Arthur Stanley Eddington, , FRS (d. 28 Aralık 1882 - ö. 22 Kasım 1944), 20. yüzyıl başlarında yaptığı çalışmalarla tanınan astrofizikçi. Eddington aydınlatma gücü ve yıldızların aydınlatma gücünün doğal sınırı, adını kendisinden alır.
Arthur Eddington | |
![]() Arthur Stanley Eddington | |
Doğum | Arthur Stanley Eddington 28 Aralık 1882 Kendal, İngiltere |
Ölüm | 22 Kasım 1944 (61 yaşında) Cambridge, İngiltere |
Milliyet | İngiliz |
Mezun olduğu okul(lar) | Cambridge Üniversitesi Manchester Üniversitesi |
Ödüller | Royal Society Royal Medal (1928) (1907) (1924) (1924) (1924) (1930) (1938) |
Kariyeri | |
Dalı | Astrofizik |
Çalıştığı kurumlar | Cambridge Üniversitesi |
Doktora öğrencileri | |
Etkilendikleri | Arthur Schuster |

Görelilik kuramına ilişkin çalışmalarıyla tanınır. Eddington Einstein'ın genel görelilik kuramını İngilizce konuşan dünyaya duyuran ve açıklayan bir dizi makale yazdı. I. Dünya Savaşı bilimsel iletişimi kopartmıştı ve Almanya'daki yeni bilimsel gelişmeler İngiltere'de bilinmemekteydi. Ayrıca 1919'da göreliliğin ilk kanıtlarından birini ortaya koyan bir tutulma (eclipse) keşfi gezisini yürüttü. Böylece teorinin popüler açıklamalarına imza attı ve geniş çevrelerce tanındı.
- 1914. Stellar Movements and the Structure of the Universe. London: Macmillan.
- 1918. Report on the relativity theory of gravitation. London, Fleetway press, Ltd.
- 1920. Space, Time and Gravitation: An Outline of the General Relativity Theory. Cambridge University Press.
- 1923, 1952. . Cambridge University Press.
- 1926. Stars and Atoms 13 Ekim 2000 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .. Oxford: British Association.
- 1926. The Internal Constitution of Stars. Cambridge University Press.
- 1928. The Nature of the Physical World. MacMillan. 1935 replica edition: , University of Michigan 1981 edition: (1926–27 )
- 1929. Science and the Unseen World. U.S. Macmillan, UK Allen & Unwin. 1980 Reprint Arden Library . 2004 U.S. reprint - Whitefish, Montana : Kessinger Publications: . 2007 UK reprint London, Allen & Unwin (), with a new foreword by .
- 19nn. The Expanding Universe: Astronomy's 'Great Debate', 1900-1931. Cambridge University Press.
- 1930. Why I Believe in God: Science and Religion, as a Scientist Sees It
- 1935. New Pathways in Science. Cambridge University Press.
- 1936. Relativity Theory of Protons and Electrons. Cambridge Univ. Press.
- 1939. Philosophy of Physical Science. Cambridge University Press. (1938 Tarner lectures at Cambridge))
- 1925. The Domain of Physical Science. 2005 reprint:
- 1948. Fundamental Theory. Cambridge University Press.
Dış bağlantılar
Wikimedia Commons'ta Arthur Stanley Eddington ile ilgili ortam dosyaları bulunmaktadır. |
- O'Connor, J. J., and E. F. Robertson, "Arthur Stanley Eddington21 Aralık 2005 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .". School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of St Andrews, Scotland.
- Eddington Quotations22 Kasım 2005 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Bennett, Clark, " (1882-1944)". Founding Fathers of Relativity.
- Tenn, Joseph S.,"Arthur Stanley Eddington1 Mayıs 2015 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .". The Bruce Medalists.
- Clausen, Ben, ", Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington (1882–1944)".
- Russell, Henry Norris, "Review of The Internal Constitution of the Stars 1 Kasım 2021 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . by A.S. Eddington". Ap.J. 67, 83 (1928).
- Durham, Ian T., "Eddington & Uncertainty". Physics in Perspective (September – December). Arxiv, History of Physics.
- Kilmister, C. W. (1994). Eddington's search for a fundamental theory. Cambridge Univ. Press.
- project in proceeding in fórum astronomical.
- O'Connor, John J.; Robertson, Edmund F., "Arthur Stanley Eddington", MacTutor History of Mathematics archive .
- Lecchini, Stefano, "How Dwarfs Became Giants. The Discovery of the Mass-Luminosity Relation". Bern Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science, pp. 224 (2007).
- Vibert Douglas, A. (1956). The Life of Arthur Stanley Eddington. Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd.
- Stanley, Matthew. “An Expedition to Heal the Wounds of War: The 1919 Eclipse Expedition and Eddington as Quaker Adventurer.” Isis 94 (2003): 57–89.
- Stanley, Matthew. “So Simple a Thing as a Star: Jeans, Eddington, and the Growth of Astrophysical Phenomenology” in British Journal for the History of Science, 2007, 40: 53-82.
- Stanley, Matthew (2007). Practical Mystic: Religion, Science, and A.S. Eddington. University of Chicago Press.
- article by C. W. Kilmister, ‘Eddington, Sir Arthur Stanley (1882–1944)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 accessed 23 November 2008
- Bernet, Claus: Eddington, Arthur Stanley, in: BBKL, 32, 2011, 278-288:[]
- Biography and bibliography of Bruce medalists: Arthur Stanley Eddington 23 Eylül 2009 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Links to online copies of important books by Eddington: 'The Nature of the Physical World', 'The Philosophy of Physical Science', 'Relativity Theory of Protons and Electrons', and 'Fundamental Theory' 14 Ekim 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
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Arthur Stanley Eddington FRS d 28 Aralik 1882 o 22 Kasim 1944 20 yuzyil baslarinda yaptigi calismalarla taninan astrofizikci Eddington aydinlatma gucu ve yildizlarin aydinlatma gucunun dogal siniri adini kendisinden alir Arthur EddingtonArthur Stanley EddingtonDogumArthur Stanley Eddington 28 Aralik 1882 1882 12 28 Kendal IngiltereOlum22 Kasim 1944 61 yasinda Cambridge IngiltereMilliyetIngilizMezun oldugu okul lar Cambridge Universitesi Manchester UniversitesiOdullerRoyal Society Royal Medal 1928 1907 1924 1924 1924 1930 1938 KariyeriDaliAstrofizikCalistigi kurumlarCambridge UniversitesiDoktora ogrencileriEtkilendikleriArthur Schuster Gorelilik kuramina iliskin calismalariyla taninir Eddington Einstein in genel gorelilik kuramini Ingilizce konusan dunyaya duyuran ve aciklayan bir dizi makale yazdi I Dunya Savasi bilimsel iletisimi kopartmisti ve Almanya daki yeni bilimsel gelismeler Ingiltere de bilinmemekteydi Ayrica 1919 da goreliligin ilk kanitlarindan birini ortaya koyan bir tutulma eclipse kesfi gezisini yuruttu Boylece teorinin populer aciklamalarina imza atti ve genis cevrelerce tanindi Bibliyografya1914 Stellar Movements and the Structure of the Universe London Macmillan 1918 Report on the relativity theory of gravitation London Fleetway press Ltd 1920 Space Time and Gravitation An Outline of the General Relativity Theory Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 521 33709 7 1923 1952 Cambridge University Press 1926 Stars and Atoms 13 Ekim 2000 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Oxford British Association 1926 The Internal Constitution of Stars Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 521 33708 9 1928 The Nature of the Physical World MacMillan 1935 replica edition ISBN 0 8414 3885 4 University of Michigan 1981 edition ISBN 0 472 06015 5 1926 27 1929 Science and the Unseen World U S Macmillan UK Allen amp Unwin 1980 Reprint Arden Library ISBN 0 8495 1426 6 2004 U S reprint Whitefish Montana Kessinger Publications ISBN 1 4179 1728 8 2007 UK reprint London Allen amp Unwin ISBN 978 0 901689 81 8 with a new foreword by 19nn The Expanding Universe Astronomy s Great Debate 1900 1931 Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 521 34976 1 1930 Why I Believe in God Science and Religion as a Scientist Sees It 1935 New Pathways in Science Cambridge University Press 1936 Relativity Theory of Protons and Electrons Cambridge Univ Press 1939 Philosophy of Physical Science Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 7581 2054 0 1938 Tarner lectures at Cambridge 1925 The Domain of Physical Science 2005 reprint ISBN 1 4253 5842 X 1948 Fundamental Theory Cambridge University Press Dis baglantilarWikimedia Commons ta Arthur Stanley Eddington ile ilgili ortam dosyalari bulunmaktadir O Connor J J and E F Robertson Arthur Stanley Eddington21 Aralik 2005 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde School of Mathematics and Statistics University of St Andrews Scotland Eddington Quotations22 Kasim 2005 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Bennett Clark 1882 1944 Founding Fathers of Relativity Tenn Joseph S Arthur Stanley Eddington1 Mayis 2015 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde The Bruce Medalists Clausen Ben Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington 1882 1944 Russell Henry Norris Review of The Internal Constitution of the Stars 1 Kasim 2021 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde by A S Eddington Ap J 67 83 1928 Durham Ian T Eddington amp Uncertainty Physics in Perspective September December Arxiv History of Physics Kilmister C W 1994 Eddington s search for a fundamental theory Cambridge Univ Press project in proceeding in forum astronomical O Connor John J Robertson Edmund F Arthur Stanley Eddington MacTutor History of Mathematics archive Lecchini Stefano How Dwarfs Became Giants The Discovery of the Mass Luminosity Relation Bern Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science pp 224 2007 Vibert Douglas A 1956 The Life of Arthur Stanley Eddington Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd Stanley Matthew An Expedition to Heal the Wounds of War The 1919 Eclipse Expedition and Eddington as Quaker Adventurer Isis 94 2003 57 89 Stanley Matthew So Simple a Thing as a Star Jeans Eddington and the Growth of Astrophysical Phenomenology in British Journal for the History of Science 2007 40 53 82 Stanley Matthew 2007 Practical Mystic Religion Science and A S Eddington University of Chicago Press article by C W Kilmister Eddington Sir Arthur Stanley 1882 1944 Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Oxford University Press 2004 accessed 23 November 2008 Bernet Claus Eddington Arthur Stanley in BBKL 32 2011 278 288 http www kirchenlexikon de e eddington a s shtml olu kirik baglanti Biography and bibliography of Bruce medalists Arthur Stanley Eddington 23 Eylul 2009 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Links to online copies of important books by Eddington The Nature of the Physical World The Philosophy of Physical Science Relativity Theory of Protons and Electrons and Fundamental Theory 14 Ekim 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Vikipedi nin kardes projelerinden Arthur Stanley Eddington 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