Billie Whitelaw (d. 6 Haziran 1932 - ö. 21 Aralık 2014), İngiliz aktris. İrlandalı oyun yazarı Samuel Beckett'ın yazmış olduğu eserlerden uyarlanan filmleri 25 yıldır yansıtan isim olarak kabul edilir.

Aynı zamanda Omen filminde canlandırdığı Şeytani Cadı Bayan Baylock tiplemesiyle 1991 yılında CBE'nin layık gördüğü sinema ödülünü kazanmıştır.
Seçme filmografi
- The Sleeping Tiger (1954)
- Mr. Arkadin (Voice Only) (1955)
- Small Hotel (1957)
- Miracle in Soho (1957)
- Carve Her Name with Pride (1958)
- Time Out for Peggy (TV, 1958-59)
- Breakout (1959)
- Bobbikins (1959)
- The Flesh and the Fiends (1960)
- Hell Is a City (1960)
- Make Mine Mink (1960)
- Payroll (film) (1961)
- No Love for Johnnie (1961)
- The Comedy Man (1964)
- Adaptations of Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (TV) (1968)
- Charlie Bubbles (1967)
- Twisted Nerve (1968)
- The Adding Machine (1969)
- Leo the Last (1970)
- Start the Revolution Without Me (1970)
- Gumshoe (1971)
- Frenzy (1972)
- Eagle in a Cage (1972)
- Follow the Yellow Brick Road (TV; 1972)
- Night Watch (1973)
- Napoleon and Love (TV: 1974)
- The Omen (1976)
- Space: 1999 (TV:1976)
- The Water Babies (1978)
- Leopard in the Snow (1978)
- A Tale of Two Cities (1980)
- Private Schulz (1980)
- Tangiers (1982)
- An Unsuitable Job for a Woman (1982)
- The Dark Crystal (1982) (vokal)
- Jamaica Inn (1983 TV dizisi)
- Camille (1984) (TV)
- The Chain (1984)
- Terror in the Aisles (1984)
- Shadey (1985)
- The Secret Garden (1987)
- Maurice (1987)
- The Dressmaker (1988)
- The Krays (1990)
- Freddie as F.R.O.7 (1992) (vokal)
- Skallagrigg (1994)
- Jane Eyre (1996)
- Merlin (1998)
- The Lost Son (1999)
- The Last of the Blonde Bombshells (2000)
- Hot Fuzz (2007)
Dış bağlantılar
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Billie Whitelaw d 6 Haziran 1932 o 21 Aralik 2014 Ingiliz aktris Irlandali oyun yazari Samuel Beckett in yazmis oldugu eserlerden uyarlanan filmleri 25 yildir yansitan isim olarak kabul edilir Billie Whitelaw Start the Revolution Without Me Devrimi Bensiz Baslatin fragmaninda 1970 Ayni zamanda Omen filminde canlandirdigi Seytani Cadi Bayan Baylock tiplemesiyle 1991 yilinda CBE nin layik gordugu sinema odulunu kazanmistir Secme filmografi The Fake 1953 The Sleeping Tiger 1954 Mr Arkadin Voice Only 1955 Small Hotel 1957 Miracle in Soho 1957 Carve Her Name with Pride 1958 Time Out for Peggy TV 1958 59 Breakout 1959 Bobbikins 1959 The Flesh and the Fiends 1960 Hell Is a City 1960 Make Mine Mink 1960 Payroll film 1961 No Love for Johnnie 1961 The Comedy Man 1964 Adaptations of Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde TV 1968 Charlie Bubbles 1967 Twisted Nerve 1968 The Adding Machine 1969 Leo the Last 1970 Start the Revolution Without Me 1970 Gumshoe 1971 Frenzy 1972 Eagle in a Cage 1972 Follow the Yellow Brick Road TV 1972 Night Watch 1973 Napoleon and Love TV 1974 The Omen 1976 Space 1999 TV 1976 The Water Babies 1978 Leopard in the Snow 1978 A Tale of Two Cities 1980 Private Schulz 1980 Tangiers 1982 An Unsuitable Job for a Woman 1982 The Dark Crystal 1982 vokal Jamaica Inn 1983 TV dizisi Camille 1984 TV The Chain 1984 Terror in the Aisles 1984 Shadey 1985 The Secret Garden 1987 Maurice 1987 The Dressmaker 1988 The Krays 1990 Freddie as F R O 7 1992 vokal Skallagrigg 1994 Jane Eyre 1996 Merlin 1998 The Lost Son 1999 The Last of the Blonde Bombshells 2000 Hot Fuzz 2007 Dis baglantilarIMDb de Billie WhitelawBir Ingiliz in biyografisi ile ilgili bu madde taslak seviyesindedir Madde icerigini genisleterek Vikipedi ye katki saglayabilirsiniz