Donatizm (Latince: Donatismus, Yunanca: Δονατισμός Donatismós) MS 4. yüzyıldan 6. yüzyıla kadar Kartaca Kilisesi'nde bölünmeye yol açan, ana akım Hristiyanlıktan ayrılan bir Hristiyan mezhebidir.

Donatizme inananlar, Hristiyan din adamlarının görevlerinde etkili olabilmeleri, dualarının ve ayinlerinin geçerli olabilmesi için hatasız olması gerektiğini savundular. Donatizmin kökleri, Roma Afrika eyaletinin (şimdi Cezayir ve Tunus) köklü Hristiyan topluluğunda Diocletianus döneminde Hristiyanların zulmüne dayanırref. Berberi Hristiyan Piskoposu Donatus Magnus'tan adını alan Donatizm, dördüncü ve beşinci yüzyıllarda gelişti.
- Özel
- ^ Hıristiyanlık Tarihi. David F. Wright. Yeni Yaşam Yayınları. 2004. s. 212-13. ISBN .
- ^ Cantor 1995, ss. 51f.
- Genel
- (1995), The Civilization of the Middle Ages (İngilizce).
- Daniel, Robin (2010), This Holy Seed: Faith, Hope and Love in the Early Churches of North Africa (İngilizce), Chester: Tamarisk Publications, ISBN , 1 Kasım 2020 tarihinde kaynağından , erişim tarihi: 19 Mart 2022.
- (1952), The Donatist Church: A Movement of Protest in Roman North Africa (İngilizce), Oxford University Press, ISBN .
- Tilley, Maureen A, (Ed.) (1996), Donatist martyr stories: the Church in conflict in Roman North Africa (İngilizce), Liverpool University Press, ISBN .
- ——— (1997), The Bible in Christian North Africa: The Donatist World (İngilizce), Fortress Press, ISBN .
Konuyla ilgili yayınlar
- Augustinus (2014), "The Writings of St. Augustine Against the Donatists", Philip Schaff; Rev. Chester D. Hartranft D.D.; Paul A. Boer Sr. (Ed.), The Writings of St. Augustine Against the Donatists (İngilizce), Rev. J. R. King M.A. tarafından çevrildi, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; First edition, ISBN .
- Cameron, Michael (2001), "Augustine's Use of the Song of Songs Against the Donatists", van Fleteren, Frederick (Ed.), Augustine: Biblical Exegete, New York: Peter Lang.
- Corcoran, John Anthony (1997), Augustinus Contra Donatistas (İngilizce), Donaldson: Graduate Theological Foundation.
- Gaddis, Michael (2005), There Is No Crime for Those Who Have Christ (İngilizce), Berkeley: University of California Press.
- Keleher, James P (1961), Saint Augustine's Notion of Schism in the Donatist Controversy (İngilizce), Mundelein: Saint Mary of the Lake Seminary.
- Lewis, Gordon R (İlkbahar 1971), "Violence in the Name of Christ: The Significance of Augustine's Donatist Controversy for Today", Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (İngilizce), 14 (2), ss. 103-10.
- Paas, Steven (2005), A Conflict on Authority in the Early African Church: Augustine of Hippo and the Donatists, Kachere (İngilizce), Zomba.
- Park, Jae-Eun (Aug 2013), "Lacking Love or Conveying Love? The Fundamental Roots of the Donatists and Augustine's Nuanced Treatment of Them", The Reformed Theological Review (İngilizce), 72 (2), ss. 103-21.
- Russell, Frederick H. (1999), "Persuading the Donatists: Augustine's Coercion by Words", Klingshirn, William E (Ed.), Limits of Ancient Christianity: Essays on Late Antique Thought and Culture in Honor of R. A. Markus (İngilizce), Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
- Scalise, Charles J (Sonbahar 1996), "Exegetical Warrants for Religious Persecution: Augustine vs. the Donatists", Review & Expositor (İngilizce), 93 (4), ss. 497-506, doi:10.1177/003463739609300405.
- Shimmyo, Theodore T (1991), "St Augustine's Treatment of the Donatist Heresy: An Interpretation", Patristic and Byzantine Review (İngilizce), 10 (3), ss. 173-82.
Dış bağlantılar
- Donatus & the Donatist Schism, UK: Early Church, 8 Ağustos 2020 tarihinde kaynağından , erişim tarihi: 29 Mayıs 2020, a list of primary and secondary sources on the Donatists.
- "Donatists", Catholic Encyclopedia, New advent, 19 Mayıs 2020 tarihinde kaynağından , erişim tarihi: 29 Mayıs 2020, goes into some detail about the politics in the early church that was the background for the rise and fall of Donatism.
- of Cirta, Petilian, Letter, Sean Multimedia, 10 Şubat 2020 tarihinde kaynağından , erişim tarihi: 29 Mayıs 2020, written by a Donatist leader.
- Merrills, Andrew H (2004), Vandals, Romans and Berbers: New Perspectives on Late Antique North Africa, Ashgate, ISBN , 29 Temmuz 2016 tarihinde kaynağından , erişim tarihi: 29 Mayıs 2020 - new analysis of the textual, epigraphic and archaeological record.
- Donatism. Online Dynamic Bibliography, 3 Şubat 2017 tarihinde kaynağından , erişim tarihi: 29 Mayıs 2020.
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Donatizm Latince Donatismus Yunanca Donatismos Donatismos MS 4 yuzyildan 6 yuzyila kadar Kartaca Kilisesi nde bolunmeye yol acan ana akim Hristiyanliktan ayrilan bir Hristiyan mezhebidir nun 18 yuzyil Augustinus donatizme inananlar ile tartisiyor isimli resmi Donatizme inananlar Hristiyan din adamlarinin gorevlerinde etkili olabilmeleri dualarinin ve ayinlerinin gecerli olabilmesi icin hatasiz olmasi gerektigini savundular Donatizmin kokleri Roma Afrika eyaletinin simdi Cezayir ve Tunus koklu Hristiyan toplulugunda Diocletianus doneminde Hristiyanlarin zulmune dayanirref Berberi Hristiyan Piskoposu Donatus Magnus tan adini alan Donatizm dorduncu ve besinci yuzyillarda gelisti KaynakcaOzel Hiristiyanlik Tarihi David F Wright Yeni Yasam Yayinlari 2004 s 212 13 ISBN 975 8318 86 1 Cantor 1995 ss 51f Genel 1995 The Civilization of the Middle Ages Ingilizce Daniel Robin 2010 This Holy Seed Faith Hope and Love in the Early Churches of North Africa Ingilizce Chester Tamarisk Publications ISBN 978 0 9538565 3 4 1 Kasim 2020 tarihinde kaynagindan erisim tarihi 19 Mart 2022 1952 The Donatist Church A Movement of Protest in Roman North Africa Ingilizce Oxford University Press ISBN 0 19 826408 9 Tilley Maureen A Ed 1996 Donatist martyr stories the Church in conflict in Roman North Africa Ingilizce Liverpool University Press ISBN 0 85323 931 2 1997 The Bible in Christian North Africa The Donatist World Ingilizce Fortress Press ISBN 0 8006 2880 2 Konuyla ilgili yayinlarAugustinus 2014 The Writings of St Augustine Against the Donatists Philip Schaff Rev Chester D Hartranft D D Paul A Boer Sr Ed The Writings of St Augustine Against the Donatists Ingilizce Rev J R King M A tarafindan cevrildi CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform First edition ISBN 978 1499581010 Cameron Michael 2001 Augustine s Use of the Song of Songs Against the Donatists van Fleteren Frederick Ed Augustine Biblical Exegete New York Peter Lang Corcoran John Anthony 1997 Augustinus Contra Donatistas Ingilizce Donaldson Graduate Theological Foundation Gaddis Michael 2005 There Is No Crime for Those Who Have Christ Ingilizce Berkeley University of California Press Keleher James P 1961 Saint Augustine s Notion of Schism in the Donatist Controversy Ingilizce Mundelein Saint Mary of the Lake Seminary Lewis Gordon R Ilkbahar 1971 Violence in the Name of Christ The Significance of Augustine s Donatist Controversy for Today Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society Ingilizce 14 2 ss 103 10 Paas Steven 2005 A Conflict on Authority in the Early African Church Augustine of Hippo and the Donatists Kachere Ingilizce Zomba Park Jae Eun Aug 2013 Lacking Love or Conveying Love The Fundamental Roots of the Donatists and Augustine s Nuanced Treatment of Them The Reformed Theological Review Ingilizce 72 2 ss 103 21 Russell Frederick H 1999 Persuading the Donatists Augustine s Coercion by Words Klingshirn William E Ed Limits of Ancient Christianity Essays on Late Antique Thought and Culture in Honor of R A Markus Ingilizce Ann Arbor University of Michigan Press Scalise Charles J Sonbahar 1996 Exegetical Warrants for Religious Persecution Augustine vs the Donatists Review amp Expositor Ingilizce 93 4 ss 497 506 doi 10 1177 003463739609300405 Shimmyo Theodore T 1991 St Augustine s Treatment of the Donatist Heresy An Interpretation Patristic and Byzantine Review Ingilizce 10 3 ss 173 82 Dis baglantilarDonatus amp the Donatist Schism UK Early Church 8 Agustos 2020 tarihinde kaynagindan erisim tarihi 29 Mayis 2020 a list of primary and secondary sources on the Donatists Donatists Catholic Encyclopedia New advent 19 Mayis 2020 tarihinde kaynagindan erisim tarihi 29 Mayis 2020 goes into some detail about the politics in the early church that was the background for the rise and fall of Donatism of Cirta Petilian Letter Sean Multimedia 10 Subat 2020 tarihinde kaynagindan erisim tarihi 29 Mayis 2020 written by a Donatist leader Merrills Andrew H 2004 Vandals Romans and Berbers New Perspectives on Late Antique North Africa Ashgate ISBN 9780754641452 29 Temmuz 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan erisim tarihi 29 Mayis 2020 new analysis of the textual epigraphic and archaeological record Donatism Online Dynamic Bibliography 3 Subat 2017 tarihinde kaynagindan erisim tarihi 29 Mayis 2020