Derek Walcott (d. 23 Ocak 1930 Castries, St. Lucia - ö. 17 Mart 2017) Saint Lucialı şair, yazar ve ressam. Eserlerinde Afrika kökenlerini vurgulamakla birlikte başta Bertolt Brecht olmak üzere Avrupalı yazarların da etkisi gözlenir. 1992'de Nobel Edebiyat Ödülü'nü aldı.

- (1948) 25 Poems
- (1949) Epitaph for the Young: Xll Cantos
- (1951) Poems
- (1962) In a Green Night: Poems 1948–60
- (1964) Selected Poems
- (1965) The Castaway and Other Poems
- (1969) The Gulf and Other Poems
- (1973) Another Life
- (1976) Sea Grapes
- (1979) The Star-Apple Kingdom
- (1981) Selected Poetry
- (1981) The Fortunate Traveller
- (1983) The Caribbean Poetry of Derek Walcott and the Art of Romare Bearden
- (1984) Midsummer
- (1986) Collected Poems, 1948-1984
- (1987) The Arkansas Testament
- (1990) Omeros
- (1997) The Bounty
- (2000) Tiepolo's Hound
- (2004) The Prodigal
- (2014) The Poetry of Derek Walcott 1948–2013
- (1970) Dream on Monkey Mountain
- (1970) Ti-Jean and His Brothers
- (1980) Pantomime
- (1997) The Capeman
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Derek Walcott d 23 Ocak 1930 Castries St Lucia o 17 Mart 2017 Saint Luciali sair yazar ve ressam Eserlerinde Afrika kokenlerini vurgulamakla birlikte basta Bertolt Brecht olmak uzere Avrupali yazarlarin da etkisi gozlenir 1992 de Nobel Edebiyat Odulu nu aldi Derek WalcottEserleriSiirleri 1948 25 Poems 1949 Epitaph for the Young Xll Cantos 1951 Poems 1962 In a Green Night Poems 1948 60 1964 Selected Poems 1965 The Castaway and Other Poems 1969 The Gulf and Other Poems 1973 Another Life 1976 Sea Grapes 1979 The Star Apple Kingdom 1981 Selected Poetry 1981 The Fortunate Traveller 1983 The Caribbean Poetry of Derek Walcott and the Art of Romare Bearden 1984 Midsummer 1986 Collected Poems 1948 1984 1987 The Arkansas Testament 1990 Omeros 1997 The Bounty 2000 Tiepolo s Hound 2004 The Prodigal 2014 The Poetry of Derek Walcott 1948 2013Oyunlari 1970 Dream on Monkey Mountain 1970 Ti Jean and His Brothers 1980 Pantomime 1997 The CapemanBir sair biyografisi ile ilgili bu madde taslak seviyesindedir Madde icerigini genisleterek Vikipedi ye katki saglayabilirsiniz