Uluslararası Kızılhaç Komitesi (İngilizce: International Committee of the Red Cross; ICRC), Cenevre, İsviçre merkezli bir insani yardım kuruluşu. 1949 yılındaki Cenevre Sözleşmeleri ve 1977 tarihli Ek Protokoller (I. Protokol, ) ve 2005 yılındaki ile ve taraf devletlerin imzası ile ICRC uluslararası ve iç çatışmalarda kurbanları korumak için yetki almıştır. Kurbanlar savaş yaralıları, esirler, mülteciler, siviller ve diğer muharebe dışı zarar görenler olarak sayılabilir. Kurum üç kez Nobel Barış Ödülü (1917, 1944, 1963) kazanmıştır.
Uluslararası Kızılhaç Komitesi Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (Fransızca) | |
![]() Uluslararası Kızılhaç Komitesi amblemi | |
Kuruluş | 24 Haziran 1863 | )
Merkez | Cenevre, İsviçre |
Koordinatlar | 46°07′N 6°05′E / 46.12°K 6.09°D |
Hizmet bölgesi | Dünya geneli |
Başkan | |
Genel Müdür | |
Bütçe | CHF 1110.2 milyon (2012) 180.7 m merkez için 929.4 m saha operasyonları için |
Personel | 10.001+ |
Resmî site | icrc.org/en |

ICRC, Uluslararası Kızılhaç ve Kızılay Dernekleri Federasyonu ve dünya genelindeki 186 Kızılhaç ve Kızılay Dernekleri ile birlikte Uluslararası Kızılhaç ve Kızılay Hareketi'nin bir parçasıdır. Dünyanın en eski ve en tanınmış kuruluşlarından birisidir. Türkiye dahil 195 ülkenin üyesi bulunmasıyla birlikte uluslararası insancıl hukuk alanında önemli yeri bulunan yardım ve koruma faaliyetleri ile bağımsız ve tarafsız bir insani kuruluşlardan birisidir.
- David P. Forsythe: Humanitarian Politics: The International Committee of the Red Cross. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore 1978,
- Henry Dunant: A Memory of Solferino. ICRC, Geneva 1986,
- Hans Haug: Humanity for all: the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. Henry Dunant Institute, Geneva in association with Paul Haupt Publishers, Bern 1993,
- Georges Willemin, Roger Heacock: International Organization and the Evolution of World Society. Volume 2: The International Committee of the Red Cross. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Boston 1984,
- Pierre Boissier: History of the International Committee of the Red Cross. Volume I: From Solferino to Tsushima. Henry Dunant Institute, Geneva 1985,
- André Durand: History of the International Committee of the Red Cross. Volume II: From Sarajevo to Hiroshima. Henry Dunant Institute, Geneva 1984,
- International Committee of the Red Cross: Handbook of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. 13th edition, ICRC, Geneva 1994,
- John F. Hutchinson: Champions of Charity: War and the Rise of the Red Cross. Westview Press, Boulder 1997,
- Caroline Moorehead: Dunant's dream: War, Switzerland and the history of the Red Cross. HarperCollins, London 1998, (Hardcover edition); HarperCollins, London 1999, (Paperback edition)
- François Bugnion: The International Committee of the Red Cross and the protection of war victims. ICRC & Macmillan (ref. 0503), Geneva 2003,
- Angela Bennett: The Geneva Convention: The Hidden Origins of the Red Cross. Sutton Publishing, Gloucestershire 2005,
- David P. Forsythe: The Humanitarians. The International Committee of the Red Cross. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2005,
- Favez, Jean-Claude (1999). The Red Cross and the Holocaust. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN .
- Dominique-D. Junod : "The Imperiled Red Cross and the Palestine Eretz Yisrael Conflict: The Influence of Institutional Concerns on A Humanitarian Operation." 344 pages. Kegan Paul International."@ The Graduate Institute of International Studies Geneva. , 1995.
- François Bugnion: The emblem of the Red Cross: a brief history. ICRC (ref. 0316), Geneva 1977
- Jean-Philippe Lavoyer, Louis Maresca: The Role of the ICRC in the Development of International Humanitarian Law. In:International Negotiation. 4(3)/1999. Brill Academic Publishers, p. 503–527, ISSN 1382-340X
- Neville Wylie: The Sound of Silence: The History of the International Committee of the Red Cross as Past and Present. In:Diplomacy and Statecraft. 13(4)/2002. Routledge/ Taylor & Francis, p. 186–204, ISSN 0959-2296
- David P. Forsythe: "The International Committee of the Red Cross and International Humanitarian Law." In: Humanitäres Völkerrecht –Informationsschriften. The Journal of International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict. 2/2003, German Red Cross and Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict, p. 64–77, ISSN 0937-5414
- François Bugnion: Towards a comprehensive Solution to the Question of the Emblem. Revised third edition. ICRC (ref. 0778), Geneva 2005
- International Committee of the Red Cross: "Discover the ICRC", ICRC, Geneva, 2007, 2nd edition, 53 pp.29 Nisan 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- International Review of the Red Cross An unrivalled source of international research, analysis and debate on all aspects of humanitarian law, in armed conflict and other situations of collective violence.
- ^ "ICRC Annual Report 2012, Key facts and figures" (PDF). 27 Eylül 2013 tarihinde kaynağından (PDF). Erişim tarihi: 3 Nisan 2015.
- ^ [1][]
- ^ "Discover the ICRC". 2007. 29 Nisan 2010 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 12 Mayıs 2009. ss. 6.
- ^ "Nobel Laureates Facts –Organizations". Nobel Foundation. 15 Kasım 2015 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 13 Ekim 2009.
- ^ . 29 Ekim 2013 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 5 Mayıs 2013.
- ^ . 6 Eylül 2021 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi.
Dış bağlantılar
- International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)11 Mart 2018 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Legacy
- Exploring Humanitarian Law Virtual Campus 18 Mayıs 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
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Uluslararasi Kizilhac Komitesi Ingilizce International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC Cenevre Isvicre merkezli bir insani yardim kurulusu 1949 yilindaki Cenevre Sozlesmeleri ve 1977 tarihli Ek Protokoller I Protokol ve 2005 yilindaki ile ve taraf devletlerin imzasi ile ICRC uluslararasi ve ic catismalarda kurbanlari korumak icin yetki almistir Kurbanlar savas yaralilari esirler multeciler siviller ve diger muharebe disi zarar gorenler olarak sayilabilir Kurum uc kez Nobel Baris Odulu 1917 1944 1963 kazanmistir Uluslararasi Kizilhac Komitesi Comite international de la Croix Rouge Fransizca Uluslararasi Kizilhac Komitesi amblemiKurulus24 Haziran 1863 160 yil once 1863 06 24 MerkezCenevre IsvicreKoordinatlar46 07 N 6 05 E 46 12 K 6 09 D 46 12 6 09Hizmet bolgesiDunya geneliBaskanGenel MudurButceCHF 1110 2 milyon 2012 180 7 m merkez icin 929 4 m saha operasyonlari icinPersonel10 001 Resmi siteicrc org enHenri Dunant 1828 1919 ICRC Uluslararasi Kizilhac ve Kizilay Dernekleri Federasyonu ve dunya genelindeki 186 Kizilhac ve Kizilay Dernekleri ile birlikte Uluslararasi Kizilhac ve Kizilay Hareketi nin bir parcasidir Dunyanin en eski ve en taninmis kuruluslarindan birisidir Turkiye dahil 195 ulkenin uyesi bulunmasiyla birlikte uluslararasi insancil hukuk alaninda onemli yeri bulunan yardim ve koruma faaliyetleri ile bagimsiz ve tarafsiz bir insani kuruluslardan birisidir KaynakcaKitaplar David P Forsythe Humanitarian Politics The International Committee of the Red Cross Johns Hopkins University Press Baltimore 1978 ISBN 0 8018 1983 0 Henry Dunant A Memory of Solferino ICRC Geneva 1986 ISBN 2 88145 006 7 Hans Haug Humanity for all the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement Henry Dunant Institute Geneva in association with Paul Haupt Publishers Bern 1993 ISBN 3 258 04719 7 Georges Willemin Roger Heacock International Organization and the Evolution of World Society Volume 2 The International Committee of the Red Cross Martinus Nijhoff Publishers Boston 1984 ISBN 90 247 3064 3 Pierre Boissier History of the International Committee of the Red Cross Volume I From Solferino to Tsushima Henry Dunant Institute Geneva 1985 ISBN 2 88044 012 2 Andre Durand History of the International Committee of the Red Cross Volume II From Sarajevo to Hiroshima Henry Dunant Institute Geneva 1984 ISBN 2 88044 009 2 International Committee of the Red Cross Handbook of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement 13th edition ICRC Geneva 1994 ISBN 2 88145 074 1 John F Hutchinson Champions of Charity War and the Rise of the Red Cross Westview Press Boulder 1997 ISBN 0 8133 3367 9 Caroline Moorehead Dunant s dream War Switzerland and the history of the Red Cross HarperCollins London 1998 ISBN 0 00 255141 1 Hardcover edition HarperCollins London 1999 ISBN 0 00 638883 3 Paperback edition Francois Bugnion The International Committee of the Red Cross and the protection of war victims ICRC amp Macmillan ref 0503 Geneva 2003 ISBN 0 333 74771 2 Angela Bennett The Geneva Convention The Hidden Origins of the Red Cross Sutton Publishing Gloucestershire 2005 ISBN 0 7509 4147 2 David P Forsythe The Humanitarians The International Committee of the Red Cross Cambridge University Press Cambridge 2005 ISBN 0 521 61281 0 Favez Jean Claude 1999 The Red Cross and the Holocaust Cambridge UK Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 521 41587 X Dominique D Junod The Imperiled Red Cross and the Palestine Eretz Yisrael Conflict The Influence of Institutional Concerns on A Humanitarian Operation 344 pages Kegan Paul International The Graduate Institute of International Studies Geneva ISBN 0 7103 0519 2 1995 Makaleler Francois Bugnion The emblem of the Red Cross a brief history ICRC ref 0316 Geneva 1977 Jean Philippe Lavoyer Louis Maresca The Role of the ICRC in the Development of International Humanitarian Law In International Negotiation 4 3 1999 Brill Academic Publishers p 503 527 ISSN 1382 340X Neville Wylie The Sound of Silence The History of the International Committee of the Red Cross as Past and Present In Diplomacy and Statecraft 13 4 2002 Routledge Taylor amp Francis p 186 204 ISSN 0959 2296 David P Forsythe The International Committee of the Red Cross and International Humanitarian Law In Humanitares Volkerrecht Informationsschriften The Journal of International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict 2 2003 German Red Cross and Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict p 64 77 ISSN 0937 5414 Francois Bugnion Towards a comprehensive Solution to the Question of the Emblem Revised third edition ICRC ref 0778 Geneva 2005 International Committee of the Red Cross Discover the ICRC ICRC Geneva 2007 2nd edition 53 pp 29 Nisan 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde International Review of the Red Cross An unrivalled source of international research analysis and debate on all aspects of humanitarian law in armed conflict and other situations of collective violence Kaynakca ICRC Annual Report 2012 Key facts and figures PDF 27 Eylul 2013 tarihinde kaynagindan PDF Erisim tarihi 3 Nisan 2015 1 olu kirik baglanti Discover the ICRC 2007 29 Nisan 2010 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 12 Mayis 2009 ss 6 Nobel Laureates Facts Organizations Nobel Foundation 15 Kasim 2015 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 13 Ekim 2009 29 Ekim 2013 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 5 Mayis 2013 6 Eylul 2021 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Dis baglantilarInternational Committee of the Red Cross ICRC 11 Mart 2018 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Legacy Exploring Humanitarian Law Virtual Campus 18 Mayis 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde