Beverly Lucy Garland (evlilik öncesi soyadı: Fessenden; d. 17 Ekim 1926 –ö. 5 Aralık 2008), Amerikalı oyuncudur. Rol aldığı yapımlar arasında; It Conquered the World (1956), Swamp Women (1956), Gunslinger (1956) ve The Alligator People (1959) sayılabilir.
Beverly Garland | |
Garland 1969'da | |
Doğum | Beverly Lucy Fessenden 17 Ekim 1926 Santa Cruz, Kaliforniya, ABD. |
Ölüm | 5 Aralık 2008 (82 yaşında) Hollywood Hills, Kaliforniya, ABD. |
Diğer ad(lar)ı | Beverly Campbell |
Meslek | Oyuncu |
Etkin yıllar | 1949–2005 |
Evlilik | Bob Campbell (1945 boşanma) Richard Garland (1951–53; boşanma) Filmore Crank (1960–99, ölümüne kadar); 2 çocuk |

- 1949: D.O.A.
- 1954: Bitter Creek
- 1954: The Desperado
- 1954: Killer Leopard
- 1954: Two Guns and a Badge
- 1955: New Orleans Uncensored
- 1955: Sudden Danger
- 1956: It Conquered the World
- 1956: Swamp Women
- 1956: Gunslinger
- 1956: The Steel Jungle
- 1956: Curucu, Beast of the Amazon
- 1957: Badlands of Montana
- 1957: Chicago Confidential
- 1957: Naked Paradise
- 1957: Not of This Earth
- 1958: The Saga of Hemp Brown
- 1959: The Alligator People
- 1962: Stark Fear
- 1963: Twice-Told Tales
- 1968: Pretty Poison
- 1974: Where the Red Fern Grows
- 1977: Sixth and Main
- 1979: Roller Boogie
- 1980: It's My Turn
- 1991: Death Falls
- 2003: If
Televizyon dizileri
- 1947: Stump the Stars
- 1950: Mama Rosa
- 1955: The Star and the Story
- 1956: Wire Service
- 1957: Decoy
- 1959: The Man from Blackhawk
- 1960: Coronado 9
- 1960: Insight
- 1960: My Three Sons
- 1964: The Bing Crosby Show
- 1969: The Game Game
- 1972: Joanne Carson's VIPs
- 1983: Scarecrow and Mrs. King
Televizyon filmleri
- 1964: Calhoun: County Agent
- 1970: Cutter's Trail
- 1971: And Then They Forgot God
- 1973: Voyage of the Yes
- 1974: Unwed Father
- 1981: Judgment Day
- 1990: Beanpole
- 1995: Hellfire
- 1996: Fred MacMurray: The Guy Next Door
- 1996: 100 Years of Horror: The Evil Unseeable
- ^ . Emmys. Television Academy. 14 Mayıs 2017 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 14 Mayıs 2017.
- ^ Bergan, Ronald (15 Aralık 2008). "Beverly Garland: Spirited heroine of 1950s B-movies and schlock horror films". The Guardian. Manchester. 9 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 31 Temmuz 2015.
- ^ Fitzgerald, Michael G.; Magers, Boyd (2006). Ladies of the Western: Interviews with Fifty-One More Actresses from the Silent Era to the Television Westerns of the 1950s and 1960s (İngilizce). McFarland. ss. 57-64. ISBN . 28 Ağustos 2017 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 14 Mayıs 2017.
- ^ Lentz, Harris M. III (2009). Obituaries in the Performing Arts, 2008: Film, Television, Radio, Theatre, Dance, Music, Cartoons and Pop Culture (İngilizce). McFarland. s. 150. ISBN . Erişim tarihi: 14 Mayıs 2017.
Dış bağlantılar
- Find a Grave'de Beverly Garland
- IMDb'de Beverly Garland
- AllMovie'de Beverly Garland
- Beverly Garland's Universal Studios Hollywood Hotel12 Ekim 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Obituary in the Los Angeles Daily News
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Beverly Lucy Garland evlilik oncesi soyadi Fessenden d 17 Ekim 1926 o 5 Aralik 2008 Amerikali oyuncudur Rol aldigi yapimlar arasinda It Conquered the World 1956 Swamp Women 1956 Gunslinger 1956 ve The Alligator People 1959 sayilabilir Beverly GarlandGarland 1969 daDogumBeverly Lucy Fessenden 17 Ekim 1926 1926 10 17 Santa Cruz Kaliforniya ABD Olum5 Aralik 2008 82 yasinda Hollywood Hills Kaliforniya ABD Diger ad lar iBeverly CampbellMeslekOyuncuEtkin yillar1949 2005EvlilikBob Campbell 1945 bosanma Richard Garland 1951 53 bosanma Filmore Crank 1960 99 olumune kadar 2 cocukMorgan Jones ve Beverly Garland 1957 yapimi Not of This Earth adli filmdeFilmografiSinema 1949 D O A 1954 Bitter Creek 1954 The Desperado 1954 Killer Leopard 1954 Two Guns and a Badge 1955 New Orleans Uncensored 1955 Sudden Danger 1956 It Conquered the World 1956 Swamp Women 1956 Gunslinger 1956 The Steel Jungle 1956 Curucu Beast of the Amazon 1957 Badlands of Montana 1957 Chicago Confidential 1957 Naked Paradise 1957 Not of This Earth 1958 The Saga of Hemp Brown 1959 The Alligator People 1962 Stark Fear 1963 Twice Told Tales 1968 Pretty Poison 1974 Where the Red Fern Grows 1977 Sixth and Main 1979 Roller Boogie 1980 It s My Turn 1991 Death Falls 2003 IfTelevizyon dizileri 1947 Stump the Stars 1950 Mama Rosa 1955 The Star and the Story 1956 Wire Service 1957 Decoy 1959 The Man from Blackhawk 1960 Coronado 9 1960 Insight 1960 My Three Sons 1964 The Bing Crosby Show 1969 The Game Game 1972 Joanne Carson s VIPs 1983 Scarecrow and Mrs KingTelevizyon filmleri 1964 Calhoun County Agent 1970 Cutter s Trail 1971 And Then They Forgot God 1973 Voyage of the Yes 1974 Unwed Father 1981 Judgment Day 1990 Beanpole 1995 Hellfire 1996 Fred MacMurray The Guy Next DoorVideo lar 1996 100 Years of Horror The Evil UnseeableKaynakca Emmys Television Academy 14 Mayis 2017 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 14 Mayis 2017 Bergan Ronald 15 Aralik 2008 Beverly Garland Spirited heroine of 1950s B movies and schlock horror films The Guardian Manchester 9 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 31 Temmuz 2015 Fitzgerald Michael G Magers Boyd 2006 Ladies of the Western Interviews with Fifty One More Actresses from the Silent Era to the Television Westerns of the 1950s and 1960s Ingilizce McFarland ss 57 64 ISBN 978 1476607962 28 Agustos 2017 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 14 Mayis 2017 Lentz Harris M III 2009 Obituaries in the Performing Arts 2008 Film Television Radio Theatre Dance Music Cartoons and Pop Culture Ingilizce McFarland s 150 ISBN 978 0786453849 Erisim tarihi 14 Mayis 2017 Dis baglantilarFind a Grave de Beverly Garland IMDb de Beverly Garland AllMovie de Beverly Garland Beverly Garland s Universal Studios Hollywood Hotel12 Ekim 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Obituary in the Los Angeles Daily NewsAmerikali oyuncu ile ilgili bu madde taslak seviyesindedir Madde icerigini genisleterek Vikipedi ye katki saglayabilirsiniz