Havariler Çağı, Hristiyanlık tarihinde geleneksel olarak M.S. 33 yılında Kudüs'te İsa'nın dirilişiyle On İki Havari'ye verdiği Büyük Görev'den M.S. 100 yılında Anadolu'da Yuhanna olduğu düşünülen son havarinin ölümüne kadar geçen süreye verilen ad. Geleneksel olarak havarilerin ve 'nı kurduklarına inanılır. Hristiyan geleneğinde İsa'nın havarilerinin çağına büyük önem verilir. Havariler Çağı ile ilgili en önemli birinci kaynak Elçilerin İşleri'dir ancak bu kaynağın tarihsel doğruluğu kimileri tarafından sorgulanmaktadır.

Konuyla ilgili yayınlar
- Brown, Schuyler. The Origins of Christianity: A Historical Introduction to the New Testament. Oxford University Press (1993). .
- Dunn, James D.G. Unity and Diversity in the New Testament: An Inquiry into the Character of Earliest Christianity. SCM Press (2006). .
- Ehrman, Bart D. Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why. HarperCollins (2005). .
- Keck, Leander E. Paul and His Letters. Fortress Press (1988). .
- McGrath, Alister E. Christianity: An Introduction. Blackwell Publishing (2006). .
- Pelikan, Jaroslav Jan. The Christian Tradition: The Emergence of the Catholic Tradition (100–600). University of Chicago Press (1975). .
- Tabor, James D. "Ancient Judaism: Nazarenes and Ebionites" 10 Haziran 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde ., The Jewish Roman World of Jesus. Department of Religious Studies; University of North Carolina at Charlotte (1998).
- Taylor, Joan E. Christians and the Holy Places: The Myth of Jewish-Christian Origins. Oxford University Press (1993). .
- Thiede, Carsten Peter. The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Jewish Origins of Christianity. Palgrabe Macmillan (2003). .
- Volp, Ulrich. Idealisierung der Urkirche (ecclesia primitiva). European History Online (2011), retrieved: 1 March 2013.
- White, L. Michael. From Jesus to Christianity. HarperCollins (2004). .
- Wylen, Stephen M. The Jews in the Time of Jesus: An Introduction. Paulist Press (1995). .
- ^ Catholic Encyclopedia: Dispersion of the Apostles 14 Temmuz 2017 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .: "The object of the feast (so Godescalcus) is to commemorate the departure (dispersion) of the Apostles from Jerusalem for the various parts of the world, some fourteen years after the Ascension of Christ."
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Havariler Cagi Hristiyanlik tarihinde geleneksel olarak M S 33 yilinda Kudus te Isa nin dirilisiyle On Iki Havari ye verdigi Buyuk Gorev den M S 100 yilinda Anadolu da Yuhanna oldugu dusunulen son havarinin olumune kadar gecen sureye verilen ad Geleneksel olarak havarilerin ve ni kurduklarina inanilir Hristiyan geleneginde Isa nin havarilerinin cagina buyuk onem verilir Havariler Cagi ile ilgili en onemli birinci kaynak Elcilerin Isleri dir ancak bu kaynagin tarihsel dogrulugu kimileri tarafindan sorgulanmaktadir Isa nin dirilisinin ardindan havarilerine gorunmesini gosteren bir tasvir Konuyla ilgili yayinlarBrown Schuyler The Origins of Christianity A Historical Introduction to the New Testament Oxford University Press 1993 ISBN 0 19 826207 8 Dunn James D G Unity and Diversity in the New Testament An Inquiry into the Character of Earliest Christianity SCM Press 2006 ISBN 0 334 02998 8 Ehrman Bart D Misquoting Jesus The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why HarperCollins 2005 ISBN 0 06 073817 0 Keck Leander E Paul and His Letters Fortress Press 1988 ISBN 0 8006 2340 1 McGrath Alister E Christianity An Introduction Blackwell Publishing 2006 ISBN 1 4051 0899 1 Pelikan Jaroslav Jan The Christian Tradition The Emergence of the Catholic Tradition 100 600 University of Chicago Press 1975 ISBN 0 226 65371 4 Tabor James D Ancient Judaism Nazarenes and Ebionites 10 Haziran 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde The Jewish Roman World of Jesus Department of Religious Studies University of North Carolina at Charlotte 1998 Taylor Joan E Christians and the Holy Places The Myth of Jewish Christian Origins Oxford University Press 1993 ISBN 0 19 814785 6 Thiede Carsten Peter The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Jewish Origins of Christianity Palgrabe Macmillan 2003 ISBN 1 4039 6143 3 Volp Ulrich Idealisierung der Urkirche ecclesia primitiva European History Online 2011 retrieved 1 March 2013 White L Michael From Jesus to Christianity HarperCollins 2004 ISBN 0 06 052655 6 Wylen Stephen M The Jews in the Time of Jesus An Introduction Paulist Press 1995 ISBN 0 8091 3610 4 Kaynakca Catholic Encyclopedia Dispersion of the Apostles 14 Temmuz 2017 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde The object of the feast so Godescalcus is to commemorate the departure dispersion of the Apostles from Jerusalem for the various parts of the world some fourteen years after the Ascension of Christ