Accipitridae veya Atmacagiller, Accipitriformes takımına bağlı yırtıcılardan oluşan bir kuş familyasıdır. Avladıkları orta boy memeliler ve çeşitli böcekler ile beslenirler. Bazıları leşle ve birkaçı meyvelerle de beslenebilir. Tüm kıtalara (Antarktika hariç) ve bazıları okyanus ada gruplarına yayılmıştır.
Accipitridae | |||||||||||
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Korunma durumu | |||||||||||
Değerlendirilmedi (IUCN 3.1) | |||||||||||
Biyolojik sınıflandırma | |||||||||||
Atmaca, kartal, çaylak, tuygun ve Eski Dünya akbabaları gibi birçok tanınan kuş Atmacagiller grubunda yer alır. Karyotip veri ile yapılan analizler Atmacagillerin farklı bir monofiletik grup olduğunu gösterir.
Türleri şekil ve büyüklük bakımından çeşitlilik gösterirler. Gampsonyx swainsonii ve Accipiter minullus 23 cm uzunluğunda ve yaklaşık 85 g ağırlığındadır. Aegypius monachus 108 cm ve 10 kg ölçülmüştür. Hatta 14. yüzyıla kadar Yeni Zelanda'da soyu tükenen 14 kg olduğu tahmin edilen 'na rastlanmıştır. Çoğu türünde dişilerin erkeklerden büyük olması ile eşeysel dimorfizm görülebilir. Bu cinsel farklılık boyutu yırtıcı kuş türlerinde daha belirgin, kemirgen avcılarda daha az belirgin, leş ya da salyangoz yiyenlerde neredeyse hiç yoktur.
Gagaları güçlü ve kıvrımlıdır. Bazı türlerde üst çenede çentik ya da 'diş' bulunur. Tüyleri genellikle beyaz, gri, kahverengi ve siyah tonlardadır ve nadiren parlak renklidir.
Accipitridae familyasına bağlı cinsler (2023):
- Accipiter - Brisson, 1760
- Aegypius - Savigny, 1809
- Aquila - Brisson, 1760
- Aviceda - Swainson, 1836
- Busarellus - Lesson, 1843
- Butastur - Hodgson, 1843
- Buteo - Lacepede, 1799
- Buteogallus - Lesson, 1830
- Chelictinia - Lesson, 1843
- Chondrohierax - Lesson, 1843
- Circaetus - Vieillot, 1816
- Circus - Lacepede, 1799
- Dryotriorchis - Shelley, 1874
- Elanoides - Vieillot, 1818
- Elanus - Savigny, 1809
- Erythrotriorchis - Sharpe, 1875
- Eutriorchis - Sharpe, 1875
- Gampsonyx - Vigors, 1825
- Geranoaetus - Kaup, 1844
- Geranospiza - Kaup, 1847
- Gypaetus - Storr, 1784
- Gypohierax - Ruppell, 1836
- Gyps - Savigny, 1809
- Haliaeetus - Savigny, 1809
- Haliastur - Selby, 1840
- Hamirostra - Brown, 1845
- Harpagus - Vigors, 1824
- Harpia - Vieillot, 1816
- Harpyhaliaetus - Lafresnaye, 1842
- Harpyopsis - Salvadori, 1875
- Helicolestes - Bangs & T. E. Penard, 1918
- Henicopernis - G. R. Gray, 1859
- Hieraaetus - Kaup, 1844
- Icthyophaga - Lesson, 1843
- Ictinaetus - Blyth, 1843
- Ictinia - Vieillot, 1816
- Kaupifalco - Bonaparte, 1854
- Leptodon - Sundevall, 1836
- Leucopternis - Kaup, 1847
- Lophaetus - Kaup, 1847
- Lophoictinia - Kaup, 1847
- Lophotriorchis - Sharpe, 1874
- Macheiramphus - Bonaparte, 1850
- Megatriorchis - Salvadori & Albertis, 1875
- Melierax - G. R. Gray, 1840
- Micronisus - G. R. Gray, 1840
- Milvus - Lacepede, 1799
- Morphnus - Dumont, 1816
- Necrosyrtes - Gloger, 1841
- Neophron - Savigny, 1809
- Nisaetus - Hodgson, 1836
- Parabuteo - Ridgway, 1874
- Percnohierax - Ridgway, 1920
- Pernis - Cuvier, 1816
- Pithecophaga - Ogilvie-Grant, 1896
- Polemaetus - Heine, 1890
- Polyboroides - A. Smith, 1829
- Rostrhamus - Lesson, 1830
- Rupornis - Kaup, 1844
- Sarcogyps - Lesson, 1842
- Spilornis - G. R. Gray, 1840
- Spizaetus - Vieillot, 1816
- Stephanoaetus - W. L. Sclater, 1922
- Terathopius - Lesson, 1830
- Torgos - Kaup, 1828
- Trigonoceps - Lesson, 1842
- Urotriorchis - Sharpe, 1874
- Güçlü çengelli gagasını ve gaga tabanını kaplayan ceresini gösteren Haliaeetus leucocephalus portresi
- Neophrontops americanus fosili
- Neogyps errans fosili
Konuyla ilgili yayınlar
- Alcover, Josep Antoni (1989): Les Aus fòssils de la Cova de Ca Na Reia ["The fossil birds of Ca Na Reia cave"]. Endins 14-15: 95-100. [Catalan with English abstract]
- Amaral, Karina Felipe & Jorge, Wilham (2003): The chromosomes of the Order Falconiformes: a review. Ararajuba 11(1): 65-73.
- American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) (2007): AMNH FR 2941 specimen information13 Haziran 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .. Retrieved 2008-APR-22.
- Brathwaite, D. H. (1992): "". Notornis 39(4): 239–247.
- Cracraft, Joel (1969): Notes on fossil hawks (Accipitridae). 86(2): 353-354.
- de Boer, L.E.M. (1975): Karyological heterogeneity in the Falconiformes (Aves). Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 31(10): 1138-1139. {{Doi|10.1007/BF02326755 (HTML abstract)
- Federico, Concetta; Cantarella, Catia Daniela; Scavo, Cinzia; Saccone, Salvatore; Bed'Hom, Bertrand & Bernardi, Giorgio (2005): Avian genomes: different karyotypes but a similar distribution of the GC-richest chromosome regions at interphase. Chromosome Research 13(8): 785-793. {{Doi|10.1007/s10577-005-1012-7 (HTML abstract)
- Lerner, Heather R.L. & David P. Mindell (2005): Phylogeny of eagles, Old World vultures, and other Accipitridae based on nuclear and mitochondrial DNA. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 37:327–346 PDF fulltext6 Haziran 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Miller, Loye H. (1931): Bird Remains from the Kern River Pliocene of California. 33(2): 70–72.
- Negro, J.J. (2008) Two aberrant serpent-eagles may be visual mimics of bird-eating raptors Ibis 150 (2): 307–314 {{Doi|10.1111/j.1474-919X.2007.00782.x
- Paton, P.W.C.; Messina, F.J. & C.R. Griffin (1994): A Phylogenetic Approach to Reversed Size Dimorphism in Diurnal Raptors. Oikos 71 (3): 492-498
- Shiu, Hau-Jie; Ken-ichi Tokita, Emiko Morishita, Emiko Hiraoka, Yinyin Wu, Hiroshi Nakamura and Hiroyoshi Higuchi (2006) "Route and site fidelity of two migratory raptors: Grey-faced Buzzards Butastur indicus and Honey-buzzards Pernis apivorus" Ornithological Science 5 (2): 151-156 {{Doi|10.2326/osj.5.151
- Smith, Richard (2003): Les vertébrés terrestres de l'Oligocène inférieur de Belgique (Formation de Borgloon, MP 21): inventaire et interprétation des données actuelles. [Early Oligocene terrestrial vertebrates from Belgium (Borgloon Formation, MP 21): catalog and interpretation of recent data.] Coloquios de Paleontología E1: 647-657. [French with English abstract] PDF fulltext9 Haziran 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Thiollay, J.M. (1994): Family Accipitridae (Hawks and Eagles) in del Hoyo, J.; Elliot, A. & Sargatal, J. (editors). (1994). . Volume 2: New World Vultures to Guineafowl. Lynx Edicions.
- Thomson, A.L. & R. E. Moreau (1957) : Feeding habits of the palm-nut vulture Gypoheerax. Ibis 99 (4), 608–613 {{Doi|10.1111/j.1474-919X.1957.tb03053.x
- Ward, J.; McCafferty, D.; Houston, D.; Ruxton, G. (2008). "Why do vultures have bald heads? The role of postural adjustment and bare skin areas in thermoregulation". Journal of Thermal Biology 33 (3): 168-173 {{Doi|10.1016/j.jtherbio.2008.01.002
- Wink, M.; Heidrich, P. & Fentzloff, C. (1996): A mtDNA phylogeny of sea eagles (genus Haliaeetus) based on nucleotide sequences of the cytochrome b gene. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 24: 783-791. {{Doi|10.1016/S0305-1978(96)00049-X PDF fulltext29 Ekim 2008 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- ; Tennyson, A.J.D.; Jones, C.; McNamara, J.A. & Douglas, B.J. (2007): Miocene waterfowl and other birds from central Otago, New Zealand. 5(1): 1-39. {{Doi|10.1017/S1477201906001957 (HTML abstract)
- Wetmore, Alexander (1934): Fossil birds from Mongolia and China. American Museum Novitates 711: 1-16. PDF fulltext22 Haziran 2007 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
Dış bağlantılar
- Accipitridae videos on the Internet Bird Collection
Wikimedia Commons'ta Atmacagiller ile ilgili çoklu ortam belgeleri bulunur.
Vikitür'de Atmacagiller ile ilgili ayrıntılı taksonomik bilgiler bulunur.
- ^ Mayr, Gerald; Smith, Thierry (22 Mart 2019). "A diverse bird assemblage from the Ypresian of Belgium furthers knowledge of early Eocene avifaunas of the North Sea Basin". Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen (İngilizce). 291 (3): 253-281. doi:10.1127/njgpa/2019/0801. 27 Temmuz 2022 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 6 Mayıs 2022.
- ^ "ITIS". 22 Aralık 2023 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 23 Kasım 2023.
- ^ de Boer (1975), Amaral & Jorge (2003), Federico et al. (2005)
- ^ Brathwaite (1992)
- ^ Paton et al. (1994)
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Accipitridae veya Atmacagiller Accipitriformes takimina bagli yirticilardan olusan bir kus familyasidir Avladiklari orta boy memeliler ve cesitli bocekler ile beslenirler Bazilari lesle ve birkaci meyvelerle de beslenebilir Tum kitalara Antarktika haric ve bazilari okyanus ada gruplarina yayilmistir Accipitridae Yasadigi donem araligi 50 0 myo Gunumuz PreYeYeOSDCPTJKPgNKorunma durumuDegerlendirilmedi IUCN 3 1 Biyolojik siniflandirmaAlem AnimaliaSube ChordataSinif AvesTakim AccipitriformesFamilya Accipitridae Vieillot 1816 Atmaca kartal caylak tuygun ve Eski Dunya akbabalari gibi bircok taninan kus Atmacagiller grubunda yer alir Karyotip veri ile yapilan analizler Atmacagillerin farkli bir monofiletik grup oldugunu gosterir OzelliklerTurleri sekil ve buyukluk bakimindan cesitlilik gosterirler Gampsonyx swainsonii ve Accipiter minullus 23 cm uzunlugunda ve yaklasik 85 g agirligindadir Aegypius monachus 108 cm ve 10 kg olculmustur Hatta 14 yuzyila kadar Yeni Zelanda da soyu tukenen 14 kg oldugu tahmin edilen na rastlanmistir Cogu turunde disilerin erkeklerden buyuk olmasi ile eseysel dimorfizm gorulebilir Bu cinsel farklilik boyutu yirtici kus turlerinde daha belirgin kemirgen avcilarda daha az belirgin les ya da salyangoz yiyenlerde neredeyse hic yoktur Gagalari guclu ve kivrimlidir Bazi turlerde ust cenede centik ya da dis bulunur Tuyleri genellikle beyaz gri kahverengi ve siyah tonlardadir ve nadiren parlak renklidir TaksonomiAccipitridae familyasina bagli cinsler 2023 Accipiter Brisson 1760 Aegypius Savigny 1809 Aquila Brisson 1760 Aviceda Swainson 1836 Busarellus Lesson 1843 Butastur Hodgson 1843 Buteo Lacepede 1799 Buteogallus Lesson 1830 Chelictinia Lesson 1843 Chondrohierax Lesson 1843 Circaetus Vieillot 1816 Circus Lacepede 1799 Dryotriorchis Shelley 1874 Elanoides Vieillot 1818 Elanus Savigny 1809 Erythrotriorchis Sharpe 1875 Eutriorchis Sharpe 1875 Gampsonyx Vigors 1825 Geranoaetus Kaup 1844 Geranospiza Kaup 1847 Gypaetus Storr 1784 Gypohierax Ruppell 1836 Gyps Savigny 1809 Haliaeetus Savigny 1809 Haliastur Selby 1840 Hamirostra Brown 1845 Harpagus Vigors 1824 Harpia Vieillot 1816 Harpyhaliaetus Lafresnaye 1842 Harpyopsis Salvadori 1875 Helicolestes Bangs amp T E Penard 1918 Henicopernis G R Gray 1859 Hieraaetus Kaup 1844 Icthyophaga Lesson 1843 Ictinaetus Blyth 1843 Ictinia Vieillot 1816 Kaupifalco Bonaparte 1854 Leptodon Sundevall 1836 Leucopternis Kaup 1847 Lophaetus Kaup 1847 Lophoictinia Kaup 1847 Lophotriorchis Sharpe 1874 Macheiramphus Bonaparte 1850 Megatriorchis Salvadori amp Albertis 1875 Melierax G R Gray 1840 Micronisus G R Gray 1840 Milvus Lacepede 1799 Morphnus Dumont 1816 Necrosyrtes Gloger 1841 Neophron Savigny 1809 Nisaetus Hodgson 1836 Parabuteo Ridgway 1874 Percnohierax Ridgway 1920 Pernis Cuvier 1816 Pithecophaga Ogilvie Grant 1896 Polemaetus Heine 1890 Polyboroides A Smith 1829 Rostrhamus Lesson 1830 Rupornis Kaup 1844 Sarcogyps Lesson 1842 Spilornis G R Gray 1840 Spizaetus Vieillot 1816 Stephanoaetus W L Sclater 1922 Terathopius Lesson 1830 Torgos Kaup 1828 Trigonoceps Lesson 1842 Urotriorchis Sharpe 1874GaleriGuclu cengelli gagasini ve gaga tabanini kaplayan ceresini gosteren Haliaeetus leucocephalus portresi Accipiter badius Haydarabad Hindistan da Neophrontops americanus fosili Neogyps errans fosiliKonuyla ilgili yayinlarAlcover Josep Antoni 1989 Les Aus fossils de la Cova de Ca Na Reia The fossil birds of Ca Na Reia cave Endins 14 15 95 100 Catalan with English abstract Amaral Karina Felipe amp Jorge Wilham 2003 The chromosomes of the Order Falconiformes a review Ararajuba 11 1 65 73 American Museum of Natural History AMNH 2007 AMNH FR 2941 specimen information13 Haziran 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Retrieved 2008 APR 22 Brathwaite D H 1992 Notornis 39 4 239 247 Cracraft Joel 1969 Notes on fossil hawks Accipitridae 86 2 353 354 de Boer L E M 1975 Karyological heterogeneity in the Falconiformes Aves Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 31 10 1138 1139 Doi 10 1007 BF02326755 HTML abstract Federico Concetta Cantarella Catia Daniela Scavo Cinzia Saccone Salvatore Bed Hom Bertrand amp Bernardi Giorgio 2005 Avian genomes different karyotypes but a similar distribution of the GC richest chromosome regions at interphase Chromosome Research 13 8 785 793 Doi 10 1007 s10577 005 1012 7 HTML abstract Lerner Heather R L amp David P Mindell 2005 Phylogeny of eagles Old World vultures and other Accipitridae based on nuclear and mitochondrial DNA Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 37 327 346 PDF fulltext6 Haziran 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Miller Loye H 1931 Bird Remains from the Kern River Pliocene of California 33 2 70 72 Negro J J 2008 Two aberrant serpent eagles may be visual mimics of bird eating raptors Ibis 150 2 307 314 Doi 10 1111 j 1474 919X 2007 00782 x Paton P W C Messina F J amp C R Griffin 1994 A Phylogenetic Approach to Reversed Size Dimorphism in Diurnal Raptors Oikos 71 3 492 498 Shiu Hau Jie Ken ichi Tokita Emiko Morishita Emiko Hiraoka Yinyin Wu Hiroshi Nakamura and Hiroyoshi Higuchi 2006 Route and site fidelity of two migratory raptors Grey faced Buzzards Butastur indicus and Honey buzzards Pernis apivorus Ornithological Science 5 2 151 156 Doi 10 2326 osj 5 151 Smith Richard 2003 Les vertebres terrestres de l Oligocene inferieur de Belgique Formation de Borgloon MP 21 inventaire et interpretation des donnees actuelles Early Oligocene terrestrial vertebrates from Belgium Borgloon Formation MP 21 catalog and interpretation of recent data Coloquios de Paleontologia E1 647 657 French with English abstract PDF fulltext9 Haziran 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Thiollay J M 1994 Family Accipitridae Hawks and Eagles in del Hoyo J Elliot A amp Sargatal J editors 1994 Volume 2 New World Vultures to Guineafowl Lynx Edicions ISBN 84 87334 15 6 Thomson A L amp R E Moreau 1957 Feeding habits of the palm nut vulture Gypoheerax Ibis 99 4 608 613 Doi 10 1111 j 1474 919X 1957 tb03053 x Ward J McCafferty D Houston D Ruxton G 2008 Why do vultures have bald heads The role of postural adjustment and bare skin areas in thermoregulation Journal of Thermal Biology 33 3 168 173 Doi 10 1016 j jtherbio 2008 01 002 Wink M Heidrich P amp Fentzloff C 1996 A mtDNA phylogeny of sea eagles genus Haliaeetus based on nucleotide sequences of the cytochrome b gene Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 24 783 791 Doi 10 1016 S0305 1978 96 00049 X PDF fulltext29 Ekim 2008 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Tennyson A J D Jones C McNamara J A amp Douglas B J 2007 Miocene waterfowl and other birds from central Otago New Zealand 5 1 1 39 Doi 10 1017 S1477201906001957 HTML abstract Wetmore Alexander 1934 Fossil birds from Mongolia and China American Museum Novitates 711 1 16 PDF fulltext22 Haziran 2007 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Dis baglantilarAccipitridae videos on the Internet Bird Collection Wikimedia Commons ta Atmacagiller ile ilgili coklu ortam belgeleri bulunur Vikitur de Atmacagiller ile ilgili ayrintili taksonomik bilgiler bulunur Kaynakca Mayr Gerald Smith Thierry 22 Mart 2019 A diverse bird assemblage from the Ypresian of Belgium furthers knowledge of early Eocene avifaunas of the North Sea Basin Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie Abhandlungen Ingilizce 291 3 253 281 doi 10 1127 njgpa 2019 0801 27 Temmuz 2022 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 6 Mayis 2022 ITIS 22 Aralik 2023 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 23 Kasim 2023 de Boer 1975 Amaral amp Jorge 2003 Federico et al 2005 Brathwaite 1992 Paton et al 1994