Yüzey anatomisinde lamel, ince levha benzeri yapılardır. Genellikle lameller birbirine çok yakındır ve aralarında boşluk vardır. Solunum organı olmalarının yanı sıra, gekoların yüzeydeki besinleri süzerek beslenmesini sağlarlar.

- ^ Santos, Daniel; Matthew Spenko; Aaron Parness; Kim Sangbae; Mark Cutkosky (2007). "Arşivlenmiş kopya". Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology. 21 (12-13). ss. 1317-1341. 15 Ocak 2012 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 19 Ocak 2019.
Gecko "feet and toes are a hierarchical system of complex structures consisting of lamellae, setae, and spatulae. The distinguishing characteristics of the gecko adhesion system have been described [as] (1) anisotropic attachment, (2) high pulloff force to preload ratio, (3) low detachment force, (4) material independence, (5) self-cleaning, (6) anti-self sticking and (7) non-sticky default state. ... The gecko’s adhesive structures are made from ß-keratin (modulus of elasticity [approx.] 2 GPa). Such a stiff material is not inherently sticky; however, because of the gecko adhesive’s hierarchical nature and extremely small distal features (spatulae are [approx.] 200 nm in size), the gecko’s foot is able to intimately conform to the surface and generate significant attraction using van der Waals forces.
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Yuzey anatomisinde lamel ince levha benzeri yapilardir Genellikle lameller birbirine cok yakindir ve aralarinda bosluk vardir Solunum organi olmalarinin yani sira gekolarin yuzeydeki besinleri suzerek beslenmesini saglarlar Gekonun ayagindaki lamelKaynakca Santos Daniel Matthew Spenko Aaron Parness Kim Sangbae Mark Cutkosky 2007 Arsivlenmis kopya Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 21 12 13 ss 1317 1341 15 Ocak 2012 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 19 Ocak 2019 Gecko feet and toes are a hierarchical system of complex structures consisting of lamellae setae and spatulae The distinguishing characteristics of the gecko adhesion system have been described as 1 anisotropic attachment 2 high pulloff force to preload ratio 3 low detachment force 4 material independence 5 self cleaning 6 anti self sticking and 7 non sticky default state The gecko s adhesive structures are made from ss keratin modulus of elasticity approx 2 GPa Such a stiff material is not inherently sticky however because of the gecko adhesive s hierarchical nature and extremely small distal features spatulae are approx 200 nm in size the gecko s foot is able to intimately conform to the surface and generate significant attraction using van der Waals forces