Leonard Barrie Corbin ya da Barry Corbin (d. 16 Ekim 1940, , Teksas), Amerikalı aktör.

Yaşamı ve kariyeri
Corbin 16 Ekim 1940'ta , Teksas'ta doğdu. Yer aldığı yapımlar arasında; Northern Exposure, Lonesome Dove, WarGames, One Tree Hill ve Anger Management sayılabilir.
- 1982: Six Pack
- 1983: WarGames
- 1985: What Comes Around
- 1986: Nothing in Common
- 1986: Hard Traveling
- 1987: Under Cover
- 1988: It Takes Two
- 1990: Short Time
- 1996: Solo
- 1999: Held Up
- 2002: Clover Bend
- 2003: Tin Can Shinny
- 2004: The Fort Fisher Hermit: The Life & Death of Robert E. Harrill
- 2005: River's End
- 2006: Waitin' to Live
- 2006: Beautiful Dreamer
- 2007: No Country for Old Men
- 2009: Feed the Fish
- 2010: Nonames
- 2010: Rising Stars
- 2010: The Next Door Neighbor
- 2011: Universal Squadrons
- 2012: Born Wild
- 2012: The Man Who Shook the Hand of Vicente Fernandez
- 2013: This Is Where We Live
- 2014: Dawn of the Crescent Moon
- 2015: Urban Cowboy: The Rise and Fall of Gilley's
- 2015: Christmas in the Smokies
- 2016: New Life
- 2017: An American in Texas
- 2017: Mountain Top
- 2017: All Saints
- 2018: The Pipeline
- 2018: Windsor
- 2018: Farmer of the Year
- 2018: Magic Max
- 2019: The Bay House
- Capture the Flag
- At the Edge of Time
- Trading Paint
- A Good Man Sins
Televizyon dizileri
- 1983: Boone
- 1985: Washingtoon
- 1990: Northern Exposure
- 1995: Raising Caines
- 1996: The Big Easy
- 2009: In the Bunkhouse with Red Steagall
- 2011: Crashing the Fest
- 2012: Anger Management
- 2012: Suit Up
- 2013: Defining Moment
Televizyon filmleri
- 1981: Norma Rae
- 1982: Bus Stop
- 1983: Travis McGee
- 1984: Flight 90: Disaster on the Potomac
- 1986: The Defiant Ones
- 1986: Firefighter
- 1986: Maggie
- 1987: Warm Hearts, Cold Feet
- 1988: Man Against the Mob
- 1988: The People Across the Lake
- 1988: Secret Witness
- 1990: Last Flight Out
- 1991: Conagher
- 1994: Moon Shot
- 1995: Deadly Family Secrets
- 1995: Fate of the Plains
- 1997: The Hired Heart
- 2000: Texas Tales and Legends
- 2002: Hope Ranch
- 2009: Wyvern
- 2010: The Lost Fort
- 2012: Ghoul
- 2012: The Buffalo Soldiers, an American Legacy
Video filmler
- 2008: A Fair to Remember
- ^ "Barry Corbin New York Times". 3 Kasım 2012 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 17 Ekim 2020.
Dış bağlantılar
Wikimedia Commons'ta Barry Corbin ile ilgili çoklu ortam belgeleri bulunur
- Resmî site
- IMDb'de Barry Corbin
- TCM Movie Database'de Barry Corbin
- AllMovie'de Barry Corbin
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Leonard Barrie Corbin ya da Barry Corbin d 16 Ekim 1940 Teksas Amerikali aktor Barry Corbin Eylul 1993 teYasami ve kariyeriCorbin 16 Ekim 1940 ta Teksas ta dogdu Yer aldigi yapimlar arasinda Northern Exposure Lonesome Dove WarGames One Tree Hill ve Anger Management sayilabilir FilmografiSinema 1982 Six Pack 1983 WarGames 1985 What Comes Around 1986 Nothing in Common 1986 Hard Traveling 1987 Under Cover 1988 It Takes Two 1990 Short Time 1996 Solo 1999 Held Up 2002 Clover Bend 2003 Tin Can Shinny 2004 The Fort Fisher Hermit The Life amp Death of Robert E Harrill 2005 River s End 2006 Waitin to Live 2006 Beautiful Dreamer 2007 No Country for Old Men 2009 Feed the Fish 2010 Nonames 2010 Rising Stars 2010 The Next Door Neighbor 2011 Universal Squadrons 2012 Born Wild 2012 The Man Who Shook the Hand of Vicente Fernandez 2013 This Is Where We Live 2014 Dawn of the Crescent Moon 2015 Urban Cowboy The Rise and Fall of Gilley s 2015 Christmas in the Smokies 2016 New Life 2017 An American in Texas 2017 Mountain Top 2017 All Saints 2018 The Pipeline 2018 Windsor 2018 Farmer of the Year 2018 Magic Max 2019 The Bay House Capture the Flag At the Edge of Time Trading Paint A Good Man SinsTelevizyon dizileri 1983 Boone 1985 Washingtoon 1990 Northern Exposure 1995 Raising Caines 1996 The Big Easy 2009 In the Bunkhouse with Red Steagall 2011 Crashing the Fest 2012 Anger Management 2012 Suit Up 2013 Defining MomentTelevizyon filmleri 1981 Norma Rae 1982 Bus Stop 1983 Travis McGee 1984 Flight 90 Disaster on the Potomac 1986 The Defiant Ones 1986 Firefighter 1986 Maggie 1987 Warm Hearts Cold Feet 1988 Man Against the Mob 1988 The People Across the Lake 1988 Secret Witness 1990 Last Flight Out 1991 Conagher 1994 Moon Shot 1995 Deadly Family Secrets 1995 Fate of the Plains 1997 The Hired Heart 2000 Texas Tales and Legends 2002 Hope Ranch 2009 Wyvern 2010 The Lost Fort 2012 Ghoul 2012 The Buffalo Soldiers an American LegacyVideo filmler 2008 A Fair to RememberKaynakca Barry Corbin New York Times 3 Kasim 2012 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 17 Ekim 2020 Dis baglantilarWikimedia Commons ta Barry Corbin ile ilgili coklu ortam belgeleri bulunur Resmi site IMDb de Barry Corbin TCM Movie Database de Barry Corbin AllMovie de Barry CorbinAmerikali oyuncu ile ilgili bu madde taslak seviyesindedir Madde icerigini genisleterek Vikipedi ye katki saglayabilirsiniz