Conrad Brooks (doğum adı : Conrad Biedrzycki; d. 3 Ocak 1931 - ö. 6 Aralık 2017), Amerikalı oyuncu. Rol aldığı yönetmen Ed Wood imzalı film Plan 9 from Outer Space ile bilinir.
Conrad Brooks | |
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Doğum | Conrad Biedrzycki 3 Ocak 1931 Baltimore, Maryland, ABD. |
Ölüm | 6 Aralık 2017 (86 yaşında) |
Meslek | Oyuncu |
Etkin yıllar | 1948–2016 |
Baltimore, Maryland'de doğan Amerikalı oyuncu Conrad Brooks 6 Aralık 2017'de 86 yaşında öldü.
- (2016) Actor
- Terror of The Giant Tentacle (2013) Actor
- Zombie on the Loose (2012) Actor, Director
- Invasion of the Reptoids (2012) Actor
- Beside the Manor Selby (2010) Actor
- A Taste of Desperation (2009) Actor
- Shadows In The Woods (2009) Actor, Co-Director
- Freaky Vampire (2008) Actor/Director
- Space Vampires From The Planet Blood (2009)
- Blast Corrigan: Rocketship To Earth (2008)
- Vampira: The Movie (2007) Consultant
- Gypsy Vampire 2 - Gypsy Vampire's Revenge (2007) Actor, Director
- Toilet Gator (2008) Actor
- Zeppo: Sinners from Beyond the Moon! (2006) Actor
- Purvos (2006) Actor
- (2006) Actor
- 2020 An American Nightmare (2005) Actor, Executive Producer
- Gypsy Vampire (2005) Actor, Director
- Brain Robbers From Outer Space (2005) Actor
- It Came from Trafalgar (2005) Actor
- (2004) Actor
- Bob's Night Out (2004) Actor
- That's Independent! (2004) Actor
- Dr. Horror's Erotic House of Idiots (2004) Actor
- (2003) Actor
- (2003) Actor
- (2003) Actor
- Jan-Gel 3: Hillbilly Monster (2003) Actor, Director, Executive Producer
- Raising Dead (2002) Actor
- (2002) Actor
- Attack of the Giant Gull (2002) Actor
- (2002) Actor
- Pacino Is Missing (2002) Actor
- The Monster Man (2001) Actor
- The Vampire Hunters Club (2001) Actor
- Transylvania Police Monster Squad (2001) Actor
- El Cerebro de Hitler! (2001) Actor
- El Intoxico y Blue Bastard Contra Cerebro de Hitler! (2001) Actor
- (1999) Actor
- Ghost Taxi (1999) Actor
- Jan-Gel, the Beast from the East (1999) Actor, Director, Producer, Writer
- The Beast of Retro City (1999) Actor
- (1998) Actor
- Armageddon Boulevard (1998) Actor
- Creaturealm: From the Dead (1998) Actor
- Hollywood Mortuary (1998) Actor
- Misfit Patrol (1998) Actor
- Dalziel and Pascoe: Deadheads (1997) Actor
- (1997) Actor
- Alien Agenda: Under the Skin (1997) Actor
- Ice Scream (1997) Actor
- The Ironbound Vampire (1997) Actor
- The Haunted World of Edward D. Wood Jr. (1996) Actor
- Roller Gator (1996) Actor
- Blood Slaves of the Vampire Werewolf (1996) Director
- The Saturn Avenger Vs. the Terror Robot (1996) Actor
- Shotgun Boulevard (1996) Actor
- Snuff Films: An Exposé (1996) Actor
- Toad Warrior (1996) Actor
- Hell Comes to Frogtown III (1996) Actor
- (1996) Actor
- Baby Ghost (1995) Actor
- Ed Wood (1994) Actor
- Conrad Brooks vs. the Werewolf (1994) Actor
- Ed Wood: Look Back In Angora (1994) Actor
- Test Tube Teens from the Year 2000 (1994) Actor
- Virgin Hunters (1994) Actor
- Hellborn (1993) Actor, Writer
- Flying Saucers Over Hollywood: The Plan 9 Companion (1992) Actor
- Shadow of the Dragon (1992)Actor
- (1991) Actor
- On the Trail of Ed Wood (1990) Actor
- (1988) Actor
- (1987) Actor
- (1985) Actor
- (1961) Actor
- Girl Madness (1961) Actor
- The Atomic Monster: The Beast of Yucca Flats (1961) Actor
- (1961) Actor
- Hellborn (1961) Actor
- The Young and the Immoral (1961) Actor
- Bob and Run (1960) Actor
- Mystery in Shadows (1960) Actor, Director, Producer, Writer
- Plan 9 from Outer Space (1959) Actor
- (1959) Actor
- (1955) Actor
- (1954) Actor
- (1954) Actor
- Hidden Face (1954) Actor
- (1953) Actor
- (1953) Actor
- (1953) Actor
- ^ "Biography at the internet movie database". 8 Eylül 2019 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 7 Aralık 2017.
- ^ "MOVIESR.I.P. 'Plan 9 from Outer Space' Star Conrad Brooks". 7 Aralık 2017 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 7 Aralık 2017.
- ^ Brooks played the role of "Commissioner Spilane" in The Beast of Retro City
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Conrad Brooks dogum adi Conrad Biedrzycki d 3 Ocak 1931 o 6 Aralik 2017 Amerikali oyuncu Rol aldigi yonetmen Ed Wood imzali film Plan 9 from Outer Space ile bilinir Conrad BrooksDogumConrad Biedrzycki 3 Ocak 1931 1931 01 03 Baltimore Maryland ABD Olum6 Aralik 2017 86 yasinda MeslekOyuncuEtkin yillar1948 2016 Baltimore Maryland de dogan Amerikali oyuncu Conrad Brooks 6 Aralik 2017 de 86 yasinda oldu Filmografi 2016 Actor Terror of The Giant Tentacle 2013 Actor Zombie on the Loose 2012 Actor Director Invasion of the Reptoids 2012 Actor Beside the Manor Selby 2010 Actor A Taste of Desperation 2009 Actor Shadows In The Woods 2009 Actor Co Director Freaky Vampire 2008 Actor Director Space Vampires From The Planet Blood 2009 Blast Corrigan Rocketship To Earth 2008 Vampira The Movie 2007 Consultant Gypsy Vampire 2 Gypsy Vampire s Revenge 2007 Actor Director Toilet Gator 2008 Actor Zeppo Sinners from Beyond the Moon 2006 Actor Purvos 2006 Actor 2006 Actor 2020 An American Nightmare 2005 Actor Executive Producer Gypsy Vampire 2005 Actor Director Brain Robbers From Outer Space 2005 Actor It Came from Trafalgar 2005 Actor 2004 Actor Bob s Night Out 2004 Actor That s Independent 2004 Actor Dr Horror s Erotic House of Idiots 2004 Actor 2003 Actor 2003 Actor 2003 Actor Jan Gel 3 Hillbilly Monster 2003 Actor Director Executive Producer Raising Dead 2002 Actor 2002 Actor Attack of the Giant Gull 2002 Actor 2002 Actor Pacino Is Missing 2002 Actor The Monster Man 2001 Actor The Vampire Hunters Club 2001 Actor Transylvania Police Monster Squad 2001 Actor El Cerebro de Hitler 2001 Actor El Intoxico y Blue Bastard Contra Cerebro de Hitler 2001 Actor 1999 Actor Ghost Taxi 1999 Actor Jan Gel the Beast from the East 1999 Actor Director Producer Writer The Beast of Retro City 1999 Actor 1998 Actor Armageddon Boulevard 1998 Actor Creaturealm From the Dead 1998 Actor Hollywood Mortuary 1998 Actor Misfit Patrol 1998 Actor Dalziel and Pascoe Deadheads 1997 Actor 1997 Actor Alien Agenda Under the Skin 1997 Actor Ice Scream 1997 Actor The Ironbound Vampire 1997 Actor The Haunted World of Edward D Wood Jr 1996 Actor Roller Gator 1996 Actor Blood Slaves of the Vampire Werewolf 1996 Director The Saturn Avenger Vs the Terror Robot 1996 Actor Shotgun Boulevard 1996 Actor Snuff Films An Expose 1996 Actor Toad Warrior 1996 Actor Hell Comes to Frogtown III 1996 Actor 1996 Actor Baby Ghost 1995 Actor Ed Wood 1994 Actor Conrad Brooks vs the Werewolf 1994 Actor Ed Wood Look Back In Angora 1994 Actor Test Tube Teens from the Year 2000 1994 Actor Virgin Hunters 1994 Actor Hellborn 1993 Actor Writer Flying Saucers Over Hollywood The Plan 9 Companion 1992 Actor Shadow of the Dragon 1992 Actor 1991 Actor On the Trail of Ed Wood 1990 Actor 1988 Actor 1987 Actor 1985 Actor 1961 Actor Girl Madness 1961 Actor The Atomic Monster The Beast of Yucca Flats 1961 Actor 1961 Actor Hellborn 1961 Actor The Young and the Immoral 1961 Actor Bob and Run 1960 Actor Mystery in Shadows 1960 Actor Director Producer Writer Plan 9 from Outer Space 1959 Actor 1959 Actor 1955 Actor 1954 Actor 1954 Actor Hidden Face 1954 Actor 1953 Actor 1953 Actor 1953 ActorKaynakca Biography at the internet movie database 8 Eylul 2019 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 7 Aralik 2017 MOVIESR I P Plan 9 from Outer Space Star Conrad Brooks 7 Aralik 2017 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 7 Aralik 2017 Brooks played the role of Commissioner Spilane in The Beast of Retro CityDis baglantilarIMDb de Conrad Brooks AllMovie de Conrad Brooks