Cuscuta Convolvulaceae familyasına bağlı bir cinstir.
Cuscuta | |||||||||||||
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Biyolojik sınıflandırma | |||||||||||||
Fulya, kekik, yonca veya ısırgan otu üzerine sarılıp büyür. Bitki genç iken tohumdaki besleyici maddeleri çabucak bitirip tüketir. Köksüzdür. Sapları pembe renklidir. Yaprakları ise renksiz pullar halinde kısır kalmıştır. Asalak bitki, komşusu olan bitkiye saplarıyla tutunmak zorundadır. Destek alacağı böyle bir bitkileri dikkatle arar, bulur. Topraktan çıkar çıkmaz spiral biçiminde büyümeye başlar. Bir destek bulduğu anda kendini kurtarmış sayar. Eğer böyle bir destek bulmazsa kendi kendini yemeye başlar: Genç bitki, sapının alt bölümlerini ölümle başbaşa bırakır ve buradaki organik maddelerle beslenerek yeniden destek aramaya koyulur. Desteği bulur bulmaz ona bütün kuvvetiyle sarılır ve emici hortumlarını geçirir.
Cuscuta türleri

- A.Rich.
- Engelm.
- Willd.
- Brandegee
- Yunck.
- L.
- Phil.
- Engelm.
- Engelm.
- Yunck.
- Feinbrun
- R.Br.
- Costea & M.A.R.Wright
- Aucher ex
- Boiss. & Reut. ex Yunck.
- Buia
- Yunck.
- Yunck.
- Welw. ex Hiern
- Urb.
- Yunck.
- Costea & I.García
- (Yunck.) Yunck.
- Engelm.
- A.Braun ex A.Rich.
- Palib.
- Yunck.
- Hook. &
- Butkov
- Pavlov
- Yunck.
- Roxb.
- Costea & I.García
- Nees ex Engelm.
- M.A.García
- Behr
- Engelm.
- Yunck.
- Ker Gawl.
- Cuscuta chinensis Lam.
- Sengupta, M.S.Khan & Huq
- Yunck.
- Yunck.
- Yunck.
- Juss. ex Choisy
- Pavlov
- Engelm.
- Engelm.
- Ruiz & Pav.
- Yunck.
- Costea & I.García
- Yunck.
- Engelm.
- Engelm. & A.Gray
- Yunck.
- Yunck.
- Yunck.
- Engelm.
- Palib.
- Costea & M.A.R.Wright
- Yunck.
- Pavlov
- Weihe
- (L.) L.
- Yunck.
- L.
- Engelm.
- Butkov
- Hicken
- Kunth
- Yunck.
- Sroëlov ex Feinbr. & S.Taub
- Baker
- Griff.
- (Engelm.) Yunck.
- Engelm.
- Ridl.
- Benth.
- Choisy
- Yunck.
- Engelm.
- Kunth
- Willd. ex Schult.
- Engelm.
- Small
- Yunck.
- Yunck.
- Yunck.
- P.Rubtzov
- Roth ex Schult.
- Costea & I.García
- Progel
- Choisy
- Costea & I.García
- Yunck.
- Schltdl.
- Choisy
- Yunck.
- Pavlov
- Oliv.
- Boiss.
- Udayan & Robi
- Engelm.
- Yunck.
- Costea & M.A.R.Wright
- Bunge
- Engelm.
- Trab.
- Costea & M.A.R.Wright
- Wiggins
- Yunck
- Butkov
- Yunck
- Krock.
- Schaffner ex Yuncker
- R.C.Fang & S.H.Huang
- Yunck.
- Trab.
- Yunck.
- Dobignard
- Yunck.
- Choisy
- Engelm.
- Engelm. ex Hemsl.
- Costea & M.A.R.Wright
- Vahl
- Costea & M.A.R.Wright
- Baker
- I.M.Johnst.
- E.Mey. ex Choisy
- M.A.García
- (Engelm.) Trab.
- Kunth
- Millsp.
- Engelm.
- Ruiz & Pav.
- Yunck.
- Yunck.
- Costea & M.A.R.Wright
- Yunck.
- Boiss.
- Yunck.
- Butkov
- Yunck.
- Choisy
- Engelm.
- Phil.
- Ledeb.
- Butkov
- Engelm.
- Yunck.
- Ten.
- A.Nelson
- Progel
- Schaffner ex Yuncker
- Engelm.
- Schaffner ex S.Watson
- Pav. ex Choisy
- Engelm.
- Costea & M.A.R.Wright
- Phil.
- Yunck.
- Phil. ex Yunck.
- Mart.
- M.A.García
- Roxb.
- Hunz.
- Shuttlew. ex Engelm. & A.Gray
- Yunck.
- Hunz.
- Yunck.
- Yunck.
- Yunck.
- Yunusov
- Hunz.
- Engelm.
- Choisy –
- Banerji & S.Das
- Yunck.
- Yunck.
- Yunck.
- Mukerjee & P.K.Bhattach.
- Liebm.
- Yunck.
- Engelm.
- Palib.
- Engelm.
- Liebm.
- Ser.
- Yunck.
- Arbajeva
- P.P.A.Ferreira & Dettke
- Engelm.
- Yunck
- Costea & M.A.R.Wright
- Decne. ex Engelm.
- Mart. ex Engelm.
- Costea & M.A.R.Wright
- Engelm.
- Lange
- Brandegee
- Kunth
- Beyr. ex Hook.
- Costea & M.A.R.Wright.
- Brandegee
- Yunck.
- Rajput & Syeda
- Costea & I.García
- Yunck.
- Hunz.
- Yunck.
- Mart. ex Engelm.
- Yunck.
- Hunz.
- Cuscuta sp. with a gall
- Cuscuta sp. flowers
- Cuscuta sp. form
- Cuscuta sp. form
- Cuscuta sp. form
- Cuscuta sp. form
Konuyla ilgili yayınlar
- Everitt, J.H.; Lonard, R.L.; Little, C.R. (2007). Weeds in South Texas and Northern Mexico. Lubbock: Texas Tech University Press.
- Haupt, S.; Oparka, KJ; Sauer, N; Neumann, S (2001). "Macromolecular trafficking between Nicotiana tabacum and the holoparasite Cuscuta reflexa". Journal of Experimental Botany. 52 (354): 173-177. doi:10.1093/jexbot/52.354.173
. ISSN 1460-2431. (PMID) 11181727.
- Machado, M.A.; Zetsche, K. (1990). "A structural, functional and molecular analysis of plastids of the holoparasites Cuscuta reflexa and Cuscuta europaea". Planta. 181 (1): 91-6. doi:10.1007/BF00202329. ISSN 0032-0935. (PMID) 24196679.
- ; Bungard, R. A.; ; Jeschke, W. D.; Scholes, J. D.; Quick, W. P. (1998). "Localization of photosynthetic metabolism in the parasitic angiosperm Cuscuta reflexa". Planta. 205 (4): 506-513. doi:10.1007/s004250050349. ISSN 0032-0935.
- Haberhausen, Gerd; Zetsche, Klaus (1994). "Functional loss of all ndh genes in an otherwise relatively unaltered plastid genome of the holoparasitic flowering plant Cuscuta reflexa". Plant Molecular Biology. 24 (1): 217-222. doi:10.1007/BF00040588. ISSN 0167-4412. (PMID) 8111019.
- Jeschke, W. Dieter; Bäumel, Pia; Räth, Nicola; Czygan, Franz-C.; Proksch, Peter (1994). "Modelling of the flows and partitioning of carbon and nitrogen in the holoparasiteCuscuta reflexaRoxb. and its hostLupinus albusL". Journal of Experimental Botany. 45 (6): 801-812. doi:10.1093/jxb/45.6.801. ISSN 0022-0957.
- Stewart, Amy (2009). Wicked Plants: The Weed that Killed Lincoln's Mother and Other Botanical Atrocities. Etchings by Briony Morrow-Cribbs. Illustrations by Jonathon Rosen. Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill. ISBN .
- Cudney, D.W.; Orloff, S.B.; Reints, J.S. (1992). "An integrated weed management procedure for the control of dodder (Cuscuta indecora) in alfalfa (Medicago sativa)". Weed Technology. 6 (3): 603-606. doi:10.1017/S0890037X00035879.
- Cudney, D.W., S.B. Orloff, and J.S. Reints. 1992. An integrated weed management procedure for the control of dodder (Cuscuta indecora) in alfalfa (Medicago sativa). Weed Technology, 6, 603-606.
Dış bağlantılar
Wikisource has the text of the 1920 Encyclopedia Americana article Dodder. |
- Cuscuta on Parasitic Plant Connection 27 Şubat 2022 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Flora of China: Cuscuta 25 Aralık 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Lanini, W. T., et al. Dodder. Pest Notes Jan 2002: 1–3. 15 July 2005. Online 24 Eylül 2015 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . (pdf file).
- Swift, C. E. Cuscuta and Grammica species – Dodder: A Plant Parasite. Colorado State University Cooperative Extension. .
- Dodder (Cuscuta species). Weed Listings. 2005. Online[].
- Medicinal uses of Cuscuta in Armenia 15 Mayıs 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Chamovitz, D. Common Scents: Plants Constantly Catch a Whiff of Their Neighbors' Perfume. 3 Kasım 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . Scientific American May 22, 2012.
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Cuscuta Convolvulaceae familyasina bagli bir cinstir Cuscuta uzerindeBiyolojik siniflandirmaAlem PlantaeSube TracheophytaSinif MagnoliopsidaTakim SolanalesFamilya ConvolvulaceaeCins Cuscuta de Jussieu 1789 Fulya kekik yonca veya isirgan otu uzerine sarilip buyur Bitki genc iken tohumdaki besleyici maddeleri cabucak bitirip tuketir Koksuzdur Saplari pembe renklidir Yapraklari ise renksiz pullar halinde kisir kalmistir Asalak bitki komsusu olan bitkiye saplariyla tutunmak zorundadir Destek alacagi boyle bir bitkileri dikkatle arar bulur Topraktan cikar cikmaz spiral biciminde buyumeye baslar Bir destek buldugu anda kendini kurtarmis sayar Eger boyle bir destek bulmazsa kendi kendini yemeye baslar Genc bitki sapinin alt bolumlerini olumle basbasa birakir ve buradaki organik maddelerle beslenerek yeniden destek aramaya koyulur Destegi bulur bulmaz ona butun kuvvetiyle sarilir ve emici hortumlarini gecirir Cuscuta turleriCuscuta chinensisA Rich Engelm Willd Brandegee Yunck L Phil Engelm Engelm Yunck Feinbrun R Br Costea amp M A R Wright Aucher ex Boiss amp Reut ex Yunck Buia Yunck Yunck Welw ex Hiern Urb Yunck Costea amp I Garcia Yunck Yunck Engelm A Braun ex A Rich Palib Yunck Hook amp Butkov Pavlov Yunck Roxb Costea amp I Garcia Nees ex Engelm M A Garcia Behr Engelm Yunck Ker Gawl Cuscuta chinensis Lam Sengupta M S Khan amp Huq Yunck Yunck Yunck Juss ex Choisy Pavlov Engelm Engelm Ruiz amp Pav Yunck Costea amp I Garcia Yunck Engelm Engelm amp A Gray Yunck Yunck Yunck Engelm Palib Costea amp M A R Wright Yunck Pavlov Weihe L L Yunck L Engelm Butkov Hicken Kunth Yunck Sroelov ex Feinbr amp S Taub Baker Griff Engelm Yunck Engelm Ridl Benth Choisy Yunck Engelm Kunth Willd ex Schult Engelm Small Yunck Yunck Yunck P Rubtzov Roth ex Schult Costea amp I Garcia Progel Choisy Costea amp I Garcia Yunck Schltdl Choisy Yunck Pavlov Oliv Boiss Udayan amp Robi Engelm Yunck Costea amp M A R Wright Bunge Engelm Trab Costea amp M A R Wright Wiggins Yunck Butkov Yunck Krock Schaffner ex Yuncker R C Fang amp S H Huang Yunck Trab Yunck Dobignard Yunck Choisy Engelm Engelm ex Hemsl Costea amp M A R Wright Vahl Costea amp M A R Wright Baker I M Johnst E Mey ex Choisy M A Garcia Engelm Trab Kunth Millsp Engelm Ruiz amp Pav Yunck Yunck Costea amp M A R Wright Yunck Boiss Yunck Butkov Yunck Choisy Engelm Phil Ledeb Butkov Engelm Yunck Ten A Nelson Progel Schaffner ex Yuncker Engelm Schaffner ex S Watson Pav ex Choisy Engelm Costea amp M A R Wright Phil Yunck Phil ex Yunck Mart M A Garcia Roxb Hunz Shuttlew ex Engelm amp A Gray Yunck Hunz Yunck Yunck Yunck Yunusov Hunz Engelm Choisy Banerji amp S Das Yunck Yunck Yunck Mukerjee amp P K Bhattach Liebm Yunck Engelm Palib Engelm Liebm Ser Yunck Arbajeva P P A Ferreira amp Dettke Engelm Yunck Costea amp M A R Wright Decne ex Engelm Mart ex Engelm Costea amp M A R Wright Engelm Lange Brandegee Kunth Beyr ex Hook Costea amp M A R Wright Brandegee Yunck Rajput amp Syeda Costea amp I Garcia Yunck Hunz Yunck Mart ex Engelm Yunck Hunz GaleriCuscuta sp with a gall Cuscuta sp flowers Cuscuta sp form Cuscuta sp form Cuscuta sp form Cuscuta sp formKonuyla ilgili yayinlarEveritt J H Lonard R L Little C R 2007 Weeds in South Texas and Northern Mexico Lubbock Texas Tech University Press 0 89672 614 2 Haupt S Oparka KJ Sauer N Neumann S 2001 Macromolecular trafficking between Nicotiana tabacum and the holoparasite Cuscuta reflexa Journal of Experimental Botany 52 354 173 177 doi 10 1093 jexbot 52 354 173 ISSN 1460 2431 PMID 11181727 Machado M A Zetsche K 1990 A structural functional and molecular analysis of plastids of the holoparasites Cuscuta reflexa and Cuscuta europaea Planta 181 1 91 6 doi 10 1007 BF00202329 ISSN 0032 0935 PMID 24196679 Bungard R A Jeschke W D Scholes J D Quick W P 1998 Localization of photosynthetic metabolism in the parasitic angiosperm Cuscuta reflexa Planta 205 4 506 513 doi 10 1007 s004250050349 ISSN 0032 0935 Haberhausen Gerd Zetsche Klaus 1994 Functional loss of all ndh genes in an otherwise relatively unaltered plastid genome of the holoparasitic flowering plant Cuscuta reflexa Plant Molecular Biology 24 1 217 222 doi 10 1007 BF00040588 ISSN 0167 4412 PMID 8111019 Jeschke W Dieter Baumel Pia Rath Nicola Czygan Franz C Proksch Peter 1994 Modelling of the flows and partitioning of carbon and nitrogen in the holoparasiteCuscuta reflexaRoxb and its hostLupinus albusL Journal of Experimental Botany 45 6 801 812 doi 10 1093 jxb 45 6 801 ISSN 0022 0957 Stewart Amy 2009 Wicked Plants The Weed that Killed Lincoln s Mother and Other Botanical Atrocities Etchings by Briony Morrow Cribbs Illustrations by Jonathon Rosen Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill ISBN 978 1 56512 683 1 Cudney D W Orloff S B Reints J S 1992 An integrated weed management procedure for the control of dodder Cuscuta indecora in alfalfa Medicago sativa Weed Technology 6 3 603 606 doi 10 1017 S0890037X00035879 Cudney D W S B Orloff and J S Reints 1992 An integrated weed management procedure for the control of dodder Cuscuta indecora in alfalfa Medicago sativa Weed Technology 6 603 606 Dis baglantilarWikisource has the text of the 1920 Encyclopedia Americana article Dodder Cuscuta on Parasitic Plant Connection 27 Subat 2022 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Flora of China Cuscuta 25 Aralik 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Lanini W T et al Dodder Pest Notes Jan 2002 1 3 15 July 2005 Online 24 Eylul 2015 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde pdf file Swift C E Cuscuta and Grammica species Dodder A Plant Parasite Colorado State University Cooperative Extension Dodder Cuscuta species Weed Listings 2005 Online olu kirik baglanti Medicinal uses of Cuscuta in Armenia 15 Mayis 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Chamovitz D Common Scents Plants Constantly Catch a Whiff of Their Neighbors Perfume 3 Kasim 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Scientific American May 22 2012 Wikimedia Commons ta Cuscuta ile ilgili coklu ortam belgeleri bulunur Vikitur de Cuscuta ile ilgili ayrintili taksonomik bilgiler bulunur Kaynakca GBIF 9 Ocak 2022 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 7 Subat 2022 Mindat 5 Subat 2022 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 7 Subat 2022 PaleoBioDB