V. Phraates (Part dili: 𐭐𐭓𐭇𐭕 Frahāt), aynı zamanda adının Phraataces, Phraatakes, MÖ 2'den MS 4'e kadar Part İmparatorluğu'nun Krallar Kralıydı. Phraates IV ve Musa'nın küçük oğluydu.
Phraátēs (Grekçe: Φραάτης) Partça Frahāt (𐭐𐭓𐭇𐭕) isminin Yunanca şeklidir. Eski İran dillerinden gelen *Frahāta-' ("kazanılmış"). Modern Farsça versiyonu Farhād'dır (Farsça: فرهاد).

- "Queen Mousa, Mother and Wife(?) of King Phraatakes of Parthia: A Re-evaluation of the Evidence". Journal of the Classical Association of Canada. Project Muse. 4 (1): 35-70. 2004. doi:10.1353/mou.2004.0027. Birden fazla yazar-name-list parameters kullanıldı (); Yazar
() - Zoroastrians: Their Religious Beliefs and Practices. Psychology Press. 1984. ss. 1-252. ISBN . Yazar
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() - "The Arsacid Empire". The Oxford Handbook of Iranian History. Oxford University Press. 2012. ss. 1-432. ISBN .
- The Persians, Oxford & Carlton: Blackwell Publishing, Ltd., 2005, ISBN Yazar
() - The Persian Empire: A Historical Encyclopedia [2 volumes]. ABC-CLIO. 2016. ISBN .
- Sophene, Gordyene, and Adiabene: Three Regna Minora of Northern Mesopotamia Between East and West. BRILL. 2017. ISBN . Yazar
() - Olbrycht (2016). "The Sacral Kingship of the early Arsacids I. Fire Cult and Kingly Glory". Anabasis: Studia Classica et Orientalia. 7: 91-106. 3 Kasım 2021 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 24 Kasım 2022.
- Potts, Daniel T., (Ed.) (2013). "Arsacid, Elymaean, and Persid Coinage". The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Iran. Oxford University Press. ISBN .
- Augustan Rome 44 BC to AD 14: The Restoration of the Republic and the Establishment of the Empire. Edinburgh University Press. 2012. ISBN . Yazar
() - Encyclopaedia Iranica, Vol. II, Fasc. 5. 1986. ss. 525-536. Yazar
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() - "Ventidius' Parthian War: Rome's Forgotten Eastern Triumph", Acta Antiqua, 46 (3), 2006, ss. 239-252, doi:10.1556/AAnt.46.2006.3.3 Yazar
() - Strugnell (2008). "Thea Musa, Roman Queen of Parthia". Iranica Antiqua. 43: 275-298. doi:10.2143/IA.43.0.2024051.
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V Phraates Part dili 𐭐𐭓𐭇𐭕 Frahat ayni zamanda adinin Phraataces Phraatakes MO 2 den MS 4 e kadar Part Imparatorlugu nun Krallar Kraliydi Phraates IV ve Musa nin kucuk ogluydu Phraates Grekce Fraaths Partca Frahat 𐭐𐭓𐭇𐭕 isminin Yunanca seklidir Eski Iran dillerinden gelen Frahata kazanilmis Modern Farsca versiyonu Farhad dir Farsca فرهاد Ekbatan da basilan annesi Musa ile V Phraates in Madeni ParasiKaynakca Schmitt 2005 Kia 2016 Kaynaklar Queen Mousa Mother and Wife of King Phraatakes of Parthia A Re evaluation of the Evidence Journal of the Classical Association of Canada Project Muse 4 1 35 70 2004 doi 10 1353 mou 2004 0027 Birden fazla yazar name list parameters kullanildi yardim Yazar ad1 eksik soyadi1 yardim Zoroastrians Their Religious Beliefs and Practices Psychology Press 1984 ss 1 252 ISBN 9780415239028 Yazar ad1 eksik soyadi1 yardim Parthian coins Kingship and Divine Glory The Parthian Empire and its Religions 2012 ss 67 83 ISBN 9783940598134 14 Mart 2022 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 24 Kasim 2022 Yazar ad1 eksik soyadi1 yardim The Arsacid Empire The Oxford Handbook of Iranian History Oxford University Press 2012 ss 1 432 ISBN 978 0 19 987575 7 The Persians Oxford amp Carlton Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2005 ISBN 978 1 55786 860 2 Yazar ad1 eksik soyadi1 yardim The Persian Empire A Historical Encyclopedia 2 volumes ABC CLIO 2016 ISBN 978 1610693912 Sophene Gordyene and Adiabene Three Regna Minora of Northern Mesopotamia Between East and West BRILL 2017 ISBN 9789004350724 Yazar ad1 eksik soyadi1 yardim Olbrycht 2016 The Sacral Kingship of the early Arsacids I Fire Cult and Kingly Glory Anabasis Studia Classica et Orientalia 7 91 106 3 Kasim 2021 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 24 Kasim 2022 Potts Daniel T Ed 2013 Arsacid Elymaean and Persid Coinage The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Iran Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0199733309 Augustan Rome 44 BC to AD 14 The Restoration of the Republic and the Establishment of the Empire Edinburgh University Press 2012 ISBN 978 0 7486 1954 2 Yazar ad1 eksik soyadi1 yardim Encyclopaedia Iranica Vol II Fasc 5 1986 ss 525 536 Yazar ad1 eksik soyadi1 yardim Encyclopaedia Iranica 2005 Yazar ad1 eksik soyadi1 yardim Ventidius Parthian War Rome s Forgotten Eastern Triumph Acta Antiqua 46 3 2006 ss 239 252 doi 10 1556 AAnt 46 2006 3 3 Yazar ad1 eksik soyadi1 yardim Strugnell 2008 Thea Musa Roman Queen of Parthia Iranica Antiqua 43 275 298 doi 10 2143 IA 43 0 2024051