Niklas Sundin (doğum 13 Ağustos 1974, İsveç), Dark Tranquillity ve Laethora gruplarının gitaristi. Dark Tranquillity'nin ilk albümünün sözlerini ve In Flames'in ilk iki albümünün sözlerini yazdı. Ayrıca sonraki birkaç In Flames albümünün sözlerinin yazılmasına katkıda bulundu. HammerFall grubunun eski üyesidir. Niklas Sundin, metal grupları için çeşitli sanat çalışmaları yapan adlı tasarım stüdyosunun kurucusudur. Dark Tranquillity, In Flames, Arch Enemy, Sentenced, At the Gates gibi gruplar için tasarımlar yapmaktadır.
Niklas Sundin | |
![]() Niklas Sundin, Gibson 1983 Flying V gitarıyla bir canlı performans sırasında | |
Genel bilgiler | |
Doğum | 13 Ağustos 1974 |
Başladığı yer | Göteborg, İsveç |
Tarzlar | Melodik death metal |
Meslekler | Müzisyen, Grafik Tasarımcı |
Çalgılar | Gitar |
Etkin yıllar | 1989'dan beri |
Müzik şirketi | Century Media, The End |
İlişkili hareketler | Dark Tranquillity, In Flames, |
Resmî site | |
Önemli çalgılar | |
Dark Tranquillity ile
- Enfeebled Earth (Grubun Septic Broiler adıyla yayımladığı demo) (1989)
- Trail of Life Decayed (Demo) (1991)
- A Moonclad Reflection (EP) (1992)
- Tranquillity (Demo) (1993)
- Skydancer (1993)
- Of Chaos and Eternal Night (MCD) (1995)
- The Gallery (1995)
- Enter Suicidal Angels (EP/MCD) (1996)
- The Mind's I (1997)
- The World Domination (VHS) (1998)
- Projector (1999)
- (Skydancer/Of Chaos and Eternal Night) (Derleme) (2000)
- Haven (2000)
- Damage Done (2002)
- Live Damage (DVD) (2003)
- Exposures - In Retrospect and Denial (Derleme) (2004)
- Lost to Apathy (EP) (2004)
- Character (2005)
- Fiction (2007)
Diğer gruplarla
- Sigh - Gallows Gallery (2006) (Konuk gitarist)
- Laethora - March of the Parasite (2007)
Albüm kapakları
- ...And Oceans - A.M.G.O.D.
- Ablaze My Sorrow - Anger, Hate, Fury
- Ajattara - ITSE
- Ajattara - Kuolema
- Ajattara - Tyhjyys
- Agregator - A Semmi Ágán
- Agregator - Szürkület
- Alas - Absolute Purity
- Amethyst - Dea Noctilucae
- Amortis - Gift of Tongues
- Andromeda - Extension of the Wish
- Andromeda - Crescendo of Thoughts
- Andromeda - Chimera
- Arch Enemy - Wages of Sin
- Arch Enemy -
- Arch Enemy - Anthems of Rebellion
- Arch Enemy -
- Arch Enemy -
- Arch Enemy - Rise of the Tyrant
- Arise - The Godly Work of Art
- Arise - Kings of the Cloned Generation
- Armageddon - Embrace the Mystery
- As Memory Dies - Transmutate
- Autumnblaze - DämmerElbenTragödie
- Autumnblaze - Words are Not What They Seem
- Callenish Circle - Flesh Power Dominion
- Callenish Circle - My Passion / Your Pain
- Callenish Circle - Forbidden Empathy
- Ceremonial Oath - The Lost Name of God
- Charon - Tearstained
- Charon - Downhearted
- Charon - Little Angel
- Corporation 187 - Perfection in Pain
- Dark Tranquillity - Haven
- Dark Tranquillity - Projector
- Dark Tranquillity - (Skydancer/Of Chaos and Eternal Night)
- Dark Tranquillity - Damage Done
- Dark Tranquillity - Exposures - In Retrospect and Denial
- Dark Tranquillity - Lost to Apathy
- Dark Tranquillity - Character
- Dark Tranquillity - Fiction
- Dawn of Relic - Lovecraftian Dark
- Deadsoil - Sacrifice
- Detonation - An Epic Defiance
- Detonation - Portals to Uphobia
- Dimension Zero - Silent Night Fever
- Dimension Zero - This Is Hell
- Dominion Caligula - A New Era Rises
- Dragonland - Astronomy
- Dreamaker - Human Device
- Empyrium - Weiland
- Enforsaken - The Forever Endeavour
- Enter Chaos - Aura Sense
- Enter My Silence - Remotecontrolled Scythe
- Entwine - Gone
- Entwine - New Dawn
- Eternal Tears of Sorrow - Chaotic Beauty
- Eternal Tears of Sorrow - A Virgin and a Whore
- Eternal Tears of Sorrow - The Last One for Life
- Ethereal Spawn - Ablaze in Viral Flames
- Eventide - Caress the Abstract
- Eventide - Promo 2000
- Eventide - No Place Darker
- Eventide - Diaries from the Gallows
- Evilheart - Storm of Annihilation
- Eyetrap - Folk Magic
- Fields of Asphodel - Deathflower
- Flowing Tears - Jade
- Fragments of Unbecoming - Sterling Black Icon
- Gaia - Gaia
- Gardenian - Sindustries
- Gardenian - Soulburner
- Green Carnation - Journey to the End of the Night
- Green Carnation - Light of Day, Day of Darkness
- Green Carnation - The Quiet Offspring
- Harm - Devil
- Hypocrite - Edge of Existence
- In Flames - The Tokyo Showdown
- In Flames - Reroute to Remain
- In Flames - Trigger
- In Flames - Soundtrack to Your Escape
- In Flames - The Quiet Place
- Jeremy - Edge on the History
- Jeremy - The 2nd Advent
- Kayser - Frame the World...Hang on the Wall
- Kerozene - Kerozene
- Kiuas - The New Dark Age
- Kryptos - Spiral Ascent
- Lacrimas Produndere - Ave End
- Last Tribe - The Uncrowned
- Laethora - March of the Parasite
- Lost Horizon - Awakening the World
- Love in the Time of Cholera - The Sun Through Glass
- Luciferion - The Apostate
- Lullacry - Be My God
- Madrigal - Enticed
- Madrigal - I Die You Soar
- Mercenary - 11 Dreams
- Mercenary - Architect of Lies
- Miscellany - Miscellany
- Mirrored Mind - At Meridian
- Moonshine - Eternal
- Moonsorrow - Suden Udi
- Mourning Caress - Escape
- My Blood Is Fire - The End of Innocence
- Mörk Gryning - Maelstrom Chaos
- Naglfar - Sheol
- Narcissus - Crave and Collapse
- Nightrage - Sweet Vengeance
- Novembre - Classica
- Opposite Sides - Soul Mechanics
- Passenger - Passenger
- Passenger - In Reverse
- Pathos - Katharsis
- Red Aim - Niagara
- Rockateers - Louder Than Ever
- Sanctus - Aeon Sky
- Samadhi - Incandescence
- Satanic Slaughter - Banished to the Underworld
- Scaar - The Second Incision
- Scylla - Mater Dolorosa
- Sentenced - Crimson
- Sentenced - Killing Me, Killing You
- Shadownation - Promo 2001
- Silence - Enola
- Silence - The P/O/U/R Letters
- Skyfall - Skyfall
- Sleeping X - Sleeping X
- Soultorn - Masks
- Spiritual Beggars - Demons
- Sunset Sphere - Storm Before Silence
- Supreme Majesty - Tales of a Tragic Kingdom
- Supreme Majesty - Danger
- Tactile Gemma - Tactile Gemma
- The Crest - Letters from Fire
- The Forsaken - Traces of the Past
- The More I See - The More I See
- Thundra - Blood of Your Soul
- Thyrane - Hypnotic
- Thyrfing - Vansinnesvisor
- Time Requiem - The Inner Circle of Reality
- Turisas - Battle Metal
- Underthreat - Deathmosphere
- Urban Tales - Signs of Times
- Various Artists - No Fashion Classics
- Veneficum - Enigma Prognosis
- Vermin - Filthy Fucking Vermin
- Witchery - Symphony for the Devil (ABD sürümü)
- Within Y - Extended Mental Dimensions
- Wolf - Wolf
- Wolf - Moonshine
Dış bağlantılar
- Resmi Websitesi22 Ocak 2009 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Cabin Fever Media27 Kasım 2019 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Dark Tranquillity10 Ekim 2012 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Headbang Dergisi ile Röportaj25 Nisan 2009 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
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Niklas Sundin dogum 13 Agustos 1974 Isvec Dark Tranquillity ve Laethora gruplarinin gitaristi Dark Tranquillity nin ilk albumunun sozlerini ve In Flames in ilk iki albumunun sozlerini yazdi Ayrica sonraki birkac In Flames albumunun sozlerinin yazilmasina katkida bulundu HammerFall grubunun eski uyesidir Niklas Sundin metal gruplari icin cesitli sanat calismalari yapan adli tasarim studyosunun kurucusudur Dark Tranquillity In Flames Arch Enemy Sentenced At the Gates gibi gruplar icin tasarimlar yapmaktadir Niklas SundinNiklas Sundin Gibson 1983 Flying V gitariyla bir canli performans sirasindaGenel bilgilerDogum13 Agustos 1974 49 yasinda Basladigi yerGoteborg IsvecTarzlarMelodik death metalMesleklerMuzisyen Grafik TasarimciCalgilarGitarEtkin yillar1989 dan beriMuzik sirketiCentury Media The EndIliskili hareketlerDark Tranquillity In Flames Resmi sitewww niklassundin comOnemli calgilarGibson Faded SG Gibson 1983 Flying V Ibanez IC400DiskografiDark Tranquillity ile Enfeebled Earth Grubun Septic Broiler adiyla yayimladigi demo 1989 Trail of Life Decayed Demo 1991 A Moonclad Reflection EP 1992 Tranquillity Demo 1993 Skydancer 1993 Of Chaos and Eternal Night MCD 1995 The Gallery 1995 Enter Suicidal Angels EP MCD 1996 The Mind s I 1997 The World Domination VHS 1998 Projector 1999 Skydancer Of Chaos and Eternal Night Derleme 2000 Haven 2000 Damage Done 2002 Live Damage DVD 2003 Exposures In Retrospect and Denial Derleme 2004 Lost to Apathy EP 2004 Character 2005 Fiction 2007 Diger gruplarla Sigh Gallows Gallery 2006 Konuk gitarist Laethora March of the Parasite 2007 Album kapaklari And Oceans A M G O D Ablaze My Sorrow Anger Hate Fury Ajattara ITSE Ajattara Kuolema Ajattara Tyhjyys Agregator A Semmi Agan Agregator Szurkulet Alas Absolute Purity Amethyst Dea Noctilucae Amortis Gift of Tongues Andromeda Extension of the Wish Andromeda Crescendo of Thoughts Andromeda Chimera Arch Enemy Wages of Sin Arch Enemy Arch Enemy Anthems of Rebellion Arch Enemy Arch Enemy Arch Enemy Rise of the Tyrant Arise The Godly Work of Art Arise Kings of the Cloned Generation Armageddon Embrace the Mystery As Memory Dies Transmutate Autumnblaze DammerElbenTragodie Autumnblaze Words are Not What They Seem Callenish Circle Flesh Power Dominion Callenish Circle My Passion Your Pain Callenish Circle Forbidden Empathy Ceremonial Oath The Lost Name of God Charon Tearstained Charon Downhearted Charon Little Angel Corporation 187 Perfection in Pain Dark Tranquillity Haven Dark Tranquillity Projector Dark Tranquillity Skydancer Of Chaos and Eternal Night Dark Tranquillity Damage Done Dark Tranquillity Exposures In Retrospect and Denial Dark Tranquillity Lost to Apathy Dark Tranquillity Character Dark Tranquillity Fiction Dawn of Relic Lovecraftian Dark Deadsoil Sacrifice Detonation An Epic Defiance Detonation Portals to Uphobia Dimension Zero Silent Night Fever Dimension Zero This Is Hell Dominion Caligula A New Era Rises Dragonland Astronomy Dreamaker Human Device Empyrium Weiland Enforsaken The Forever Endeavour Enter Chaos Aura Sense Enter My Silence Remotecontrolled Scythe Entwine Gone Entwine New Dawn Eternal Tears of Sorrow Chaotic Beauty Eternal Tears of Sorrow A Virgin and a Whore Eternal Tears of Sorrow The Last One for Life Ethereal Spawn Ablaze in Viral Flames Eventide Caress the Abstract Eventide Promo 2000 Eventide No Place Darker Eventide Diaries from the Gallows Evilheart Storm of Annihilation Eyetrap Folk Magic Fields of Asphodel Deathflower Flowing Tears Jade Fragments of Unbecoming Sterling Black Icon Gaia Gaia Gardenian Sindustries Gardenian Soulburner Green Carnation Journey to the End of the Night Green Carnation Light of Day Day of Darkness Green Carnation The Quiet Offspring Harm Devil Hypocrite Edge of Existence In Flames The Tokyo Showdown In Flames Reroute to Remain In Flames Trigger In Flames Soundtrack to Your Escape In Flames The Quiet Place Jeremy Edge on the History Jeremy The 2nd Advent Kayser Frame the World Hang on the Wall Kerozene Kerozene Kiuas The New Dark Age Kryptos Spiral Ascent Lacrimas Produndere Ave End Last Tribe The Uncrowned Laethora March of the Parasite Lost Horizon Awakening the World Love in the Time of Cholera The Sun Through Glass Luciferion The Apostate Lullacry Be My God Madrigal Enticed Madrigal I Die You Soar Mercenary 11 Dreams Mercenary Architect of Lies Miscellany Miscellany Mirrored Mind At Meridian Moonshine Eternal Moonsorrow Suden Udi Mourning Caress Escape My Blood Is Fire The End of Innocence Mork Gryning Maelstrom Chaos Naglfar Sheol Narcissus Crave and Collapse Nightrage Sweet Vengeance Novembre Classica Opposite Sides Soul Mechanics Passenger Passenger Passenger In Reverse Pathos Katharsis Red Aim Niagara Rockateers Louder Than Ever Sanctus Aeon Sky Samadhi Incandescence Satanic Slaughter Banished to the Underworld Scaar The Second Incision Scylla Mater Dolorosa Sentenced Crimson Sentenced Killing Me Killing You Shadownation Promo 2001 Silence Enola Silence The P O U R Letters Skyfall Skyfall Sleeping X Sleeping X Soultorn Masks Spiritual Beggars Demons Sunset Sphere Storm Before Silence Supreme Majesty Tales of a Tragic Kingdom Supreme Majesty Danger Tactile Gemma Tactile Gemma The Crest Letters from Fire The Forsaken Traces of the Past The More I See The More I See Thundra Blood of Your Soul Thyrane Hypnotic Thyrfing Vansinnesvisor Time Requiem The Inner Circle of Reality Turisas Battle Metal Underthreat Deathmosphere Urban Tales Signs of Times Various Artists No Fashion Classics Veneficum Enigma Prognosis Vermin Filthy Fucking Vermin Witchery Symphony for the Devil ABD surumu Within Y Extended Mental Dimensions Wolf Wolf Wolf MoonshineDis baglantilarResmi Websitesi22 Ocak 2009 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Cabin Fever Media27 Kasim 2019 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Dark Tranquillity10 Ekim 2012 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Headbang Dergisi ile Roportaj25 Nisan 2009 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde