Michael James Benton OBE FRS FRSE (d. 8 Nisan 1956), Britanyalı paleontolog ve Bristol Üniversitesi'nde profesörü. Yayınlanmış çalışmaları çoğunlukla Triyas sürüngenlerinin evrimi üzerine yoğunlaşmıştır ancak yok oluş ve fosil kayıtlarındaki faunal değişiklikler üzerinde de çalışmıştır.
Michael Benton | |
![]() Michael Benton, Londra'daki Royal Society kabul gününde, 2014 | |
Doğum | Michael James Benton 08 Nisan 1956 İskoçya |
Milliyet | Britanyalı |
Eğitim | |
Ödüller | Lyell Medal (2005) |
Resmî site | bristol.ac.uk/earthsciences/people/mike-j-benton |
Kariyeri | |
Dalı | |
- Dinosaurs an A-Z Guide (1988, Kingfisher)
- The phylogeny and classification of the tetrapods (1998, ed. Volumes 1 and 2)[]
- Prehistoric Animals (1989, Kingfisher)
- Vertebrate Palaeontology (4th edition, 2014, Wiley-Blackwell)
- On the trail of the dinosaur (1989, Quarto Publishing)
- The reign of the reptiles (1991)[]
- The rise of the mammals (1991)[]
- The fossil record 2 (1993, ed.)[]
- Dinosaur and Other Prehistoric Animal Fact Finder (1993)[]
- Fossil reptiles of Great Britain (1995, with P. S. Spencer)[]
- The Viking atlas of evolution (1997, with R. Osborne)[]
- The Penguin historical atlas of the dinosaurs (1997)[]
- Basic Palaeontology (1997, with D. A. T. Harper)
- Walking with dinosaurs: the facts (2000)
- The age of dinosaurs in Russia and Mongolia (2000, ed., with D. M. Unwin, M. A. Shishkin and E. N. Kurochkin)[]
- Permian and Triassic red beds and the Penarth Group of Great Britain (2002, with E. Cook and P. J. Turner)[]
- When life nearly died: the greatest mass extinction of all time (1st edition, 2003; 2nd edition, 2008)
- Mesozoic and Tertiary fossil mammals and birds of Great Britain (2005, with L. Cook, D. Schreve, A Currant, and J. J. Hooker)
- Introduction to Paleobiology and the Fossil Record (2009, with David A.T Harper)
- The first four billion years Benton, Michael J. (2009). "Paleontology and the History of Life". Michael Ruse; Joseph Travis (Ed.). Evolution: The First Four Billion Years. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. ss. 80-104. ISBN .
- The Dinosaurs Rediscovered: How a Scientific Revolution is Rewriting History, (2019)
- ^ a b Anon (2015). ",". (online Oxford University Press bas.). A & C Black, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing plc. doi:10.1093/ww/9780199540884.013.U43387. (üyelik veya Birleşik Krallık halk kütüphanesi üyeliği gereklidir)
- ^ a b Michael Benton Google Scholar tarafından indekslenen yayınlar
- ^ Anon (2014). "Professor Michael Benton FRS". royalsociety.org. Londra: Royal Society. 9 Şubat 2020 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 25 Nisan 2024. One or more of the preceding sentences incorporates text from the royalsociety.org website where:
"All text published under the heading 'Biography' on Fellow profile pages is available under .” --, Wayback Machine sitesinde (11 Kasım 2016 tarihinde arşivlendi)
- ^ (PDF). The Royal Society of Edinburgh. 20 Haziran 2016. 17 Mayıs 2011 tarihinde kaynağından (PDF) arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 28 Ağustos 2018.
- ^ Liz Loeffler. "People: Earth Sciences: University of Bristol". bris.ac.uk. 9 Eylül 2017 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 25 Nisan 2024.
- ^ Resmî site
- ^ "Professor Mike Benton – School of Earth Sciences". Bristol.ac.uk. 2 Ocak 2021 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 28 Ağustos 2018.
- ^ Benton, M. J. (2009). "The Red Queen and the Court Jester: Species diversity and the role of biotic and abiotic factors through time". Science. 323 (5915): 728-32. Bibcode:2009Sci...323..728B. doi:10.1126/science.1157719. (PMID) 19197051.
- ^ Lloyd, G. T.; Davis, K. E.; Pisani, D.; Tarver, J. E.; Ruta, M.; Sakamoto, M.; Hone, D. W. E.; Jennings, R.; Benton, M. J. (2008). "Dinosaurs and the Cretaceous Terrestrial Revolution". Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 275 (1650): 2483-90. doi:10.1098/rspb.2008.0715. (PMC) 2603200 $2. (PMID) 18647715.
- ^ Bowler, P. J. (2003). "Suffocated or shot?". Nature. 423 (6938): 384. doi:10.1038/423384a. Tarih değerini gözden geçirin:
(); Review of When Life Nearly Died: The Greatest Mass Extinction of All Time
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Michael James Benton OBE FRS FRSE d 8 Nisan 1956 Britanyali paleontolog ve Bristol Universitesi nde profesoru Yayinlanmis calismalari cogunlukla Triyas surungenlerinin evrimi uzerine yogunlasmistir ancak yok olus ve fosil kayitlarindaki faunal degisiklikler uzerinde de calismistir Michael BentonMichael Benton Londra daki Royal Society kabul gununde 2014DogumMichael James Benton 08 Nisan 1956 68 yasinda IskocyaMilliyetBritanyaliEgitimOdullerLyell Medal 2005 Resmi sitebristol ac uk earthsciences people mike j bentonKariyeriDaliPaleontoloji MakroevrimYayinlariDinosaurs an A Z Guide 1988 Kingfisher 978 0862723859 The phylogeny and classification of the tetrapods 1998 ed Volumes 1 and 2 ISBN eksik Prehistoric Animals 1989 Kingfisher 978 0862724580 Vertebrate Palaeontology 4th edition 2014 Wiley Blackwell 978 1118407554 On the trail of the dinosaur 1989 Quarto Publishing 0 517 67976 0 The reign of the reptiles 1991 ISBN eksik The rise of the mammals 1991 ISBN eksik The fossil record 2 1993 ed ISBN eksik Dinosaur and Other Prehistoric Animal Fact Finder 1993 ISBN eksik Fossil reptiles of Great Britain 1995 with P S Spencer ISBN eksik The Viking atlas of evolution 1997 with R Osborne ISBN eksik The Penguin historical atlas of the dinosaurs 1997 ISBN eksik Basic Palaeontology 1997 with D A T Harper 0 582 22857 3 Walking with dinosaurs the facts 2000 0 563 53744 2 The age of dinosaurs in Russia and Mongolia 2000 ed with D M Unwin M A Shishkin and E N Kurochkin ISBN eksik Permian and Triassic red beds and the Penarth Group of Great Britain 2002 with E Cook and P J Turner ISBN eksik When life nearly died the greatest mass extinction of all time 1st edition 2003 2nd edition 2008 Mesozoic and Tertiary fossil mammals and birds of Great Britain 2005 with L Cook D Schreve A Currant and J J Hooker 9781861074805 Introduction to Paleobiology and the Fossil Record 2009 with David A T Harper 9781405141574 The first four billion years Benton Michael J 2009 Paleontology and the History of Life Michael Ruse Joseph Travis Ed Evolution The First Four Billion Years Cambridge Massachusetts The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press ss 80 104 ISBN 978 0 674 03175 3 The Dinosaurs Rediscovered How a Scientific Revolution is Rewriting History 2019 978 0500052006Kaynakca a b Anon 2015 online Oxford University Press bas A amp C Black an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing plc doi 10 1093 ww 9780199540884 013 U43387 uyelik veya Birlesik Krallik halk kutuphanesi uyeligi gereklidir a b Michael Benton Google Scholar tarafindan indekslenen yayinlar Anon 2014 Professor Michael Benton FRS royalsociety org Londra Royal Society 9 Subat 2020 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 25 Nisan 2024 One or more of the preceding sentences incorporates text from the royalsociety org website where All text published under the heading Biography on Fellow profile pages is available under Wayback Machine sitesinde 11 Kasim 2016 tarihinde arsivlendi PDF The Royal Society of Edinburgh 20 Haziran 2016 17 Mayis 2011 tarihinde kaynagindan PDF arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 28 Agustos 2018 Liz Loeffler People Earth Sciences University of Bristol bris ac uk 9 Eylul 2017 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 25 Nisan 2024 Resmi site Professor Mike Benton School of Earth Sciences Bristol ac uk 2 Ocak 2021 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 28 Agustos 2018 Benton M J 2009 The Red Queen and the Court Jester Species diversity and the role of biotic and abiotic factors through time Science 323 5915 728 32 Bibcode 2009Sci 323 728B doi 10 1126 science 1157719 PMID 19197051 Lloyd G T Davis K E Pisani D Tarver J E Ruta M Sakamoto M Hone D W E Jennings R Benton M J 2008 Dinosaurs and the Cretaceous Terrestrial Revolution Proceedings of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences 275 1650 2483 90 doi 10 1098 rspb 2008 0715 PMC 2603200 2 PMID 18647715 Bowler P J 2003 Suffocated or shot Nature 423 6938 384 doi 10 1038 423384a Tarih degerini gozden gecirin erisimtarihi yardim erisim tarihi kullanmak icin url gerekiyor yardim Review of When Life Nearly Died The Greatest Mass Extinction of All Time