Joseph Conrad (d. adı Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski; 3 Aralık 1857 - 3 Ağustos 1924), Polonya asıllı İngiliz yazardır. Ukrayna'da doğdu. Eserlerinin kimisi romantik olarak yaftalanmışsa da Conrad'ın romantizmi belli bir alaycılıkla ve insanın kendi kendini aldatma gücüne dair sağlam bir farkındalıkla dengelenmiştir. Birçok eleştirmence modernizmin öncülerinden kabul edilir.
Joseph Conrad | |
![]() | |
Doğum | 3 Aralık 1857 Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski |
Ölüm | 3 Ağustos 1924 (66 yaşında) Bishopsbourne, England |
Meslek | Yazar |
Milliyet | |
Dönem | 1895–1923 |
Tür | Realist Modernist |
| |
İmza | |

Conrad, Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski adıyla Ukrayna'nın (eski adı Berdyczów) adlı şehrinde, son derece yurtsever bir Polonyalı asil ailede ( hanedanı soyundan) doğdu.
Conrad'ın bir yazar (en çok milliyetçi tragedyalarıyla tanınır) ve Fransızca ile İngilizce çevirmeni olan babası, Çarlık Rusya'ya karşı 1863 isyanlarına destek veren eylemleri nedeniyle Varşova'da Rus yetkililerce tutuklanmış ve Sibirya'ya sürülmüştü. Annesi veremden 1865'te, babası da dört sene sonra Kraków'da vefat etti; böylece Conrad on bir yaşında öksüz kalmış oldu.
Ebeveynlerinin ölümünü takiben, Krakov'da yaşayan dayısı 'nin himayesine verildi.
Roman ve uzun öyküleri

1895 | |
1896 | |
1897 | (Narcissus'un Zencisi) |
1899 | (Karanlığın Yüreği) |
1900 | Lord Jim |
1901 | ( ile birlikte) |
1902 | (başlangıcı 1899'da) |
1903 | Romance ( ile birlikte) |
1904 | |
1907 | The Secret Agent (Gizli Ajan/Casus) |
1911 | (Batılı Gözler Altında) |
1913 | (Talih) |
1915 | Victory (Zafer) |
1917 | |
1919 | |
1920 | |
1923 | ( ile birlikte) |
1925 | Suspense (bitirilmemiş) |
Kısa öyküleri
- "The Idiots" (Conrad'ın ilk kısa hikâyesi; balayında yazdığı eseri Savo 'da 1896'da basıldı ve 1898'de Tales of Unrest koleksiyonunda hikâyeye yer verildi).
- "The Black Mate" (Conrad 1886'da yazdı ve düzenledi; 1908'de basıldı; Tales of Hearsay koleksiyonunda 1925'te yer aldı).
- "" (composed 1896; published in Cornhill Magazine 1897; collected in Tales of Unrest, 1898).
- "An Outpost of Progress" (written 1896 and named in 1906 by Conrad himself, long after the publication of Lord Jim and Heart of Darkness, as his 'best story'; published in Cosmopolis 1897 and collected in Tales of Unrest 1898; often compared to Heart of Darkness, with which it has numerous thematic affinities).
- "The Return" (written circa early 1897; never published in magazine form; collected in Tales of Unrest, 1898; Conrad, presaging the sentiments of most readers, once remarked, "I hate it").
- "Karain: A Memory" (written February–April 1897; published Nov. 1897 in Blackwood's and collected in Tales of Unrest, 1898).
- " " (written in 1898; collected in Youth, a Narrative and Two Other Stories, 1902)
- "Falk" (novella/story, written in early 1901; collected only in Typhoon and Other Stories, 1903).
- "" (composed in 1901; published the Illustrated London News, Dec. 1901 and collected in Typhoon and Other Stories, 1903).
- "To-morrow" (written early 1902; serialized in Pall Mall Magazine, 1902 and collected in Typhoon and Other Stories, 1903).
- "The End of the Tether" (written in 1902; collected in Youth, a Narrative and Two Other Stories, 1902)
- "Gaspar Ruiz" (written after "Nostromo" in 1904–05; published in Strand Magazine in 1906 and collected in A Set of Six, 1908 UK/1915 US. This story was the only piece of Conrad's fiction ever adapted by the author for cinema, as Gaspar the Strong Man, 1920).
- "An Anarchist" (written in late 1905; serialized in Harper's in 1906; collected in A Set of Six, 1908 UK/1915 US.)
- "The Informer" (written before January 1906; published in December 1906 in Harper's and collected in A Set of Six, 1908 UK/1915 US.)
- "The Brute" (written in early 1906; published in The Daily Chronicle in December 1906; collected in A Set of Six, 1908 UK/1915 US.)
- "The Duel" (aka "The Point of Honor": serialized in the UK in Pall Mall Magazine in early 1908 and in the US periodical Forum later that year; collected in A Set of Six in 1908 and published by Garden City Publishing in 1924. Joseph Fouché makes a cameo appearance)
- "Il Conde" (i.e., 'Conte' [count]: appeared in Cassell's [UK] 1908 and Hampton's [US] in 1909; collected in A Set of Six, 1908 UK/1915 US.)
- "" (written December 1909; published in Harper's and collected in Twixt Land and Sea 1912)
- "Prince Roman" (written 1910, published in 1911 in the Oxford and Cambridge Review; based upon the story of Prince of Polonya 1800–1881)
- "A Smile of Fortune" (a long story, almost a novella, written in mid-1910; published in London Magazine in Feb. 1911; collected in Twixt Land and Sea 1912)
- "Freya of the Seven Isles" (another near-novella, written late 1910–early 1911; published in Metropolitan Magazine and London Magazine in early 1912 and July 1912, respectively; collected in Twixt Land and Sea 1912)
- "The Partner" (written in 1911; published in Within the Tides, 1915)
- "The Inn of the Two Witches" (written in 1913; published in Within the Tides, 1915)
- "Because of the Dollars" (written in 1914; published in Within the Tides, 1915)
- "The Planter of Malata" (written in 1914; published in Within the Tides, 1915)
- "The Warrior's Soul" (written late 1915–early 1916; published in Land and Water, in March 1917; collected in Tales of Hearsay, 1925)
- "The Tale" (Conrad's only story about ; written 1916 and first published 1917 in Strand Magazine)
Anı ve makaleleri
- (Otobiyografik denemeleri çeşitli dergilerde 1904-6 yılları arasında yayımlandı), 1906
- (Some Reminiscences adıyla da bilinmektedir), 1912
- , 1921
- , 1926
- Zdzisław Najder, Joseph Conrad: a Life, translated by Halina Najder, Rochester, Camden House, 2007.
- J.H. Stape, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Joseph Conrad, Cambridge University Press, 2006.
- John Stape. The Several Lives of Joseph Conrad, Pantheon, 2008.
Ayrıca bakınız
- - a WWII named after Joseph Conrad
- T. Scovel, 1988. "A Time to Speak: A Psycholinguistic inquiry into the critical period for human speech." Cambridge MA: Newbury House.
- .
Dış bağlantılar
- The Joseph Conrad Society (U.K) 26 Ağustos 2006 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Conrad First 3 Temmuz 2008 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .: a digital archive of every newspaper and magazine in which the work of Joseph Conrad appeared between 1896 and 1935
- The are available from eBooks@Adelaide8 Kasım 2005 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Joseph Conrad çalışmaları – Gutenberg Projesi
- Free audiobook 14 Haziran 2006 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . of The Secret Agent from LibriVox10 Mart 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Penn State's Electronic Classics Series has 26 Works of Joseph Conrad available for free
- Heart of Darkness text at American Literature14 Ocak 2008 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Collected Letters, vol. 6 (1917-1919) 19 Haziran 2006 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . - PDF
- Find-A-Grave profile for Joseph Conrad 15 Ekim 2007 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Conrad's page at Literary 22 Ekim 2006 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .-a number of research articles on Conrad's work
- ^ "Joseph Conrad" 25 Aralık 2018 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .. Encyclopædia Britannica.
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Joseph Conrad d adi Jozef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski 3 Aralik 1857 3 Agustos 1924 Polonya asilli Ingiliz yazardir Ukrayna da dogdu Eserlerinin kimisi romantik olarak yaftalanmissa da Conrad in romantizmi belli bir alaycilikla ve insanin kendi kendini aldatma gucune dair saglam bir farkindalikla dengelenmistir Bircok elestirmence modernizmin onculerinden kabul edilir Joseph ConradDogum3 Aralik 1857 1857 12 03 Jozef Teodor Konrad KorzeniowskiOlum3 Agustos 1924 66 yasinda Bishopsbourne EnglandMeslekYazarMilliyetPolonyaDonem1895 1923TurRealist ModernistEtkilendikleri Stephen Crane Ford Madox Ford Robert Bontine Cunninghame Graham Henry James H G Wells Ivan Turgenev H Rider Haggard Agustus MontroseImzaNalecz Conrad bu kalitsal Leh hanedan armasina sahip oldugundan kendisine sunulan Britanya Sovalyeligi ni reddetmisti YasamiConrad Jozef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski adiyla Ukrayna nin eski adi Berdyczow adli sehrinde son derece yurtsever bir Polonyali asil ailede hanedani soyundan dogdu Conrad in bir yazar en cok milliyetci tragedyalariyla taninir ve Fransizca ile Ingilizce cevirmeni olan babasi Carlik Rusya ya karsi 1863 isyanlarina destek veren eylemleri nedeniyle Varsova da Rus yetkililerce tutuklanmis ve Sibirya ya surulmustu Annesi veremden 1865 te babasi da dort sene sonra Krakow da vefat etti boylece Conrad on bir yasinda oksuz kalmis oldu Ebeveynlerinin olumunu takiben Krakov da yasayan dayisi nin himayesine verildi EserleriRoman ve uzun oykuleri Conrad monument Gdynia on Polonya s coast 1895 18961897 Narcissus un Zencisi 1899 Karanligin Yuregi 1900 Lord Jim1901 ile birlikte 1902 baslangici 1899 da 1903 Romance ile birlikte 19041907 The Secret Agent Gizli Ajan Casus 1911 Batili Gozler Altinda 1913 Talih 1915 Victory Zafer 1917191919201923 ile birlikte 1925 Suspense bitirilmemis Kisa oykuleri The Idiots Conrad in ilk kisa hikayesi balayinda yazdigi eseri Savo da 1896 da basildi ve 1898 de Tales of Unrest koleksiyonunda hikayeye yer verildi The Black Mate Conrad 1886 da yazdi ve duzenledi 1908 de basildi Tales of Hearsay koleksiyonunda 1925 te yer aldi composed 1896 published in Cornhill Magazine 1897 collected in Tales of Unrest 1898 An Outpost of Progress written 1896 and named in 1906 by Conrad himself long after the publication of Lord Jim and Heart of Darkness as his best story published in Cosmopolis 1897 and collected in Tales of Unrest 1898 often compared to Heart of Darkness with which it has numerous thematic affinities The Return written circa early 1897 never published in magazine form collected in Tales of Unrest 1898 Conrad presaging the sentiments of most readers once remarked I hate it Karain A Memory written February April 1897 published Nov 1897 in Blackwood s and collected in Tales of Unrest 1898 written in 1898 collected in Youth a Narrative and Two Other Stories 1902 Falk novella story written in early 1901 collected only in Typhoon and Other Stories 1903 composed in 1901 published the Illustrated London News Dec 1901 and collected in Typhoon and Other Stories 1903 To morrow written early 1902 serialized in Pall Mall Magazine 1902 and collected in Typhoon and Other Stories 1903 The End of the Tether written in 1902 collected in Youth a Narrative and Two Other Stories 1902 Gaspar Ruiz written after Nostromo in 1904 05 published in Strand Magazine in 1906 and collected in A Set of Six 1908 UK 1915 US This story was the only piece of Conrad s fiction ever adapted by the author for cinema as Gaspar the Strong Man 1920 An Anarchist written in late 1905 serialized in Harper s in 1906 collected in A Set of Six 1908 UK 1915 US The Informer written before January 1906 published in December 1906 in Harper s and collected in A Set of Six 1908 UK 1915 US The Brute written in early 1906 published in The Daily Chronicle in December 1906 collected in A Set of Six 1908 UK 1915 US The Duel aka The Point of Honor serialized in the UK in Pall Mall Magazine in early 1908 and in the US periodical Forum later that year collected in A Set of Six in 1908 and published by Garden City Publishing in 1924 Joseph Fouche makes a cameo appearance Il Conde i e Conte count appeared in Cassell s UK 1908 and Hampton s US in 1909 collected in A Set of Six 1908 UK 1915 US written December 1909 published in Harper s and collected in Twixt Land and Sea 1912 Prince Roman written 1910 published in 1911 in the Oxford and Cambridge Review based upon the story of Prince of Polonya 1800 1881 A Smile of Fortune a long story almost a novella written in mid 1910 published in London Magazine in Feb 1911 collected in Twixt Land and Sea 1912 Freya of the Seven Isles another near novella written late 1910 early 1911 published in Metropolitan Magazine and London Magazine in early 1912 and July 1912 respectively collected in Twixt Land and Sea 1912 The Partner written in 1911 published in Within the Tides 1915 The Inn of the Two Witches written in 1913 published in Within the Tides 1915 Because of the Dollars written in 1914 published in Within the Tides 1915 The Planter of Malata written in 1914 published in Within the Tides 1915 The Warrior s Soul written late 1915 early 1916 published in Land and Water in March 1917 collected in Tales of Hearsay 1925 The Tale Conrad s only story about written 1916 and first published 1917 in Strand Magazine Ani ve makaleleri Otobiyografik denemeleri cesitli dergilerde 1904 6 yillari arasinda yayimlandi 1906 Some Reminiscences adiyla da bilinmektedir 1912 1921 1926KaynakcaZdzislaw Najder Joseph Conrad a Life translated by Halina Najder Rochester Camden House 2007 J H Stape ed The Cambridge Companion to Joseph Conrad Cambridge University Press 2006 John Stape The Several Lives of Joseph Conrad Pantheon 2008 Ayrica bakiniz a WWII named after Joseph Conrad T Scovel 1988 A Time to Speak A Psycholinguistic inquiry into the critical period for human speech Cambridge MA Newbury House Dis baglantilarThe Joseph Conrad Society U K 26 Agustos 2006 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Conrad First 3 Temmuz 2008 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde a digital archive of every newspaper and magazine in which the work of Joseph Conrad appeared between 1896 and 1935 The are available from eBooks Adelaide8 Kasim 2005 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Joseph Conrad calismalari Gutenberg Projesi Free audiobook 14 Haziran 2006 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde of The Secret Agent from LibriVox10 Mart 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Penn State s Electronic Classics Series has 26 Works of Joseph Conrad available for free Heart of Darkness text at American Literature14 Ocak 2008 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Collected Letters vol 6 1917 1919 19 Haziran 2006 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde PDF Find A Grave profile for Joseph Conrad 15 Ekim 2007 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Conrad s page at Literary Journal com 22 Ekim 2006 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde a number of research articles on Conrad s work Joseph Conrad 25 Aralik 2018 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Encyclopaedia Britannica