Uyanık Hereward (Geleneksel telaffuz /ˈhɛ.rɛ.ward/, modern telaffuz /ˈhɛ.rɪ.wəd/) (y. 1035 - y. 1072) (aynı zamanda Kanunsuz Hereward veya Sürgün Hereward olarak da bilinir) bir Anglo-Sakson soylusu ve İngiltere'nin Normanlar tarafından fethine karşı yerel direnişin lideriydi. Norman hükümdarlara karşı isyanı yönetirken üssü Doğu İngiltere'deki Ely Adası idi. Efsaneye göre, günümüzde Cambridgeshire, Lincolnshire ve Norfolk'un modern kontluklarının bazı kısımlarını kapsayan Fens'te dolaştı ve Fatih William'a karşı ünlü bir muhalefete yol açtı.
Uyanık Hereward | |
![]() 1865 tarihli Cassell's History of England adı eserden Normanlarla çarpışan Hereward'ın bir illüstrasyonu | |
Doğum | y. 1035 Lincolnshire |
Ölüm | y. 1072 (36-37 yaşında) |
Hareket | İngilizlerin Normanlara karşı isyanı |
Hereward, here, "ordu" ve ward "muhafız" (Eski Yüksek Almanca adı Heriwart ile eş kökenli) sözcüklerinden oluşan Eski İngilizce bir addır. İlk olarak 14. yüzyılda kaydedilen "Wake" (Türkçe: Uyanık) sıfatı, "tetikte olan" anlamına gelebilir veya daha sonra Hereward'ın soyundan geldiğini iddia edilen Anglo-Norman geliyor olabilir.
- Gesta Herewardi Saxoni, ed. T. D. Hardy and C. T. Martin, Lestoire des Engles solum la translaction maistre Geffrei Gaimar. (Rolls Series; 91.) 2 vols: vol 1. London, 1888. pp. 339–404 // tr. M. Swanton, “The Deeds of Hereward” In Medieval Outlaws. Twelve Tales in Modern English Translation, ed. T. H. Ohlgren. 2nd ed. West Lafayette, 2005. 28–99.
- Liber Eliensis, ed. E. O. Blake, Liber Eliensis. (Camden Society; ser. 3; vol. 92.) London, 1962 // tr. J. Fairweather. Liber Eliensis: a History of the Isle of Ely from the Seventh Century to the Twelfth. Woodbridge, 2005.
- Rex, Peter The English Resistance: the Underground War Against the Normans, Stroud: Tempus , chapters 8, 9 and 10 contain new data on his family.
- Hereward, together with De Gestis Herewardi Saxonis; researched and compiled in the 12th century by monastery historians, revised and rewritten in modern English by Trevor A. Bevis, (1982), Pub. Westrydale Press (reissue of 1979 ed), .
- Bremmer, R. H., Jr. "The Gesta Herewardi: transforming an Anglo-Saxon into an Englishman", in: T. Summerfield & K. Busby (eds.), People and Texts; relationships in medieval literature: studies presented to Erik Kooper. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, 2007, pp. 29–42.
- Miller, S.H. (transcription) and Sweeting, W. D. (translation), De Gestis Herwardi Saxonis The exploits of Hereward the Saxon, Fenland Notes & Queries, (vol. 3, supplements), Peterborough, 1895.
- Gaimar, Geoffrey, Lestorie des Engles, Hardy, T.D. & Martin, C.T. (ed. and trans.), Rolls Series, 91 (2 vols.), 1888–89.
- Short, Ian (ed. & trans.), Geffrei Gaimar Estoire des Engleis History of the English, Oxford University Press, 2009.
- Thomas, Hugh M (1998). Harper-Bill, Christopher (Ed.). "The Gesta Herwardi, the English, and their Conquerors". Anglo-Norman Studies: Proceedings of the Battle Conference. The Boydell Press. XXI: 213-232.
- De Gestis Herwardi — Le gesta di Ervardo, ed. and Italian tr. Alberto Meneghetti, (ETS) Pisa, 2013.
- Orchard, Andy. "Hereward and Grettir: Brothers from Another Mother?" In New Norse Studies: Essays on the Literature and Culture of Medieval Scandinavia 30 Haziran 2023 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde ., edited by Jeffrey Turco, 7-59. Islandica 58. Ithaca: Cornell University Library, 2015.
Dış bağlantılar
- 'da Hereweard 1
- Hereward the Wake 15 Mayıs 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . — English translation of Gesta Herewardi at River Campus Libraries 9 Mayıs 2018 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde ., University of Rochester
- Charles Kingsley, Hereward, the Last of the English 9 Mayıs 2018 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde ., 1865, at Project Gutenburg
- David Roffe, Hereward 'the Wake' and the Barony of Bourne: a Reassessment of a Fenland Legend 16 Şubat 2018 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde ., an academic article, pub. 1994
- Geoff Boxell
- BBC documentary on Hereward 17 Aralık 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . (streaming audio)
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Uyanik Hereward Geleneksel telaffuz ˈhɛ rɛ ward modern telaffuz ˈhɛ rɪ wed y 1035 y 1072 ayni zamanda Kanunsuz Hereward veya Surgun Hereward olarak da bilinir bir Anglo Sakson soylusu ve Ingiltere nin Normanlar tarafindan fethine karsi yerel direnisin lideriydi Norman hukumdarlara karsi isyani yonetirken ussu Dogu Ingiltere deki Ely Adasi idi Efsaneye gore gunumuzde Cambridgeshire Lincolnshire ve Norfolk un modern kontluklarinin bazi kisimlarini kapsayan Fens te dolasti ve Fatih William a karsi unlu bir muhalefete yol acti Uyanik Hereward1865 tarihli Cassell s History of England adi eserden Normanlarla carpisan Hereward in bir illustrasyonuDogumy 1035 LincolnshireOlumy 1072 36 37 yasinda HareketIngilizlerin Normanlara karsi isyani Hereward here ordu ve ward muhafiz Eski Yuksek Almanca adi Heriwart ile es kokenli sozcuklerinden olusan Eski Ingilizce bir addir Ilk olarak 14 yuzyilda kaydedilen Wake Turkce Uyanik sifati tetikte olan anlamina gelebilir veya daha sonra Hereward in soyundan geldigini iddia edilen Anglo Norman geliyor olabilir Kaynakca Lass Roger 1994 Old English A historical linguistic companion Stein Gabriele 21 Eylul 2017 Typography in sixteenth century English dictionaries Oxford Scholarship Online doi 10 1093 oso 9780198807377 003 0001 Room Adrian 1992 Brewer s Names London Cassell 0 304 34077 4KaynakcaGesta Herewardi Saxoni ed T D Hardy and C T Martin Lestoire des Engles solum la translaction maistre Geffrei Gaimar Rolls Series 91 2 vols vol 1 London 1888 pp 339 404 tr M Swanton The Deeds of Hereward In Medieval Outlaws Twelve Tales in Modern English Translation ed T H Ohlgren 2nd ed West Lafayette 2005 28 99 Liber Eliensis ed E O Blake Liber Eliensis Camden Society ser 3 vol 92 London 1962 tr J Fairweather Liber Eliensis a History of the Isle of Ely from the Seventh Century to the Twelfth Woodbridge 2005 Rex Peter The English Resistance the Underground War Against the Normans Stroud Tempus 0 7524 2827 6 chapters 8 9 and 10 contain new data on his family Hereward together with De Gestis Herewardi Saxonis researched and compiled in the 12th century by monastery historians revised and rewritten in modern English by Trevor A Bevis 1982 Pub Westrydale Press reissue of 1979 ed 0 901680 16 8 Bremmer R H Jr The Gesta Herewardi transforming an Anglo Saxon into an Englishman in T Summerfield amp K Busby eds People and Texts relationships in medieval literature studies presented to Erik Kooper Amsterdam New York Rodopi 2007 pp 29 42 Miller S H transcription and Sweeting W D translation De Gestis Herwardi Saxonis The exploits of Hereward the Saxon Fenland Notes amp Queries vol 3 supplements Peterborough 1895 Gaimar Geoffrey Lestorie des Engles Hardy T D amp Martin C T ed and trans Rolls Series 91 2 vols 1888 89 Short Ian ed amp trans Geffrei Gaimar Estoire des Engleis History of the English Oxford University Press 2009 Thomas Hugh M 1998 Harper Bill Christopher Ed The Gesta Herwardi the English and their Conquerors Anglo Norman Studies Proceedings of the Battle Conference The Boydell Press XXI 213 232 De Gestis Herwardi Le gesta di Ervardo ed and Italian tr Alberto Meneghetti ETS Pisa 2013 Orchard Andy Hereward and Grettir Brothers from Another Mother In New Norse Studies Essays on the Literature and Culture of Medieval Scandinavia 30 Haziran 2023 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde edited by Jeffrey Turco 7 59 Islandica 58 Ithaca Cornell University Library 2015 http cip cornell edu cul isl 1458045710Dis baglantilar da Hereweard 1 Hereward the Wake 15 Mayis 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde English translation of Gesta Herewardi at River Campus Libraries 9 Mayis 2018 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde University of Rochester Charles Kingsley Hereward the Last of the English 9 Mayis 2018 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde 1865 at Project Gutenburg David Roffe Hereward the Wake and the Barony of Bourne a Reassessment of a Fenland Legend 16 Subat 2018 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde an academic article pub 1994 Geoff Boxell BBC documentary on Hereward 17 Aralik 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde streaming audio