Agni Parthene (Yunanca: Ἁγνὴ Παρθένε, saf bakire), ilk olarak 19'uncu yüzyılın sonunda söylenmiş; 1905'te ise yazıya dökülmüş bir Ortodoks Hristiyan ilahisidir.
Valaam Manastırı rahipleri sayesinde Kilise Slavcası çevirisine ulaşmak mümkündür.
İlahi 24 dizeden oluşmaktadır ve her dizeden sonra Χαῖρε νύμφη ἀνύμφευτε (Selam ey güveysiz gelin) ifadesi tekrarlanmaktadır.
Yunanca metin (1905) | Latin harflerine aktarım | İngilizce çevirisi |
1.Aα. Grekçe: Ἁγνὴ Παρθένε Δέσποινα, ἄχραντε Θεοτόκε, | Agní Parthéne Déspina, Áhrante Theotóke, | O pure and virgin Lady,/ O spotless Theotokos |
2.Aα. Grekçe: Μαρία ἀειπάρθενε κόσμου παντὸς Κυρία, R | María Aipárthene kósmu pantós Kiría, R | O ever-virgin Mary/ O Mistress of creation |
3.Aα. Grekçe: Χαῖρε τὸ ᾆσμα Χερουβείμ, χαῖρε ὕμνος ἀγγέλων, R | Hére to ásma Heruvím, hére ímnos angélon, R | Rejoice, song of the cherubim/ Rejoice, hymn of the angels |
4.Aα. Grekçe: Σὲ ἱκετεύω Δέσποινα, σὲ νῦν ἐπικαλοῦμαι. R | Se iketévo Déspina, Se, nin, epikalúme, R | I supplicate thee, Lady/ I humbly call upon thee |
- ^ . 19 Temmuz 2009 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 13 Nisan 2019.
- ^ a b This is the text of 4.Bβ. as published in 1905, exceptionally without rhyme (repeating the second half of 2.Aα).
An alternative text is now often sung instead: 4.Bβ. Grekçe: Θερμῶς ἐπικαλοῦμαί σε, ναὲ ἡγιασμένε Thermós epikalúme Se, Naé igiasméne, - ^ translates 4.Bβ. Grekçe: Θερμῶς ἐπικαλοῦμαί σε, ναὲ ἡγιασμένε . The original text of 4.Bβ. translates to "Hear me, immaculate one, lady of the whole world."
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Agni Parthene Yunanca Ἁgnὴ Par8ene saf bakire ilk olarak 19 uncu yuzyilin sonunda soylenmis 1905 te ise yaziya dokulmus bir Ortodoks Hristiyan ilahisidir Valaam Manastiri rahipleri sayesinde Kilise Slavcasi cevirisine ulasmak mumkundur Ilahi 24 dizeden olusmaktadir ve her dizeden sonra Xaῖre nymfh ἀnymfeyte Selam ey guveysiz gelin ifadesi tekrarlanmaktadir SozlerYunanca metin 1905 Latin harflerine aktarim Ingilizce cevirisi1 Aa Grekce Ἁgnὴ Par8ene Despoina ἄxrante 8eotoke R Grekce Xaῖre nymfh ἀnymfeyte 1 Ab Grekce Par8ὲne mὴthr ἄnassa panendrose te poke R 1 Ba Grekce Ὑpshlotera oὐranῶn ἀktinwn lamprotera R 1 Bb Grekce Xarὰ par8enikῶn xorῶn ἀggelwn ὑpertera R 1 Ga Grekce Ἐklamprotera oὐranῶn fwtὸs ka8arwtera R 1 Gb Grekce Tῶn oὐraniwn stratiῶn pasῶn ἁgiwtera R Agni Parthene Despina Ahrante Theotoke R Here Nimfi Animfefte Parthene Mitir Panendrose te poke R Ipsilotera Uranon aktinon labrotera R Hara parthenikon horon angelon ipertera R Eklamprotera uranon fotos katharotera R Ton Uranion stration pason agiotera R O pure and virgin Lady O spotless Theotokos R Rejoice O unwedded Bride O Virgin Queen and Mother O dewy fleece most sacred O height transcending heaven above O beam of light most radiant O joy of chaste and virgin maids surpassing all the angels O brilliant light of heaven above most clear and most radiant Commanding chief of heavenly hosts O holiest of holies2 Aa Grekce Maria ἀeipar8ene kosmoy pantὸs Kyria R 2 Ab Grekce Ἄxrante nymfh panagne Despoina Panagia R 2 Ba Grekce Maria nymfh ἄnassa xarᾶs ἡmῶn aἰtia R 2 Bb Grekce Korh semnh Basilissa Mhthr ὑperagia R 2 Ga Grekce Timiwtera Xeroybeim ὑperendo3otera R 2 Gb Grekce Tῶn ἀswmatwn Serafeim tῶn 8ronwn ὑpertera R Maria Aiparthene kosmu pantos Kiria R Ahrante Nimfi Panagne Despina Panagia R Maria Nimfi Anassa haras imon etia R Kori semni Vasilissa Mitir iperagia R Timiotera Heruvim iperendoxotera R Ton asomaton Serafim ton Thronon ipertera R O ever virgin Mary O Mistress of creation O Bride all pure and spotless O Lady all holy O holy Mary Bride and Queen and cause of our rejoicing O Maiden Queen most hon rable O Mother most holy More precious than the cherubim more glorious than the seraphim Surpassing principalities dominions thrones and powers3 Aa Grekce Xaῖre tὸ ᾆsma Xeroybeim xaῖre ὕmnos ἀggelwn R 3 Ab Grekce Xaῖre ᾠdὴ tῶn Serafeim xarὰ tῶn ἀrxaggelwn R 3 Ba Grekce Xaῖre eἰrhnh kaὶ xara limὴn tῆs swthrias R 3 Bb Grekce Pastὰs toῦ Logoy ἱera ἄn8os tῆs ἀf8arsias R 3 Ga Grekce Xaῖre paradeise tryfῆs zwῆs te aἰwnias R 3 Gb Grekce Xaῖre tὸ 3ylon tῆs zwῆs phgὴ ἀ8anasias R Here to asma Heruvim here imnos angelon R Here odi ton Serafim hara ton Arhangelon R Here irini ke hara limin tis sotirias R Pastas tu Logu iera anthos tis aftharsias R Here Paradise trifis zois te eonias R Here to xilon tis zois pigi athanasias R Rejoice song of the cherubim Rejoice hymn of the angels Rejoice ode of the seraphim and joy of the archangels Rejoice O peace Rejoice O joy and haven of salvation O bridal chamber of the Word unfading fragrant blossom Rejoice delight of paradise Rejoice life everlasting Rejoice O holy tree of life and fount of immortality4 Aa Grekce Sὲ ἱketeyw Despoina sὲ nῦn ἐpikaloῦmai R 4 Ab Grekce Sὲ dyswpῶ Pantanassa sὴn xarin ἐ3aitoῦmai R 4 Ba Grekce Korh semnὴ kaὶ ἄspile Despoina Panagia R 4 Bb Grekce Epakoyson moy axrante kosmoy pantos Kyria R 4 Ga Grekce Ἀntilaboῦ moy rῦsai me ἀpὸ toῦ polemioy R 4 Gb Grekce Kaὶ klhronomon deῖ3on me zwῆs tῆs aἰwnioy R Se iketevo Despina Se nin epikalume R Se disopo Pantanassa Sin harin exetume R Kori semni ke aspile Despina Panagia R Epakuson mu ahrante Kosmu pantos kiria R Antilavu mu rise me apo tu polemiu R Ke klironomon dixon me zois tis eoniu R I supplicate thee Lady I humbly call upon thee O Queen of all I beg thee to grant me thy favor O spotless and most honored maid O Lady all holy I call upon thee fervently thou temple most holy O thou my help deliver me from harm and all adversity And by thy prayers show me to be an heir of immortalityKaynakca www imhydra gr 19 Temmuz 2009 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 13 Nisan 2019 a b This is the text of 4 Bb as published in 1905 exceptionally without rhyme repeating the second half of 2 Aa An alternative text is now often sung instead 4 Bb Grekce 8ermῶs ἐpikaloῦmai se naὲ ἡgiasmene Thermos epikalume Se Nae igiasmene translates 4 Bb Grekce 8ermῶs ἐpikaloῦmai se naὲ ἡgiasmene The original text of 4 Bb translates to Hear me immaculate one lady of the whole world