Duyular dışı algılama veya altıncı his, parapsikologların telepati, durugörü, prekognisyon gibi beş duyunun ötesindeki her türlü paranormal algılamaları belirtmek üzere kullandıkları bir terim olup, Türkçede DDA veya DDİ (duyular dışı idrak) kısaltmasıyla, İngilizcede ise ESP (extra-sensory perception) kısaltmasıyla ifade edilir. Bilimsel konsensüs, duyular dışı algılamanın bilimsel bir olgu olmadığı yönündedir. Terim ilk kez 1870'te Sir Richard Burton tarafından kullanılmış, 1930'larda J.B. Rhine tarafından popüler hale getirilmiştir.
Bruce Willis'in baş rolde oynadığı Altıncı His adlı sinema filminde ise bir çocuğun ölmüş insanların ruhlarını görebilme kabiliyetini konu olarak ele almaktadır.
- ^ Cogan, Robert. (1998). Critical Thinking: Step by Step. University Press of America. p. 227. "When an experiment can't be repeated and get the same result, this tends to show that the result was due to some error in experimental procedure, rather than some real causal process. ESP experiments simply have not turned up any repeatable paranormal phenomena."
- ^ Wynn, Charles M; Wiggins, Arthur W. (2001). Quantum Leaps in the Wrong Direction: Where Real Science Ends... and Pseudoscience Begins. Joseph Henry Press. p. 165. "Extrasensory perception and psychokinesis fail to fulfill the requirements of the scientific method. They therefore must remain pseudoscientific concepts until methodological flaws in their study are eliminated, and repeatable data supporting their existence are obtained."
- ^ Zechmeister, Eugene B; Johnson, James E. (1992). Critical Thinking: A Functional Approach. Brooks/Cole Pub. Co. p. 115. "There exists no good scientific evidence for the existence of paranormal phenomena such as ESP. To be acceptable to the scientific community, evidence must be both valid and reliable."
- ^ (1988). A Physicist's Guide to Skepticism. Prometheus Books. p. 193. "Transmission of information through space requires transfer of energy from one place to another. Telepathy requires transmission of an energy-carrying signal directly from one mind to another. All descriptions of ESP imply violations of conservation of energy in one way or another, as well as violations of all the principles of information theory and even of the principle of causality. Strict application of physical principles requires us to say that ESP is impossible."
- ^ Myers, David. (2004). Intuition: Its Powers and Perils. Yale University Press. p. 233. "After thousands of experiments, no reproducible ESP phenomenon has ever been discovered, nor has any researcher produced any individual who can convincingly demonstrate psychic ability."
- ^ (2003)."Psychic drift: Why most scientists do not believe in ESP and psi phenomena" 12 Eylül 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .. Scientific American 288: 2.
- ^ Stein, Gordon. (1996). The Encyclopedia of the Paranormal. Prometheus Books. p. 249. "Mainstream science is on the whole very dubious about ESP, and the only way that most scientists will be persuaded is by a demonstration that can be generally reproduced by neutral or even skeptical scientists. This is something that parapsychology has never succeeded in producing."
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Duyular disi algilama veya altinci his parapsikologlarin telepati durugoru prekognisyon gibi bes duyunun otesindeki her turlu paranormal algilamalari belirtmek uzere kullandiklari bir terim olup Turkcede DDA veya DDI duyular disi idrak kisaltmasiyla Ingilizcede ise ESP extra sensory perception kisaltmasiyla ifade edilir Bilimsel konsensus duyular disi algilamanin bilimsel bir olgu olmadigi yonundedir Terim ilk kez 1870 te Sir Richard Burton tarafindan kullanilmis 1930 larda J B Rhine tarafindan populer hale getirilmistir Bruce Willis in bas rolde oynadigi Altinci His adli sinema filminde ise bir cocugun olmus insanlarin ruhlarini gorebilme kabiliyetini konu olarak ele almaktadir Kaynakca Cogan Robert 1998 Critical Thinking Step by Step University Press of America p 227 978 0761810674 When an experiment can t be repeated and get the same result this tends to show that the result was due to some error in experimental procedure rather than some real causal process ESP experiments simply have not turned up any repeatable paranormal phenomena Wynn Charles M Wiggins Arthur W 2001 Quantum Leaps in the Wrong Direction Where Real Science Ends and Pseudoscience Begins Joseph Henry Press p 165 978 0309073097 Extrasensory perception and psychokinesis fail to fulfill the requirements of the scientific method They therefore must remain pseudoscientific concepts until methodological flaws in their study are eliminated and repeatable data supporting their existence are obtained Zechmeister Eugene B Johnson James E 1992 Critical Thinking A Functional Approach Brooks Cole Pub Co p 115 0534165966 There exists no good scientific evidence for the existence of paranormal phenomena such as ESP To be acceptable to the scientific community evidence must be both valid and reliable 1988 A Physicist s Guide to Skepticism Prometheus Books p 193 978 0 87975 440 2 Transmission of information through space requires transfer of energy from one place to another Telepathy requires transmission of an energy carrying signal directly from one mind to another All descriptions of ESP imply violations of conservation of energy in one way or another as well as violations of all the principles of information theory and even of the principle of causality Strict application of physical principles requires us to say that ESP is impossible Myers David 2004 Intuition Its Powers and Perils Yale University Press p 233 0 300 09531 7 After thousands of experiments no reproducible ESP phenomenon has ever been discovered nor has any researcher produced any individual who can convincingly demonstrate psychic ability 2003 Psychic drift Why most scientists do not believe in ESP and psi phenomena 12 Eylul 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Scientific American 288 2 Stein Gordon 1996 The Encyclopedia of the Paranormal Prometheus Books p 249 1 57392 021 5 Mainstream science is on the whole very dubious about ESP and the only way that most scientists will be persuaded is by a demonstration that can be generally reproduced by neutral or even skeptical scientists This is something that parapsychology has never succeeded in producing Parapsikoloji ile ilgili bu madde taslak seviyesindedir Madde icerigini genisleterek Vikipedi ye katki saglayabilirsiniz