Richard L. Dick Schory veya bilinen adıyla Dick Schory, (d. 13 Aralık 1931) Amerikalı perküsyonist, besteci, aranjör, orkestra şefi. Schory, (PAS Hall of Fame)'de yer almaktadır.
- Re-Percussion (1957)
- Music For Bang, Baaroom, And Harp (1958)
- Music to Break Any Mood (1960)
- Wild Percussion and Horns A'Plenty (1960)
- Percussion from Melody to Madness (1960)
- Runnin' Wild (1961)
- Stereo Action Goes Broadway (1961)
- Holiday for Percussion (1967)
- Supercussion (1962)
- Politely Percussive (1963)
- On Tour (1964)
- Happy Hits (1964)
- Roar of the Greasepaint (1965)
- Movin' On, Ovation (1970)
- Resurrection - Live At Carnegie Hall (1976)
Hakkındaki eserler
1958-, Moore, Dan,. The impact of Richard L. "Dick" Schory on the development of the contemporary percussion ensemble. OCLC 698456724.
- ^ Weiss, Lauren Vogel. . Perküsyon Sanatları Topluluğu. 15 Eylül 2017 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 12 Nisan 2021.
- ^ "In the News". Music Educators Journal. 48 (2): 6-10. 1961. doi:10.2307/3389673. ISSN 0027-4321. 12 Nisan 2021 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 12 Nisan 2021.
- ^ "Front Matter". Music Educators Journal. 52 (3): 1-55. 1966. doi:10.2307/3390606. ISSN 0027-4321. 12 Nisan 2021 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 12 Nisan 2021.
- ^ . Perküsyon Sanatları Topluluğu. 21 Ocak 2021 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 12 Nisan 2021.
- ^ Popular "Living Stereo" Albums"Get An RCA Victor "Living Stereo" Record For Only $1". . 27 Mart 1959. s. 10.
- ^ RCA Victor Popular"RCA Victor Records Stereo Album Sales!!". . 9 Şubat 1960. s. 6.
- ^ a b c "Percussion Ensemble To Launch Concert Series". . 16 Ekim 1961. s. 20.
- ^ STEREO ACTION GOES BROADWAY"Spotlight Albums Of The Week". Billboard. 31 Temmuz 1961. s. 34.
- ^ "Schory Program Is Fascinating". The Altus Times-Democrat. 19 Ekim 1961. s. 4.
- ^ "10 Great Albums To Open A New Era In The Record Business". Billboard. 9 Mart 1963. s. 39.
- ^ Kleiner, Dick (20 Mayıs 1963). "The Record Shop: Stereo Has Added a Fourth Element to Music: Motion". The Evening News.
- ^ "Guy's 'Touch' In Album". The Evening Independent. 24 Nisan 1964. s. 13.
- ^ "RCA Victor Long Play Records". The Calgary Herald. 17 Ekim 1964. s. 20.
- ^ "Radio Highlights". . 20 Temmuz 1996. s. 4.
- ^ "The new listening experience is on Ampex Stereo Tapes!". Billboard. 17 Haziran 1972. s. 31.
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Richard L Dick Schory veya bilinen adiyla Dick Schory d 13 Aralik 1931 Amerikali perkusyonist besteci aranjor orkestra sefi Schory PAS Hall of Fame de yer almaktadir DiskografisiRe Percussion 1957 Music For Bang Baaroom And Harp 1958 Music to Break Any Mood 1960 Wild Percussion and Horns A Plenty 1960 Percussion from Melody to Madness 1960 Runnin Wild 1961 Stereo Action Goes Broadway 1961 Holiday for Percussion 1967 Supercussion 1962 Politely Percussive 1963 On Tour 1964 Happy Hits 1964 Roar of the Greasepaint 1965 Movin On Ovation 1970 Resurrection Live At Carnegie Hall 1976 Hakkindaki eserler1958 Moore Dan The impact of Richard L Dick Schory on the development of the contemporary percussion ensemble OCLC 698456724 Kaynakca Weiss Lauren Vogel Perkusyon Sanatlari Toplulugu 15 Eylul 2017 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 12 Nisan 2021 In the News Music Educators Journal 48 2 6 10 1961 doi 10 2307 3389673 ISSN 0027 4321 12 Nisan 2021 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 12 Nisan 2021 Front Matter Music Educators Journal 52 3 1 55 1966 doi 10 2307 3390606 ISSN 0027 4321 12 Nisan 2021 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 12 Nisan 2021 Perkusyon Sanatlari Toplulugu 21 Ocak 2021 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 12 Nisan 2021 Popular Living Stereo Albums Get An RCA Victor Living Stereo Record For Only 1 27 Mart 1959 s 10 RCA Victor Popular RCA Victor Records Stereo Album Sales 9 Subat 1960 s 6 a b c Percussion Ensemble To Launch Concert Series 16 Ekim 1961 s 20 STEREO ACTION GOES BROADWAY Spotlight Albums Of The Week Billboard 31 Temmuz 1961 s 34 Schory Program Is Fascinating The Altus Times Democrat 19 Ekim 1961 s 4 10 Great Albums To Open A New Era In The Record Business Billboard 9 Mart 1963 s 39 Kleiner Dick 20 Mayis 1963 The Record Shop Stereo Has Added a Fourth Element to Music Motion The Evening News Guy s Touch In Album The Evening Independent 24 Nisan 1964 s 13 RCA Victor Long Play Records The Calgary Herald 17 Ekim 1964 s 20 Radio Highlights 20 Temmuz 1996 s 4 The new listening experience is on Ampex Stereo Tapes Billboard 17 Haziran 1972 s 31