Kızılderili dilleri ya da Amerind dilleri, Sibirya kökenli Na-Dene dilleri dışındaki bütün Kızılderili halklarının konuştuğu dilleri toplayan ve tarafından 1960 yılında ortaya atılan tartışmalı . Greenberg, Yeni Dünya yerli dillerini üç ana aile olarak düzenler: Eskimo-Aleut dilleri, Na-Dene dilleri ve Amerind dilleri. 1987 yılında yayımladığı adlı kitap, çok sayıda metodolojik kusura sahiptir ve önerdiği benzerlikler tarihî dilbilimcilerin çoğu tarafından reddedilir.
Amerind dilleri | |
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An Amerind Etymological Dictionary (Joseph Greenberg and Merritt Ruhlen, Stanford University, 2007) adını taşıyan çalışmaya göre sınıflandırma şöyledir:
- Kuzey ve Orta Amerika Amerind dilleri
- Kuzey Amerind dilleri
- Almosan–Keresiouan
- Algonkin–Vakaş dilleri
- Keres-Siyu dilleri (Keresiouan)
- Kado dilleri
- İrokua dilleri
- Keres dilleri
- Siouan–Yuchi
- Almosan–Keresiouan
- Penuti–Hoka dilleri
- Penuti dilleri
- Çimşiyan dilleri
- Çinuk dilleri
- California
- Zunice
- Meksika Penuti dilleri
- Kuzey Hoka dilleri
- Karok–Shasta
- Shasta–Achomawi
- Shasta–Achomawi
- Yanaca
- Karok–Shasta
- Salinan–Chumash
- Seri–Yuman
- Waicuri–Quinigua
- Kuzey Hoka dilleri
- Penuti dilleri
- Orta Amerika Amerind dilleri
- Kuzey Amerind dilleri
- Güney Amerind dilleri
- And–Çibça–Paez
- Çibça–Paez
- Makro-Paez
- And
- Aymaraca
- Itucale–Sabela
- Cahuapana–Zaparo
- Kuzey And
- Keçuva dilleri
- Çibça–Paez
- Ekvator–Tucano
- Ekvator
- Jivaro–Kandoshi
- –
- Jivaro–Kandoshi
- Makro-Tucano
- Ekvator
- Ge–Pano–Karib
- Makro-Karib
- [spurious]
- Makro-Karib
- And–Çibça–Paez
- Adelaar, Willem F. H. (1989). [Review of Greenberg, Language in the Americas]. , 78, 249-255.
- Berman, Howard. (1992). A comment on the Yurok and Kalapuya data in Greenberg's Language in the Americas. International Journal of American Linguistics, 58 (2), 230-233.
- Bonnichsen, Robson; & Steele, D. Gentry (Eds.). (1994). Method and theory for investigating the peopling of the Americas. Peopling of the Americas publications. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University, Center for the Study of the First Americans. .
- Campbell, Lyle. (1988). [Review of Language in the Americas, Greenberg 1987]. Language, 64, 591-615.
- Campbell, Lyle. (1997). American Indian languages: The historical linguistics of Native America. New York: Oxford University Press. .
- Campbell, Lyle; Poser, William J. (2008) Language Classification, History and Method, Cambridge University Press
- Chafe, Wallace. (1987). [Review of Greenberg 1987]. Current Anthropology, 28, 652-653.
- (1880), Einleitung in das Sprachstudium. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte und Methodik der vergleichenden Sprachforschung, Leipzig: , OCLC: 3961260
- Goddard, Ives. (1987). [Review of Joseph Greenberg, Language in the Americas]. Current Anthropology, 28, 656-657.
- Goddard, Ives. (1990). [Review of Language in the Americas by Joseph H. Greenberg]. Linguistics, 28, 556-558.
- Goddard, Ives. (1996). The classification of native languages of North America. In I. Goddard (Ed.), Languages (pp. 290–323). Handbook of North Americans Indians (Vol. 17). Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution.
- Goddard, Ives (Ed.). (1996). Languages. Handbook of North American Indians (W. C. Sturtevant, General Ed.) (Vol. 17). Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution. .
- Goddard, Ives; & Campbell, Lyle. (1994). The history and classification of American Indian languages: What are the implications for the peopling of the Americas?. In R. Bonnichsen & D. Steele (Eds.), Method and theory for investigating the peopling of the Americas (pp. 189–207). Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University.
- Golla, Victor. (1987). [Review of Joseph H. Greenberg: Language in the Americas]. Current Anthropology, 28, 657-659.
- Golla, Victor. (1988). [Review of Language in the Americas, by Joseph Greenberg]. American Anthropologist, 90, 434-435.
- Greenberg, Joseph H. (1960). General classification of Central and South American languages. In A. Wallace (Ed.), Men and cultures: Fifth international congress of anthropological and ethnological sciences (1956) (pp. 791–794). Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
- Greenberg, Joseph H. (1987). Language in the Americas. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
- Greenberg, Joseph H. (1987). Language in the Americas: Author's précis. Current Anthropology, 28, 647-652.
- Greenberg, Joseph H. (1989). Classification of American Indian languages: A reply to Campbell. Language, 65, 107-114.
- Greenberg, Joseph H. (1996). In defense of Amerind. International Journal of American Linguistics, 62, 131-164.
- ; (2007), (PDF), Department of Anthropology, Stanford University, 25 Aralık 2010 tarihinde kaynağından (PDF) arşivlendi, erişim tarihi: 12 Aralık 2012
- Kimball, Geoffrey. (1992). A critique of Muskogean, 'Gulf,' and Yukian materials in Language in the Americas. International Journal of American Linguistics, 58, 447-501.
- Matisoff, James. (1990). On megalo-comparison: A discussion note. Language, 66, 106-120.
- Mithun, Marianne. (1999). The languages of Native North America. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (hbk); .
- Nichols, Johanna (1992), Linguistic diversity in space and time, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, ISBN
- Poser, William J. (1992). The Salinan and Yurumanguí data in Language in the Americas. International Journal of American Linguistics, 58 (2), 202-229. PDF 22 Eylül 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Rankin, Robert. (1992). [Review of Language in the Americas by J. H. Greenberg]. International Journal of American Linguistics, 58 (3), 324-351.
- Ringe, Don (2000). Some relevant facts about historical linguistics. In: Renfrew, Colin (Ed.), America Past, America Present: Genes and Languages in the Americas and Beyond (pp. 139–62). Cambridge, UK: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research.
- (1994), "Evolution of Language", Macey, Sam (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Time, New York: , ISBN
- (1994), "Linguistic Evidence for the Peopling of the Americas", Bonnichsen, Robson; Steele, D. Gentry (Ed.), Method and Theory for Investigating the Peopling of the Americas, Corvallis, Oregon: Center for the Study of the First Americans, , ss. 177-188, ISBN
- (Kasım 1994), "Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose", (Newsletter of the Association for the Study of Language in Prehistory), 23, ss. 72-73, OCLC: 35315526
- (1994), "Review of 'Linguistic Diversity in Space and Time' By Johanna Nichols", Anthropos, Anthropos Institute, cilt 89, ss. 640-641, ISSN 0257-9774
- (1994), On the Origin of Languages: Studies in Linguistic Taxonomy, Stanford: , ISBN
- (Mart 1995), "A Note on Amerind Pronouns", (Newsletter of the Association for the Study of Language in Prehistory), 24, ss. 60-61, OCLC: 35315526
- (Mart 1995), "Proto-Amerind *QETS' 'Left (Hand)'", , Association for the Study of Language In Prehistory (ASLIP), 24, ss. 69-70, OCLC: 35315526
- Ruhlen, Merritt (1995), "On the Origin of the Amerind Pronominal Pattern", Chen, Matthew Y.; Tzeng, Ovid J. L. (Ed.), In Honor of William S-Y. Wang, Taipei: Pyramid Press, ss. 405-407, ISBN
- (Ocak 1995), "Proto-Amerind Numerals", Anthropological Science, Tokyo: Anthropological Society of Nippon, 103 (3), ss. 209-225, ISSN 1348-8570
- (2004), "On the Amerind Origin of the Proto-Algonquian Numeral Suffix *-a:šyeka", Jones, Martin (Ed.), Traces of ancestry: studies in honour of Colin Renfrew, Cambridge: , ss. 139-142, ISBN
- Sapir, Edward (1984), "Letter to A. L. Kroeber (1918)", The Sapir-Kroeber correspondence: letters between Edward Sapir and A. L. Kroeber, 1905–1925, Berkeley: University of California at Berkeley, Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, OCLC: 17922146
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Kizilderili dilleri ya da Amerind dilleri Sibirya kokenli Na Dene dilleri disindaki butun Kizilderili halklarinin konustugu dilleri toplayan ve tarafindan 1960 yilinda ortaya atilan tartismali Greenberg Yeni Dunya yerli dillerini uc ana aile olarak duzenler Eskimo Aleut dilleri Na Dene dilleri ve Amerind dilleri 1987 yilinda yayimladigi adli kitap cok sayida metodolojik kusura sahiptir ve onerdigi benzerlikler tarihi dilbilimcilerin cogu tarafindan reddedilir Amerind dilleriCografi dagilimYeni DunyaSiniflandirmaAmerind dilleriAlt bolumler SiniflandirmaAn Amerind Etymological Dictionary Joseph Greenberg and Merritt Ruhlen Stanford University 2007 adini tasiyan calismaya gore siniflandirma soyledir Kuzey ve Orta Amerika Amerind dilleri Kuzey Amerind dilleri Almosan Keresiouan Algonkin Vakas dilleri Algonkin Yurok dilleri Mos dilleri Salis dilleri Vakas dilleri Keres Siyu dilleri Keresiouan Kado dilleri Irokua dilleri Keres dilleri Siouan Yuchi Siyu dilleri Penuti Hoka dilleri Penuti dilleri Cimsiyan dilleri Cinuk dilleri California Vintu dilleri Zunice Maskoke dilleri Yuki Vapo dilleri Yukice Vapoca Meksika Penuti dilleri Maya dilleri Kuzey Hoka dilleri Karok Shasta Shasta Achomawi Yanaca Salinan Chumash Seri Yuman Waicuri Quinigua Orta Amerika Amerind dilleri Tano dilleri Uto Aztek dilleri Oto Mange dilleri Guney Amerind dilleri And Cibca Paez Cibca Paez Makro Paez And Aymaraca Itucale Sabela Cahuapana Zaparo Kuzey And Kecuva dilleri Mapudungu Ekvator Tucano Ekvator Jivaro Kandoshi Makro Tucano Ge Pano Karib Makro Karib spurious Notlar Campbell 1997 Poser amp Campbell 2008 Adelaar 1989 Berman 1992 Chafe 1987 Matisoff 1990 Golla 1987 Golla 1988 Kimball 1992 Mithun 1999 Poser 1992 Rankin 1992KaynakcaAdelaar Willem F H 1989 Review of Greenberg Language in the Americas 78 249 255 Berman Howard 1992 A comment on the Yurok and Kalapuya data in Greenberg s Language in the Americas International Journal of American Linguistics 58 2 230 233 Bonnichsen Robson amp Steele D Gentry Eds 1994 Method and theory for investigating the peopling of the Americas Peopling of the Americas publications Corvallis OR Oregon State University Center for the Study of the First Americans ISBN 0 912933 09 7 Campbell Lyle 1988 Review of Language in the Americas Greenberg 1987 Language 64 591 615 Campbell Lyle 1997 American Indian languages The historical linguistics of Native America New York Oxford University Press ISBN 0 19 509427 1 Campbell Lyle Poser William J 2008 Language Classification History and Method Cambridge University Press Chafe Wallace 1987 Review of Greenberg 1987 Current Anthropology 28 652 653 1880 Einleitung in das Sprachstudium Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte und Methodik der vergleichenden Sprachforschung Leipzig OCLC 3961260 Goddard Ives 1987 Review of Joseph Greenberg Language in the Americas Current Anthropology 28 656 657 Goddard Ives 1990 Review of Language in the Americas by Joseph H Greenberg Linguistics 28 556 558 Goddard Ives 1996 The classification of native languages of North America In I Goddard Ed Languages pp 290 323 Handbook of North Americans Indians Vol 17 Washington D C Smithsonian Institution Goddard Ives Ed 1996 Languages Handbook of North American Indians W C Sturtevant General Ed Vol 17 Washington D C Smithsonian Institution ISBN 0 16 048774 9 Goddard Ives amp Campbell Lyle 1994 The history and classification of American Indian languages What are the implications for the peopling of the Americas In R Bonnichsen amp D Steele Eds Method and theory for investigating the peopling of the Americas pp 189 207 Corvallis OR Oregon State University Golla Victor 1987 Review of Joseph H Greenberg Language in the Americas Current Anthropology 28 657 659 Golla Victor 1988 Review of Language in the Americas by Joseph Greenberg American Anthropologist 90 434 435 Greenberg Joseph H 1960 General classification of Central and South American languages In A Wallace Ed Men and cultures Fifth international congress of anthropological and ethnological sciences 1956 pp 791 794 Philadelphia University of Pennsylvania Press Greenberg Joseph H 1987 Language in the Americas Stanford Stanford University Press Greenberg Joseph H 1987 Language in the Americas Author s precis Current Anthropology 28 647 652 Greenberg Joseph H 1989 Classification of American Indian languages A reply to Campbell Language 65 107 114 Greenberg Joseph H 1996 In defense of Amerind International Journal of American Linguistics 62 131 164 2007 PDF Department of Anthropology Stanford University 25 Aralik 2010 tarihinde kaynagindan PDF arsivlendi erisim tarihi 12 Aralik 2012 Kimball Geoffrey 1992 A critique of Muskogean Gulf and Yukian materials in Language in the Americas International Journal of American Linguistics 58 447 501 Matisoff James 1990 On megalo comparison A discussion note Language 66 106 120 Mithun Marianne 1999 The languages of Native North America Cambridge Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 521 23228 7 hbk ISBN 0 521 29875 X Nichols Johanna 1992 Linguistic diversity in space and time Chicago University of Chicago Press ISBN 0 226 58056 3 Poser William J 1992 The Salinan and Yurumangui data in Language in the Americas International Journal of American Linguistics 58 2 202 229 PDF 22 Eylul 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Rankin Robert 1992 Review of Language in the Americas by J H Greenberg International Journal of American Linguistics 58 3 324 351 Ringe Don 2000 Some relevant facts about historical linguistics In Renfrew Colin Ed America Past America Present Genes and Languages in the Americas and Beyond pp 139 62 Cambridge UK McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research 1994 Evolution of Language Macey Sam Ed Encyclopedia of Time New York ISBN 0 8153 0615 6 1994 Linguistic Evidence for the Peopling of the Americas Bonnichsen Robson Steele D Gentry Ed Method and Theory for Investigating the Peopling of the Americas Corvallis Oregon Center for the Study of the First Americans ss 177 188 ISBN 0 912933 09 7 Kasim 1994 Plus ca change plus c est la meme chose Newsletter of the Association for the Study of Language in Prehistory 23 ss 72 73 OCLC 35315526 1994 Review of Linguistic Diversity in Space and Time By Johanna Nichols Anthropos Anthropos Institute cilt 89 ss 640 641 ISSN 0257 9774 1994 On the Origin of Languages Studies in Linguistic Taxonomy Stanford ISBN 0 8047 2321 4 Mart 1995 A Note on Amerind Pronouns Newsletter of the Association for the Study of Language in Prehistory 24 ss 60 61 OCLC 35315526 Mart 1995 Proto Amerind QETS Left Hand Association for the Study of Language In Prehistory ASLIP 24 ss 69 70 OCLC 35315526 Ruhlen Merritt 1995 On the Origin of the Amerind Pronominal Pattern Chen Matthew Y Tzeng Ovid J L Ed In Honor of William S Y Wang Taipei Pyramid Press ss 405 407 ISBN 957 9268 55 X Ocak 1995 Proto Amerind Numerals Anthropological Science Tokyo Anthropological Society of Nippon 103 3 ss 209 225 ISSN 1348 8570 2004 On the Amerind Origin of the Proto Algonquian Numeral Suffix a syeka Jones Martin Ed Traces of ancestry studies in honour of Colin Renfrew Cambridge ss 139 142 ISBN 1 902937 25 2 Sapir Edward 1984 Letter to A L Kroeber 1918 The Sapir Kroeber correspondence letters between Edward Sapir and A L Kroeber 1905 1925 Berkeley University of California at Berkeley Survey of California and Other Indian Languages OCLC 17922146 yayinci dis baglanti yardim