Trichoniscidae, Isopoda takımına bağlı bir hayvan familyasıdır.
Trichoniscidae | |||||||||||||||
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Korunma durumu | |||||||||||||||
Değerlendirilmedi (IUCN 3.1) | |||||||||||||||
Biyolojik sınıflandırma | |||||||||||||||
Trichoniscidae familyasına bağlı cinsler (2023):
- Acteoniscus - Vandel, 1955
- Aegonethes - Frankenberger, 1938
- Alpioniscus - Racovitza, 1908
- Amerigoniscus - Vandel, 1950
- Anatoliscus - Verhoeff, 1949
- Androniscus - Verhoeff, 1908
- Balearonethes - Dalens, 1977
- Balkanoniscus - Vandel, 1965
- Banatoniscus - Tabacaru, 1991
- Bergamoniscus - Brian & Vandel, 1949
- Beroniscus - Vandel, 1967
- Biharoniscus - Tabacaru, 1963
- Brackenridgia - Ulrich, 1902
- Bulgaronethes - Vandel, 1967
- Bulgaroniscus - Vandel, 1965
- Bureschia - Verhoeff, 1926
- Calconiscellus - Verhoeff, 1927
- Cantabroniscus - Vandel, 1965
- Carloniscus - Verhoeff, 1936
- Castellanethes - Brian, 1952
- Catalauniscus - Vandel, 1953
- Caucasocyphoniscus - Borutzkii, 1948
- Caucasonethes - Verhoeff, 1932
- Colchidoniscus - Borutzkii, 1974
- Cretoniscellus - Vandel, 1957
- Cylindroniscus - Arcangeli, 1930
- Cyphobrembana - Verhoeff, 1931
- Cypholambrana - Verhoeff, 1938
- Cyphoniscellus - Verhoeff, 1927
- Cyphopleon - Frankenberger, 1940
- Cyphotendana - Verhoeff, 1936
- Cyrnoniscus - Vandel, 1953
- Escualdoniscus - Vandel, 1948
- Finaloniscus - Brian, 1951
- Graeconiscus - Strouhal, 1940
- Haplophthalmus - Schoebl, 1861
- Helenoniscus - Legrand, 1943
- Hondoniscus - Vandel, 1968
- Hyloniscus - Verhoeff, 1909
- Iberoniscus - Vandel, 1952
- Illyrionethes - Verhoeff, 1927
- Italoniscus - Schmoelzer, 1962
- Katascaphius - Verhoeff, 1936
- Kosswigius - Verhoeff, 1941
- Lapilloniscus - Brian, 1938
- Leucocyphoniscus - Verhoeff, 1900
- Libanonethes - Vandel, 1955
- Macedonethes - Buturovic, 1955
- Metatrichoniscoides - Vandel, 1943
- Mexiconiscus - Schultz, 1964
- Miktoniscus - Kesselyak, 1930
- Mingrelloniscus - Borutzkii, 1974
- Minoscellus - Vandel, 1957
- Monocyphoniscus - Strouhal, 1939
- Moserius - Strouhal, 1940
- Murgeoniscus - Arcangeli, 1938
- Neotrichoniscus - Brian, 1959
- Nesiotoniscus - Racovitza, 1908
- Oregoniscus - Hatch, 1947
- Oritoniscus - Racovitza, 1908
- Paracyphoniscus - Brian, 1958
- Phymatoniscus - Racovitza, 1908
- Pleurocyphoniscus - Verhoeff, 1901
- Protonethes - Absolon & Strouhal, 1932
- Psachonethes - Borutzkii, 1969
- Rhodopioniscus - Tabacaru, 1993
- Ropaloniscus - Radu, 1976
- Scotoniscus - Racovitza, 1908
- Siciloniscus - Caruso, 1982
- Spelaeonethes - Verhoeff, 1932
- Strouhaloniscellus - Tabacaru, 1993
- Stylohylea - Verhoeff, 1930
- Tachysoniscus - Verhoeff, 1930
- Tauronethes - Borutzkii, 1949
- Thaumatoniscellus - Tabacaru, 1971
- Titanethes - Schioedte, 1849
- Trichonethes - Strouhal, 1953
- Trichoniscoides - G. O. Sars, 1899
- Trichoniscus - Brandt, 1833
- Tricyphoniscus - Verhoeff, 1936
- Troglocyphoniscus - Strouhal, 1939
- Troglonethes - Cruz, 1991
- Turkonethes - Verhoeff, 1943
- Typhlotricholigioides - Rioja, 1953
- Vandeloniscellus - Tabacaru, 1993
- Vardaroniscus - Buturovic, 1955
Konuyla ilgili yayınlar
- Schmalfuss, H. (2003). World catalog of terrestrial isopods (Isopoda: Oniscidea). Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde. Serie A, 654: 1-341.
- Schotte, M.; Kensley, B. F.; Shilling, S. (1995 onwards). World list of Marine, Freshwater and Terrestrial Crustacea Isopoda. National Museum of Natural History Smithsonian Institution: Washington D.C., USA
- Gärdenfors, Ulf, Hall, Ragnar, Hallingbäck, Tomas, Hansson, Hans G. & Hedström, Lars (2003) Djur, svampar och växter i Sverige 2003. Förteckning över antal arter per familj. ArtDatabanken Rapporterar 5, ArtDatabanken, Uppsala. (reviderad excelfil med svenska djurfamiljer).
- Parker, S.P. (ed). (1982). Synopsis and Classification of Living Organisms. McGraw-Hill, New York. 2 volumes.
- Sars, G.O. (1899) An Account of the Crustacea of Norway, with short descriptions and figures of all the species 2. Isopoda. Parts XIII & XIV. Cryptoniscidae, appendix
- Leistikow, Andreas and Johann Wolfgang Wägele, 1999: Checklist of the terrestrial isopods of the new world (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea). Revista Brasileira Zoologie, vol. 16, no. 1. 1-72.
- Martin, Joel W., and George E. Davis, 2001: An Updated Classification of the Recent Crustacea. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles, Science Series 39. 124.
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Trichoniscidae Isopoda takimina bagli bir hayvan familyasidir TrichoniscidaeKorunma durumuDegerlendirilmedi IUCN 3 1 Biyolojik siniflandirmaAlem AnimaliaSube ArthropodaAlt sube CrustaceaSinif MalacostracaUst takim PeracaridaTakim IsopodaFamilya TrichoniscidaeTaksonomiTrichoniscidae familyasina bagli cinsler 2023 Acteoniscus Vandel 1955 Aegonethes Frankenberger 1938 Alpioniscus Racovitza 1908 Amerigoniscus Vandel 1950 Anatoliscus Verhoeff 1949 Androniscus Verhoeff 1908 Balearonethes Dalens 1977 Balkanoniscus Vandel 1965 Banatoniscus Tabacaru 1991 Bergamoniscus Brian amp Vandel 1949 Beroniscus Vandel 1967 Biharoniscus Tabacaru 1963 Brackenridgia Ulrich 1902 Bulgaronethes Vandel 1967 Bulgaroniscus Vandel 1965 Bureschia Verhoeff 1926 Calconiscellus Verhoeff 1927 Cantabroniscus Vandel 1965 Carloniscus Verhoeff 1936 Castellanethes Brian 1952 Catalauniscus Vandel 1953 Caucasocyphoniscus Borutzkii 1948 Caucasonethes Verhoeff 1932 Colchidoniscus Borutzkii 1974 Cretoniscellus Vandel 1957 Cylindroniscus Arcangeli 1930 Cyphobrembana Verhoeff 1931 Cypholambrana Verhoeff 1938 Cyphoniscellus Verhoeff 1927 Cyphopleon Frankenberger 1940 Cyphotendana Verhoeff 1936 Cyrnoniscus Vandel 1953 Escualdoniscus Vandel 1948 Finaloniscus Brian 1951 Graeconiscus Strouhal 1940 Haplophthalmus Schoebl 1861 Helenoniscus Legrand 1943 Hondoniscus Vandel 1968 Hyloniscus Verhoeff 1909 Iberoniscus Vandel 1952 Illyrionethes Verhoeff 1927 Italoniscus Schmoelzer 1962 Katascaphius Verhoeff 1936 Kosswigius Verhoeff 1941 Lapilloniscus Brian 1938 Leucocyphoniscus Verhoeff 1900 Libanonethes Vandel 1955 Macedonethes Buturovic 1955 Metatrichoniscoides Vandel 1943 Mexiconiscus Schultz 1964 Miktoniscus Kesselyak 1930 Mingrelloniscus Borutzkii 1974 Minoscellus Vandel 1957 Monocyphoniscus Strouhal 1939 Moserius Strouhal 1940 Murgeoniscus Arcangeli 1938 Neotrichoniscus Brian 1959 Nesiotoniscus Racovitza 1908 Oregoniscus Hatch 1947 Oritoniscus Racovitza 1908 Paracyphoniscus Brian 1958 Phymatoniscus Racovitza 1908 Pleurocyphoniscus Verhoeff 1901 Protonethes Absolon amp Strouhal 1932 Psachonethes Borutzkii 1969 Rhodopioniscus Tabacaru 1993 Ropaloniscus Radu 1976 Scotoniscus Racovitza 1908 Siciloniscus Caruso 1982 Spelaeonethes Verhoeff 1932 Strouhaloniscellus Tabacaru 1993 Stylohylea Verhoeff 1930 Tachysoniscus Verhoeff 1930 Tauronethes Borutzkii 1949 Thaumatoniscellus Tabacaru 1971 Titanethes Schioedte 1849 Trichonethes Strouhal 1953 Trichoniscoides G O Sars 1899 Trichoniscus Brandt 1833 Tricyphoniscus Verhoeff 1936 Troglocyphoniscus Strouhal 1939 Troglonethes Cruz 1991 Turkonethes Verhoeff 1943 Typhlotricholigioides Rioja 1953 Vandeloniscellus Tabacaru 1993 Vardaroniscus Buturovic 1955Konuyla ilgili yayinlarSchmalfuss H 2003 World catalog of terrestrial isopods Isopoda Oniscidea Stuttgarter Beitrage zur Naturkunde Serie A 654 1 341 Schotte M Kensley B F Shilling S 1995 onwards World list of Marine Freshwater and Terrestrial Crustacea Isopoda National Museum of Natural History Smithsonian Institution Washington D C USA Gardenfors Ulf Hall Ragnar Hallingback Tomas Hansson Hans G amp Hedstrom Lars 2003 Djur svampar och vaxter i Sverige 2003 Forteckning over antal arter per familj ArtDatabanken Rapporterar 5 ArtDatabanken Uppsala reviderad excelfil med svenska djurfamiljer Parker S P ed 1982 Synopsis and Classification of Living Organisms McGraw Hill New York 2 volumes Sars G O 1899 An Account of the Crustacea of Norway with short descriptions and figures of all the species 2 Isopoda Parts XIII amp XIV Cryptoniscidae appendix Leistikow Andreas and Johann Wolfgang Wagele 1999 Checklist of the terrestrial isopods of the new world Crustacea Isopoda Oniscidea Revista Brasileira Zoologie vol 16 no 1 1 72 Martin Joel W and George E Davis 2001 An Updated Classification of the Recent Crustacea Natural History Museum of Los Angeles Science Series 39 124 Kaynakca GBIF 2 Ocak 2024 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 24 Temmuz 2024 PaleoBioDB 3 Ocak 2024 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 24 Temmuz 2024 30 Ekim 2013 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 15 Mayis 2022 Dis baglantilarWikimedia Commons ta Trichoniscidae ile ilgili coklu ortam belgeleri bulunur Vikitur de Trichoniscidae ile ilgili ayrintili taksonomik bilgiler bulunur Isopoda ile ilgili bu madde taslak seviyesindedir Madde icerigini genisleterek Vikipedi ye katki saglayabilirsiniz