Lou Diamond Philips(d.17 Şubat 1962) Amerikalı aktör ve yönetmen.
Lou Diamond Philips | |
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Doğum | Lou Diamond Upchurch 17 Şubat 1962 |
Meslek | Aktör, yönetmen |
Etkin yıllar | 1984–günümüz |
Evlilik | (1987–1990) Kelly Phillips (1994–2007) Yvonne Marie Boismier (2007–günümüz) |
Ödüller ve başarılar
- 1989 En İyi Yardımcı Erkek Oyuncu Bağımsız Ruh Ödülü (Stand and Deliver, 1988)
- 1989 En İyi Yardımcı Erkek Oyuncu Altın Küre adayı (Stand and Deliver, 1988)
- 1989 Drama Dalında Western Heritage Ödülü (, 1988). (yapımcı), (yapımcı), Charlie Sheen (aktör), Emilio Estevez (aktör) ve Kiefer Sutherland (aktör)'la paylaştı.
- 1993 Oxfam America ödülü - dünyadaki açlığın sonlanmasına ilişkin konuşmasına ithafen
- 1994 Drama Dalında Houston International Film Festival Gold ödülü Ultimate Revenge
- 1996 En İyi Erkek Oyuncu Tony Ödülü adayı, Broadway (The King And I)
- 1996 Theater World Ödülü: The King and I
- 1996 New York Dış Eleştirmenler Birliği: En İyi Erkek Oyuncu Saygın İlk Performans Broadway Ödülü, The King & I
- 1997 Favori Yardımcı Erkek Oyuncu - Macera/Dram (Courage Under Fire, 1996)
- 1997 En İyi Yardımcı Erkek Oyuncu Lone Star Film & Televizyon Ödülü (Courage Under Fire, 1996)
- 2001 Filipinas magazin "Başarı ödülü"
- 2003 Cinemanila Film Festivali Yaşam Boyu Başarı Ödülü (Filipinler)
- 2005 Asia Pacific Islander Heritage Ödülü Üstün Gösteri ve Sanat.
- 2009 I'm a Celebrity... Get Me out of Here! King of the Jungle
- 2012 Rachael vs Guy Celebrity Cook Off: Kazandı
- (1984)
- Trespasses (1986)
- (1987)
- The Three Kings (TV; 1987)
- Miami Vice (TV; episode: "Red Tape"; 1987)
- Dakota (1988)
- Stand and Deliver (1988) – Angel
- (1988)
- (1989)
- (1989)
- Young Guns II (1990)
- (1990)
- (1990)
- Harley (1990)
- (1991)
- Ambition (1991)
- Sesame Street (1991) – Monster in the Mirror Celebrity version
- Avenue Z Afternoon (TV, 1991)
- Shadow of the Wolf (1992)
- (1993)
- (1993)
- (1994)
- (1994)
- (1994)
- Teresa's Tattoo (1994)
- (TV; 1994)
- The Wharf Rat (TV; 1995)
- (1995)
- Undertow (1996)
- Courage Under Fire (1996)
- The Big Hit (1998)
- (1998)
- Spin City (TV; episode: "An Officer and a Gentleman"; 1998)
- (1999)
- Orion Scope: The Grip of Christ (TV; 1999)
- In The class of his own (TV; 1999)
- (1999)
- In a Class of His Own (TV; 1999)
- (2000)
- (2000)
- (2000)
- (2001)
- Knight Club (2001)
- Hangman (2001)
- (TV; 2001)
- (TV; episode: "Dead Air"; 2001)
- (2001)
- (TV; 2002) – special guest star as Warden DeSalvo at a government top secret underground prison, alongside Kiefer Sutherland
- (2002)
- (2002)
- Malevolent (2002)
- (2003)
- (2003)
- (TV; 2003)
- (TV; 2003) – guest star as robber on third episode
- Gone But Not Forgotten (TV; 2004)
- The Trail to Hope Rose (TV; 2004)
- Murder at the Presidio (TV; 2005)
- (TV; 2005)
- (TV; 2005)
- (TV; 2005) – mini-series on Sci-Fi Channel, inspired by paranormal events in the
- Striking Range (2006) – initially titled Bloodlines
- (TV; episode: "Fault"; 2006) – Victor Paul Gitano
- Numb3rs (TV; 2005–2010) – recurring role of
- (2006) – unaired pilot
- El Cortez (film) (2007)
- (2007)
- (TV; 2007)
- Termination Point (TV; 2007)
- (2007–2008)
- The Word of Promise (2007) – dramatization of the New Testament; spoken voice role as The Apostle Mark
- (2008) – Mario Monje
- Never Forget (2008)
- (2008)
- (2008)
- (TV; episode: "Thanksgiving Showdown"; 2008) – himself as a celebrity judge
- (TV; 2009) – Patrick Swayze
- (2009) – Ray Russell
- Angel and the Badman (2009)
- (2009)
- (TV; 2009)
- Stargate Universe (TV; 2009–2011) – Colonel
- The Invited (2010) – Garrett
- (TV; episode: "Garces vs. Liken"; 2010) – himself as a celebrity judge
- American Dad! (TV; 2010) – Rusty (voice)
- (TV; 2011) – Augusto Gaez
- by Tom Clancy (2010) – narrator of the audio book
- Cougar Town (TV; 2011) – himself
- (TV; 2011) – David
- by Tom Clancy (2011) – narrator of the audio book
- (TV; 2011) – himself
- - Michael Edwards
- (TV; 2012) – Officer Danny Ferguson
- (2012) - Jose Tonorio
- (TV; 2012) – The Spirit of the Sun
- (TV; 2012) – Henry Standing Bear
- by Tom Clancy with Mark Greaney (2012) – narrator of the audio book
- Radioactive by Imagine Dragons (Music Video; 2012) - Boss

Dış bağlantılar
Wikimedia Commons'ta Lou Diamond Phillips ile ilgili ortam dosyaları bulunmaktadır. |
- Lou Diamond Phillips BLVD 20 Ağustos 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . Online source since 1999 showcasing the life and career of the actor Lou Diamond Phillips
- IMDb'de Lou Diamond Phillips
- IBDB'de Lou Diamond Phillips.
- World Poker Tour Profile6 Ocak 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Lou Diamond Phillips Hendon Mob poker tournament results24 Eylül 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
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Lou Diamond Philips d 17 Subat 1962 Amerikali aktor ve yonetmen Lou Diamond PhilipsDogumLou Diamond Upchurch 17 Subat 1962 62 yasinda ABD Deniz Kuvvetleri Ussu FilipinlerMeslekAktor yonetmenEtkin yillar1984 gunumuzEvlilik 1987 1990 Kelly Phillips 1994 2007 Yvonne Marie Boismier 2007 gunumuz Oduller ve basarilar1989 En Iyi Yardimci Erkek Oyuncu Bagimsiz Ruh Odulu Stand and Deliver 1988 1989 En Iyi Yardimci Erkek Oyuncu Altin Kure adayi Stand and Deliver 1988 1989 Drama Dalinda Western Heritage Odulu 1988 yapimci yapimci Charlie Sheen aktor Emilio Estevez aktor ve Kiefer Sutherland aktor la paylasti 1993 Oxfam America odulu dunyadaki acligin sonlanmasina iliskin konusmasina ithafen 1994 Drama Dalinda Houston International Film Festival Gold odulu Ultimate Revenge 1996 En Iyi Erkek Oyuncu Tony Odulu adayi Broadway The King And I 1996 Theater World Odulu The King and I 1996 New York Dis Elestirmenler Birligi En Iyi Erkek Oyuncu Saygin Ilk Performans Broadway Odulu The King amp I 1997 Favori Yardimci Erkek Oyuncu Macera Dram Courage Under Fire 1996 1997 En Iyi Yardimci Erkek Oyuncu Lone Star Film amp Televizyon Odulu Courage Under Fire 1996 2001 Filipinas magazin Basari odulu 2003 Cinemanila Film Festivali Yasam Boyu Basari Odulu Filipinler 2005 Asia Pacific Islander Heritage Odulu Ustun Gosteri ve Sanat 2009 I m a Celebrity Get Me out of Here King of the Jungle 2012 Rachael vs Guy Celebrity Cook Off KazandiFilmografi 1984 Trespasses 1986 1987 The Three Kings TV 1987 Miami Vice TV episode Red Tape 1987 Dakota 1988 Stand and Deliver 1988 Angel 1988 1989 1989 Young Guns II 1990 1990 1990 Harley 1990 1991 Ambition 1991 Sesame Street 1991 Monster in the Mirror Celebrity version Avenue Z Afternoon TV 1991 Shadow of the Wolf 1992 1993 1993 1994 1994 1994 Teresa s Tattoo 1994 TV 1994 The Wharf Rat TV 1995 1995 Undertow 1996 Courage Under Fire 1996 The Big Hit 1998 1998 Spin City TV episode An Officer and a Gentleman 1998 1999 Orion Scope The Grip of Christ TV 1999 In The class of his own TV 1999 1999 In a Class of His Own TV 1999 2000 2000 2000 2001 Knight Club 2001 Hangman 2001 TV 2001 TV episode Dead Air 2001 2001 TV 2002 special guest star as Warden DeSalvo at a government top secret underground prison alongside Kiefer Sutherland 2002 2002 Malevolent 2002 2003 2003 TV 2003 TV 2003 guest star as robber on third episode Gone But Not Forgotten TV 2004 The Trail to Hope Rose TV 2004 Murder at the Presidio TV 2005 TV 2005 TV 2005 TV 2005 mini series on Sci Fi Channel inspired by paranormal events in the Striking Range 2006 initially titled Bloodlines Law amp Order Special Victims Unit TV episode Fault 2006 Victor Paul Gitano Numb3rs TV 2005 2010 recurring role of 2006 unaired pilot El Cortez film 2007 2007 TV 2007 Termination Point TV 2007 2007 2008 The Word of Promise 2007 dramatization of the New Testament spoken voice role as The Apostle Mark 2008 Mario Monje Never Forget 2008 2008 2008 TV episode Thanksgiving Showdown 2008 himself as a celebrity judge TV 2009 Patrick Swayze 2009 Ray Russell Angel and the Badman 2009 2009 TV 2009 Stargate Universe TV 2009 2011 Colonel The Invited 2010 Garrett TV episode Garces vs Liken 2010 himself as a celebrity judge American Dad TV 2010 Rusty voice TV 2011 Augusto Gaez by Tom Clancy 2010 narrator of the audio book Cougar Town TV 2011 himself TV 2011 David by Tom Clancy 2011 narrator of the audio book TV 2011 himself Michael Edwards TV 2012 Officer Danny Ferguson 2012 Jose Tonorio TV 2012 The Spirit of the Sun TV 2012 Henry Standing Bear by Tom Clancy with Mark Greaney 2012 narrator of the audio book Radioactive by Imagine Dragons Music Video 2012 BossPhillips Ekim 2006 da Los Angeles ta Filipin Amerikan Kutuphanesi Ruh Odullerinde ve Gala Yemeginde konusma yaparken KaynakcaDis baglantilarWikimedia Commons ta Lou Diamond Phillips ile ilgili ortam dosyalari bulunmaktadir Lou Diamond Phillips BLVD20 Agustos 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Online source since 1999 showcasing the life and career of the actor Lou Diamond Phillips IMDb de Lou Diamond Phillips IBDB de Lou Diamond Phillips World Poker Tour Profile6 Ocak 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Lou Diamond Phillips Hendon Mob poker tournament results24 Eylul 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde