Walter Frederick George Williams (8 Ekim 1928- 30 Mart 2018), bilinen adıyla Bill Maynard, Tanınmış İngiliz oyuncu ve komedyen.
Bill Maynard | |
Doğum | Walter Frederick George Williams 08 Ekim 1928 , Surrey, İngiltere |
Ölüm | 30 Mart 2018 (89 yaşında) Leicestershire, İngiltere |
Milliyet | İngiliz |
Meslek | Oyuncu/komedyen |
Etkin yıllar | 1953–2018 |
Evlilik | Muriel Linnett (1949–1983) (Dul kalma) Tonia Bern (1989–?; boşanma) |
İngiliz oyuncu ve komedyen Bill Maynard 8 Ekim 1928'de , Surrey, İngiltere'de doğdu. 30 Mart 2018'de İngiltere'de 89 yaşında öldü.
Televizyon ve filmografi
- Till Death Us Do Part (1968) – Bert
- It All Goes to Show (1969) – Mike Sago
- One More Time (1970 film)|One More Time (1970) – Jenson
- Carry On Loving (1970) – Mr. Dreery
- A Hole Lot of Trouble (1971) – Bill
- Carry On Henry]' (1971) – Guy Fawkes
- Carry On at Your Convenience" (1971) – Fred Moore
- Carry On Matron" (1972) – Freddy
- Four Dimensions of Greta (1972) – Big Danny
- Bless This House (film)|Bless This House (1972) – Oldham
- Adolf Hitler: My Part in His Downfall (film)|Adolf Hitler: My Part in His Downfall (1973) – Sgt. Ellis
- Never Mind the Quality Feel the Width (film)|Never Mind the Quality Feel the Width (1973) – Larkin
- Kisses at Fifty, a Play for Today" (Television, 1973) – Harry
- Seven of One (Television, 1973) – Councillor Todd
- Steptoe and Son Ride Again (1973) – George
- Oh No, It's Selwyn Froggitt (Television, 1974–1978) – Selwyn Froggitt
- Carry On Dick (1974) – Bodkin
- Confessions of a Window Cleaner (1974) – Mr. Lea
- Man About the House (film)|Man About the House (1974) – Chef
- The Life of Riley (Television, 1975) – Frank Riley
- Confessions of a Pop Performer (1975) – Mr. Lea
- The Sweeney "Supersnout" (Television, 1975) – Det. Chief Insp. Stephen Quirk
- Robin and Marian (1976) – Mercadier
- Confessions of a Driving Instructor (1976) – Mr. Lea
- It Shouldn't Happen to a Vet (film)|It Shouldn't Happen to a Vet (1976) – Hinchcliffe
- Confessions from a Holiday Camp (1977) – Mr. Lea
- Paradise Island (Television, 1977) - Rev. Alexander Goodwin
- Sky Pirates (1977) – Charlie
- The Gaffer (TV series)|The Gaffer (Television, 1981–1983) – Fred Moffatt
- The Plague Dogs (film)|The Plague Dogs (1982) – Editor (Seslendirme)
- Minder (TV series)|Minder "The Second Time Around" (Television, 1984) - Barney Todd
- In Sickness and in Health (Television, 1985–1992) – Bert Luscombe
- Oddball Hall (1990) – Copperthewaite
- Screen One: Filipina Dreamgirls (Television, 1991) – George Trout
- Heartbeat (UK TV series)|Heartbeat" (Television, 1992–2000) (155 bölüm) – Claude Jeremiah Greengrass
- Dalziel and Pascoe (TV series)|Dalziel and Pascoe "Dialogues of the Dead" (2002) – Councillor Cyril Steel
- The Royal (Television, 2003) (7 bölüm) – Claude Greengrass
- Broken Nation (2015)
- (2016) – Cecil
Dış bağlantılar
- IMDb'de Bill Maynard
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Walter Frederick George Williams 8 Ekim 1928 30 Mart 2018 bilinen adiyla Bill Maynard Taninmis Ingiliz oyuncu ve komedyen Bill MaynardDogumWalter Frederick George Williams 08 Ekim 1928 1928 10 08 Surrey IngiltereOlum30 Mart 2018 89 yasinda Leicestershire IngiltereMilliyetIngilizMeslekOyuncu komedyenEtkin yillar1953 2018EvlilikMuriel Linnett 1949 1983 Dul kalma Tonia Bern 1989 bosanma Ingiliz oyuncu ve komedyen Bill Maynard 8 Ekim 1928 de Surrey Ingiltere de dogdu 30 Mart 2018 de Ingiltere de 89 yasinda oldu Televizyon ve filmografiTill Death Us Do Part 1968 Bert It All Goes to Show 1969 Mike Sago One More Time 1970 film One More Time 1970 Jenson Carry On Loving 1970 Mr Dreery A Hole Lot of Trouble 1971 Bill Carry On Henry 1971 Guy Fawkes Carry On at Your Convenience 1971 Fred Moore Carry On Matron 1972 Freddy Four Dimensions of Greta 1972 Big Danny Bless This House film Bless This House 1972 Oldham Adolf Hitler My Part in His Downfall film Adolf Hitler My Part in His Downfall 1973 Sgt Ellis Never Mind the Quality Feel the Width film Never Mind the Quality Feel the Width 1973 Larkin Kisses at Fifty a Play for Today Television 1973 Harry Seven of One Television 1973 Councillor Todd Steptoe and Son Ride Again 1973 George Oh No It s Selwyn Froggitt Television 1974 1978 Selwyn Froggitt Carry On Dick 1974 Bodkin Confessions of a Window Cleaner 1974 Mr Lea Man About the House film Man About the House 1974 Chef The Life of Riley Television 1975 Frank Riley Confessions of a Pop Performer 1975 Mr Lea The Sweeney Supersnout Television 1975 Det Chief Insp Stephen Quirk Robin and Marian 1976 Mercadier Confessions of a Driving Instructor 1976 Mr Lea It Shouldn t Happen to a Vet film It Shouldn t Happen to a Vet 1976 Hinchcliffe Confessions from a Holiday Camp 1977 Mr Lea Paradise Island Television 1977 Rev Alexander Goodwin Sky Pirates 1977 Charlie The Gaffer TV series The Gaffer Television 1981 1983 Fred Moffatt The Plague Dogs film The Plague Dogs 1982 Editor Seslendirme Minder TV series Minder The Second Time Around Television 1984 Barney Todd In Sickness and in Health Television 1985 1992 Bert Luscombe Oddball Hall 1990 Copperthewaite Screen One Filipina Dreamgirls Television 1991 George Trout Heartbeat UK TV series Heartbeat Television 1992 2000 155 bolum Claude Jeremiah Greengrass Dalziel and Pascoe TV series Dalziel and Pascoe Dialogues of the Dead 2002 Councillor Cyril Steel The Royal Television 2003 7 bolum Claude Greengrass Broken Nation 2015 2016 CecilKaynakca Heartbeat actor Bill Maynard dies after fall 6 Temmuz 2018 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 1 Nisan 2018 Bill Maynard 30 Mart 2018 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 1 Nisan 2018 Dis baglantilarIMDb de Bill MaynardIngiliz oyuncu ile ilgili bu madde taslak seviyesindedir Madde icerigini genisleterek Vikipedi ye katki saglayabilirsiniz