Thorsten Botz-Bornstein, 1964, Almanya doğumlu felsefe profesörü. Münster Üniversitesi'nde Rus Dili ve Edebiyatı okudu. Sorbonne ve Oxford üniversitelerinde felsefe eğitimi aldı. Doktora tezini yorumbilgisi, yapısalcılık ve Wittgenstein'da oyun ve üslup kavramları üzerine yazdı. Rus yapısalcılığı ve göstergebilimi, Nishida Kitarb'ın felsefesi üzerine araştırmalar yaptı; Rus Biçimciliği ve Andrey Tarkovski, Ingmar Bergman ve Rüya Biçembilimi, Rüya Uzamı, Rus ve Japon Kültür Ortamındaki Felsefi Gelişmeler konulu seminerler verdi. Halen Zhejiang ve Tuskegee üniversitelerinde öğretim görevlisi olarak çalışıyor. Bir Tarihsel Siyah Üniversitesi olan Tuskegee Üniversitesi'nde çalışıyordu. Şu anda Kuveyt'teki GUST'ta öğretmenlik yapıyor.
- Daoism, Dandyism, and Political Correctness (SUNY 2023)
- The Philosophy of Lines: From Art Nouveau to Cyberspace (Palgrave 2021)
- Micro and Macro Philosophy: Organicism in Biology, Philosophy, and Politics (Brill, 2020)
- The New Aesthetics of Deculturation: Neoliberalism, Fundamentalism and Kitsch (Bloomsbury, 2019).
- The Political Aesthetics of ISIS and Italian Futurism (Lexington, 2018)
- Organic Cinema: Film Architecture, and the Work of Bela Tarr (Berghahn, 2017)
- Transcultural Architecture: Limits and Opportunities of Critical Regionalism (Ashgate, 2015)
- Veils, Nudity, and Tattoos: The New Feminine Aesthetics (Lexington, 2015)
- Virtual Reality: The Last Human Narrative? (Brill, 2015)
- The Veil in Kuwait: Gender, Fashion, Identity (with N. Abdullah-Khan) (Palgrave, 2014)
- La Chine contre l'Amérique. Culture sans civilisation contre civilisation sans culture? [China against America: Culture without Civilisation against Civilization without Culture?] (Paris: L'Harmattan, 2012)
- Place and Dream: Japan and the Virtual (Rodopi, 2004)
- Films and Dreams: Tarkovsky, Sokurov, Bergman, Kubrik, Wong Kar-wai (Lexington, 2007)
- Vasily Sesemann: Experience, Formalism and the Question of Being (Rodopi, 2006)
- Aesthetics and Politics of Space in Russia and Japan (Lexington, 2009)
- The Cool-Kawaii: Afro-Japanese Aesthetics and New World Modernity (Lexington, 2010)
- The Monstrous Darkness of Tomorrow (Novella, 2018)
- Kuwait 2059 (Novella, 2019)
- Parasite: A Philosophical Exploration (with G. Stamatellos) [on the film by Bong Joon-Ho]. (Brill, 2022).
- Plotinus and the Moving Image: Neoplatonism and Film Studies (with G. Stamatellos, Brill, 2017)
- Inception and Philosophy: Ideas to Die For (Chicago: Open Court, ‘Philosophy and Popular Culture Series’, 2011)
- Re-ethnicizing the Minds? Tendencies of Cultural Revival in Contemporary Philosophy (Rodopi, 2006)
- The Philosophy of Viagra: Bioethical Responses to the Viagrification of the Modern World (Rodopi, 2011)
- Culture, Nature, Memes: Dynamic Cognitive Theories (Cambridge Scholars Press, 2008)
- The Crisis of the Human Sciences: False Objectivity and the Decline of Creativity (Cambridge Scholars Press, 2012)
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- Kişisel web sayfası 28 Kasım 2020 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi.
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Thorsten Botz Bornstein 1964 Almanya dogumlu felsefe profesoru Munster Universitesi nde Rus Dili ve Edebiyati okudu Sorbonne ve Oxford universitelerinde felsefe egitimi aldi Doktora tezini yorumbilgisi yapisalcilik ve Wittgenstein da oyun ve uslup kavramlari uzerine yazdi Rus yapisalciligi ve gostergebilimi Nishida Kitarb in felsefesi uzerine arastirmalar yapti Rus Bicimciligi ve Andrey Tarkovski Ingmar Bergman ve Ruya Bicembilimi Ruya Uzami Rus ve Japon Kultur Ortamindaki Felsefi Gelismeler konulu seminerler verdi Halen Zhejiang ve Tuskegee universitelerinde ogretim gorevlisi olarak calisiyor Bir Tarihsel Siyah Universitesi olan Tuskegee Universitesi nde calisiyordu Su anda Kuveyt teki GUST ta ogretmenlik yapiyor Thorsten Botz Bornstein Sibirya daki Tyumen Graduate School daBibliyografiDaoism Dandyism and Political Correctness SUNY 2023 The Philosophy of Lines From Art Nouveau to Cyberspace Palgrave 2021 Micro and Macro Philosophy Organicism in Biology Philosophy and Politics Brill 2020 The New Aesthetics of Deculturation Neoliberalism Fundamentalism and Kitsch Bloomsbury 2019 The Political Aesthetics of ISIS and Italian Futurism Lexington 2018 Organic Cinema Film Architecture and the Work of Bela Tarr Berghahn 2017 Transcultural Architecture Limits and Opportunities of Critical Regionalism Ashgate 2015 Veils Nudity and Tattoos The New Feminine Aesthetics Lexington 2015 Virtual Reality The Last Human Narrative Brill 2015 The Veil in Kuwait Gender Fashion Identity with N Abdullah Khan Palgrave 2014 La Chine contre l Amerique Culture sans civilisation contre civilisation sans culture China against America Culture without Civilisation against Civilization without Culture Paris L Harmattan 2012 Place and Dream Japan and the Virtual Rodopi 2004 Films and Dreams Tarkovsky Sokurov Bergman Kubrik Wong Kar wai Lexington 2007 Vasily Sesemann Experience Formalism and the Question of Being Rodopi 2006 Aesthetics and Politics of Space in Russia and Japan Lexington 2009 The Cool Kawaii Afro Japanese Aesthetics and New World Modernity Lexington 2010 The Monstrous Darkness of Tomorrow Novella 2018 Kuwait 2059 Novella 2019 Parasite A Philosophical Exploration with G Stamatellos on the film by Bong Joon Ho Brill 2022 Plotinus and the Moving Image Neoplatonism and Film Studies with G Stamatellos Brill 2017 Inception and Philosophy Ideas to Die For Chicago Open Court Philosophy and Popular Culture Series 2011 Re ethnicizing the Minds Tendencies of Cultural Revival in Contemporary Philosophy Rodopi 2006 The Philosophy of Viagra Bioethical Responses to the Viagrification of the Modern World Rodopi 2011 Culture Nature Memes Dynamic Cognitive Theories Cambridge Scholars Press 2008 The Crisis of the Human Sciences False Objectivity and the Decline of Creativity Cambridge Scholars Press 2012 Dis baglantilarKisisel web sayfasi 28 Kasim 2020 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arsivlendi Alman yazar ile ilgili bu madde taslak seviyesindedir Madde icerigini genisleterek Vikipedi ye katki saglayabilirsiniz