Friends'in 1. sezonu David Crane ve Marta Kauffman tarafından yaratılan Amerikan sitcom dizisinin 22 Eylül 1994-18 Mayıs 1995 tarihleri arasında, 24 bölüm olarak yayınlanan ilk sezonudur. Warner Bros. Television'a bağlı Bright/Kauffman/Crane Productions yapımı sezon NBC'de yayınlanmıştır.
Friends | |
1. sezon | |
Başrol | |
Ülke | |
Bölüm sayısı | 24 |
Yayın | |
Kanal | NBC |
Orijinal yayın tarihi | 22 Eylül 1994 -18 Mayıs 1995 |
Sezon kronolojisi | |
Sonraki → 2. sezon | |
Friends bölümleri |
Kadro ve karakterler
Ana oyuncular
Yardımcı oyuncular
| Konuk oyuncular
Dizideki numara | Sezondaki numara | Başlık | Yönetmen | Senarist | Kod | Orijinal yayın tarihi | ABD izleyicisi (milyon) |
1 | 1 | "The Pilot" | James Burrows | David Crane & Marta Kauffman | 456650 | 22 Eylül 1994 | 21.5 |
2 | 2 | "The One with the Sonogram at the End" | James Burrows | David Crane & Marta Kauffman | 456652 | 29 Eylül 1994 | 20.2 |
3 | 3 | "The One with the Thumb" | James Burrows | Jeffrey Astrof & Mike Sikowitz | 456651 | 6 Ekim 1994 | 19.5 |
4 | 4 | "" | James Burrows | Alexa Junge | 456654 | 13 Ekim 1994 | 19.7 |
5 | 5 | "The One with the East German Laundry Detergent" | Jeff Greenstein & Jeff Strauss | 456653 | 20 Ekim 1994 | 18.6 | |
6 | 6 | "The One with the Butt" | Adam Chase & Ira Ungerleider | 456655 | 27 Ekim 1994 | 18.2 | |
7 | 7 | "The One with the Blackout" | James Burrows | Jeffrey Astrof & Mike Sikowitz | 456656 | 3 Kasım 1994 | 23.5 |
8 | 8 | "The One Where Nana Dies Twice" | James Burrows | David Crane & Marta Kauffman | 456657 | 10 Kasım 1994 | 21.1 |
9 | 9 | "The One Where Underdog Gets Away" | James Burrows | Jeff Greenstein & Jeff Strauss | 456659 | 17 Kasım 1994 | 23.1 |
10 | 10 | "The One with the Monkey" | Adam Chase & Ira Ungerleider | 456661 | 15 Aralık 1994 | 19.9 | |
11 | 11 | "The One with Mrs. Bing" | James Burrows | Alexa Junge | 456660 | 5 Ocak 1995 | 26.6 |
12 | 12 | "The One with the Dozen Lasagnas" | Jeffrey Astrof & Mike Sikowitz & Adam Chase & Ira Ungerleider | 456658 | 12 Ocak 1995 | 24.0 | |
13 | 13 | "The One with the Boobies" | Alexa Junge | 456664 | 19 Ocak 1995 | 25.8 | |
14 | 14 | "The One with the Candy Hearts" | James Burrows | Bill Lawrence | 456667 | 9 Şubat 1995 | 23.8 |
15 | 15 | "The One with the Stoned Guy" | Alan Myerson | Jeff Greenstein & Jeff Strauss | 456663 | 16 Şubat 1995 | 24.8 |
16–17 | 16–17 | "The One with Two Parts" | David Crane & Marta Kauffman | 456665 | 23 Şubat 1995 | 26.1 | |
18 | 18 | "The One with All the Poker" | James Burrows | Jeffrey Astrof & Mike Sikowitz | 456662 | 2 Mart 1995 | 30.4 |
19 | 19 | "The One Where the Monkey Gets Away" | Peter Bonerz | Jeffrey Astrof & Mike Sikowitz | 456668 | 9 Mart 1995 | 29.4 |
20 | 20 | "The One with the Evil Orthodontist" | Peter Bonerz | Doty Abrams | 456669 | 6 Nisan 1995 | 30.0 |
21 | 21 | "The One with the Fake Monica" | Adam Chase & Ira Ungerleider | 456671 | 27 Nisan 1995 | 28.4 | |
22 | 22 | "The One with the Ick Factor" | Alexa Junge | 456670 | 4 Mayıs 1995 | 29.9 | |
23 | 23 | "The One with the Birth" | James Burrows | Story: David Crane & Marta Kauffman Teleplay: Jeff Greenstein & Jeff Strauss | 456672 | 11 Mayıs 1995 | 28.7 |
24 | 24 | "The One Where Rachel Finds Out" | Kevin S. Bright | Chris Brown | 456673 | 18 Mayıs 1995 | 31.3 |
- ^ a b c d e f g h i (PDF). USA Today. Gannett Company. 17 Mayıs 2017 tarihinde kaynağından (PDF) arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 15 Ekim 2013.
- ^ a b c d e f g h (PDF). USA Today. Gannett Company. 4 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynağından (PDF) arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 15 Ekim 2013.
- ^ a b c d e f (PDF). USA Today. Gannett Company. 16 Haziran 2012 tarihinde kaynağından (PDF) arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 15 Ekim 2013.
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Friends in 1 sezonu David Crane ve Marta Kauffman tarafindan yaratilan Amerikan sitcom dizisinin 22 Eylul 1994 18 Mayis 1995 tarihleri arasinda 24 bolum olarak yayinlanan ilk sezonudur Warner Bros Television a bagli Bright Kauffman Crane Productions yapimi sezon NBC de yayinlanmistir Friends1 sezonBasrolJennifer Aniston Courteney Cox Lisa Kudrow Matt LeBlanc Matthew Perry David SchwimmerUlke ABDBolum sayisi24YayinKanalNBCOrijinal yayin tarihi22 Eylul 1994 1994 09 22 18 Mayis 1995 1995 05 18 Sezon kronolojisiSonraki 2 sezonFriends bolumleriKadro ve karakterlerAna oyuncular Jennifer Aniston Rachel Green Courteney Cox Monica Geller Lisa Kudrow Phoebe Buffay Matt LeBlanc Joey Tribbiani Matthew Perry Chandler Bing David Schwimmer Ross GellerYardimci oyuncular Carol Willick Barry Farber Cosimo Fusco Paolo Maggie Wheeler Janice Hosenstein Jessica Hecht Susan Bunch Fun Bobby Gunther Elliott Gould Jack Geller Christina Pickles Judy Geller Mr Heckles Konuk oyuncular Marsha Ross un patronu Kendisi Hank Azaria David Morgan Fairchild Nora Bing Fisher Stevens Roger Jon Lovitz Steve Helen Hunt Jamie Buchman Fran Devanow George Clooney Dr Mitchell Dr Rusell Jennifer Grey Mindy Fake Monica Lydia Dr Franzblau Melanie Tommy Blaze Carl Lauren Tom Julie Sofia Milos Aurora Nina John Allen Nelson Paul the Wine Guy Alan Beth Grant Lizzy Joanne Michele Maika Kiki Leesa Bryte LeslieBolumlerDizideki numara Sezondaki numara Baslik Yonetmen Senarist Kod Orijinal yayin tarihi ABD izleyicisi milyon 11 The Pilot James BurrowsDavid Crane amp Marta Kauffman45665022 Eylul 1994 1994 09 22 21 522 The One with the Sonogram at the End James BurrowsDavid Crane amp Marta Kauffman45665229 Eylul 1994 1994 09 29 20 233 The One with the Thumb James BurrowsJeffrey Astrof amp Mike Sikowitz4566516 Ekim 1994 1994 10 06 19 544 James BurrowsAlexa Junge45665413 Ekim 1994 1994 10 13 19 755 The One with the East German Laundry Detergent Jeff Greenstein amp Jeff Strauss45665320 Ekim 1994 1994 10 20 18 666 The One with the Butt Adam Chase amp Ira Ungerleider45665527 Ekim 1994 1994 10 27 18 277 The One with the Blackout James BurrowsJeffrey Astrof amp Mike Sikowitz4566563 Kasim 1994 1994 11 03 23 588 The One Where Nana Dies Twice James BurrowsDavid Crane amp Marta Kauffman45665710 Kasim 1994 1994 11 10 21 199 The One Where Underdog Gets Away James BurrowsJeff Greenstein amp Jeff Strauss45665917 Kasim 1994 1994 11 17 23 11010 The One with the Monkey Adam Chase amp Ira Ungerleider45666115 Aralik 1994 1994 12 15 19 91111 The One with Mrs Bing James BurrowsAlexa Junge4566605 Ocak 1995 1995 01 05 26 61212 The One with the Dozen Lasagnas Jeffrey Astrof amp Mike Sikowitz amp Adam Chase amp Ira Ungerleider45665812 Ocak 1995 1995 01 12 24 01313 The One with the Boobies Alexa Junge45666419 Ocak 1995 1995 01 19 25 81414 The One with the Candy Hearts James BurrowsBill Lawrence4566679 Subat 1995 1995 02 09 23 81515 The One with the Stoned Guy Alan MyersonJeff Greenstein amp Jeff Strauss45666316 Subat 1995 1995 02 16 24 816 1716 17 The One with Two Parts David Crane amp Marta Kauffman45666523 Subat 1995 1995 02 23 26 11818 The One with All the Poker James BurrowsJeffrey Astrof amp Mike Sikowitz4566622 Mart 1995 1995 03 02 30 41919 The One Where the Monkey Gets Away Peter BonerzJeffrey Astrof amp Mike Sikowitz4566689 Mart 1995 1995 03 09 29 42020 The One with the Evil Orthodontist Peter BonerzDoty Abrams4566696 Nisan 1995 1995 04 06 30 02121 The One with the Fake Monica Adam Chase amp Ira Ungerleider45667127 Nisan 1995 1995 04 27 28 42222 The One with the Ick Factor Alexa Junge4566704 Mayis 1995 1995 05 04 29 92323 The One with the Birth James BurrowsStory David Crane amp Marta Kauffman Teleplay Jeff Greenstein amp Jeff Strauss45667211 Mayis 1995 1995 05 11 28 72424 The One Where Rachel Finds Out Kevin S BrightChris Brown45667318 Mayis 1995 1995 05 18 31 3Kaynakca a b c d e f g h i PDF USA Today Gannett Company 17 Mayis 2017 tarihinde kaynagindan PDF arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 15 Ekim 2013 a b c d e f g h PDF USA Today Gannett Company 4 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan PDF arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 15 Ekim 2013 a b c d e f PDF USA Today Gannett Company 16 Haziran 2012 tarihinde kaynagindan PDF arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 15 Ekim 2013 Dis baglantilarIMDb de Friends 1 sezon