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill 17 Mayis 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Think and Grow Rich Ebook at Internet Archive Article on chapter 14 The Sixth Sense of Think and Grow Rich Napoleon Hill s Invisible Counselors by Brett and Kate McKay 28 Mayis 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde