Dinah Shore (doğum adıyla: Frances Rose Shore, d. 1 Mart 1916 -ö. 24 Şubat 1994) Amerikalı şarkıcı, oyuncu ve televizyon programı sunucusu.

- Thank Your Lucky Stars (1943) - Kendisi
- Up in Arms (1944) - Virginia
- Follow the Boys (1944) - Kendisi
- Belle of the Yukon (1944) - Lettie Candless
- Make Mine Music (1946) - Anlatıcı (seslendirme)
- Till the Clouds Roll By (1946) - Julia Sanderson / Dinah Shore
- Fun and Fancy Free (1947) - Anlatıcı (seslendirme)
- Bongo (1947) (short subject) - Anlatıcı (seslendirme)
- Aaron Slick from Punkin Crick (1952) - Josie Berry
- A Great New Star (1952) (short subject)
- Screen Snapshots: Hollywood Stars on Parade (1954) (short subject)
- Screen Snapshots: Hollywood Small Fry (1956) (short subject)
- Premier Khrushchev in the USA (1959) (belgesel)
- Oh, God! (1977) - Kendisi (cameo)
- Health (1980) - Kendisi (cameo)
- The Dinah Shore Chevy Show (11/27/1951 – 7/18/1957) 15 minutes
- The Dinah Shore Chevy Show (10/5/1956 – 6/14/1957) 60-minute monthly specials
- The Dinah Shore Chevy Show (10/20/1957 – 6/26/1961) 60 minutes
- Danny Thomas Show (bölüm: "The Dinah Shore Show", 10/28/1957; "Dinah Shore and Danny are Rivals", 12/8/1958)
- The Dinah Shore Special (10/6/1961 – 5/12/1963) 60 minute monthly specials
- The Dinah Shore Special (2/15/1965)
- The Dinah Shore Special: Like Hep (4/13/1969)
- Dinah's Place (8/3/1970 – 7/26/1974)
- Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In (Season 4 bölüm 21 air date (02/08/1971) konuk olarak - Kendisi)
- Dinah in Search of the Ideal Man (11/18/1973)
- Hold That Pose (1971) (one week pilot for series)
- Dinah Shore: In Search of the Ideal Man (1973)
- Dinah! (9/9/1974 – 9/7/1979)
- Dinah and Friends (9/10/1979 – 9/5/1980)
- Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman (April 1976; konuk olarak - Kendisi)
- Dinah and Her New Best Friends (6/5/1976 – 7/31/1976 summer series)
- The Carol Burnett Show (Konuk yıldız, aired: November 13, 1976)
- Alice (bölüm: "Mel's in the Kitchen with Dinah"; release date 11/18/1979, konuk olarak - Kendisi)
- Pee-wee's Playhouse Christmas Special (konuk yıldız 1988)
- Murder, She Wrote (bölüm: "Alma Murder"; 1989) (as Emily Dyers) (final television appearance)
- Conversations with Dinah (1989–1991)
Radyo çalışmaları
Yılı | Program | Bölüm/notlar |
1945 | The Screen Guild Theater | Belle of the Yukon |
- ^ . Dinahshorefanclub.com. 22 Ekim 2006 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 22 Mart 2007.
- ^ Sims, G. Michael (Sonbahar 2009). "Best all-around girl: How a small-town Tennessee girl sang her way to stardom". Vanderbilt Magazine. s. 18. 16 Aralık 2009 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 20 Aralık 2009.
- ^ "Those Were The Days". Nostalgia Digest. 39 (2). Bahar 2013. ss. 32-39.
Dış bağlantılar
Dinah Shore hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinin | |
![]() | Vikiveri'de veri |
- IMDb'de Dinah Shore
- Dinah Shore biography[], museum.televizyon
- , parabrisas.com
- Dinah Shore File 5 Ağustos 2018 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . at FBI Records: The Vault
- Dinah Vegas 5 Ağustos 2018 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde ., dinahshoreweekend.com
- Find a Grave'de Dinah Shore –
- Find a Grave'de Dinah Shore –
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Dinah Shore dogum adiyla Frances Rose Shore d 1 Mart 1916 o 24 Subat 1994 Amerikali sarkici oyuncu ve televizyon programi sunucusu Dinah ShoreFilmografiThank Your Lucky Stars 1943 Kendisi Up in Arms 1944 Virginia Follow the Boys 1944 Kendisi Belle of the Yukon 1944 Lettie Candless Make Mine Music 1946 Anlatici seslendirme Till the Clouds Roll By 1946 Julia Sanderson Dinah Shore Fun and Fancy Free 1947 Anlatici seslendirme Bongo 1947 short subject Anlatici seslendirme Aaron Slick from Punkin Crick 1952 Josie Berry A Great New Star 1952 short subject Screen Snapshots Hollywood Stars on Parade 1954 short subject Screen Snapshots Hollywood Small Fry 1956 short subject Premier Khrushchev in the USA 1959 belgesel Oh God 1977 Kendisi cameo Health 1980 Kendisi cameo TelevizyonThe Dinah Shore Chevy Show 11 27 1951 7 18 1957 15 minutes The Dinah Shore Chevy Show 10 5 1956 6 14 1957 60 minute monthly specials The Dinah Shore Chevy Show 10 20 1957 6 26 1961 60 minutes Danny Thomas Show bolum The Dinah Shore Show 10 28 1957 Dinah Shore and Danny are Rivals 12 8 1958 The Dinah Shore Special 10 6 1961 5 12 1963 60 minute monthly specials The Dinah Shore Special 2 15 1965 The Dinah Shore Special Like Hep 4 13 1969 Dinah s Place 8 3 1970 7 26 1974 Rowan amp Martin s Laugh In Season 4 bolum 21 air date 02 08 1971 konuk olarak Kendisi Dinah in Search of the Ideal Man 11 18 1973 Hold That Pose 1971 one week pilot for series Dinah Shore In Search of the Ideal Man 1973 Dinah 9 9 1974 9 7 1979 Dinah and Friends 9 10 1979 9 5 1980 Mary Hartman Mary Hartman April 1976 konuk olarak Kendisi Dinah and Her New Best Friends 6 5 1976 7 31 1976 summer series The Carol Burnett Show Konuk yildiz aired November 13 1976 Alice bolum Mel s in the Kitchen with Dinah release date 11 18 1979 konuk olarak Kendisi Pee wee s Playhouse Christmas Special konuk yildiz 1988 Murder She Wrote bolum Alma Murder 1989 as Emily Dyers final television appearance Conversations with Dinah 1989 1991 Radyo calismalariYili Program Bolum notlar1945 The Screen Guild Theater Belle of the YukonKaynakca Dinahshorefanclub com 22 Ekim 2006 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 22 Mart 2007 Sims G Michael Sonbahar 2009 Best all around girl How a small town Tennessee girl sang her way to stardom Vanderbilt Magazine s 18 16 Aralik 2009 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 20 Aralik 2009 Those Were The Days Nostalgia Digest 39 2 Bahar 2013 ss 32 39 Dis baglantilarVikipedi nin kardes projelerinden Dinah Shore hakkinda daha fazla bilgi edininVikiveri de veriIMDb de Dinah Shore Dinah Shore biography olu kirik baglanti museum televizyon parabrisas com Dinah Shore File 5 Agustos 2018 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde at FBI Records The Vault Dinah Vegas 5 Agustos 2018 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde dinahshoreweekend com Find a Grave de Dinah Shore Find a Grave de Dinah Shore Amerikali oyuncu ile ilgili bu madde taslak seviyesindedir Madde icerigini genisleterek Vikipedi ye katki saglayabilirsiniz