Johannes Hans Daniel Jensen (d. 25 Haziran 1907 - ö. 11 Şubat 1973) Alman nükleer fizikçi. II. Dünya Savaşı sırasında olarak bilinen 'nde çalıştı ve uranyum izotopların ayrılması amacıyla çalışmalar yürüttü. Savaştan sonra Jensen Heidelberg Üniversitesi'nde profesör olarak görev aldı. Ayrıca , Institute for Advanced Study, Indiana Üniversitesi ve California Teknoloji Enstitüsü'nde misafir profesör olarak çalıştı.
Johannes Hans Daniel Jensen | |
![]() | |
Doğum | 25 Haziran 1907 Hamburg, Alman İmparatorluğu |
Ölüm | 11 Şubat 1973 Heidelberg, Batı Almanya |
Vatandaşlık | Almanya |
Mezun olduğu okul(lar) | Hamburg Üniversitesi |
Ödüller | Nobel Fizik Ödülü 1963 |
Kariyeri | |
Dalı | Fizik |
Doktora danışmanı | |
Doktora öğrencileri | |
Jensen, Maria Göppert-Mayer ile birlikte nükleer kabuk modeli çalışmaları nedeniyle 1963 Nobel Fizik Ödülü'nü kazanmıştır.
Seçilmiş yayınları
- , J. Hans D. Jensen, and On the “Magic Numbers” in Nuclear Structure, Phys. Rev.Volume 75, 1766 - 1766 (1949). Institutional affiliations: Haxel: Max-Planck Institut für Physik, Göttingen; Jensen: Institut für theoretische Physik, Heidelberg; and Suess: Inst. für physikalische Chemie, Hamburg. Received 18 April 1949.
- Helmut Steinwedel, J. Hans D. Jensen, and Nuclear Dipole Vibrations, Phys. Rev. Volume 79, Issue 6, 1019 - 1019 (1950). Institutional affiliations: Steinwedel and J. H. D. Jensen - Institut für theoretische Physik, Universität Heidelberg and Peter Jensen - Physikalisches Institut, Universität Freiburg. Received 10 July 1950.
Kaynak kitaplar
- Beyerchen, Alan D. Scientists Under Hitler: Politics and the Physics Community in the Third Reich (Yale, 1977)
- Hentschel, Klaus, editor and Ann M. Hentschel, editorial assistant and Translator Physics and National Socialism: An Anthology of Primary Sources (Birkhäuser, 1996)
- Hoffmann, Dieter Between Autonomy and Accommodation: The German Physical Society during the Third Reich, Physics in Perspective7(3) 293-329 (2005)
- Jensen, J. Hans D. Glimpses at the History of the Nuclear Structure Theory, The Nobel Prize in Physics 1963(12 December 1963)8 Ekim 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Stech, Berthold J.H.D. Jensen: Personal recollection of Heidelberg[]
- Walker, Mark German National Socialism and the Quest for Nuclear Power 1939–1949 (Cambridge, 1993)
- ^ "". Erişim tarihi: 24 Mayıs 2013.[]
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Johannes Hans Daniel Jensen d 25 Haziran 1907 o 11 Subat 1973 Alman nukleer fizikci II Dunya Savasi sirasinda olarak bilinen nde calisti ve uranyum izotoplarin ayrilmasi amaciyla calismalar yuruttu Savastan sonra Jensen Heidelberg Universitesi nde profesor olarak gorev aldi Ayrica Institute for Advanced Study Indiana Universitesi ve California Teknoloji Enstitusu nde misafir profesor olarak calisti Johannes Hans Daniel JensenDogum25 Haziran 1907 Hamburg Alman ImparatorluguOlum11 Subat 1973 Heidelberg Bati AlmanyaVatandaslikAlmanyaMezun oldugu okul lar Hamburg UniversitesiOdullerNobel Fizik Odulu 1963KariyeriDaliFizikDoktora danismaniDoktora ogrencileri Jensen Maria Goppert Mayer ile birlikte nukleer kabuk modeli calismalari nedeniyle 1963 Nobel Fizik Odulu nu kazanmistir Secilmis yayinlari J Hans D Jensen and On the Magic Numbers in Nuclear Structure Phys Rev Volume 75 1766 1766 1949 Institutional affiliations Haxel Max Planck Institut fur Physik Gottingen Jensen Institut fur theoretische Physik Heidelberg and Suess Inst fur physikalische Chemie Hamburg Received 18 April 1949 Helmut Steinwedel J Hans D Jensen and Nuclear Dipole Vibrations Phys Rev Volume 79 Issue 6 1019 1019 1950 Institutional affiliations Steinwedel and J H D Jensen Institut fur theoretische Physik Universitat Heidelberg and Peter Jensen Physikalisches Institut Universitat Freiburg Received 10 July 1950 Kaynak kitaplarBeyerchen Alan D Scientists Under Hitler Politics and the Physics Community in the Third Reich Yale 1977 ISBN 0 300 01830 4 Hentschel Klaus editor and Ann M Hentschel editorial assistant and Translator Physics and National Socialism An Anthology of Primary Sources Birkhauser 1996 ISBN 0 8176 5312 0 Hoffmann Dieter Between Autonomy and Accommodation The German Physical Society during the Third Reich Physics in Perspective7 3 293 329 2005 Jensen J Hans D Glimpses at the History of the Nuclear Structure Theory The Nobel Prize in Physics 1963 12 December 1963 8 Ekim 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Stech Berthold J H D Jensen Personal recollection of Heidelberg olu kirik baglanti Walker Mark German National Socialism and the Quest for Nuclear Power 1939 1949 Cambridge 1993 ISBN 0 521 43804 7Kaynakca Brittanica com Erisim tarihi 24 Mayis 2013 olu kirik baglanti