Wace (d. y. 1110 - ö. 1174'ten sonra), bazen Robert Wace olarak da anılır,Jersey'de doğmuş ve Normandiya'da büyümüş bir Orta Çağ Norman şairiydi (Roman de Rou adlı eserinde çocukken Caen'e götürüldüğünü anlatır) ve yaşamını Bayeux olarak noktaladı.

- ^ Burgess, ed., at xiii
- ^ Burgess, ed., at xvi
- ^
Herbermann, Charles, (Ed.) (1913). "Robert Wace". Katolik Ansiklopedi (İngilizce). New York: Robert Appleton Company.
- Bennett, Matthew (1988). "Wace and Warfare". Anglo-Norman Studies. 11: 37-57.
- Bratu, Cristian, « Je, auteur de ce livre »: L’affirmation de soi chez les historiens, de l’Antiquité à la fin du Moyen Âge. Later Medieval Europe Series (vol. 20). Leiden: Brill, 2019 ().
- Bratu, Cristian, "Translatio, autorité et affirmation de soi chez Gaimar, Wace et Benoît de Sainte-Maure." The Medieval Chronicle 8 (2013): 135–164.
- Charles Foulon, "Wace" in Arthurian Literature in the Middle Ages, Roger S. Loomis (ed.). Clarendon Press: Oxford University. 1959.
- Wace, Roman de Brut, ed. I. Arnold, 2 vols., Paris, 1938–1940.
- Weiss, Judith, Wace's Roman de Brut. A History of the British. Text and Translation, Exeter, 2006.
- Arnold, I., and Pelan, M., La partie arthurienne du Roman de Brut, Paris, 1962.
- Wace, Roman de Rou, ed. J. Holden, 3 vols. Paris, 1970–1973.
- Wace, Roman de Rou, ed. G. Burgess, Woodbridge, Suffolk, 2004.
Dış bağlantılar
- Wace çalışmaları – Gutenberg Projesi
- Works by or about Wace at Internet Archive
- Wace, Chronicle of the Norman Conquest from Roman de Rou 12 Temmuz 2015 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . translated by , 1837.
Davis, Henry William Carless (1911). "Wace, Robert". Encyclopædia Britannica. 28 (11. bas.). s. 224.
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Wace d y 1110 o 1174 ten sonra bazen Robert Wace olarak da anilir Jersey de dogmus ve Normandiya da buyumus bir Orta Cag Norman sairiydi Roman de Rou adli eserinde cocukken Caen e goturuldugunu anlatir ve yasamini Bayeux olarak noktaladi Memleketi Jersey de Wace icin bir anit dikilmistirWace Roman de Rou adli yapitini II Henry ye sunuyor 1824 ten bir illustrasyon KaynakcaOzel Burgess ed at xiii Burgess ed at xvi Herbermann Charles Ed 1913 Robert Wace Katolik Ansiklopedi Ingilizce New York Robert Appleton Company GenelBennett Matthew 1988 Wace and Warfare Anglo Norman Studies 11 37 57 Bratu Cristian Je auteur de ce livre L affirmation de soi chez les historiens de l Antiquite a la fin du Moyen Age Later Medieval Europe Series vol 20 Leiden Brill 2019 978 90 04 39807 8 Bratu Cristian Translatio autorite et affirmation de soi chez Gaimar Wace et Benoit de Sainte Maure The Medieval Chronicle 8 2013 135 164 Charles Foulon Wace in Arthurian Literature in the Middle Ages Roger S Loomis ed Clarendon Press Oxford University 1959 0 19 811588 1 Wace Roman de Brut ed I Arnold 2 vols Paris 1938 1940 Weiss Judith Wace s Roman de Brut A History of the British Text and Translation Exeter 2006 Arnold I and Pelan M La partie arthurienne du Roman de Brut Paris 1962 Wace Roman de Rou ed J Holden 3 vols Paris 1970 1973 Wace Roman de Rou ed G Burgess Woodbridge Suffolk 2004 Dis baglantilarWace calismalari Gutenberg Projesi Works by or about Wace at Internet Archive Wace Chronicle of the Norman Conquest from Roman de Rou 12 Temmuz 2015 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde translated by 1837 Davis Henry William Carless 1911 Wace Robert Encyclopaedia Britannica 28 11 bas s 224