Bu sayfanın tamamının ya da bir kısmının Türkçeye çevrilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu sayfanın tamamı ya da bir kısmı Türkçe dışındaki bir dilde yazılmıştır. Madde, alakalı dilin okuyucuları için oluşturulmuşsa o dildeki Vikipedi'ye aktarılmalıdır. İlgili değişiklikler gerçekleşmezse maddenin tamamının ya da çevrilmemiş kısımların silinmesi sözkonusu olabilecektir. İlgili çalışmayı yapmak üzere |
Avatar: Son Havabükücü, 61 bölümlük Emmy Ödüllü bir ABD yapımı çizgi dizidir. Michael Dante DiMartino ve Bryan Konietzko tarafından yazılmış ve oluşturulmuştur. İlk olarak 21 Şubat 2005'te Nickelodeon'da bir saatlik dizi ilk gösterimiyle yayınlandı ve iki saatlik bir televizyon filmiyle 19 Temmuz 2008'de yayınına son verdi.Avatar: Son Havabükücü serisi her bir sezonu bir "Kitap" olarak ifade eder. Her bir "Kitap" adını başkahraman Aang'in ustalaşması gereken elementlerden alır: Su, Toprak ve Ateş. Gösterinin ilk iki sezonundan her biri 20 bölümden oluşurken üçüncü sezonu 21 bölümden oluşur. Üç sezona ek olarak, iki tekrar bölümü ve üç "kısa film" bulunmaktadır. İlk tekrar bölümü ilk on sekiz bölümü özetlerken ikinci tekrar bölümü ise ikinci sezonu özetler. İlk özparodisi bir çevrimiçi flash oyunu aracılığıyla yayımlandır. İkinci ve üçüncü ise Complete Second Season Box Set DVD'si ile birlikte yayımlandı. Dizinin tamamı DVD'de 1. Bölge, 2. Bölge ve 4. Bölge'de yayımlandı.
Avatar: Son Havabükücü evreninde, dört elementi kontrol edebilen veya "bükebilen" insanlar bulunmaktadır: Hava, Su, Toprak ve Ateş. Dört elementin yanı sıra, her bir elementin karşılığı olarak dört ulus bulunmaktadır. Herkes element bükemez ve bükebilenler yalnızca bir elementi bükebilir. Ancak Avatar dört elementin tamamını yönetmeye ve bununla beraber ruhlarla bağlantı kurmaya yetkindir. Avatar da bir ulus içinde doğar ve ölmesinden sonra Hava, Su, Toprak ve Ateş desenini takip ederek diğer bir ulusta reenkarne olur. Dizi Ateş Ulusu'nun diğer uluslara karşı savaş ilan etmesi ve bir havabükücü olarak reenkarne olacak olan Avatar'ı (Aang) bulma araştırmasında tüm havabükücülerin öldürülmesinden 100 yıl sonrasında geçer. 100 yıl boyunca buzda kapana kısılan Avatar, savaşla ilgili hiçbir şey bilmemektedir. Dizi, Aang'in bir subükücü olan Katara tarafından kazara kurtarılmasıyla başlar. Dizi daha sonra başlıca Aang ve yoldaşları Sokka, Katara ve daha sonradan Toph ve Zuko'nun maceralarını takip eder. Dört elementin tamamında ustalaşmak ve Ateş Ulusu'nu alt etmeye çalışır. Ayrıca burada sürgün edilmiş Ateş Ulusu'nun veliaht prensi Zuko üzerinde ikinci bir odak noktası vardır. Zuko, mevcut Ateş kralı olan babasıyla yaptığı bir düelloda yaralanmıştır. Bundan sonra Zuko, Aang'i yakalayıp babasının kaybettiği desteğini ve onurunu tekrar kazanmayı takıntı haline getirmiştir.
Genel bakış
Sezon | Kitap | Bölüm | Orijinal yayın | DVD yayımı | ||||
Sezon finali | 1. Bölge | 2. Bölge | 4. Bölge | |||||
1 | Su | 20 | 21 Şubat 2005 | 2 Aralık 2005 | 19 Eylül 2006 | 26 Ocak 2009 | 4 Haziran 2009 | |
20 | 17 Mart 2006 | 1 Aralık 2006 | 11 Eylül 2007 | 20 Temmuz 2009 | 9 Eylül 2010 | |||
21 | 21 Eylül 2007 | 19 Temmuz 2008 | 16 Eylül 2008 | 1 Şubat 2010 | 2 Aralık 2010 |
1. sezon – Kitap 1: Su (2005)
№ | # | Başlık | Yönetmen | Senarist | Orijinal yayın tarihi | Ürün kodu[1] |
0 | 0 | "Yayınlanmamış Pilot Bölüm" | Dave Filoni | Michael Dante DiMartino & Bryan Konietzko | Unaired | 100 |
Sokka ve kızkardeşi Kya (isim daha sonra seri çekilmeye başladıktan sonra Katara'ya dönmüştür), Avatar Aang'a usta bükücüler bulmak için dünyayı gezmek zorundadırlar. Ancak önemli bir düşmanı atlatmaları gerekmektedir; Aang'i yakalamak isteyen Ateş Ulusu Prensi Zuko. | ||||||
1 | 1 | "Buzdağındaki Çocuk" | Dave Filoni | Michael Dante DiMartino & Bryan Konietzko | 21 Şubat 2005 | 101 |
Balık avlarken Sokka ve Katara Aang ve uçan bizonu Appa'yı buzdağı içinde hapsolmuş biçimde yüzerken bulurlar. Onu kurtardıktan sonra Aang'in bir ve Hava Gezginleri'nden, ki yüz yıl önce yok oldukları sanılıyordu, olduğunu anlarlar. Sonradan Aang isteksizce dört elementi de bükebilen Avatar olduğunu söyler. Avatar nesilden nesile yeniden hayat bulan ve Ateş Ulusu'nun diğer tüm ulusları işgal etmesini önleyecek kişidir, bu nedenle Ateş Ulusu tüm hava gezginlerini yok etmiştir. Bu esnada Zuko, cezalı Ateş Ulusu prensi, Avatar'ı bulmak için denizlerde gezinmektedir. Ateş Ulusu tarafından terk edilen bir gemiyi gezerlerken Katara Aang'e yüz yıldır süren savaştan bahseder. Kazara bir işaret fişeğini harekete geçirirler ve bunu gören Zuko köye doğru yol alır. | ||||||
2 | 2 | "Avatar'ın Dönüşü" | Dave Filoni | Michael Dante DiMartino & Bryan Konietzko | 21 Şubat 2005 | 102 |
Zuko, Aang'in bulunduğu Güney Su Kabilesi köyüne geldiğinde ondan teslim olmasını ister. Aang, kovulmasına rağmen köye geri döner ve Zuko'ya köyü terk etmesi durumunda teslim olacağını söyler. Zuko'nun gemisinde onun insafındayken Aang bir yolunu bularak muhafızlardan kaçarak Zuko ile savaşmaya başlar. Katara ve Sokka uçan bizon Appa'yı alarak Aang'in peşinden giderler. Aang ve arkadaşları Zuko ile yardımcılarını yenmeyi başarırlar. Katara ve Sokka Aang ile beraber Kuzey Kutbuna giderek Kuzey Su Kabilesi'nden öğrenmesine yardıcı olmaya karar verirler. | ||||||
3 | 3 | "Güney Hava Tapınağı" | Michael Dante DiMartino | 25 Şubat 2005 | 103 | |
Anılarını yeniden yaşamak ve hatırlamak için Aang Güney Hava Tapınağı'nı ziyaret etmeyi önerir. Eski hocası Rahip Gyatso'nun hikâyeleri ile Havabükücülerin oynadıları oyunlarla yaptıkları sporlardan bahseder. Tapınakta Aang uçan bir lemur bulur ve ona Momo adını verir. Vardıktan sonra Sokka ve Katara Ateş Ulusu'nun gelerek buradaki herkesi öldürdüğünü anlarlar ama Aang'i üzmemek için ondan saklamaya çalışırlar. Aang gerçeği fark ettiğinde sinirlenir ve Avatar Hali'ne geçer. Sonunda Katara ve Sokka onu sakinleştirir ve onun son Havabükücü olduğunu kabul etmesini sağlarlar. Bu arada, gemisi önceki bölümde Aang tarafından tahrip edilen Zuko onu tamir ettirmek için rıhtıma yanaşır. Burada Zuko ve amcası Avatarın bulunduğunu öğrenen Amiral Zhao ile karşılaşırlar. Zuko Amiral Zhao'yu Avatar'ı kimin takip edeceğini belirlemek için düelloya (agni-kai olarak da bilinir) çağırır ve Zuko kazanır. Zuko Zhao'nun canını bağışlar; o ise Zuko arkasını döndüğünde onu öldürmeye çalışır ancak Iroh onun saldırısını durdurur. | ||||||
4 | 4 | "Kyoshi Savaşçıları" | Nick Malis | 4 Mart 2005 | 104 | |
Yolculuklarına kısa bir mola vermek isteyen Aang, arkadaşlarıyla beraber Kyoshi Adasındaki Toprak Krallığı'na gelir. Burada Adayı çevreleyen denizde yaşayan "Koi Fili" adındaki dev canavarı kontrolü altına almayı başarır. Ayrılmadan hemen önce adada yaşayan kadın savaşçılar tarafından yakalanırlar. Aang, Kyoshi'nin eski kendisinin de yeni Avatar olduğunu söyleyerek onların kendisine inanmalarını sağlar. Bu sırada Kyoshi Savaşçılarından Suki, Sokka'yı savaş konusunda eğitir ve onun cinsiyetçi bakış açısını değiştirmeye çalışır. Aang ise adadakilerden gördüğü saygıyla mest olur. Bölümün sonunda Zuko onları bulur ve köyden çıkana kadar köyü yakar. Hem köyü hem de kendilerini Zuko'dan kurtarmak için Aang ve arkadaşları köyden kaçarlar. | ||||||
5 | 5 | "Omashu Kralı" | Anthony Lioi | John O'Bryan | 18 Mart 2005 | 105 |
Ekibin yolu üzerindeki bir sonraki durak Toprak Krallığı'nın Omashu kentidir. Burada Aang, Sokka ve Katara'ya şehrin oluklu posta sistemini gösterir. Bu oluklarda Aang, arkadaşı Bumi ile (Hintçe'de "toprak") yüz yıl önce kayma oyunu oynadıklarını söyler. Üçlü oluklarda kaymayı dener ancak bir lahana satıcısının arabasını devirince eğlence kötü sonuçlanır. Kentin deli kralı tarafından onurlarına bir ziyafet düzenlenir. Kral, Aang'in Avatar olmasından şüphelenerek onun yeteneklerini denemek için Aang'i üç ölümcül sınava sokar. Son sınavdan sonra Aang'den kralın adını bulması istenir ve sınavların tarzından Aang kralın çocukluk arkadaşı Bumi olduğunu anlar. Bumi, Aang'in Avatar olarak ne yapması gerektiği konusunda tavsiyelerde bulunur. | ||||||
6 | 6 | "Mahkûm" | Dave Filoni | 25 Mart 2005 | 106 | |
Aang, Katara, and Sokka camp near a small Earth Kingdom town that is controlled by the Fire Nation, which bans Earthbending. Katara convinces a young Earthbender named Haru to save an old man with Earthbending, only to have Haru captured by the soldiers as the old man turns him in. Katara devises a plan to get herself arrested so Aang and Sokka can follow her to where Haru was taken and liberate him. While at the prison, a metal sea fortress that is impervious to Earthbending, Aang and Katara incite a rebellion with an inspiring speech and the realization that coal is susceptible to Earthbending. The imprisoned Earthbenders manage to liberate themselves and return to their occupied cities. | ||||||
7 | 7 | "Dünyanın Ruhu (Kış Gündönümü, Kısım 1)" | Lauren MacMullan | 8 Nisan 2005 | 107 | |
Aang finds himself in a small Earth Kingdom village that is being attacked by a monster from the Spirit World. One night, this monster (named Hei Bai) captures Sokka. Aang decides to go after him. But after Aang is knocked out, he accidentally ends up in the Spirit World. There, he is told that Avatar Roku has a message for him. Aang proceeds to calm the attacking beast, restoring peace to the village. Meanwhile, Iroh gets captured by the Earth Kingdom. The soldiers who captured him wish to take him back to Ba Sing Se to face justice, the city Iroh laid siege to for 600 days during his youth as a Fire Nation general. This causes Zuko to stop his chase for the Avatar and to instead go after Iroh. | ||||||
8 | 8 | "Avatar Roku (Kış Gündönümü, Kısım 2)" | Giancarlo Volpe | Michael Dante DiMartino | 15 Nisan 2005 | 108 |
Aang has to travel to the Fire Temple to receive the message from Avatar Roku on the Winter Solstice. They are chased by Zuko and attacked by a Fire Nation blockade led by Zhao on the way there. When Aang gets to the temple he is shocked to learn the five Fire Sages there are no longer the Avatar's allies. However, a friendly sage helps Aang get to the sanctuary where he can talk to Roku. Avatar Roku informs Aang about "Sozin's Comet," which will return in just under a year and give the Fire Nation the power to finish the war. When Aang leaves the sanctuary, he is attacked by Zhao and the Sages. Aang defeats them when he manifests the spirit of Roku, who destroys the temple. | ||||||
9 | 9 | "Subükme Parşömeni" | Anthony Lioi | John O'Bryan | 29 Nisan 2005 | 109 |
Katara, despite her limited training as a waterbender, begins teaching Aang, and is frustrated when he surpasses her without effort. However, Aang accidentally washes away their supplies while practicing. When they go in town to buy more supplies, Katara finds a waterbending scroll at a store run by pirates. After Katara steals the scroll, the pirates chase the group. Meanwhile, Zuko runs into the pirates and agrees to help them find Aang and the scroll that Katara stole. Zuko captures Katara and the pirates capture Aang and Sokka. A fight breaks out between Zuko's crew and the pirates. During the commotion, the group escapes with the waterbending scroll. | ||||||
10 | 10 | "Jet" | Dave Filoni | James Eagan | 6 Mayıs 2005 | 110 |
A band of guerrilla fighters, led by the rogue Jet, rescue Aang, Katara, and Sokka from a small group of Fire Nation soldiers. Jet invites the team back to the Freedom Fighters' hideout, where the group plots out its attacks. Sokka has suspicions about Jet, however, which leads the young rebel to tempt Sokka with missions. His plan fails, making Sokka more skeptical of Jet's motives. Aang and Katara decide to help Jet "save" a nearby Earth Kingdom town, but Jet's real intent is to drown the village, willing to sacrifice the lives of innocent civilians to destroy the Fire Nation garrison there. However, Sokka manages to evacuate the city, Earth and Fire alike, in time to avoid Jet's plot. | ||||||
11 | 11 | "Büyük Ayrılık" | Giancarlo Volpe | John O'Bryan | 20 Mayıs 2005 | 111 |
The next destination the gang stumbles into is the Great Divide, the world's largest canyon. The group starts bickering, so Aang decides to put his Avatar skills to the test. He successfully solves their minor disputes, but Aang tries to put his skills to practical use, when two Earth Kingdom tribes, who have been in a feud for 100 years, need to cross the canyon together. Aang sends Appa across with most needy people of the two tribes, and, with the help of a knowledgeable earthbender, guides the rest across the vast, dry landscape. In the end, Aang is able to end the feud, and the two tribes travel together to the capital city of Ba Sing Se. | ||||||
12 | 12 | "Fırtına" | Lauren MacMullan | Aaron Ehasz | 3 Haziran 2005 | 112 |
The group is in need of money, so Sokka decides to help out a fisherman who is willing to pay him to help him on his next fishing trip, even though a storm seems imminent. The fisherman recognizes Aang as the Avatar "who turned his back on the world". Aang runs away in guilt, but Katara manages to track him down. Aang reveals to Katara that the monks at the Southern Air Temple wanted to send him away to the Eastern Air Temple to separate him from Monk Gyatso, the only person who cared about Aang as a person instead of as the Avatar. This led Aang to run away from home and (eventually) seal himself in the iceberg. Meanwhile on Zuko's ship, Zuko's own crew begin to question his leadership, until Iroh enlightens them on how the prince was scarred in a duel, and was then banished from the Fire Nation, by his own father. | ||||||
13 | 13 | "Mavi Ruh" | Dave Filoni | Michael Dante DiMartino & Bryan Konietzko | 17 Haziran 2005 | 113 |
Sokka suffers from an illness due to his exposure to the elements during the storm. When Katara begins to contract the illness as well, Aang goes to a nearby herbalist institute in hopes of finding a cure for his friends. On his way to collect the remedy she recommends, Aang is kidnapped by a group of Fire Nation Yuu Yan archers, commanded by the newly promoted Admiral Zhao. However, a masked marauder, the titular "Blue Spirit," rescues Aang from Zhao; he is knocked unconscious during the escape, and Aang discovers that he is Prince Zuko. Aang offers him friendship, but departs when he is rebuffed. | ||||||
14 | 14 | "Kahin" | Dave Filoni | Aaron Ehasz & John O'Bryan | 23 Eylül 2005 | 114 |
Katara, Aang, and Sokka go into a village that relies solely on the predictions of a fortuneteller, Aunt Wu. Sokka is skeptical and refuses to believe anything the fortuneteller says, and tries to disprove all the predictions she makes. Katara, on the other hand, is obsessed, and keeps returning to the fortuneteller for more predictions on her love life. Aang, who has just recently become smitten with her, attempts to attract her attention throughout the episode, with limited success; eventually he attempts to fetch a rare flower from the lip of a nearby volcano, which is revealed to be on the verge of erupting—a direct contradiction to Aunt Wu's predictions. Katara and Aang use waterbending to manipulate the clouds as a warning to the villagers, and the group manages to evacuate the village before the volcano erupts. As the lava comes toward the town, Aang pushes it back with strong airbending, causing Sokka to comment that Aang is a "powerful bender". This catches Katara's attention, as Aunt Wu had earlier predicted that she would marry a "powerful bender." | ||||||
15 | 15 | "Su Kabilesi'nden Bato" | Giancarlo Volpe | Ian Wilcox | 7 Ekim 2005 | 115 |
Sokka, Aang, and Katara find a seemingly abandoned Water Tribe fleet ship. Camping out by the boat, the kids discover that it belongs to Bato, an old friend of Katara and Sokka's father, Hakoda, and fellow member of the Southern Water Tribe. While they reminisce about the old days, Aang feels left out; when a messenger arrives with a message from Hakoda, inviting his children to visit them, Aang intercepts it and keeps it to himself, fearing they will abandon him. Later he comes clean about the message, but Sokka, furious at Aang for keeping it from them, is insistent on leaving to find his father. Meanwhile, Zuko finds a bounty hunter, June, to help him track down the Avatar. This leads to a skirmish, with Katara and Sokka returning to rescue Aang and resume their collective journey to the North Pole. | ||||||
16 | 16 | "Kaçak" | Lauren MacMullan | Tim Hedrick | 21 Ekim 2005 | 116 |
The protagonists travel into a Fire Nation town, which is hosting a festival of Fire Nation culture. Unfortunately, Aang's identity is discovered, but a strange man, Chey, helps the gang escape. Chey tells the trio about "the deserter", a man named Jeong Jeong who is the first man to desert the Fire Nation army and live. More importantly, he is a firebender who is not allied with the Fire Nation. However, Jeong Jeong refuses to teach Aang, still haunted by his failure to teach self-control to a previous student; it is only when Avatar Roku intervenes that Jeong Jeong consents to teach Aang. Aang, unfortunately, shows the same disregard for discipline, and accidentally burns Katara. While she discovers that she can heal others, and herself as well, Aang still regards firebending as dangerous and vows never to firebend again. Meanwhile, Aang is tracked down by Admiral Zhao, who is revealed to be Jeong Jeong's undisciplined former student. He fights Aang, but Aang is able to escape him by using his lack of self-control against him; he causes Zhao to burn his own ship. | ||||||
17 | 17 | "Kuzey Hava Tapınağı" | Dave Filoni | Elizabeth Welch Ehasz | 4 Kasım 2005 | 117 |
A storyteller tells the gang of people who travel in the air. According to the story, these people reside at the Northern Air Temple. The group decides to check it out, but are disappointed to just see normal people gliding. Aang is saddened that the Northern Air Temple has changed so dramatically since the time when he visited over 100 years ago, as its current residents have remodeled it extensively. Teo, a young paraplegic, convinces Aang to open the one remaining area of the temple left untouched. Aang is shocked to see the room stored with dozens of inventions with Fire Nation insignias on them. The Mechanist, Teo's father, confesses to aiding the Fire Nation with building weapons. When the Fire Nation comes to collect their latest invention, Aang tells them to leave. The Fire Nation proceeds to launch an attack against the temple, but Aang and the villagers manage to successfully defend against the attack. The Fire Nation, however, does manage to recover the invention, a war balloon. | ||||||
18 | 18 | "Subükme Ustası" | Giancarlo Volpe | Michael Dante DiMartino | 18 Kasım 2005 | 118 |
After the journey to the Northern Air Temple, the group lurks around the waters surrounding the North Pole, seeking out the Northern Water Tribe. They are found by a group of waterbenders from the tribe, who show them the way. Upon arriving, the gang is welcomed warmly by the citizens of the Northern Water Tribe, and the chief of the tribe throws a huge party in celebration. Sokka meets Yue, an attractive princess whom he falls for. Aang and Katara seek to learn waterbending from a master named Pakku, but he refuses to teach Katara due to sexist customs. Katara proves herself worthy, both by demonstration of technique and by invoking the memory of Pakku's beloved ex-fiancee—Katara's own grandmother, who could not stand to live under the Northern Water Tribe's misogyny—and Pakku relents. Meanwhile, Admiral Zhao hires the pirates from "The Waterbending Scroll" to assassinate Zuko; with his nephew killed, Iroh agrees to assist Zhao with an attack on the North Pole. But Zuko has survived, and, with Iroh's help, sneaks aboard Zhao's lead ship as his fleet departs. | ||||||
19 | 19 | "Kuzey Kuşatması, Kısım 1" | Dave Filoni | Aaron Ehasz | 2 Aralık 2005 | 119 |
As the Fire Nation's forces close in on the Northern Water Tribe, the leaders and citizens scramble to find a way to defend against the armada. As night begins to fall, Admiral Zhao decides to heed Iroh's advice and halt the attack since waterbenders are stronger under the moonlight. Zuko leaves Zhao's ship and infiltrates the tribe on his own, seeking to capture Aang. Aang believes going into the spirit world and speaking to the moon and ocean spirits could give him the wisdom to defeat the Fire Nation. However, after Aang's spirit leaves for the spirit world, Zuko arrives to kidnap his body; despite stern resistance from Katara, he succeeds. | ||||||
20 | 20 | "Kuzey Kuşatması, Kısım 2" | Dave Filoni | Aaron Ehasz | 2 Aralık 2005 | 120 |
Zuko struggles to find shelter in the freezing temperatures of the North Pole, while Sokka, Katara and Yue search for him and Aang. At the Northern Water Tribe, firebenders and Fire Nation tanks manage to infiltrate the city. Admiral Zhao slays the moon spirit, Tui, and the waterbenders lose their ability to waterbend. In anger, Aang, who along with Zuko was rescued by Sokka, Katara and Yue, goes into the Avatar State and, in joining with the Ocean Spirit La, destroys the entire Fire Nation armada and army, with the exceptions of Iroh and Zuko. Yue, who was imbued with some of the energy of the Moon Spirit when she was a baby, sacrifices her life to revive it, and becomes the Moon spirit. Zhao is pulled underwater and drowned by the Ocean Spirit in retaliation for slaying the Moon Spirit, refusing to accept Zuko's help when he attempts to save him. At the end of the episode, Ozai assigns Azula a mission to hunt down her traitor uncle and brother. |
2. sezon – Kitap 2: Toprak (2006)
3. sezon – Kitap 3: Ateş (2007–2008)
- ^ a b "The Boy in the Iceberg". Avatar: The Last Airbender. IGN. 21 Şubat 2005. 25 Nisan 2012 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 21 Temmuz 2008.
- ^ "Sozin's Comet". Avatar: The Last Airbender. TV Guide. 25 Ağustos 2013 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 21 Temmuz 2008.
- ^ Liu, Ed (18 Eylül 2007). . Toon Zone. 22 Ocak 2009 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 9 Ağustos 2008.
- ^ "Jbhifionline.com.au". 22 Ekim 2012 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 25 Eylül 2013.
- ^ "Amazon.co.uk". 29 Haziran 2011 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 25 Eylül 2013.
- ^ "Ezydvd.com.au". 9 Eylül 2010 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 25 Eylül 2013.
- ^ . 14 Ocak 2011 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 25 Eylül 2013.
- ^ Written and Directed by: Michael Dante DiMartino, Bryan Konietzko; Voices: Mitchel Musso as Aang and Mae Whitman as Kya (19 Eylül 2006). Avatar: The Last Airbender — The Complete Book One Box Set (DVD). Nickelodeon.
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Bu sayfanin tamaminin ya da bir kisminin Turkceye cevrilmesi gerekmektedir Bu sayfanin tamami ya da bir kismi Turkce disindaki bir dilde yazilmistir Madde alakali dilin okuyuculari icin olusturulmussa o dildeki Vikipedi ye aktarilmalidir Ilgili degisiklikler gerceklesmezse maddenin tamaminin ya da cevrilmemis kisimlarin silinmesi sozkonusu olabilecektir Ilgili calismayi yapmak uzere bu sayfadan destek alabilirsiniz Avatar Son Havabukucu 61 bolumluk Emmy Odullu bir ABD yapimi cizgi dizidir Michael Dante DiMartino ve Bryan Konietzko tarafindan yazilmis ve olusturulmustur Ilk olarak 21 Subat 2005 te Nickelodeon da bir saatlik dizi ilk gosterimiyle yayinlandi ve iki saatlik bir televizyon filmiyle 19 Temmuz 2008 de yayinina son verdi Avatar Son Havabukucu serisi her bir sezonu bir Kitap olarak ifade eder Her bir Kitap adini baskahraman Aang in ustalasmasi gereken elementlerden alir Su Toprak ve Ates Gosterinin ilk iki sezonundan her biri 20 bolumden olusurken ucuncu sezonu 21 bolumden olusur Uc sezona ek olarak iki tekrar bolumu ve uc kisa film bulunmaktadir Ilk tekrar bolumu ilk on sekiz bolumu ozetlerken ikinci tekrar bolumu ise ikinci sezonu ozetler Ilk ozparodisi bir cevrimici flash oyunu araciligiyla yayimlandir Ikinci ve ucuncu ise Complete Second Season Box Set DVD si ile birlikte yayimlandi Dizinin tamami DVD de 1 Bolge 2 Bolge ve 4 Bolge de yayimlandi Avatar Son Havabukucu evreninde dort elementi kontrol edebilen veya bukebilen insanlar bulunmaktadir Hava Su Toprak ve Ates Dort elementin yani sira her bir elementin karsiligi olarak dort ulus bulunmaktadir Herkes element bukemez ve bukebilenler yalnizca bir elementi bukebilir Ancak Avatar dort elementin tamamini yonetmeye ve bununla beraber ruhlarla baglanti kurmaya yetkindir Avatar da bir ulus icinde dogar ve olmesinden sonra Hava Su Toprak ve Ates desenini takip ederek diger bir ulusta reenkarne olur Dizi Ates Ulusu nun diger uluslara karsi savas ilan etmesi ve bir havabukucu olarak reenkarne olacak olan Avatar i Aang bulma arastirmasinda tum havabukuculerin oldurulmesinden 100 yil sonrasinda gecer 100 yil boyunca buzda kapana kisilan Avatar savasla ilgili hicbir sey bilmemektedir Dizi Aang in bir subukucu olan Katara tarafindan kazara kurtarilmasiyla baslar Dizi daha sonra baslica Aang ve yoldaslari Sokka Katara ve daha sonradan Toph ve Zuko nun maceralarini takip eder Dort elementin tamaminda ustalasmak ve Ates Ulusu nu alt etmeye calisir Ayrica burada surgun edilmis Ates Ulusu nun veliaht prensi Zuko uzerinde ikinci bir odak noktasi vardir Zuko mevcut Ates krali olan babasiyla yaptigi bir duelloda yaralanmistir Bundan sonra Zuko Aang i yakalayip babasinin kaybettigi destegini ve onurunu tekrar kazanmayi takinti haline getirmistir Genel bakisSezon Kitap Bolum Orijinal yayin DVD yayimiSezon finali 1 Bolge 2 Bolge 4 Bolge1 Su 20 21 Subat 2005 2 Aralik 2005 19 Eylul 2006 26 Ocak 2009 4 Haziran 200920 17 Mart 2006 1 Aralik 2006 11 Eylul 2007 20 Temmuz 2009 9 Eylul 201021 21 Eylul 2007 19 Temmuz 2008 16 Eylul 2008 1 Subat 2010 2 Aralik 2010Bolumler1 sezon Kitap 1 Su 2005 Baslik Yonetmen Senarist Orijinal yayin tarihi Urun kodu 1 00 Yayinlanmamis Pilot Bolum Dave FiloniMichael Dante DiMartino amp Bryan KonietzkoUnaired100Sokka ve kizkardesi Kya isim daha sonra seri cekilmeye basladiktan sonra Katara ya donmustur Avatar Aang a usta bukuculer bulmak icin dunyayi gezmek zorundadirlar Ancak onemli bir dusmani atlatmalari gerekmektedir Aang i yakalamak isteyen Ates Ulusu Prensi Zuko 11 Buzdagindaki Cocuk Dave FiloniMichael Dante DiMartino amp Bryan Konietzko21 Subat 2005 2005 02 21 101Balik avlarken Sokka ve Katara Aang ve ucan bizonu Appa yi buzdagi icinde hapsolmus bicimde yuzerken bulurlar Onu kurtardiktan sonra Aang in bir ve Hava Gezginleri nden ki yuz yil once yok olduklari saniliyordu oldugunu anlarlar Sonradan Aang isteksizce dort elementi de bukebilen Avatar oldugunu soyler Avatar nesilden nesile yeniden hayat bulan ve Ates Ulusu nun diger tum uluslari isgal etmesini onleyecek kisidir bu nedenle Ates Ulusu tum hava gezginlerini yok etmistir Bu esnada Zuko cezali Ates Ulusu prensi Avatar i bulmak icin denizlerde gezinmektedir Ates Ulusu tarafindan terk edilen bir gemiyi gezerlerken Katara Aang e yuz yildir suren savastan bahseder Kazara bir isaret fisegini harekete gecirirler ve bunu goren Zuko koye dogru yol alir 22 Avatar in Donusu Dave FiloniMichael Dante DiMartino amp Bryan Konietzko21 Subat 2005 2005 02 21 102Zuko Aang in bulundugu Guney Su Kabilesi koyune geldiginde ondan teslim olmasini ister Aang kovulmasina ragmen koye geri doner ve Zuko ya koyu terk etmesi durumunda teslim olacagini soyler Zuko nun gemisinde onun insafindayken Aang bir yolunu bularak muhafizlardan kacarak Zuko ile savasmaya baslar Katara ve Sokka ucan bizon Appa yi alarak Aang in pesinden giderler Aang ve arkadaslari Zuko ile yardimcilarini yenmeyi basarirlar Katara ve Sokka Aang ile beraber Kuzey Kutbuna giderek Kuzey Su Kabilesi nden ogrenmesine yardici olmaya karar verirler 33 Guney Hava Tapinagi Michael Dante DiMartino25 Subat 2005 2005 02 25 103Anilarini yeniden yasamak ve hatirlamak icin Aang Guney Hava Tapinagi ni ziyaret etmeyi onerir Eski hocasi Rahip Gyatso nun hikayeleri ile Havabukuculerin oynadilari oyunlarla yaptiklari sporlardan bahseder Tapinakta Aang ucan bir lemur bulur ve ona Momo adini verir Vardiktan sonra Sokka ve Katara Ates Ulusu nun gelerek buradaki herkesi oldurdugunu anlarlar ama Aang i uzmemek icin ondan saklamaya calisirlar Aang gercegi fark ettiginde sinirlenir ve Avatar Hali ne gecer Sonunda Katara ve Sokka onu sakinlestirir ve onun son Havabukucu oldugunu kabul etmesini saglarlar Bu arada gemisi onceki bolumde Aang tarafindan tahrip edilen Zuko onu tamir ettirmek icin rihtima yanasir Burada Zuko ve amcasi Avatarin bulundugunu ogrenen Amiral Zhao ile karsilasirlar Zuko Amiral Zhao yu Avatar i kimin takip edecegini belirlemek icin duelloya agni kai olarak da bilinir cagirir ve Zuko kazanir Zuko Zhao nun canini bagislar o ise Zuko arkasini dondugunde onu oldurmeye calisir ancak Iroh onun saldirisini durdurur 44 Kyoshi Savascilari Nick Malis4 Mart 2005 2005 03 04 104Yolculuklarina kisa bir mola vermek isteyen Aang arkadaslariyla beraber Kyoshi Adasindaki Toprak Kralligi na gelir Burada Adayi cevreleyen denizde yasayan Koi Fili adindaki dev canavari kontrolu altina almayi basarir Ayrilmadan hemen once adada yasayan kadin savascilar tarafindan yakalanirlar Aang Kyoshi nin eski kendisinin de yeni Avatar oldugunu soyleyerek onlarin kendisine inanmalarini saglar Bu sirada Kyoshi Savascilarindan Suki Sokka yi savas konusunda egitir ve onun cinsiyetci bakis acisini degistirmeye calisir Aang ise adadakilerden gordugu saygiyla mest olur Bolumun sonunda Zuko onlari bulur ve koyden cikana kadar koyu yakar Hem koyu hem de kendilerini Zuko dan kurtarmak icin Aang ve arkadaslari koyden kacarlar 55 Omashu Krali Anthony LioiJohn O Bryan18 Mart 2005 2005 03 18 105Ekibin yolu uzerindeki bir sonraki durak Toprak Kralligi nin Omashu kentidir Burada Aang Sokka ve Katara ya sehrin oluklu posta sistemini gosterir Bu oluklarda Aang arkadasi Bumi ile Hintce de toprak yuz yil once kayma oyunu oynadiklarini soyler Uclu oluklarda kaymayi dener ancak bir lahana saticisinin arabasini devirince eglence kotu sonuclanir Kentin deli krali tarafindan onurlarina bir ziyafet duzenlenir Kral Aang in Avatar olmasindan suphelenerek onun yeteneklerini denemek icin Aang i uc olumcul sinava sokar Son sinavdan sonra Aang den kralin adini bulmasi istenir ve sinavlarin tarzindan Aang kralin cocukluk arkadasi Bumi oldugunu anlar Bumi Aang in Avatar olarak ne yapmasi gerektigi konusunda tavsiyelerde bulunur 66 Mahkum Dave Filoni25 Mart 2005 2005 03 25 106Aang Katara and Sokka camp near a small Earth Kingdom town that is controlled by the Fire Nation which bans Earthbending Katara convinces a young Earthbender named Haru to save an old man with Earthbending only to have Haru captured by the soldiers as the old man turns him in Katara devises a plan to get herself arrested so Aang and Sokka can follow her to where Haru was taken and liberate him While at the prison a metal sea fortress that is impervious to Earthbending Aang and Katara incite a rebellion with an inspiring speech and the realization that coal is susceptible to Earthbending The imprisoned Earthbenders manage to liberate themselves and return to their occupied cities 77 Dunyanin Ruhu Kis Gundonumu Kisim 1 Lauren MacMullan8 Nisan 2005 2005 04 08 107Aang finds himself in a small Earth Kingdom village that is being attacked by a monster from the Spirit World One night this monster named Hei Bai captures Sokka Aang decides to go after him But after Aang is knocked out he accidentally ends up in the Spirit World There he is told that Avatar Roku has a message for him Aang proceeds to calm the attacking beast restoring peace to the village Meanwhile Iroh gets captured by the Earth Kingdom The soldiers who captured him wish to take him back to Ba Sing Se to face justice the city Iroh laid siege to for 600 days during his youth as a Fire Nation general This causes Zuko to stop his chase for the Avatar and to instead go after Iroh 88 Avatar Roku Kis Gundonumu Kisim 2 Giancarlo VolpeMichael Dante DiMartino15 Nisan 2005 2005 04 15 108Aang has to travel to the Fire Temple to receive the message from Avatar Roku on the Winter Solstice They are chased by Zuko and attacked by a Fire Nation blockade led by Zhao on the way there When Aang gets to the temple he is shocked to learn the five Fire Sages there are no longer the Avatar s allies However a friendly sage helps Aang get to the sanctuary where he can talk to Roku Avatar Roku informs Aang about Sozin s Comet which will return in just under a year and give the Fire Nation the power to finish the war When Aang leaves the sanctuary he is attacked by Zhao and the Sages Aang defeats them when he manifests the spirit of Roku who destroys the temple 99 Subukme Parsomeni Anthony LioiJohn O Bryan29 Nisan 2005 2005 04 29 109Katara despite her limited training as a waterbender begins teaching Aang and is frustrated when he surpasses her without effort However Aang accidentally washes away their supplies while practicing When they go in town to buy more supplies Katara finds a waterbending scroll at a store run by pirates After Katara steals the scroll the pirates chase the group Meanwhile Zuko runs into the pirates and agrees to help them find Aang and the scroll that Katara stole Zuko captures Katara and the pirates capture Aang and Sokka A fight breaks out between Zuko s crew and the pirates During the commotion the group escapes with the waterbending scroll 1010 Jet Dave FiloniJames Eagan6 Mayis 2005 2005 05 06 110A band of guerrilla fighters led by the rogue Jet rescue Aang Katara and Sokka from a small group of Fire Nation soldiers Jet invites the team back to the Freedom Fighters hideout where the group plots out its attacks Sokka has suspicions about Jet however which leads the young rebel to tempt Sokka with missions His plan fails making Sokka more skeptical of Jet s motives Aang and Katara decide to help Jet save a nearby Earth Kingdom town but Jet s real intent is to drown the village willing to sacrifice the lives of innocent civilians to destroy the Fire Nation garrison there However Sokka manages to evacuate the city Earth and Fire alike in time to avoid Jet s plot 1111 Buyuk Ayrilik Giancarlo VolpeJohn O Bryan20 Mayis 2005 2005 05 20 111The next destination the gang stumbles into is the Great Divide the world s largest canyon The group starts bickering so Aang decides to put his Avatar skills to the test He successfully solves their minor disputes but Aang tries to put his skills to practical use when two Earth Kingdom tribes who have been in a feud for 100 years need to cross the canyon together Aang sends Appa across with most needy people of the two tribes and with the help of a knowledgeable earthbender guides the rest across the vast dry landscape In the end Aang is able to end the feud and the two tribes travel together to the capital city of Ba Sing Se 1212 Firtina Lauren MacMullanAaron Ehasz3 Haziran 2005 2005 06 03 112The group is in need of money so Sokka decides to help out a fisherman who is willing to pay him to help him on his next fishing trip even though a storm seems imminent The fisherman recognizes Aang as the Avatar who turned his back on the world Aang runs away in guilt but Katara manages to track him down Aang reveals to Katara that the monks at the Southern Air Temple wanted to send him away to the Eastern Air Temple to separate him from Monk Gyatso the only person who cared about Aang as a person instead of as the Avatar This led Aang to run away from home and eventually seal himself in the iceberg Meanwhile on Zuko s ship Zuko s own crew begin to question his leadership until Iroh enlightens them on how the prince was scarred in a duel and was then banished from the Fire Nation by his own father 1313 Mavi Ruh Dave FiloniMichael Dante DiMartino amp Bryan Konietzko17 Haziran 2005 2005 06 17 113Sokka suffers from an illness due to his exposure to the elements during the storm When Katara begins to contract the illness as well Aang goes to a nearby herbalist institute in hopes of finding a cure for his friends On his way to collect the remedy she recommends Aang is kidnapped by a group of Fire Nation Yuu Yan archers commanded by the newly promoted Admiral Zhao However a masked marauder the titular Blue Spirit rescues Aang from Zhao he is knocked unconscious during the escape and Aang discovers that he is Prince Zuko Aang offers him friendship but departs when he is rebuffed 1414 Kahin Dave FiloniAaron Ehasz amp John O Bryan23 Eylul 2005 2005 09 23 114Katara Aang and Sokka go into a village that relies solely on the predictions of a fortuneteller Aunt Wu Sokka is skeptical and refuses to believe anything the fortuneteller says and tries to disprove all the predictions she makes Katara on the other hand is obsessed and keeps returning to the fortuneteller for more predictions on her love life Aang who has just recently become smitten with her attempts to attract her attention throughout the episode with limited success eventually he attempts to fetch a rare flower from the lip of a nearby volcano which is revealed to be on the verge of erupting a direct contradiction to Aunt Wu s predictions Katara and Aang use waterbending to manipulate the clouds as a warning to the villagers and the group manages to evacuate the village before the volcano erupts As the lava comes toward the town Aang pushes it back with strong airbending causing Sokka to comment that Aang is a powerful bender This catches Katara s attention as Aunt Wu had earlier predicted that she would marry a powerful bender 1515 Su Kabilesi nden Bato Giancarlo VolpeIan Wilcox7 Ekim 2005 2005 10 07 115Sokka Aang and Katara find a seemingly abandoned Water Tribe fleet ship Camping out by the boat the kids discover that it belongs to Bato an old friend of Katara and Sokka s father Hakoda and fellow member of the Southern Water Tribe While they reminisce about the old days Aang feels left out when a messenger arrives with a message from Hakoda inviting his children to visit them Aang intercepts it and keeps it to himself fearing they will abandon him Later he comes clean about the message but Sokka furious at Aang for keeping it from them is insistent on leaving to find his father Meanwhile Zuko finds a bounty hunter June to help him track down the Avatar This leads to a skirmish with Katara and Sokka returning to rescue Aang and resume their collective journey to the North Pole 1616 Kacak Lauren MacMullanTim Hedrick21 Ekim 2005 2005 10 21 116The protagonists travel into a Fire Nation town which is hosting a festival of Fire Nation culture Unfortunately Aang s identity is discovered but a strange man Chey helps the gang escape Chey tells the trio about the deserter a man named Jeong Jeong who is the first man to desert the Fire Nation army and live More importantly he is a firebender who is not allied with the Fire Nation However Jeong Jeong refuses to teach Aang still haunted by his failure to teach self control to a previous student it is only when Avatar Roku intervenes that Jeong Jeong consents to teach Aang Aang unfortunately shows the same disregard for discipline and accidentally burns Katara While she discovers that she can heal others and herself as well Aang still regards firebending as dangerous and vows never to firebend again Meanwhile Aang is tracked down by Admiral Zhao who is revealed to be Jeong Jeong s undisciplined former student He fights Aang but Aang is able to escape him by using his lack of self control against him he causes Zhao to burn his own ship 1717 Kuzey Hava Tapinagi Dave FiloniElizabeth Welch Ehasz4 Kasim 2005 2005 11 04 117A storyteller tells the gang of people who travel in the air According to the story these people reside at the Northern Air Temple The group decides to check it out but are disappointed to just see normal people gliding Aang is saddened that the Northern Air Temple has changed so dramatically since the time when he visited over 100 years ago as its current residents have remodeled it extensively Teo a young paraplegic convinces Aang to open the one remaining area of the temple left untouched Aang is shocked to see the room stored with dozens of inventions with Fire Nation insignias on them The Mechanist Teo s father confesses to aiding the Fire Nation with building weapons When the Fire Nation comes to collect their latest invention Aang tells them to leave The Fire Nation proceeds to launch an attack against the temple but Aang and the villagers manage to successfully defend against the attack The Fire Nation however does manage to recover the invention a war balloon 1818 Subukme Ustasi Giancarlo VolpeMichael Dante DiMartino18 Kasim 2005 2005 11 18 118After the journey to the Northern Air Temple the group lurks around the waters surrounding the North Pole seeking out the Northern Water Tribe They are found by a group of waterbenders from the tribe who show them the way Upon arriving the gang is welcomed warmly by the citizens of the Northern Water Tribe and the chief of the tribe throws a huge party in celebration Sokka meets Yue an attractive princess whom he falls for Aang and Katara seek to learn waterbending from a master named Pakku but he refuses to teach Katara due to sexist customs Katara proves herself worthy both by demonstration of technique and by invoking the memory of Pakku s beloved ex fiancee Katara s own grandmother who could not stand to live under the Northern Water Tribe s misogyny and Pakku relents Meanwhile Admiral Zhao hires the pirates from The Waterbending Scroll to assassinate Zuko with his nephew killed Iroh agrees to assist Zhao with an attack on the North Pole But Zuko has survived and with Iroh s help sneaks aboard Zhao s lead ship as his fleet departs 1919 Kuzey Kusatmasi Kisim 1 Dave FiloniAaron Ehasz2 Aralik 2005 2005 12 02 119As the Fire Nation s forces close in on the Northern Water Tribe the leaders and citizens scramble to find a way to defend against the armada As night begins to fall Admiral Zhao decides to heed Iroh s advice and halt the attack since waterbenders are stronger under the moonlight Zuko leaves Zhao s ship and infiltrates the tribe on his own seeking to capture Aang Aang believes going into the spirit world and speaking to the moon and ocean spirits could give him the wisdom to defeat the Fire Nation However after Aang s spirit leaves for the spirit world Zuko arrives to kidnap his body despite stern resistance from Katara he succeeds 2020 Kuzey Kusatmasi Kisim 2 Dave FiloniAaron Ehasz2 Aralik 2005 2005 12 02 120Zuko struggles to find shelter in the freezing temperatures of the North Pole while Sokka Katara and Yue search for him and Aang At the Northern Water Tribe firebenders and Fire Nation tanks manage to infiltrate the city Admiral Zhao slays the moon spirit Tui and the waterbenders lose their ability to waterbend In anger Aang who along with Zuko was rescued by Sokka Katara and Yue goes into the Avatar State and in joining with the Ocean Spirit La destroys the entire Fire Nation armada and army with the exceptions of Iroh and Zuko Yue who was imbued with some of the energy of the Moon Spirit when she was a baby sacrifices her life to revive it and becomes the Moon spirit Zhao is pulled underwater and drowned by the Ocean Spirit in retaliation for slaying the Moon Spirit refusing to accept Zuko s help when he attempts to save him At the end of the episode Ozai assigns Azula a mission to hunt down her traitor uncle and brother 2 sezon Kitap 2 Toprak 2006 3 sezon Kitap 3 Ates 2007 2008 Kaynakca a b The Boy in the Iceberg Avatar The Last Airbender IGN 21 Subat 2005 25 Nisan 2012 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 21 Temmuz 2008 Sozin s Comet Avatar The Last Airbender TV Guide 25 Agustos 2013 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 21 Temmuz 2008 Liu Ed 18 Eylul 2007 Toon Zone 22 Ocak 2009 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 9 Agustos 2008 Jbhifionline com au 22 Ekim 2012 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 25 Eylul 2013 Amazon co uk 29 Haziran 2011 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 25 Eylul 2013 Ezydvd com au 9 Eylul 2010 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 25 Eylul 2013 14 Ocak 2011 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 25 Eylul 2013 Written and Directed by Michael Dante DiMartino Bryan Konietzko Voices Mitchel Musso as Aang and Mae Whitman as Kya 19 Eylul 2006 Avatar The Last Airbender The Complete Book One Box Set DVD Nickelodeon