Lowell J. Sherman (11 Ekim 1885 – 28 Aralık 1934), Amerikalı sessiz sinema dönemi efsanevi oyunculardan. 1930-35 yılları arasında 20'ye yakın filmde yönetmenlikte yapmıştır. 28 Aralık 1934'te 49 yaşında yaşamını yitirmiştir.

- (1914)
- Always in the Way (1914)
- (1915)
- (1915)
- Vera, the Medium (1917)
- (1920)
- Way Down East (1920)
- (1920)
- (1921)
- What No Man Knows (1921)
- (1921)
- Grand Larceny (1922)
- (1922)
- Bright Lights of Broadway (1923)
- The Masked Dancer (1924)
- The Spitfire (1924)
- The Truth About Women (1924)
- (1924)
- Satan in Sables (1925)
- The Reckless Lady (1926)
- The Love Toy (1926)
- The Wilderness Woman (1926)
- (1926)
- Lost at Sea (1926)
- (1927)
- The Girl from Gay Paree (1927)
- (1928)
- (1928)
- (1928)
- Mad Hour (1928)
- The Heart of a Follies Girl (1928)
- The Scarlet Dove (1928)
- The Whip (1928)
- Phipps (1928) *short
- (1928)
- (1929)
- (1930)
- (1930)
- (1930)
- (1930)
- (1930)
- (1930)
- Lawful Larceny (1930)
- (1930)
- (1931)
- The Stolen Jools (1931) *short
- (1931)
- (1931)
- (1932)
- (1932)
- (1932)
- False Faces (1932)
- (1930)
- The Pay-Off (1930)
- The Royal Bed (1931)
- Bachelor Apartment(1931)
- High Stakes (1931)
- The Greeks Had a Word for Them (1932)
- (1932)
- False Faces (1932)
- She Done Him Wrong (1933)
- Morning Glory (1933)
- Broadway Through a Keyhole (1933)
- (1934)
- (1935)
Dış bağlantılar
Wikimedia Commons'ta Lowell Sherman ile ilgili ortam dosyaları bulunmaktadır. |
- IBDB'de Lowell Sherman.
- IMDb'de Lowell Sherman
- Broadway portrait23 Nisan 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . (NY Public Library, Billy Rose collection)
- Late 1920s portrait4 Mart 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Find a Grave'de Lowell Sherman
- Lowell Sherman; Broadway Photographs3 Mart 2017 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .(Univ. of South Carolina)
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Lowell J Sherman 11 Ekim 1885 28 Aralik 1934 Amerikali sessiz sinema donemi efsanevi oyunculardan 1930 35 yillari arasinda 20 ye yakin filmde yonetmenlikte yapmistir 28 Aralik 1934 te 49 yasinda yasamini yitirmistir Lowell ShermanFilmografiOyuncu 1914 Always in the Way 1914 1915 1915 Vera the Medium 1917 1920 Way Down East 1920 1920 1921 What No Man Knows 1921 1921 Grand Larceny 1922 1922 Bright Lights of Broadway 1923 The Masked Dancer 1924 The Spitfire 1924 The Truth About Women 1924 1924 Satan in Sables 1925 The Reckless Lady 1926 The Love Toy 1926 The Wilderness Woman 1926 1926 Lost at Sea 1926 1927 The Girl from Gay Paree 1927 1928 1928 1928 Mad Hour 1928 The Heart of a Follies Girl 1928 The Scarlet Dove 1928 The Whip 1928 Phipps 1928 short 1928 1929 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 Lawful Larceny 1930 1930 1931 The Stolen Jools 1931 short 1931 1931 1932 1932 1932 False Faces 1932 Yonetmen 1930 The Pay Off 1930 The Royal Bed 1931 Bachelor Apartment 1931 High Stakes 1931 The Greeks Had a Word for Them 1932 1932 False Faces 1932 She Done Him Wrong 1933 Morning Glory 1933 Broadway Through a Keyhole 1933 1934 1935 Dis baglantilarWikimedia Commons ta Lowell Sherman ile ilgili ortam dosyalari bulunmaktadir IBDB de Lowell Sherman IMDb de Lowell Sherman Broadway portrait23 Nisan 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde NY Public Library Billy Rose collection Late 1920s portrait4 Mart 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Find a Grave de Lowell Sherman Lowell Sherman Broadway Photographs3 Mart 2017 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Univ of South Carolina Amerikali oyuncu ile ilgili bu madde taslak seviyesindedir Madde icerigini genisleterek Vikipedi ye katki saglayabilirsiniz