Fikri Alican (d. 2 Nisan 1929 - ö. 19 Ağustos 2015), Türk bilim insanı ve organ naklinden fizyolojiye kadar tıp bilimine çeşitli katkıları olan hekimdir.
Fikri Alican | |
![]() Fikri Alican ( 26 yaşında), Mayıs 1955 | |
Doğum | 2 Nisan 1929 Adapazarı, Sakarya, Türkiye |
Ölüm | 19 Ağustos 2015 (86 yaşında) İstanbul, Türkiye |
Milliyet | Türk |
Kariyeri | |
Dalı | Tıp, fizyoloji, genel cerrahi, organ nakli |
Çalıştığı kurumlar | İstanbul Üniversitesi |
Etkilendikleri | |
İlk yılları ve kariyeri
Alican, Adapazarı'nda doğdu. Ortaokuldan sonra memleketinden ayrıldı, liseye İstanbul'da devam etti. Robert Kolej (1949) ve İstanbul Üniversitesi'nden (1955) mezun oldu. İhtisasını başkanlığında İstanbul Üniversitesi Tıp Merkezi 4 Numaralı Cerrahi Kliniği olarak da bilinen Tedavi ve Araştırma Cerrahisi Kliniği'nde yaptı. Müstakbel eşi Halide Ihlamur ile orada tanıştı.
İstanbul Üniversitesi'nde genel cerrahi ihtisasını tamamladıktan sonra, organ nakli alanına eğildi. Jackson, Mississippi'ye giderek Mississippi Üniversitesi'nin organ nakli araştırmaları ekibine katıldı. İlk akciğer nakli (11 Haziran 1963) ve ilk kalp nakli (23 Ocak 1964) burada önderliğinde yapıldı. 1960 yazında Jackson'da evdi ve seksen altı yaşında ölümüne kadar elli beş yıl boyunca (1960-2015) evli kaldı. Ayrıca, Hardy'nin cerrahi bölümünde araştırma görevlisi olarak çalışırken fizyoloji'nin önemli isimlerinden ile de çalışarak, Mississippi Üniversitesi'nde fizyoloji alanında yüksek lisans derecesi(MS, 1962) aldı.
En çok organ nakli alanındaki çalışmalarıyla tanınan Alican, fizyoloji alanında da bazı önemli araştırmalarda bulunmuştur. Profesyonel kariyeri, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'ndeki tıbbi araştırmaları ve Türkiye'deki özel muayenehaneciliği arasında geçmiştir.
Temel katkıları
Alican'ın asıl katkıları 1960'larda (1960–1971) Mississippi Üniversitesi Tıp Merkezi'nde (UMMC) organ transplantasyonun laboratuvar araştırmaları ve klinik çalışmaları içerisindeyken geldi. Araştırmaları büyük ölçüde akciğerler. karaciğer ve bağırsak nakli konusundaki çalışmaları içermektedir. İnsanlarda gerçekleştirilecek organ nakillerinden birinin önünü açan köpeklerde ilk eş zamanlı iki taraflı akciğer naklini gerçekleştirdi.
Transplantasyonda cerrahi tekniklerin geliştirilmesindeki rolü ve fizyoloji alanındaki çalışmaları beraber ilerlemiştir. Genel olarak transplantasyon biyolojisi ve şok fizyolojisi özel çalışma alanı olmuştur.
1971 yılında İstanbul'a dönmüş ve 1979 yılına kadar İstanbul Üniversitesi'nde cerrahi kürsüsünde bulunmuştur. O yıllarda akademik hayattaki hekimlerin üniversite dışında çalışmasını engelleyen yasal ve düzenleyici değişiklikler nedeniyle serbest muayenehane hekimliğine geçmiştir. Mississippi Üniversitesi'nden ayrıldığı sırada, üniversite hastanesinde uzman cerrah ve transplantasyon programının yardımcı direktörüydü. Yirmi yıl sonra, 1991'de kurulan James D. Hardy Society'nin kurucu üyesi olmuştur.
Hem İngilizce hem de Türkçe olarak çok sayıda yayın yaptı. Çoğunlukla İngilizce olan dergi makaleleri çoğunlukla organ nakli ve fizyolojisi alanlarındadır. Tamamı Türkçe olan monografileri, genel cerrahiden organ nakline, kanser araştırmalarına ve diğer çeşitli hastalıkların derinlemesine incelenmesine kadar uzanan alanlardadır.
Seçilmiş Yayınlar
Tarih | yayın |
1960 | Anesteziyoloji: Ameliyata Hazırlık, Ameliyat, Ameliyat Sonrası [Anesthesiology: Preoperative Preparation, Surgery, Postoperative Care]. 750 Yataklı Çamlıca Askeri Göğüs Hastalıkları Hastenesi Yayınları No. 2. İstanbul: 750 Yataklı Çamlıca Askeri Göğüs Hastalıkları Hastenesi. 1960. |
1968 | Ameliyata Hazırlık, Anestezi, Ameliyat Sonrası Bakımı [Preoperative Preparation, Anesthesia, Postoperative Care]. İstanbul: Kasımpaşa Deniz Hastanesi Yayınevi. 1968. |
1968 | Transplantasyon Biyolojisi: Hızla Gelişmekte Olan Yeni Bir Bilim [Transplantation Biology: A Rapidly Developing New Science]. İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi. 1968. |
1981 | Meme Kanseri [Breast Cancer]. İstanbul: Avrupa Tıp Kitapçılık. 1981. |
1993 | Kanser [Cancer]. İstanbul: Avrupa Tıp Kitapçılık. 1993. İkinci, genişletilmiş ve güncellenmiş baskı, 1997. |
1993 | Meme Hastalıkları [Diseases of the Breast]. İstanbul: Avrupa Tıp Kitapçılık. 1993. |
1993 | Transplantasyon [Transplantation]. İstanbul: Avrupa Tıp Kitapçılık. 1993. |
1994–1995 | Cerrahi Dersleri [Lectures in Surgery]. Three volumes. İstanbul: Dünya Tıp Kitabevi. 1994–1995. |
1996 | Meme Kanseri: Değişen Kavramlar ve Güncel Tedaviler [Breast Cancer: Changing Conceptions and Current Treatments]. İstanbul: Avrupa Tıp Kitapçılık. 1996. |
2000 | Koca Meşe'nin Gölgesi [The Shadow of the Grand Oak]. İstanbul: Doğan Kitap. 2000. ISBN . Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri tarafından yayınlanan ikinci, gözden geçirilmiş ve resimlerle genişletilmiş baskı, 2007. [Otobiyografi] |
2007 | Genel Cerrahi [General Surgery]. Two volumes. İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri. 2007. (cilt 1). (cilt 2). [Yazarın tıpla ilgili önceki kitaplarının derlenmesi.] |
Date | Publication |
1961 | Alican (December 1961). "Mechanisms of Shock as Reflected in Studies of Lymph of Abdominal Organs". Surgery, Gynecology & Obstetrics [later: Journal of the American College of Surgeons]. 113: 743-756. ISSN 0039-6087. (PMID) 13860423. |
1961 | Alican (1961). "Relationship and Significance of the Levels of Direct Bilirubin, Indirect Bilirubin, and Alkaline Phosphatase in Lymph, Blood, and Urine After Ligation of the Common Bile Duct". Surgical Forum. 12: 337-339. ISSN 0071-8041. (PMID) 13860424. |
1961 | Hardy (July 1961). "Ischemic Gangrene without Major Organic Vascular Occlusion: An Enlarging Concept". Surgery. 50 (1): 107-114. ISSN 0039-6060. (PMID) 13711520. |
1962 | Alican (March 1962). "A Sensitive Method for Recording Lymph Flow: Observations on the Dynamics of Hepatosplanchnic Blood and Lymph". The Journal of Surgical Research. 2 (2): 104-109. doi:10.1016/S0022-4804(62)80004-3. ISSN 0022-4804. (PMID) 13860425. |
1962 | Alican (August 1962). "Pathophysiology of Endotoxin Shock: Clinical Observations and Experimental Studies". The American Journal of the Medical Sciences. 244 (2): 237-257. doi:10.1097/00000441-196208000-00014. ISSN 0002-9629. (PMID) 13860426. |
1962 | Alican (August 1962). "Lymphatic Transport of Bile Pigments and Alkaline Phosphatase in Experimental Common Duct Obstruction". Surgery. 52 (2): 366-372. ISSN 0039-6060. (PMID) 13860422. |
1962 | Alican (1962). "Sympatho-Adrenal System in Endotoxin Shock". Surgical Forum. 13: 8-10. ISSN 0071-8041. (PMID) 14012021. |
1962 | Alican (June 1962). "Experimental Endotoxin Shock: Circulatory Changes with Emphasis upon Cardiac Function". The American Journal of Surgery. 103 (6): 702-708. doi:10.1016/0002-9610(62)90249-0. ISSN 0002-9610. (PMID) 13860421. |
1963 | Alican (9 Mart 1963). "Lung Reimplantation: Effect on Respiratory Pattern and Function". JAMA. 183 (10): 849-853. doi:10.1001/jama.1963.63700100001013. ISSN 0098-7484. (PMID) 14012020. |
1963 | Hardy (May 1963). "Re-Implantation and Homotransplantation of the Lung: Laboratory Studies and Clinical Potential". Annals of Surgery. 157: 707-718. doi:10.1097/00000658-196305000-00005. ISSN 0003-4932. (PMC) 1466537 $2. (PMID) 13960767. |
1966 | Hardy (1966). "Lung Transplantation". Advances in Surgery. 2: 235-264. ISSN 0065-3411. (PMID) 5333296. |
1967 | Alican (1967). "Experimental Orthotopic Liver Transplantation: Experience with 150 Dogs". New Istanbul Contribution to Clinical Science. 9 (3): 71-98. ISSN 0028-5447. (PMID) 16300153. |
1967 | Alican (April 1967). "Köpekte Total Hepatektomiden Sonra Karaciğerin Tekrar Yerine Takılması [Replantation of the Liver in Dogs Following Total Hepatectomy]". Türk Tıp Cemiyeti Mecmuası. 33 (4): 209-226. ISSN 0494-2736. (PMID) 4863470. |
1967 | Alican (May 1967). "Eksperimantal Karaciğer Homotransplantasyonu [Experimental Liver Homotransplantation]". Türk Tıp Cemiyeti Mecmuası. 33 (5): 296-311. ISSN 0494-2736. |
1967 | Alican (June 1967). "Eksperimantal Akciğer Transplantasyonu: Teknik, Fizyolojik ve İmmünolojik Problemler [Experimental Lung Transplantation: Technical, Physiological and Immunological Problems]". Türk Tıp Cemiyeti Mecmuası. 33 (6): 319-329. ISSN 0494-2736. (PMID) 4865363. |
1967 | Alican (August 1967). "Replantation of the Liver in Dogs". The Journal of Surgical Research. 7 (8): 368-375. doi:10.1016/0022-4804(67)90080-7. ISSN 0022-4804. |
1969 | Alican (1969). "A Description of the Course of Long-Term Survivors of Dog Liver Replantation". Surgical Forum. 20: 365-367. ISSN 0071-8041. (PMID) 4910609. |
1970 | Alican (December 1970). "The Present Status of Lung Transplantation". Journal of the Tennessee Medical Association [later: Tennessee Medicine]. 63 (12): 1011-1021. ISSN 0040-3318. (PMID) 5532334. |
1970 | Alican (September 1970). "Surgical Grand Rounds from the University of Mississippi Medical Center". Southern Medical Journal. 63 (9): 1021-1029. doi:10.1097/00007611-197009000-00009. ISSN 0038-4348. (PMID) 5460095. |
1970 | Alican (November 1970). "Fibrinolytic Activity Following Experimental Procedures on the Liver". Archives of Surgery [later: JAMA Surgery]. 101 (5): 590-595. doi:10.1001/archsurg.1970.01340290046010. ISSN 0004-0010. (PMID) 4920972. |
1970 | Hardy (September 1970). "A Case of Clinical Lung Allotransplantation". The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 60 (3): 411-426. doi:10.1016/S0022-5223(19)42353-2. ISSN 0022-5223. (PMID) 4916119. |
1970 | Şaşmaz (January 1970). "Hematoma of the Rectus Abdominis Muscle". Archives of Surgery [later: JAMA Surgery]. 100 (1): 8-10. doi:10.1001/archsurg.1970.01340190010004. ISSN 0004-0010. (PMID) 5409682. |
1970 | Turner (January–February 1970). "Successful 20-Hour Storage of the Canine Liver by Continuous Hypothermic Perfusion". Cryobiology. 6 (4): 293-301. doi:10.1016/s0011-2240(70)80083-9. ISSN 0011-2240. (PMID) 4911453. |
1971 | Alican (February 1971). "Intestinal Transplantation: Laboratory Experience and Report of a Clinical Case". The American Journal of Surgery. 121 (2): 150-159. doi:10.1016/0002-9610(71)90092-4. ISSN 0002-9610. (PMID) 5540665. |
1971 | Alican (22 Şubat 1971). "One-Stage Replantation of Both Lungs in the Dog". JAMA. 215 (8): 1301-1306. doi:10.1001/jama.1971.03180210047009. ISSN 0098-7484. (PMID) 4929698. |
1971 | Alican (March 1971). "Feasibility of Simultaneous Bilateral Lung Replantation". Transplantation Proceedings. 3 (1): 524-526. ISSN 0041-1345. (PMID) 4937931. |
1971 | Alican (June 1971). "Surgical Technique of One-Stage Bilateral Lung Reimplantation in the Dog". The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 61 (6): 847-856. doi:10.1016/S0022-5223(19)42146-6. ISSN 0022-5223. (PMID) 4932558. |
1971 | Alican (July 1971). "Left Lung Replantation with Immediate Right Pulmonary Artery Ligation". Annals of Surgery. 174 (1): 34-43. doi:10.1097/00000658-197107010-00006. ISSN 0003-4932. (PMC) 1397426 $2. (PMID) 4933526. |
1971 | Alican (March 1971). "One-Stage Hepatectomy in the Dog with Restoration of the Vena Cava by End-to-End Anastomosis". Surgery. 69 (3): 427-432. ISSN 0039-6060. (PMID) 5544895. |
1973 | Alican (February 1973). "One-Stage Allotransplantation of Both Lungs in the Dog". Annals of Surgery. 177 (2): 193-198. doi:10.1097/00000658-197302000-00012. ISSN 0003-4932. (PMC) 1355563 $2. (PMID) 4572784. |
- Fikri Alican (26 yaşında) Mayıs 1955'te tıp fakültesinden mezun olurken (İstanbul Üniversitesi)
- Fikri Alican (26 yaşında) Mayıs 1955'te tıp fakültesinden yeni mezun olmuş genç bir doktor olarak (İstanbul Üniversitesi)
- Fikri Alican (31 yaşında) 1960 yazında ailesini evlerinde ziyaret ederken
- Fikri Alican (40 yaşında) Temmuz 1969'da Madrid'de organ nakli konulu bir konferansta
- Fikri Alican (40'lı yaşların başında) 1970'lerin başında İstanbul Üniversitesi'nde ders verirken
- Fikri Alican (76 yaşında) Ağustos 2005'te evde
- Fikri Alican (77 yaşında) Ağustos 2006'da evde
- Fikri Alican (77 yaşında) Aralık 2006'da ofisinde
- Fikri Alican (78 yaşında) Haziran 2007'de evde
Not listesi
- ^ Alican's official record of birth, 2 April 1930, is off by one year, a relatively common practice at the time by Turkish families hoping to secure, through late declaration of male births, an extra year of growth for their sons prior to conscription (formally at age eighteen).
- ^ Alican, in his autobiography, identifies this volume (1968) as his first book, adding that he failed to attract attention (from publishers) to it for eight years between its completion in 1960 and its eventual publication in 1968. This suggests that the first two entries listed among his monographs in the corresponding section above may, especially since the two titles are almost identical, at least in meaning, actually refer to the same work, perhaps the first (1960) being a printed manuscript and the second (1960) a proper publication. As against this possibility, the autobiography (2007) comes with a picture of the cover page of the first book (1960), where a publisher is in fact listed, along with a book series and the number of the specific title in that series.
- ^ Alican's preface to Genel Cerrahi (2007), appearing in both volumes, introduces the entirety of that work as a compilation of previously published monographs with minor emendations. His tally in the preface is eleven books, counting as separate works both of the two editions of his study on cancer (1993/1997) as well as each volume of his trilogy on surgery (1994–1995), all listed above in the section on his publications.
- ^ Koca Meşe'nin Gölgesi [The Shadow of the Grand Oak]. 2nd. İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri. 2007 [1st ed. 2000]. ISBN .
- ^ Koca Meşe'nin Gölgesi [The Shadow of the Grand Oak]. 2nd. İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri. 2007 [1st ed. 2000]. ss. 271-293. ISBN .
- ^ Koca Meşe'nin Gölgesi [The Shadow of the Grand Oak]. 2nd. İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri. 2007 [1st ed. 2000]. ss. 312-313. ISBN .
- ^ "Dr. James D. Hardy". University of Mississippi Medical Center. 28 Haziran 2017 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 29 Haziran 2016.
- ^ Koca Meşe'nin Gölgesi [The Shadow of the Grand Oak]. 2nd. İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri. 2007 [1st ed. 2000]. ss. 312-313, 593-594. ISBN .
- ^ Koca Meşe'nin Gölgesi [The Shadow of the Grand Oak]. 2nd. İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri. 2007 [1st ed. 2000]. ss. 228, 316-318, 319-320, 347-348, 389. ISBN .
- ^ The World of Surgery, 1945–1985: Memoirs of One Participant. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 1986. s. 290. ISBN .
- ^ The Academic Surgeon: An Autobiography. Mobile: Magnolia Mansions Press. 2002. ss. 223, 307. ISBN .
- ^ Alican (9 Mart 1963). "Lung Reimplantation: Effect on Respiratory Pattern and Function". JAMA. 183 (10): 849-853. doi:10.1001/jama.1963.63700100001013. ISSN 0098-7484. (PMID) 14012020.
- ^ Hardy (May 1963). "Re-Implantation and Homotransplantation of the Lung: Laboratory Studies and Clinical Potential". Annals of Surgery. 157: 707-718. doi:10.1097/00000658-196305000-00005. ISSN 0003-4932. (PMC) 1466537 $2. (PMID) 13960767.
- ^ Hardy (1966). "Lung Transplantation". Advances in Surgery. 2: 235-264. ISSN 0065-3411. (PMID) 5333296.
- ^ Alican (June 1967). "Eksperimantal Akciğer Transplantasyonu: Teknik, Fizyolojik ve İmmünolojik Problemler [Experimental Lung Transplantation: Technical, Physiological and Immunological Problems]". Türk Tıp Cemiyeti Mecmuası. 33 (6): 319-329. ISSN 0494-2736. (PMID) 4865363.
- ^ Hardy (September 1970). "A Case of Clinical Lung Allotransplantation". The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 60 (3): 411-426. doi:10.1016/S0022-5223(19)42353-2. ISSN 0022-5223. (PMID) 4916119.
- ^ Alican (December 1970). "The Present Status of Lung Transplantation". Journal of the Tennessee Medical Association [later: Tennessee Medicine]. 63 (12): 1011-1021. ISSN 0040-3318. (PMID) 5532334.
- ^ Alican (22 Şubat 1971). "One-Stage Replantation of Both Lungs in the Dog". JAMA. 215 (8): 1301-1306. doi:10.1001/jama.1971.03180210047009. ISSN 0098-7484. (PMID) 4929698.
- ^ Alican (March 1971). "Feasibility of Simultaneous Bilateral Lung Replantation". Transplantation Proceedings. 3 (1): 524-526. ISSN 0041-1345. (PMID) 4937931.
- ^ Alican (June 1971). "Surgical Technique of One-Stage Bilateral Lung Reimplantation in the Dog". The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 61 (6): 847-856. doi:10.1016/S0022-5223(19)42146-6. ISSN 0022-5223. (PMID) 4932558.
- ^ Alican (July 1971). "Left Lung Replantation with Immediate Right Pulmonary Artery Ligation". Annals of Surgery. 174 (1): 34-43. doi:10.1097/00000658-197107010-00006. ISSN 0003-4932. (PMC) 1397426 $2. (PMID) 4933526.
- ^ Alican (February 1973). "One-Stage Allotransplantation of Both Lungs in the Dog". Annals of Surgery. 177 (2): 193-198. doi:10.1097/00000658-197302000-00012. ISSN 0003-4932. (PMC) 1355563 $2. (PMID) 4572784.
- ^ Alican (1967). "Experimental Orthotopic Liver Transplantation: Experience with 150 Dogs". New Istanbul Contribution to Clinical Science. 9 (3): 71-98. ISSN 0028-5447. (PMID) 16300153.
- ^ Alican (April 1967). "Köpekte Total Hepatektomiden Sonra Karaciğerin Tekrar Yerine Takılması [Replantation of the Liver in Dogs Following Total Hepatectomy]". Türk Tıp Cemiyeti Mecmuası. 33 (4): 209-226. ISSN 0494-2736. (PMID) 4863470.
- ^ Alican (May 1967). "Eksperimantal Karaciğer Homotransplantasyonu [Experimental Liver Homotransplantation]". Türk Tıp Cemiyeti Mecmuası. 33 (5): 296-311. ISSN 0494-2736.
- ^ Alican (August 1967). "Replantation of the Liver in Dogs". The Journal of Surgical Research. 7 (8): 368-375. doi:10.1016/0022-4804(67)90080-7. ISSN 0022-4804.
- ^ Alican (1969). "A Description of the Course of Long-Term Survivors of Dog Liver Replantation". Surgical Forum. 20: 365-367. ISSN 0071-8041. (PMID) 4910609.
- ^ Turner (January–February 1970). "Successful 20-Hour Storage of the Canine Liver by Continuous Hypothermic Perfusion". Cryobiology. 6 (4): 293-301. doi:10.1016/s0011-2240(70)80083-9. ISSN 0011-2240. (PMID) 4911453.
- ^ Alican (November 1970). "Fibrinolytic Activity Following Experimental Procedures on the Liver". Archives of Surgery [later: JAMA Surgery]. 101 (5): 590-595. doi:10.1001/archsurg.1970.01340290046010. ISSN 0004-0010. (PMID) 4920972.
- ^ Alican (March 1971). "One-Stage Hepatectomy in the Dog with Restoration of the Vena Cava by End-to-End Anastomosis". Surgery. 69 (3): 427-432. ISSN 0039-6060. (PMID) 5544895.
- ^ Alican (February 1971). "Intestinal Transplantation: Laboratory Experience and Report of a Clinical Case". The American Journal of Surgery. 121 (2): 150-159. doi:10.1016/0002-9610(71)90092-4. ISSN 0002-9610. (PMID) 5540665.
- ^ Alican (1961). "Relationship and Significance of the Levels of Direct Bilirubin, Indirect Bilirubin, and Alkaline Phosphatase in Lymph, Blood, and Urine After Ligation of the Common Bile Duct". Surgical Forum. 12: 337-339. ISSN 0071-8041. (PMID) 13860424.
- ^ Hardy (July 1961). "Ischemic Gangrene without Major Organic Vascular Occlusion: An Enlarging Concept". Surgery. 50 (1): 107-114. ISSN 0039-6060. (PMID) 13711520.
- ^ Alican (March 1962). "A Sensitive Method for Recording Lymph Flow: Observations on the Dynamics of Hepatosplanchnic Blood and Lymph". The Journal of Surgical Research. 2 (2): 104-109. doi:10.1016/S0022-4804(62)80004-3. ISSN 0022-4804. (PMID) 13860425.
- ^ Alican (August 1962). "Lymphatic Transport of Bile Pigments and Alkaline Phosphatase in Experimental Common Duct Obstruction". Surgery. 52 (2): 366-372. ISSN 0039-6060. (PMID) 13860422.
- ^ Şaşmaz (January 1970). "Hematoma of the Rectus Abdominis Muscle". Archives of Surgery [later: JAMA Surgery]. 100 (1): 8-10. doi:10.1001/archsurg.1970.01340190010004. ISSN 0004-0010. (PMID) 5409682.
- ^ Transplantasyon Biyolojisi: Hızla Gelişmekte Olan Yeni Bir Bilim [Transplantation Biology: A Rapidly Developing New Science]. İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi. 1968.
- ^ Alican (December 1961). "Mechanisms of Shock as Reflected in Studies of Lymph of Abdominal Organs". Surgery, Gynecology & Obstetrics [later: Journal of the American College of Surgeons]. 113: 743-756. ISSN 0039-6087. (PMID) 13860423.
- ^ Alican (August 1962). "Pathophysiology of Endotoxin Shock: Clinical Observations and Experimental Studies". The American Journal of the Medical Sciences. 244 (2): 237-257. doi:10.1097/00000441-196208000-00014. ISSN 0002-9629. (PMID) 13860426.
- ^ Alican (1962). "Sympatho-Adrenal System in Endotoxin Shock". Surgical Forum. 13: 8-10. ISSN 0071-8041. (PMID) 14012021.
- ^ Alican (June 1962). "Experimental Endotoxin Shock: Circulatory Changes with Emphasis upon Cardiac Function". The American Journal of Surgery. 103 (6): 702-708. doi:10.1016/0002-9610(62)90249-0. ISSN 0002-9610. (PMID) 13860421.
- ^ Koca Meşe'nin Gölgesi [The Shadow of the Grand Oak]. 2nd. İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri. 2007 [1st ed. 2000]. ss. 493-496. ISBN .
- ^ Koca Meşe'nin Gölgesi [The Shadow of the Grand Oak]. 2nd. İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri. 2007 [1st ed. 2000]. ss. 385-390, 418-420. ISBN .
- ^ Koca Meşe'nin Gölgesi [The Shadow of the Grand Oak]. 2nd. İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri. 2007 [1st ed. 2000]. ss. 428-431, 457-458. ISBN .
- ^ "Hardy Society". 12 Haziran 2021 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 12 Haziran 2021.
- ^ Alican, Fikri (2007) [1st ed. 2000]. Koca Meşe'nin Gölgesi [The Shadow of the Grand Oak] (2.2yer=İstanbul bas.). Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri. ss. 288-290, 380. ISBN .
- ^ Alican, Fikri (2007) [1st ed. 2000]. Koca Meşe'nin Gölgesi [The Shadow of the Grand Oak] (2.2yer=İstanbul bas.). Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri. s. 289. ISBN .
- ^ Alican, Fikri (2007). Genel Cerrahi [General Surgery]. Volume one. İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri. ss. vi-vii. ISBN . Reprinted in volume two (pp. vi-vii) .
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Fikri Alican d 2 Nisan 1929 o 19 Agustos 2015 Turk bilim insani ve organ naklinden fizyolojiye kadar tip bilimine cesitli katkilari olan hekimdir Fikri AlicanFikri Alican 26 yasinda Mayis 1955Dogum2 Nisan 1929 1929 04 02 Adapazari Sakarya TurkiyeOlum19 Agustos 2015 86 yasinda Istanbul TurkiyeMilliyetTurkKariyeriDaliTip fizyoloji genel cerrahi organ nakliCalistigi kurumlarIstanbul UniversitesiEtkilendikleriIlk yillari ve kariyeriAlican Adapazari nda dogdu Ortaokuldan sonra memleketinden ayrildi liseye Istanbul da devam etti Robert Kolej 1949 ve Istanbul Universitesi nden 1955 mezun oldu Ihtisasini baskanliginda Istanbul Universitesi Tip Merkezi 4 Numarali Cerrahi Klinigi olarak da bilinen Tedavi ve Arastirma Cerrahisi Klinigi nde yapti Mustakbel esi Halide Ihlamur ile orada tanisti Istanbul Universitesi nde genel cerrahi ihtisasini tamamladiktan sonra organ nakli alanina egildi Jackson Mississippi ye giderek Mississippi Universitesi nin organ nakli arastirmalari ekibine katildi Ilk akciger nakli 11 Haziran 1963 ve ilk kalp nakli 23 Ocak 1964 burada onderliginde yapildi 1960 yazinda Jackson da evdi ve seksen alti yasinda olumune kadar elli bes yil boyunca 1960 2015 evli kaldi Ayrica Hardy nin cerrahi bolumunde arastirma gorevlisi olarak calisirken fizyoloji nin onemli isimlerinden ile de calisarak Mississippi Universitesi nde fizyoloji alaninda yuksek lisans derecesi MS 1962 aldi En cok organ nakli alanindaki calismalariyla taninan Alican fizyoloji alaninda da bazi onemli arastirmalarda bulunmustur Profesyonel kariyeri Amerika Birlesik Devletleri ndeki tibbi arastirmalari ve Turkiye deki ozel muayenehaneciligi arasinda gecmistir Temel katkilariAlican in asil katkilari 1960 larda 1960 1971 Mississippi Universitesi Tip Merkezi nde UMMC organ transplantasyonun laboratuvar arastirmalari ve klinik calismalari icerisindeyken geldi Arastirmalari buyuk olcude akcigerler karaciger ve bagirsak nakli konusundaki calismalari icermektedir Insanlarda gerceklestirilecek organ nakillerinden birinin onunu acan kopeklerde ilk es zamanli iki tarafli akciger naklini gerceklestirdi Transplantasyonda cerrahi tekniklerin gelistirilmesindeki rolu ve fizyoloji alanindaki calismalari beraber ilerlemistir Genel olarak transplantasyon biyolojisi ve sok fizyolojisi ozel calisma alani olmustur 1971 yilinda Istanbul a donmus ve 1979 yilina kadar Istanbul Universitesi nde cerrahi kursusunde bulunmustur O yillarda akademik hayattaki hekimlerin universite disinda calismasini engelleyen yasal ve duzenleyici degisiklikler nedeniyle serbest muayenehane hekimligine gecmistir Mississippi Universitesi nden ayrildigi sirada universite hastanesinde uzman cerrah ve transplantasyon programinin yardimci direktoruydu Yirmi yil sonra 1991 de kurulan James D Hardy Society nin kurucu uyesi olmustur Hem Ingilizce hem de Turkce olarak cok sayida yayin yapti Cogunlukla Ingilizce olan dergi makaleleri cogunlukla organ nakli ve fizyolojisi alanlarindadir Tamami Turkce olan monografileri genel cerrahiden organ nakline kanser arastirmalarina ve diger cesitli hastaliklarin derinlemesine incelenmesine kadar uzanan alanlardadir Secilmis YayinlarKitaplar Tarih yayin1960 Anesteziyoloji Ameliyata Hazirlik Ameliyat Ameliyat Sonrasi Anesthesiology Preoperative Preparation Surgery Postoperative Care 750 Yatakli Camlica Askeri Gogus Hastaliklari Hastenesi Yayinlari No 2 Istanbul 750 Yatakli Camlica Askeri Gogus Hastaliklari Hastenesi 1960 1968 Ameliyata Hazirlik Anestezi Ameliyat Sonrasi Bakimi Preoperative Preparation Anesthesia Postoperative Care Istanbul Kasimpasa Deniz Hastanesi Yayinevi 1968 1968 Transplantasyon Biyolojisi Hizla Gelismekte Olan Yeni Bir Bilim Transplantation Biology A Rapidly Developing New Science Istanbul Istanbul Universitesi Tip Fakultesi 1968 1981 Meme Kanseri Breast Cancer Istanbul Avrupa Tip Kitapcilik 1981 1993 Kanser Cancer Istanbul Avrupa Tip Kitapcilik 1993 Ikinci genisletilmis ve guncellenmis baski 1997 1993 Meme Hastaliklari Diseases of the Breast Istanbul Avrupa Tip Kitapcilik 1993 1993 Transplantasyon Transplantation Istanbul Avrupa Tip Kitapcilik 1993 1994 1995 Cerrahi Dersleri Lectures in Surgery Three volumes Istanbul Dunya Tip Kitabevi 1994 1995 1996 Meme Kanseri Degisen Kavramlar ve Guncel Tedaviler Breast Cancer Changing Conceptions and Current Treatments Istanbul Avrupa Tip Kitapcilik 1996 2000 Koca Mese nin Golgesi The Shadow of the Grand Oak Istanbul Dogan Kitap 2000 ISBN 978 9 7567 7047 4 978 9 7567 7047 4 Nobel Tip Kitabevleri tarafindan yayinlanan ikinci gozden gecirilmis ve resimlerle genisletilmis baski 2007 978 9 7542 0574 9 Otobiyografi 2007 Genel Cerrahi General Surgery Two volumes Istanbul Nobel Tip Kitabevleri 2007 978 9 7542 0532 9 cilt 1 978 9 7542 0533 6 cilt 2 Yazarin tipla ilgili onceki kitaplarinin derlenmesi Makaleler Date Publication1961 Alican December 1961 Mechanisms of Shock as Reflected in Studies of Lymph of Abdominal Organs Surgery Gynecology amp Obstetrics later Journal of the American College of Surgeons 113 743 756 ISSN 0039 6087 PMID 13860423 1961 Alican 1961 Relationship and Significance of the Levels of Direct Bilirubin Indirect Bilirubin and Alkaline Phosphatase in Lymph Blood and Urine After Ligation of the Common Bile Duct Surgical Forum 12 337 339 ISSN 0071 8041 PMID 13860424 1961 Hardy July 1961 Ischemic Gangrene without Major Organic Vascular Occlusion An Enlarging Concept Surgery 50 1 107 114 ISSN 0039 6060 PMID 13711520 1962 Alican March 1962 A Sensitive Method for Recording Lymph Flow Observations on the Dynamics of Hepatosplanchnic Blood and Lymph The Journal of Surgical Research 2 2 104 109 doi 10 1016 S0022 4804 62 80004 3 ISSN 0022 4804 PMID 13860425 1962 Alican August 1962 Pathophysiology of Endotoxin Shock Clinical Observations and Experimental Studies The American Journal of the Medical Sciences 244 2 237 257 doi 10 1097 00000441 196208000 00014 ISSN 0002 9629 PMID 13860426 1962 Alican August 1962 Lymphatic Transport of Bile Pigments and Alkaline Phosphatase in Experimental Common Duct Obstruction Surgery 52 2 366 372 ISSN 0039 6060 PMID 13860422 1962 Alican 1962 Sympatho Adrenal System in Endotoxin Shock Surgical Forum 13 8 10 ISSN 0071 8041 PMID 14012021 1962 Alican June 1962 Experimental Endotoxin Shock Circulatory Changes with Emphasis upon Cardiac Function The American Journal of Surgery 103 6 702 708 doi 10 1016 0002 9610 62 90249 0 ISSN 0002 9610 PMID 13860421 1963 Alican 9 Mart 1963 Lung Reimplantation Effect on Respiratory Pattern and Function JAMA 183 10 849 853 doi 10 1001 jama 1963 63700100001013 ISSN 0098 7484 PMID 14012020 1963 Hardy May 1963 Re Implantation and Homotransplantation of the Lung Laboratory Studies and Clinical Potential Annals of Surgery 157 707 718 doi 10 1097 00000658 196305000 00005 ISSN 0003 4932 PMC 1466537 2 PMID 13960767 1966 Hardy 1966 Lung Transplantation Advances in Surgery 2 235 264 ISSN 0065 3411 PMID 5333296 1967 Alican 1967 Experimental Orthotopic Liver Transplantation Experience with 150 Dogs New Istanbul Contribution to Clinical Science 9 3 71 98 ISSN 0028 5447 PMID 16300153 1967 Alican April 1967 Kopekte Total Hepatektomiden Sonra Karacigerin Tekrar Yerine Takilmasi Replantation of the Liver in Dogs Following Total Hepatectomy Turk Tip Cemiyeti Mecmuasi 33 4 209 226 ISSN 0494 2736 PMID 4863470 1967 Alican May 1967 Eksperimantal Karaciger Homotransplantasyonu Experimental Liver Homotransplantation Turk Tip Cemiyeti Mecmuasi 33 5 296 311 ISSN 0494 2736 1967 Alican June 1967 Eksperimantal Akciger Transplantasyonu Teknik Fizyolojik ve Immunolojik Problemler Experimental Lung Transplantation Technical Physiological and Immunological Problems Turk Tip Cemiyeti Mecmuasi 33 6 319 329 ISSN 0494 2736 PMID 4865363 1967 Alican August 1967 Replantation of the Liver in Dogs The Journal of Surgical Research 7 8 368 375 doi 10 1016 0022 4804 67 90080 7 ISSN 0022 4804 1969 Alican 1969 A Description of the Course of Long Term Survivors of Dog Liver Replantation Surgical Forum 20 365 367 ISSN 0071 8041 PMID 4910609 1970 Alican December 1970 The Present Status of Lung Transplantation Journal of the Tennessee Medical Association later Tennessee Medicine 63 12 1011 1021 ISSN 0040 3318 PMID 5532334 1970 Alican September 1970 Surgical Grand Rounds from the University of Mississippi Medical Center Southern Medical Journal 63 9 1021 1029 doi 10 1097 00007611 197009000 00009 ISSN 0038 4348 PMID 5460095 1970 Alican November 1970 Fibrinolytic Activity Following Experimental Procedures on the Liver Archives of Surgery later JAMA Surgery 101 5 590 595 doi 10 1001 archsurg 1970 01340290046010 ISSN 0004 0010 PMID 4920972 1970 Hardy September 1970 A Case of Clinical Lung Allotransplantation The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 60 3 411 426 doi 10 1016 S0022 5223 19 42353 2 ISSN 0022 5223 PMID 4916119 1970 Sasmaz January 1970 Hematoma of the Rectus Abdominis Muscle Archives of Surgery later JAMA Surgery 100 1 8 10 doi 10 1001 archsurg 1970 01340190010004 ISSN 0004 0010 PMID 5409682 1970 Turner January February 1970 Successful 20 Hour Storage of the Canine Liver by Continuous Hypothermic Perfusion Cryobiology 6 4 293 301 doi 10 1016 s0011 2240 70 80083 9 ISSN 0011 2240 PMID 4911453 1971 Alican February 1971 Intestinal Transplantation Laboratory Experience and Report of a Clinical Case The American Journal of Surgery 121 2 150 159 doi 10 1016 0002 9610 71 90092 4 ISSN 0002 9610 PMID 5540665 1971 Alican 22 Subat 1971 One Stage Replantation of Both Lungs in the Dog JAMA 215 8 1301 1306 doi 10 1001 jama 1971 03180210047009 ISSN 0098 7484 PMID 4929698 1971 Alican March 1971 Feasibility of Simultaneous Bilateral Lung Replantation Transplantation Proceedings 3 1 524 526 ISSN 0041 1345 PMID 4937931 1971 Alican June 1971 Surgical Technique of One Stage Bilateral Lung Reimplantation in the Dog The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 61 6 847 856 doi 10 1016 S0022 5223 19 42146 6 ISSN 0022 5223 PMID 4932558 1971 Alican July 1971 Left Lung Replantation with Immediate Right Pulmonary Artery Ligation Annals of Surgery 174 1 34 43 doi 10 1097 00000658 197107010 00006 ISSN 0003 4932 PMC 1397426 2 PMID 4933526 1971 Alican March 1971 One Stage Hepatectomy in the Dog with Restoration of the Vena Cava by End to End Anastomosis Surgery 69 3 427 432 ISSN 0039 6060 PMID 5544895 1973 Alican February 1973 One Stage Allotransplantation of Both Lungs in the Dog Annals of Surgery 177 2 193 198 doi 10 1097 00000658 197302000 00012 ISSN 0003 4932 PMC 1355563 2 PMID 4572784 GaleriFikri Alican 26 yasinda Mayis 1955 te tip fakultesinden mezun olurken Istanbul Universitesi Fikri Alican 26 yasinda Mayis 1955 te tip fakultesinden yeni mezun olmus genc bir doktor olarak Istanbul Universitesi Fikri Alican 31 yasinda 1960 yazinda ailesini evlerinde ziyaret ederken Fikri Alican 40 yasinda Temmuz 1969 da Madrid de organ nakli konulu bir konferansta Fikri Alican 40 li yaslarin basinda 1970 lerin basinda Istanbul Universitesi nde ders verirken Fikri Alican 76 yasinda Agustos 2005 te evde Fikri Alican 77 yasinda Agustos 2006 da evde Fikri Alican 77 yasinda Aralik 2006 da ofisinde Fikri Alican 78 yasinda Haziran 2007 de evdeNot listesi Alican s official record of birth 2 April 1930 is off by one year a relatively common practice at the time by Turkish families hoping to secure through late declaration of male births an extra year of growth for their sons prior to conscription formally at age eighteen Alican in his autobiography identifies this volume 1968 as his first book adding that he failed to attract attention from publishers to it for eight years between its completion in 1960 and its eventual publication in 1968 This suggests that the first two entries listed among his monographs in the corresponding section above may especially since the two titles are almost identical at least in meaning actually refer to the same work perhaps the first 1960 being a printed manuscript and the second 1960 a proper publication As against this possibility the autobiography 2007 comes with a picture of the cover page of the first book 1960 where a publisher is in fact listed along with a book series and the number of the specific title in that series Alican s preface to Genel Cerrahi 2007 appearing in both volumes introduces the entirety of that work as a compilation of previously published monographs with minor emendations His tally in the preface is eleven books counting as separate works both of the two editions of his study on cancer 1993 1997 as well as each volume of his trilogy on surgery 1994 1995 all listed above in the section on his publications Kaynakca Koca Mese nin Golgesi The Shadow of the Grand Oak 2nd Istanbul Nobel Tip Kitabevleri 2007 1st ed 2000 ISBN 978 9 7542 0574 9 Koca Mese nin Golgesi The Shadow of the Grand Oak 2nd Istanbul Nobel Tip Kitabevleri 2007 1st ed 2000 ss 271 293 ISBN 978 9 7542 0574 9 Koca Mese nin Golgesi The Shadow of the Grand Oak 2nd Istanbul Nobel Tip Kitabevleri 2007 1st ed 2000 ss 312 313 ISBN 978 9 7542 0574 9 Dr James D Hardy University of Mississippi Medical Center 28 Haziran 2017 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 29 Haziran 2016 Koca Mese nin Golgesi The Shadow of the Grand Oak 2nd Istanbul Nobel Tip Kitabevleri 2007 1st ed 2000 ss 312 313 593 594 ISBN 978 9 7542 0574 9 Koca Mese nin Golgesi The Shadow of the Grand Oak 2nd Istanbul Nobel Tip Kitabevleri 2007 1st ed 2000 ss 228 316 318 319 320 347 348 389 ISBN 978 9 7542 0574 9 The World of Surgery 1945 1985 Memoirs of One Participant Philadelphia University of Pennsylvania Press 1986 s 290 ISBN 978 0 8122 8000 5 The Academic Surgeon An Autobiography Mobile Magnolia Mansions Press 2002 ss 223 307 ISBN 978 0 9665 1755 2 Alican 9 Mart 1963 Lung Reimplantation Effect on Respiratory Pattern and Function JAMA 183 10 849 853 doi 10 1001 jama 1963 63700100001013 ISSN 0098 7484 PMID 14012020 Hardy May 1963 Re Implantation and Homotransplantation of the Lung Laboratory Studies and Clinical Potential Annals of Surgery 157 707 718 doi 10 1097 00000658 196305000 00005 ISSN 0003 4932 PMC 1466537 2 PMID 13960767 Hardy 1966 Lung Transplantation Advances in Surgery 2 235 264 ISSN 0065 3411 PMID 5333296 Alican June 1967 Eksperimantal Akciger Transplantasyonu Teknik Fizyolojik ve Immunolojik Problemler Experimental Lung Transplantation Technical Physiological and Immunological Problems Turk Tip Cemiyeti Mecmuasi 33 6 319 329 ISSN 0494 2736 PMID 4865363 Hardy September 1970 A Case of Clinical Lung Allotransplantation The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 60 3 411 426 doi 10 1016 S0022 5223 19 42353 2 ISSN 0022 5223 PMID 4916119 Alican December 1970 The Present Status of Lung Transplantation Journal of the Tennessee Medical Association later Tennessee Medicine 63 12 1011 1021 ISSN 0040 3318 PMID 5532334 Alican 22 Subat 1971 One Stage Replantation of Both Lungs in the Dog JAMA 215 8 1301 1306 doi 10 1001 jama 1971 03180210047009 ISSN 0098 7484 PMID 4929698 Alican March 1971 Feasibility of Simultaneous Bilateral Lung Replantation Transplantation Proceedings 3 1 524 526 ISSN 0041 1345 PMID 4937931 Alican June 1971 Surgical Technique of One Stage Bilateral Lung Reimplantation in the Dog The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 61 6 847 856 doi 10 1016 S0022 5223 19 42146 6 ISSN 0022 5223 PMID 4932558 Alican July 1971 Left Lung Replantation with Immediate Right Pulmonary Artery Ligation Annals of Surgery 174 1 34 43 doi 10 1097 00000658 197107010 00006 ISSN 0003 4932 PMC 1397426 2 PMID 4933526 Alican February 1973 One Stage Allotransplantation of Both Lungs in the Dog Annals of Surgery 177 2 193 198 doi 10 1097 00000658 197302000 00012 ISSN 0003 4932 PMC 1355563 2 PMID 4572784 Alican 1967 Experimental Orthotopic Liver Transplantation Experience with 150 Dogs New Istanbul Contribution to Clinical Science 9 3 71 98 ISSN 0028 5447 PMID 16300153 Alican April 1967 Kopekte Total Hepatektomiden Sonra Karacigerin Tekrar Yerine Takilmasi Replantation of the Liver in Dogs Following Total Hepatectomy Turk Tip Cemiyeti Mecmuasi 33 4 209 226 ISSN 0494 2736 PMID 4863470 Alican May 1967 Eksperimantal Karaciger Homotransplantasyonu Experimental Liver Homotransplantation Turk Tip Cemiyeti Mecmuasi 33 5 296 311 ISSN 0494 2736 Alican August 1967 Replantation of the Liver in Dogs The Journal of Surgical Research 7 8 368 375 doi 10 1016 0022 4804 67 90080 7 ISSN 0022 4804 Alican 1969 A Description of the Course of Long Term Survivors of Dog Liver Replantation Surgical Forum 20 365 367 ISSN 0071 8041 PMID 4910609 Turner January February 1970 Successful 20 Hour Storage of the Canine Liver by Continuous Hypothermic Perfusion Cryobiology 6 4 293 301 doi 10 1016 s0011 2240 70 80083 9 ISSN 0011 2240 PMID 4911453 Alican November 1970 Fibrinolytic Activity Following Experimental Procedures on the Liver Archives of Surgery later JAMA Surgery 101 5 590 595 doi 10 1001 archsurg 1970 01340290046010 ISSN 0004 0010 PMID 4920972 Alican March 1971 One Stage Hepatectomy in the Dog with Restoration of the Vena Cava by End to End Anastomosis Surgery 69 3 427 432 ISSN 0039 6060 PMID 5544895 Alican February 1971 Intestinal Transplantation Laboratory Experience and Report of a Clinical Case The American Journal of Surgery 121 2 150 159 doi 10 1016 0002 9610 71 90092 4 ISSN 0002 9610 PMID 5540665 Alican 1961 Relationship and Significance of the Levels of Direct Bilirubin Indirect Bilirubin and Alkaline Phosphatase in Lymph Blood and Urine After Ligation of the Common Bile Duct Surgical Forum 12 337 339 ISSN 0071 8041 PMID 13860424 Hardy July 1961 Ischemic Gangrene without Major Organic Vascular Occlusion An Enlarging Concept Surgery 50 1 107 114 ISSN 0039 6060 PMID 13711520 Alican March 1962 A Sensitive Method for Recording Lymph Flow Observations on the Dynamics of Hepatosplanchnic Blood and Lymph The Journal of Surgical Research 2 2 104 109 doi 10 1016 S0022 4804 62 80004 3 ISSN 0022 4804 PMID 13860425 Alican August 1962 Lymphatic Transport of Bile Pigments and Alkaline Phosphatase in Experimental Common Duct Obstruction Surgery 52 2 366 372 ISSN 0039 6060 PMID 13860422 Sasmaz January 1970 Hematoma of the Rectus Abdominis Muscle Archives of Surgery later JAMA Surgery 100 1 8 10 doi 10 1001 archsurg 1970 01340190010004 ISSN 0004 0010 PMID 5409682 Transplantasyon Biyolojisi Hizla Gelismekte Olan Yeni Bir Bilim Transplantation Biology A Rapidly Developing New Science Istanbul Istanbul Universitesi Tip Fakultesi 1968 Alican December 1961 Mechanisms of Shock as Reflected in Studies of Lymph of Abdominal Organs Surgery Gynecology amp Obstetrics later Journal of the American College of Surgeons 113 743 756 ISSN 0039 6087 PMID 13860423 Alican August 1962 Pathophysiology of Endotoxin Shock Clinical Observations and Experimental Studies The American Journal of the Medical Sciences 244 2 237 257 doi 10 1097 00000441 196208000 00014 ISSN 0002 9629 PMID 13860426 Alican 1962 Sympatho Adrenal System in Endotoxin Shock Surgical Forum 13 8 10 ISSN 0071 8041 PMID 14012021 Alican June 1962 Experimental Endotoxin Shock Circulatory Changes with Emphasis upon Cardiac Function The American Journal of Surgery 103 6 702 708 doi 10 1016 0002 9610 62 90249 0 ISSN 0002 9610 PMID 13860421 Koca Mese nin Golgesi The Shadow of the Grand Oak 2nd Istanbul Nobel Tip Kitabevleri 2007 1st ed 2000 ss 493 496 ISBN 978 9 7542 0574 9 Koca Mese nin Golgesi The Shadow of the Grand Oak 2nd Istanbul Nobel Tip Kitabevleri 2007 1st ed 2000 ss 385 390 418 420 ISBN 978 9 7542 0574 9 Koca Mese nin Golgesi The Shadow of the Grand Oak 2nd Istanbul Nobel Tip Kitabevleri 2007 1st ed 2000 ss 428 431 457 458 ISBN 978 9 7542 0574 9 Hardy Society 12 Haziran 2021 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 12 Haziran 2021 Alican Fikri 2007 1st ed 2000 Koca Mese nin Golgesi The Shadow of the Grand Oak 2 2yer Istanbul bas Nobel Tip Kitabevleri ss 288 290 380 ISBN 978 9 7542 0574 9 Alican Fikri 2007 1st ed 2000 Koca Mese nin Golgesi The Shadow of the Grand Oak 2 2yer Istanbul bas Nobel Tip Kitabevleri s 289 ISBN 978 9 7542 0574 9 Alican Fikri 2007 Genel Cerrahi General Surgery Volume one Istanbul Nobel Tip Kitabevleri ss vi vii ISBN 978 9 7542 0532 9 Reprinted in volume two pp vi vii 978 9 7542 0533 6