Jonson Ben, (gerçek ismi Benjamin Jonson) (11 Haziran 1572 - 6 Ağustos 1637), 17. yüzyıl İngiliz oyun yazarı, şair, oyuncu ve eleştirmen.
Ben Jonson | |
![]() Benjamin Jonson | |
Doğum | 11 Haziran 1572 İngiltere |
Ölüm | 6 Ağustos 1637 |
Meslek | Aktör, şair |
İmza | |
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İngiltere'nin ikinci büyük tiyatro adamı (Shakespeare'dan sonra) olarak kabul edilir. Yaşamının İngiltere'de oyuncu ve yazar olarak adını duyurana kadarki bölümü hakkında pek fazla bir şey bilinmemektedir. 1598 yılında Every man in his humour adlı komedisi William Shakespeare'in kurduğu tiyatro topluluğu tarafından oynanmıştır. Shakespeare ile Jonson özel yaşamlarında da birbirlerinin yakın arkadaşlarındandır. 1604 yılında I. James tarafından saraya çağrılmış bu işte 20 yılını harcamıştır, artık sarayda gözden düşünce yeni komediler yazmaya karar vermişse de eski gücünü yitirdiğini fark etmiştir. Hayatının bir kısmına 2011 yapımı Anonymous filminde değinilmiştir.
- A Tale of a Tub, komedi 1640)
- The Case is Altered komedi 1597-8
- Every Man in His Humour komedi
- Every Man out of His Humour komedi
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- , trajedi
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- , comedy
- , komedi
- , komedi
- , trajedi
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- , komedi
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- , komedi
- The Sad Shepherd, pastoral (tamamlanmamış)
- Mortimer his Fall, tarih
Maskeli piyesler
- The Coronation Triumph, or The King's Entertainment (performed March 15, 1604; printed 1604); with Thomas Dekker
- A Private Entertainment of the King and Queen on May-Day (The Penates) (May 1, 1604; printed 1616)
- The Entertainment of the Queen and Prince Henry at Althorp (The Satyr) (June 25, 1603; printed 1604)
- (Jan. 6, 1605; printed ca. 1608)
- (Jan. 5, 1606; printed 1606)
- The Entertainment of the Kings of Great Britain and Denmark (The Hours) (July 24, 1606; printed 1616)
- The Masque of Beauty (Jan. 10, 1608; printed ca. 1608)
- (Feb. 2, 1609; printed 1609)
- Hue and Cry after Cupid, or The Masque at Lord Haddington's Marriage (Feb. 9, 1608; printed ca. 1608)
- The Speeches at Prince Henry's Barriers, or The Lady of the Lake (Jan. 6, 1610; printed 1616)
- Oberon, the Faery Prince (Jan. 1, 1611; printed 1616)
- Love Freed from Ignorance and Folly (Feb. 3, 1611; printed 1616)
- Love Restored (Jan. 6, 1612; printed 1616)
- A Challenge at Tilt, at a Marriage (Dec. 27, 1613/Jan. 1, 1614; Printed 1616)
- The Irish Masque at Court (Dec. 29, 1613; printed 1616)
- Christmas, his Masque (Christmas 1616; printed 1641)
- The Vision of Delight (Jan. 6, 1617; printed 1641)
- Lovers Made Men, or The Masque of Lethe, or The Masque at Lord Hay's (Feb. 22, 1617; printed 1617)
- Pleasure Reconciled to Virtue (Jan. 6, 1618; printed 1641) The masque was a failure; Jonson revised it by placing the anti-masque first, turning it into:
- For the Honor of Wales (Feb. 17, 1618; printed 1641)
- News from the New World Discovered in the Moon (Jan. 7, 1620: printed 1641)
- The Entertainment at Blackfriars, or The Newcastle Entertainment (May 1620?; MS)
- Pan's Anniversary, or The Shepherds' Holy-Day (June 19, 1620?; printed 1641)
- The Gypsies Metamorphosed (Aug 3 and 5, 1621; printed 1640)
- The Masque of Augurs (Jan. 6, 1622; printed 1622)
- Time Vindicated to Himself, and to his Honors (Jan. 19, 1623; printed 1623)
- Neptune's Triumph for the Return of Albion (Jan. 26, 1624; printed 1624)
- The Masque of Owls at Kenilworth (Aug. 19, 1624; printed 1641)
- The Fortunate Isles and their Union (Jan. 9, 1625; printed 1625)
- Love's Triumph Through Callipolis (Jan. 9, 1631; printed 1631)
- Chloridia: Rites to Chloris and Her Nymphs (Feb. 22, 1631; printed 1631)
- The King's Entertainment at Welbeck in Nottinghamshire (May 21, 1633; printed 1641)
- Love's Welcome at Balsover ( July 30, 1634; printed 1641)
- Epigrams (1612)
- The Forest (1616)
- A Discourse of Love (1618)
- Barclay's Argenis, (1623)
- The Execration against Vulcan with Epigrams (1640)
- Horace's Art of Poetry(1640)
- Underwoods (1640)
- Timber or Discoveries
- ^ Leech, Clifford. "Ben Jonson". Encyclopedia Britannica,. Erişim tarihi: 14 Haziran 2016.[]
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Jonson Ben gercek ismi Benjamin Jonson 11 Haziran 1572 6 Agustos 1637 17 yuzyil Ingiliz oyun yazari sair oyuncu ve elestirmen Ben JonsonBenjamin JonsonDogum11 Haziran 1572 IngiltereOlum6 Agustos 1637MeslekAktor sairImza Ingiltere nin ikinci buyuk tiyatro adami Shakespeare dan sonra olarak kabul edilir Yasaminin Ingiltere de oyuncu ve yazar olarak adini duyurana kadarki bolumu hakkinda pek fazla bir sey bilinmemektedir 1598 yilinda Every man in his humour adli komedisi William Shakespeare in kurdugu tiyatro toplulugu tarafindan oynanmistir Shakespeare ile Jonson ozel yasamlarinda da birbirlerinin yakin arkadaslarindandir 1604 yilinda I James tarafindan saraya cagrilmis bu iste 20 yilini harcamistir artik sarayda gozden dusunce yeni komediler yazmaya karar vermisse de eski gucunu yitirdigini fark etmistir Hayatinin bir kismina 2011 yapimi Anonymous filminde deginilmistir OyunlarA Tale of a Tub komedi 1640 The Case is Altered komedi 1597 8 Every Man in His Humour komedi Every Man out of His Humour komedi trajedi komedi comedy komedi komedi trajedi komedi komedi komedi komedi komedi The Sad Shepherd pastoral tamamlanmamis Mortimer his Fall tarihMaskeli piyeslerThe Coronation Triumph or The King s Entertainment performed March 15 1604 printed 1604 with Thomas Dekker A Private Entertainment of the King and Queen on May Day The Penates May 1 1604 printed 1616 The Entertainment of the Queen and Prince Henry at Althorp The Satyr June 25 1603 printed 1604 Jan 6 1605 printed ca 1608 Jan 5 1606 printed 1606 The Entertainment of the Kings of Great Britain and Denmark The Hours July 24 1606 printed 1616 The Masque of Beauty Jan 10 1608 printed ca 1608 Feb 2 1609 printed 1609 Hue and Cry after Cupid or The Masque at Lord Haddington s Marriage Feb 9 1608 printed ca 1608 The Speeches at Prince Henry s Barriers or The Lady of the Lake Jan 6 1610 printed 1616 Oberon the Faery Prince Jan 1 1611 printed 1616 Love Freed from Ignorance and Folly Feb 3 1611 printed 1616 Love Restored Jan 6 1612 printed 1616 A Challenge at Tilt at a Marriage Dec 27 1613 Jan 1 1614 Printed 1616 The Irish Masque at Court Dec 29 1613 printed 1616 Christmas his Masque Christmas 1616 printed 1641 The Vision of Delight Jan 6 1617 printed 1641 Lovers Made Men or The Masque of Lethe or The Masque at Lord Hay s Feb 22 1617 printed 1617 Pleasure Reconciled to Virtue Jan 6 1618 printed 1641 The masque was a failure Jonson revised it by placing the anti masque first turning it into For the Honor of Wales Feb 17 1618 printed 1641 News from the New World Discovered in the Moon Jan 7 1620 printed 1641 The Entertainment at Blackfriars orThe Newcastle Entertainment May 1620 MS Pan s Anniversary or The Shepherds Holy Day June 19 1620 printed 1641 The Gypsies Metamorphosed Aug 3 and 5 1621 printed 1640 The Masque of Augurs Jan 6 1622 printed 1622 Time Vindicated to Himself and to his Honors Jan 19 1623 printed 1623 Neptune s Triumph for the Return of Albion Jan 26 1624 printed 1624 The Masque of Owls at Kenilworth Aug 19 1624 printed 1641 The Fortunate Isles and their Union Jan 9 1625 printed 1625 Love s Triumph Through Callipolis Jan 9 1631 printed 1631 Chloridia Rites to Chloris and Her Nymphs Feb 22 1631 printed 1631 The King s Entertainment at Welbeck in Nottinghamshire May 21 1633 printed 1641 Love s Welcome at Balsover July 30 1634 printed 1641 DigerEpigrams 1612 The Forest 1616 A Discourse of Love 1618 Barclay s Argenis 1623 The Execration against Vulcan with Epigrams 1640 Horace s Art of Poetry 1640 Underwoods 1640 Timber or DiscoveriesKaynakca Leech Clifford Ben Jonson global britannica com Encyclopedia Britannica Erisim tarihi 14 Haziran 2016 olu kirik baglanti