Arsen Lüpen (Arsène Lupin), Fransız roman karakteridir. Yazarı Maurice Leblanc, bu karakteri oluştururken ünlü Fransız anarşist ve akıllı bir hırsız olan Marius Jacob'dan esinlenmiştir. Türkiye'de Güncel Yayıncılık tarafından basılan Arsen Lüpen serisi 25 kitaptan oluşmaktadır. Onun için, hırsızların piri denilebilir ve kendisini Kibar Hırsız olarak tanıtır. Her zaman esprili ve kibardır. Kandan nefret eder, olabildiğince silah kullanmaz, Jiu Jitsu bilir, iyi rol yapar, iyi nişancıdır. Her zaman istediğini elde eder.
Arsen Lüpen | |
![]() "Arsène Lupin, Gentleman-Cambrioleur" (1907) kitabının kapağı | |
İlk görünüm | Arsène Lupin'in Tutuklanması (1905) |
Yaratan | Maurice Leblanc |
Bilgileri | |
Cinsiyet | Erkek |
Meslek | Hırsız |
Aile | Theophraste Lupin (babası) Henriette D'Andresy (annesi) |
Çocuklar | Jean |
Ulus | Fransız |
Arsen Lüpen, 2004 yılında yönetmen tarafından beyaz perdeye tekrar aktarılmıştır. Film serinin tüm kitaplarından kesitler içerir. 2021 yılında Netflix'te, çocukluğundan beri Arsen Lüpen'in serüvenlerini okuyup tekniklerini taklit eden Omar Sy'ın canlandırdığı Assane Diop adlı bir hırsızın intikamını anlatan Lupin dizisi yayınlanmıştır.
Peyami Safa, "Server Bedi" takma adıyla yazdığı "Cingöz Recai" isimli karakteri Arsen Lüpen'den etkilenerek oluşturmuştur.
Wikimedia Commons'ta Arsen Lüpen ile ilgili ortam dosyaları bulunmaktadır. |
- Arsène Lupin, Gentleman Burglar (Arsène Lupin, gentleman cambrioleur, 1907 coll., 9 novellas) (AKA: Exploits of Arsène Lupin, Extraordinary Adventures of Arsène Lupin)
- Arsène Lupin vs. Herlock Sholmes (Arsène Lupin contre Herlock Sholmès, 1908 coll., 2 stories) (AKA: The Blonde Lady)
- The Hollow Needle (L'Aiguille creuse, 1909, novel)
- 813 (813, 1910, novel)
- The Crystal Stopper (Le Bouchon de cristal, 1912, novel)
- The Confessions of Arsène Lupin (Les Confidences d'Arsène Lupin, 1913 coll., 9 novellas; 10 in the English version)
- The Teeth of The Tiger (Les Dents du tigre, 1914, novel) Published in English in 1914, but remained unpublished in French until 1920.
- The Shell Shard (L'Éclat d'obus, 1916, novel) (AKA: Woman of Mystery) Not originally part of the Arsène Lupin series, Lupin was written into the story in the 1923 edition.
- The Golden Triangle (Le Triangle d'or, 1918, novel) (AKA: The Return of Arsène Lupin)
- The Island of Thirty Coffins (L’Île aux trente cercueils, 1919, novel) (AKA: The Secret of Sarek)
- The Eight Strokes of The Clock (Les Huit Coups de l'horloge, 1922 coll., 8 novellas)
- The Secret Tomb (Dorothée, Danseuse de Corde, 1923. The main character Dorothée solves one of Arsène Lupin's four fabulous secrets.
- The Countess of Cagliostro (La Comtesse de Cagliostro, 1924, novel) (AKA: Memoirs of Arsène Lupin) Published in English in 1925.
- The Overcoat of Arsène Lupin (Le Pardessus d'Arsène Lupin, published in English in 1926) Novella first published in 1924 in France as La Dent d'Hercule Petitgris. Altered into a Lupin story and published in English as The Overcoat of Arsène Lupin in 1926 in The Popular Magazine
- The Damsel With Green Eyes (La Demoiselle aux yeux verts, 1927, novel) (AKA: The Girl With the Green Eyes, Arsène Lupin, Super Sleuth)
- A Tragedy In The Forest Of Morgues (L'Homme à la peau de bique, 1927, novella) (AKA: The Man with the Goatskin)
- The Barnett & Co. Agency (L'Agence Barnett et Cie., 1928 coll., 8 novellas) (AKA: Jim Barnett Intervenes, Arsène Lupin Intervenes) The English edition includes The Bridge That Broke story, which was unpublished in France at the time.
- The Mysterious Mansion (La Demeure mystérieuse, 1929, novel) (AKA: The Melamare Mystery)
- The Emerald Cabochon (Le Cabochon d'émeraude (1930, novella)
- The Barre-y-va Mystery (La Barre-y-va, 1931, novel)
- The Woman With Two Smiles (La Femme aux deux sourires, 1933, novel) (AKA: The Double Smile)
- Victor of the Vice Squad (Victor de la Brigade mondaine, 1933, novel) (AKA: The Return of Arsène Lupin)
- The Revenge of The Countess of Cagliostro (La Cagliostro se venge, 1935, novel)
- The Billions of Arsène Lupin (Les Milliards d'Arsène Lupin, 1939/1941, novel) - The official last book of the series, The Billions of Arsène Lupin, was serialised in 1939 and published posthumously as a book in 1941 - yet without the ninth chapter "The Safe" ("IX. Les coffres-forts"). This edition was later withdrawn at the request of Leblanc's son. In 2002, through the efforts of some Lupinians and Korean translator Seong Gwi-Soo, the missing chapter was restored and the complete final Lupin novel published in Korea by Kachi Publishing House. A complete French e-book is now also available, as well as a printed edition by Editions Manucius (2015).
- The Last Love of Arsène Lupin (Le Dernier Amour d'Arsène Lupin, novel), written around 1936 and posthumously published in 2012 after being found by chance in 2011 "on top of a cupboard in a beige shirt with rusty hooks" by Florence Boespflug-Leblanc.
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Arsen Lupen Arsene Lupin Fransiz roman karakteridir Yazari Maurice Leblanc bu karakteri olustururken unlu Fransiz anarsist ve akilli bir hirsiz olan Marius Jacob dan esinlenmistir Turkiye de Guncel Yayincilik tarafindan basilan Arsen Lupen serisi 25 kitaptan olusmaktadir Onun icin hirsizlarin piri denilebilir ve kendisini Kibar Hirsiz olarak tanitir Her zaman esprili ve kibardir Kandan nefret eder olabildigince silah kullanmaz Jiu Jitsu bilir iyi rol yapar iyi nisancidir Her zaman istedigini elde eder Arsen Lupen Arsene Lupin Gentleman Cambrioleur 1907 kitabinin kapagiIlk gorunumArsene Lupin in Tutuklanmasi 1905 YaratanMaurice LeblancBilgileriCinsiyetErkekMeslekHirsizAileTheophraste Lupin babasi Henriette D Andresy annesi CocuklarJeanUlusFransiz Arsen Lupen 2004 yilinda yonetmen tarafindan beyaz perdeye tekrar aktarilmistir Film serinin tum kitaplarindan kesitler icerir 2021 yilinda Netflix te cocuklugundan beri Arsen Lupen in seruvenlerini okuyup tekniklerini taklit eden Omar Sy in canlandirdigi Assane Diop adli bir hirsizin intikamini anlatan Lupin dizisi yayinlanmistir Peyami Safa Server Bedi takma adiyla yazdigi Cingoz Recai isimli karakteri Arsen Lupen den etkilenerek olusturmustur Wikimedia Commons ta Arsen Lupen ile ilgili ortam dosyalari bulunmaktadir BibliyografyaArsene Lupin Gentleman Burglar Arsene Lupin gentleman cambrioleur 1907 coll 9 novellas AKA Exploits of Arsene Lupin Extraordinary Adventures of Arsene Lupin Arsene Lupin vs Herlock Sholmes Arsene Lupin contre Herlock Sholmes 1908 coll 2 stories AKA The Blonde Lady The Hollow Needle L Aiguille creuse 1909 novel 813 813 1910 novel The Crystal Stopper Le Bouchon de cristal 1912 novel The Confessions of Arsene Lupin Les Confidences d Arsene Lupin 1913 coll 9 novellas 10 in the English version The Teeth of The Tiger Les Dents du tigre 1914 novel Published in English in 1914 but remained unpublished in French until 1920 The Shell Shard L Eclat d obus 1916 novel AKA Woman of Mystery Not originally part of the Arsene Lupin series Lupin was written into the story in the 1923 edition The Golden Triangle Le Triangle d or 1918 novel AKA The Return of Arsene Lupin The Island of Thirty Coffins L Ile aux trente cercueils 1919 novel AKA The Secret of Sarek The Eight Strokes of The Clock Les Huit Coups de l horloge 1922 coll 8 novellas The Secret Tomb Dorothee Danseuse de Corde 1923 The main character Dorothee solves one of Arsene Lupin s four fabulous secrets The Countess of Cagliostro La Comtesse de Cagliostro 1924 novel AKA Memoirs of Arsene Lupin Published in English in 1925 The Overcoat of Arsene Lupin Le Pardessus d Arsene Lupin published in English in 1926 Novella first published in 1924 in France as La Dent d Hercule Petitgris Altered into a Lupin story and published in English as The Overcoat of Arsene Lupin in 1926 in The Popular Magazine The Damsel With Green Eyes La Demoiselle aux yeux verts 1927 novel AKA The Girl With the Green Eyes Arsene Lupin Super Sleuth A Tragedy In The Forest Of Morgues L Homme a la peau de bique 1927 novella AKA The Man with the Goatskin The Barnett amp Co Agency L Agence Barnett et Cie 1928 coll 8 novellas AKA Jim Barnett Intervenes Arsene Lupin Intervenes The English edition includes The Bridge That Broke story which was unpublished in France at the time The Mysterious Mansion La Demeure mysterieuse 1929 novel AKA The Melamare Mystery The Emerald Cabochon Le Cabochon d emeraude 1930 novella The Barre y va Mystery La Barre y va 1931 novel The Woman With Two Smiles La Femme aux deux sourires 1933 novel AKA The Double Smile Victor of the Vice Squad Victor de la Brigade mondaine 1933 novel AKA The Return of Arsene Lupin The Revenge of The Countess of Cagliostro La Cagliostro se venge 1935 novel The Billions of Arsene Lupin Les Milliards d Arsene Lupin 1939 1941 novel The official last book of the series The Billions of Arsene Lupin was serialised in 1939 and published posthumously as a book in 1941 yet without the ninth chapter The Safe IX Les coffres forts This edition was later withdrawn at the request of Leblanc s son In 2002 through the efforts of some Lupinians and Korean translator Seong Gwi Soo the missing chapter was restored and the complete final Lupin novel published in Korea by Kachi Publishing House A complete French e book is now also available as well as a printed edition by Editions Manucius 2015 The Last Love of Arsene Lupin Le Dernier Amour d Arsene Lupin novel written around 1936 and posthumously published in 2012 after being found by chance in 2011 on top of a cupboard in a beige shirt with rusty hooks by Florence Boespflug Leblanc Kurgusal karakter ya da kurgusal kavramlar ile ilgili bu madde taslak seviyesindedir Madde icerigini genisleterek Vikipedi ye katki saglayabilirsiniz