General Educational Development (Türkçe: Genel Öğretim Geliştirme), kısaca GED, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ve Kanada okullarında uygulanan bir testtir. Bu testi geçen kişilerin, bu ülkelerin lise eğitiminde kazandırılan becerilere sahip olduğu onaylanır.

Konuyla ilgili yayınlar
- GED Technical Manual, 2nd Edition. (1998). Washington, DC: GED Testing Service of the American Council on Education.
- Northcutt, Ellen et al. Steck-Vaughn Complete GED Preparation (2002). Austin: Steck-Vaughn Company.
- Rockowitz, Murray et al. Barron's How to Prepare for the GED High School Equivalency Exam (2004). New York: Barron's Educational Series, Inc.
- Mitchell, Robert. McGraw-Hill's GED: Science (2003). New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
- Larry Elowitz et al. GED Success: 2003 (2003). Lawrenceville, New Jersey: Peterson's.
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General Educational Development Turkce Genel Ogretim Gelistirme kisaca GED Amerika Birlesik Devletleri ve Kanada okullarinda uygulanan bir testtir Bu testi gecen kisilerin bu ulkelerin lise egitiminde kazandirilan becerilere sahip oldugu onaylanir LogosuKonuyla ilgili yayinlarGED Technical Manual 2nd Edition 1998 Washington DC GED Testing Service of the American Council on Education Northcutt Ellen et al Steck Vaughn Complete GED Preparation 2002 Austin Steck Vaughn Company ISBN 0 7398 2837 1 Rockowitz Murray et al Barron s How to Prepare for the GED High School Equivalency Exam 2004 New York Barron s Educational Series Inc ISBN 0 7641 2603 2 Mitchell Robert McGraw Hill s GED Science 2003 New York The McGraw Hill Companies Inc ISBN 0 07 140704 9 Larry Elowitz et al GED Success 2003 2003 Lawrenceville New Jersey Peterson s ISBN 0 7689 0906 6Dis baglantilarResmi site19 Nisan 2012 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde