Vintu dilleri (İngilizce: Wintuan, Wintun, Wintoon, Copeh, Copehan), Amerika Birleşik Devletlerine bağlı Kaliforniya eyaletinin kuzey merkezinde yaşayan tarafından konuşulan Amerind Kızılderili dil ailesi. Biri tükenmiş olan diğerleri de tükenmekte olan dört dilden oluşur.
Vintu dilleri | |
Coğrafi dağılım | Kuzey Amerika (Kaliforniya) |
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I. Kuzey Vintu dilleri
- 1. (Wintu proper)
- 2. (Nomelaki, Noamlakee, Central Wintu)
II. Güney Vintu dilleri
- 3. (Patwin, Patween)
- 4. (Southern Patwin) tükendi
- DeLancey, Scott; & Golla, Victor. (1997). The Penutian hypothesis: Retrospect and prospect. International Journal of American Linguistics, 63, 171-202.
- Dixon, Roland R.; & Kroeber, Alfred L. (1903). The native languages of California. American Anthropologist, 5, 1-26.
- Dixon, Roland R.; & Kroeber, Alfred L. (1913a). New linguistic families in California. American Anthropologist, 15, 647-655.
- Dixon, Roland R.; & Kroeber, Alfred L. (1913b). Relationship of the Indian languages of California. Science, 37, 225.
- Dixon, Roland R.; & Kroeber, Alfred L. (1919). Linguistic families of California. University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 16:47-118. Berkeley: University of California.
- Golla, Victor. (2007). Linguistic Prehistory. California Prehistory: Colonization, Culture, and Complexity, pp. 71–82. Terry L. Jones and Kathryn A. Klar, editors. New York: Altamira Press. .
- Gordon, Raymond G., Jr. (Ed.). (2005). Ethnologue: Languages of the world (15th ed.). Dallas, TX: SIL International. . (Online version: 13 Ekim 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .).
- Grant, Anthony. (1997). Coast Oregon Penutian. International Journal of American Linguistics, 63, 144-156.
- Liedtke, Stefan. (2007).The Relationship of Wintuan to Plateau Penutian. LINCOM studies in Native American linguistics, 55. Muenchen: Lincom Europa.
- Mithun, Marianne. (1999). The languages of Native North America. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (hbk); .
- Pitkin, Harvey. (1984). Wintu grammar. University of California publications in linguistics (Vol. 94). Berkeley: University of California Press. .
- Pitkin, Harvey. (1985). Wintu dictionary. University of California publications in linguistics (Vol. 95). Berkeley: University of California Press. .
- Schlichter, Alice. (1981). Wintu Dictionary. Report #2 of the Survey of California and Other Indian Languages. Department of Linguistics, University of California at Berkeley.
- Shepherd, Alice. (1989). Wintu texts. Berkeley: University of California Press. .
- Shipley, William F. (1978). Native Languages of California. Handbook of North American Indians, Vol. 8 (California), pages 80–90. William C. Sturtevant, and Robert F. Heizer, eds. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution. / 0160045754.
- Shepherd, Alice. (2006). Proto-Wintun. University of California publications in linguistics (Vol. 137). Berkeley: University of California Press.
- Whistler, Kenneth W. (1977). Wintun Prehistory: An Interpretation based on Linguistic Reconstruction of Plant and Animal Nomenclature. Proceedings of the Third Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, February 19–21. pp. 157–174. Berkeley.
- Whistler, Kenneth. (1980). Proto-Wintun kin classification: A case study in reconstruction of a complex semantic system. (Doctoral dissertation, University of California, Berkeley).
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Vintu dilleri Ingilizce Wintuan Wintun Wintoon Copeh Copehan Amerika Birlesik Devletlerine bagli Kaliforniya eyaletinin kuzey merkezinde yasayan tarafindan konusulan Amerind Kizilderili dil ailesi Biri tukenmis olan digerleri de tukenmekte olan dort dilden olusur Vintu dilleriCografi dagilimKuzey Amerika Kaliforniya Alt bolumlerKuzey Vintu Guney VintuSiniflandirmaI Kuzey Vintu dilleri 1 Wintu proper 2 Nomelaki Noamlakee Central Wintu II Guney Vintu dilleri 3 Patwin Patween 4 Southern Patwin tukendiKaynakca Anderson Stephen R 2012 Languages a very short introduction 1 bas Oxford B K Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0199590599 BibliyografyaDeLancey Scott amp Golla Victor 1997 The Penutian hypothesis Retrospect and prospect International Journal of American Linguistics 63 171 202 Dixon Roland R amp Kroeber Alfred L 1903 The native languages of California American Anthropologist 5 1 26 Dixon Roland R amp Kroeber Alfred L 1913a New linguistic families in California American Anthropologist 15 647 655 Dixon Roland R amp Kroeber Alfred L 1913b Relationship of the Indian languages of California Science 37 225 Dixon Roland R amp Kroeber Alfred L 1919 Linguistic families of California University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 16 47 118 Berkeley University of California Golla Victor 2007 Linguistic Prehistory California Prehistory Colonization Culture and Complexity pp 71 82 Terry L Jones and Kathryn A Klar editors New York Altamira Press ISBN 978 0 7591 0872 1 Gordon Raymond G Jr Ed 2005 Ethnologue Languages of the world 15th ed Dallas TX SIL International ISBN 1 55671 159 X Online version http www ethnologue com 13 Ekim 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Grant Anthony 1997 Coast Oregon Penutian International Journal of American Linguistics 63 144 156 Liedtke Stefan 2007 The Relationship of Wintuan to Plateau Penutian LINCOM studies in Native American linguistics 55 Muenchen Lincom Europa ISBN 978 3 89586 357 8 Mithun Marianne 1999 The languages of Native North America Cambridge Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 521 23228 7 hbk ISBN 0 521 29875 X Pitkin Harvey 1984 Wintu grammar University of California publications in linguistics Vol 94 Berkeley University of California Press ISBN 0 520 09612 6 Pitkin Harvey 1985 Wintu dictionary University of California publications in linguistics Vol 95 Berkeley University of California Press ISBN 0 520 09613 4 Schlichter Alice 1981 Wintu Dictionary Report 2 of the Survey of California and Other Indian Languages Department of Linguistics University of California at Berkeley Shepherd Alice 1989 Wintu texts Berkeley University of California Press ISBN 0 520 09748 3 Shipley William F 1978 Native Languages of California Handbook of North American Indians Vol 8 California pages 80 90 William C Sturtevant and Robert F Heizer eds Washington DC Smithsonian Institution ISBN 0 16 004578 9 0160045754 Shepherd Alice 2006 Proto Wintun University of California publications in linguistics Vol 137 Berkeley University of California Press Whistler Kenneth W 1977 Wintun Prehistory An Interpretation based on Linguistic Reconstruction of Plant and Animal Nomenclature Proceedings of the Third Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society February 19 21 pp 157 174 Berkeley Whistler Kenneth 1980 Proto Wintun kin classification A case study in reconstruction of a complex semantic system Doctoral dissertation University of California Berkeley