Witkop sendromu (diş-tırnak sendromu; ectodermal dysplasia 3), otosomal dominant geçen kalıtsal bir sendromdur. Ektodermal displazi bulguları görece hafiftir.
Dişlerle ilgili bulgular: , , hipodonti ve sürme (dentisyon) aksamaları başlıca bulgulardır.
Tırnaklar ve deri: Saçlar incedir. Tırnaklarda yapı ve biçim bozuklukları saptanır.
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Tüm sendromlarda olduğu gibi, Witkop sendromu'nun da tedavisi yoktur. Tek amaç, hastaların yaşam niteliğini yükseltmektir. Witkop sendromu'nda dişlerle ilgili sorunların giderilmesi çabaları öne çıkar.
- ^ a b Visinoni AF, Lisboa-Costa T, Pagnan NAB, Chautard-Freire-Maia EA. Ectodermal dysplasias: Clinical and molecular review. American Journal of Medical Genetics, 149A:1980–2002, 2009
- ^ a b c Hennekam LR, Krantz ID, Allansonb IJ. Gorlin's Syndromes of the Head and Neck. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2010
- ^ a b c DeLuke DM, Haug RH. Syndromes of the Head and Neck. Elsevier, Philadelphia, 2014
- ^ Priolo M. Ectodermal dysplasias: An overview and update of clinical and molecular-functional mechanisms. American Journal of Medical Genetics, 149A:2003–2013, 2009
- ^ Wicomb GM, Stephen LX, Beighton P. Dental implications of Tooth-Nail dysplasia (Witkop syndrome): a report of an affected family and an approach to dental management. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry, 28(2):107-112, 2004
- ^ Devadas S, Varma B, Mungara J, et al. Witkop tooth and nail syndrome: a case report. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, 15(5):364-369, 2005
- ^ Ceyhan D, Kırzıoğlu Z, Calapoğlu NS. Mutations in the MSX1 gene in Turkish children with non-syndromic tooth agenesis and other dental anomalies. Indian Journal of Dentistry, 5(4):172-182, 2014
- ^ Subramaniam P, Neeraja G. Witkop's tooth and nail syndrome: a multifaceted approach to dental management. Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, 26(1):22-25, 2008
- ^ Kramer FJ, Baethge C, Tschernitschek H. Implants in children with ectodermal dysplasia: a case report and literature review. Clinical Oral Implants Research, 18:140–146, 2007
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Witkop sendromu dis tirnak sendromu ectodermal dysplasia 3 otosomal dominant gecen kalitsal bir sendromdur Ektodermal displazi bulgulari gorece hafiftir Dislerle ilgili bulgular hipodonti ve surme dentisyon aksamalari baslica bulgulardir Tirnaklar ve deri Saclar incedir Tirnaklarda yapi ve bicim bozukluklari saptanir Tip ile ilgili bu madde taslak seviyesindedir Madde icerigini genisleterek Vikipedi ye katki saglayabilirsiniz TedaviTum sendromlarda oldugu gibi Witkop sendromu nun da tedavisi yoktur Tek amac hastalarin yasam niteligini yukseltmektir Witkop sendromu nda dislerle ilgili sorunlarin giderilmesi cabalari one cikar Kaynakca a b Visinoni AF Lisboa Costa T Pagnan NAB Chautard Freire Maia EA Ectodermal dysplasias Clinical and molecular review American Journal of Medical Genetics 149A 1980 2002 2009 a b c Hennekam LR Krantz ID Allansonb IJ Gorlin s Syndromes of the Head and Neck Oxford University Press Oxford 2010 a b c DeLuke DM Haug RH Syndromes of the Head and Neck Elsevier Philadelphia 2014 Priolo M Ectodermal dysplasias An overview and update of clinical and molecular functional mechanisms American Journal of Medical Genetics 149A 2003 2013 2009 Wicomb GM Stephen LX Beighton P Dental implications of Tooth Nail dysplasia Witkop syndrome a report of an affected family and an approach to dental management Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry 28 2 107 112 2004 Devadas S Varma B Mungara J et al Witkop tooth and nail syndrome a case report International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 15 5 364 369 2005 Ceyhan D Kirzioglu Z Calapoglu NS Mutations in the MSX1 gene in Turkish children with non syndromic tooth agenesis and other dental anomalies Indian Journal of Dentistry 5 4 172 182 2014 Subramaniam P Neeraja G Witkop s tooth and nail syndrome a multifaceted approach to dental management Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry 26 1 22 25 2008 Kramer FJ Baethge C Tschernitschek H Implants in children with ectodermal dysplasia a case report and literature review Clinical Oral Implants Research 18 140 146 2007