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Jacques Baumer (doğum adı: Jacques Henri Nusbaumer; d. 12 April 1885, Paris -ö. 20 Haziran 1951, Montchauvet, Yvelines, Fransa), Fransız tiyatro yönetmeni, aktör ve komedyen.
Jacques Baumer | |
![]() Baumer'in, Père Lachaise Mezarlığı'ndaki kabri | |
Doğum | Jacques Henri Nusbaume 12 Nisan 1885 Paris, Fransa |
Ölüm | 20 Haziran 1951 (66 yaşında) Montchauvet, Yvelines, Fransa |
Meslek | Tiyatro yönetmeni, oyuncu ve komedyen |
- 1932: by
- 1933: by
- 1936: by and – (M. Legrand)
- 1936: L'Homme sans cœur by - (Jeanton)
- 1936: by Julien Duvivier - (M. Jubette)
- 1937: by – (Le procureur)
- 1937: by - (commandant Bovy)
- 1937: by Marc Allégret - (M. Morinier)
- 1937: by Robert Siodmak
- 1937: by Sacha Guitry - (Félix)
- 1937: by - (Di-Larco)
- 1937: by - (M. Fleury-Vallée)
- 1937: by - (inspector Finois)
- 1938: by - (doctor Cézambre)
- 1938: by - (Gomez)
- 1938: by and - (Le commissaire de police)
- 1938: Légions d'honneur by -
- 1938: by - (Prokoff)
- 1938: by
- 1938: by J. Rosenkranz - (M. Hénard)
- 1939: by Marcel Carné
- 1939: by - (Clemenceau)
- 1939: by and -
- 1940: by -
- 1942: by - (Gérard Rogissart)
- 1942: by - (Henri Lebourg)
- 1942: by - (Grugh)
- 1942: by - (the doctor)
- 1942: by - (director of P.J)
- 1942: by
- 1942: by - (Maître Bergas)
- 1943: by - (Noirtier), during the first period
- 1943: by - (M. Delbecq)
- 1943: by
- 1943: by - (M. Vorage)
- 1944: by - (Arthur Donge)
- 1947: by - (M. Miroud, the commanditaire)
- 1948: by - (Jérôme)
- 1948: Sacha Guitry - (M. Maillard) by
- 1949: by - (president of the court)
- 1949: ' by - (judge)
- 1949: by - (Le commissaire Hyacinthe)
- 1949: by - (Louis)
- 1950: by - (Maître Dubuisson)
- 1951: by -
- 1921: by and ,
- 1923: by Colette and ,
- 1924: La Galerie des glaces by ,
- 1927: by , directed by ,
- 1929: Durand, bijoutier by Léopold Marchand,
- 1930: Étienne by , Théâtre Saint-Georges
- 1933: Karma by ,
- 1934: Les Temps difficiles by , Théâtre de la Michodière
- 1936: Europe by Maurice Rostand,
- 1936: La vie est si courte by Léopold Marchand, Théâtre Pigalle
- 1938: Duo de , directed by , Théâtre Saint-Georges
- 1941: by Jean Cocteau, directed by Jean Cocteau,
- 1943: Clotilde du Mesnil by , directed by ,
- 1943: by , directed by , Théâtre des Ambassadeurs
- 1943: À la gloire d'Antoine by Sacha Guitry,
- 1947: Nuits noires by John Steinbeck, directed by , Théâtre Saint-Georges
- 1944: Mademoiselle Antoinette by ,
- 1950: by , mise-en-scène , Théâtre Antoine
Tiyatro yönetmeni
- 1929: L'Amoureuse Aventure by and ,
- 1930: Mistigri by ,
- 1930: Langrevin père et fils by ,
- 1931: Le Cyclone de Somerset Maugham, Théâtre des Ambassadeurs
- 1932: by , Théâtre Saint-Georges
- 1932: Trois et une by Denys Amiel, Théâtre Saint-Georges
- 1933: Lundi 8 heures by and , Théâtre des Ambassadeurs
- 1934: Le Discours des prix, play with 3 acts and 4 scenes by , Théâtre Saint-Georges, 27 September in Paris
- 1934: Liberté provisoire by , Théâtre Saint-Georges
- 1936: Ma liberté by Denys Amiel, Théâtre Saint-Georges
- 1942: Les Inséparables by Germaine Lefrancq,
- 1942: Les J3 ou la nouvelle école by ,
- 1946: Ce soir je suis garçon ! by & ,
- 1946: Les Derniers Seigneurs by Roger Ferdinand, Théâtre Édouard VII
- 1946: La Nuit du 16 janvier by Ayn Rand, Théâtre de l'Apollo
- 1946: Étienne by Jacques Deval,
- 1948: Ils ont vingt ans by Roger Ferdinand, Théâtre Daunou
- 1954: Les J3 de Roger Ferdinand,
Ayrıca bakınız
- Raymond Chirat, Olivier Barrot, Les Excentriques du cinéma français : 1929-1958, Henri Veyrier, Paris, 1983
- Yvan Foucart, Dictionnaire des comédiens français disparus, Éditions cinéma, Mormoiron, 2008, 1185 p.
Dış bağlantılar
- Jacques baumer 18 Mayıs 2017[Tarih uyuşmuyor] tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi. on
- IMDb'de Jacques Baumer
![]() | Oyuncu ile ilgili bu madde seviyesindedir. Madde içeriğini genişleterek Vikipedi'ye katkı sağlayabilirsiniz. |
![]() | Bir Fransız oyuncu ile ilgili bu madde seviyesindedir. Madde içeriğini genişleterek Vikipedi'ye katkı sağlayabilirsiniz. |
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Bu madde oksuz maddedir zira herhangi bir maddeden bu maddeye verilmis bir baglanti yoktur Lutfen ilgili maddelerden bu sayfaya baglanti vermeye calisin Eylul 2022 Jacques Baumer dogum adi Jacques Henri Nusbaumer d 12 April 1885 Paris o 20 Haziran 1951 Montchauvet Yvelines Fransa Fransiz tiyatro yonetmeni aktor ve komedyen Jacques BaumerBaumer in Pere Lachaise Mezarligi ndaki kabriDogumJacques Henri Nusbaume 12 Nisan 1885 Paris FransaOlum20 Haziran 1951 66 yasinda Montchauvet Yvelines FransaMeslekTiyatro yonetmeni oyuncu ve komedyenFilmografi1932 fr by 1933 by 1936 fr by and M Legrand 1936 L Homme sans cœur by Jeanton 1936 by Julien Duvivier M Jubette 1937 by Le procureur 1937 fr by commandant Bovy 1937 by Marc Allegret M Morinier 1937 by Robert Siodmak 1937 by Sacha Guitry Felix 1937 fr by Di Larco 1937 by fr M Fleury Vallee 1937 fr by fr inspector Finois 1938 fr by doctor Cezambre 1938 by Gomez 1938 fr by and Le commissaire de police 1938 Legions d honneur by 1938 by Prokoff 1938 fr by 1938 fr by J Rosenkranz M Henard 1939 by Marcel Carne 1939 by Clemenceau 1939 by and 1940 by 1942 by Gerard Rogissart 1942 fr by Henri Lebourg 1942 fr by Grugh 1942 fr by the doctor 1942 by director of P J 1942 by 1942 fr by Maitre Bergas 1943 by Noirtier during the first period 1943 by M Delbecq 1943 by 1943 fr by M Vorage 1944 by Arthur Donge 1947 by M Miroud the commanditaire 1948 by Jerome 1948 fr by Sacha Guitry M Maillard 1949 by president of the court 1949 by judge 1949 fr by Le commissaire Hyacinthe 1949 by Louis 1950 fr by Maitre Dubuisson 1951 by TiyatroKomedyen 1921 by fr and 1923 by Colette and fr 1924 La Galerie des glaces by 1927 fr by directed by 1929 Durand bijoutier by Leopold Marchand fr 1930 Etienne by Theatre Saint Georges 1933 Karma by 1934 Les Temps difficiles by Theatre de la Michodiere 1936 Europe by Maurice Rostand 1936 La vie est si courte by Leopold Marchand Theatre Pigalle 1938 Duo de fr directed by Theatre Saint Georges 1941 by Jean Cocteau directed by Jean Cocteau 1943 Clotilde du Mesnil by directed by 1943 fr by directed by Theatre des Ambassadeurs 1943 A la gloire d Antoine by Sacha Guitry 1947 Nuits noires by John Steinbeck directed by Theatre Saint Georges 1944 Mademoiselle Antoinette by 1950 by mise en scene Theatre AntoineTiyatro yonetmeni 1929 L Amoureuse Aventure by and 1930 Mistigri by 1930 Langrevin pere et fils by 1931 Le Cyclone de Somerset Maugham Theatre des Ambassadeurs 1932 fr by Theatre Saint Georges 1932 Trois et une by Denys Amiel Theatre Saint Georges 1933 Lundi 8 heures by and Theatre des Ambassadeurs 1934 Le Discours des prix play with 3 acts and 4 scenes by Theatre Saint Georges 27 September in Paris 1934 Liberte provisoire by Theatre Saint Georges 1936 Ma liberte by Denys Amiel Theatre Saint Georges 1942 Les Inseparables by Germaine Lefrancq 1942 Les J3 ou la nouvelle ecole by 1946 Ce soir je suis garcon by amp 1946 Les Derniers Seigneurs by Roger Ferdinand Theatre Edouard VII 1946 La Nuit du 16 janvier by Ayn Rand Theatre de l Apollo 1946 Etienne by Jacques Deval fr 1948 Ils ont vingt ans by Roger Ferdinand Theatre Daunou 1954 Les J3 de Roger Ferdinand Ayrica bakinizRaymond Chirat Olivier Barrot Les Excentriques du cinema francais 1929 1958 Henri Veyrier Paris 1983 9782851993045 Yvan Foucart Dictionnaire des comediens francais disparus Editions cinema Mormoiron 2008 1185 p 978 2 9531 1390 7Dis baglantilarJacques baumer 18 Mayis 2017 Tarih uyusmuyor tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arsivlendi on IMDb de Jacques BaumerOyuncu ile ilgili bu madde taslak seviyesindedir Madde icerigini genisleterek Vikipedi ye katki saglayabilirsiniz Bir Fransiz oyuncu ile ilgili bu madde taslak seviyesindedir Madde icerigini genisleterek Vikipedi ye katki saglayabilirsiniz