İsa'nın dirilişi, Hristiyanlıkta İsa'nın çarmıha gerildiği cuma gününü izleyen pazar gününde mucizevi şekilde hayata dönmesi olayıdır. Hristiyan inancının ve teolojisinin merkezî doktrini olarak kabul edilir ve İznik Konsili'nin kararlarına göre o "Kutsal Kitap'ta belirtilene uygun şekilde üçüncü gün yeniden dirildi."

Paskalya Bayramı, İsa'nın dirildiğine inanılan 3. gün kutlanır.
- ^ Updated version of the Nicene Creed added at in 381 AD, in Norman Tanner, New Short History of the Catholic Church, page 33 (Burns & Oates, 2011).
- ^ " pointed out that 6:2 "seems to have a further reference to the resurrection of Jesus Christ; and the time limited is is expressed by two days and the third day, that it may be a type and figure of Christ's rising on the third day, which he is said to do according to the scriptures, according to this scripture; for all the prophets testified of the sufferings of Christ and the glory that should follow." From Dr Robert A. Morey, The Bible, Natural Theology and Natural Law: Conflict Or Compromise?, page 95 (Christian Scholars Press, 2010).
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Isa nin dirilisi Hristiyanlikta Isa nin carmiha gerildigi cuma gununu izleyen pazar gununde mucizevi sekilde hayata donmesi olayidir Hristiyan inancinin ve teolojisinin merkezi doktrini olarak kabul edilir ve Iznik Konsili nin kararlarina gore o Kutsal Kitap ta belirtilene uygun sekilde ucuncu gun yeniden dirildi Isa nin dirilisine ait yapilan cok sayida sanatsal calisma vardir Yukarida Rafael in bir calismasi goruluyor Paskalya Bayrami Isa nin dirildigine inanilan 3 gun kutlanir Kaynakca Updated version of the Nicene Creed added at in 381 AD in Norman Tanner New Short History of the Catholic Church page 33 Burns amp Oates 2011 ISBN 978 0 86012 455 9 pointed out that 6 2 seems to have a further reference to the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the time limited is is expressed by two days and the third day that it may be a type and figure of Christ s rising on the third day which he is said to do according to the scriptures according to this scripture for all the prophets testified of the sufferings of Christ and the glory that should follow From Dr Robert A Morey The Bible Natural Theology and Natural Law Conflict Or Compromise page 95 Christian Scholars Press 2010 ISBN 978 1 60957 143 6Ayrica bakinizWikimedia Commons ta Isa nin dirilisi ile ilgili ortam dosyalari bulunmaktadir Isa nin carmiha gerilisi Isa nin goge yukselisi Isa nin baskalasimi