Mary Stuart Masterson (d. 28 Haziran 1966), Amerikalı oyuncudur. Rol aldığı 1991 yapımı Fried Green Tomatoes adlı yapımla tanındı.

- 2006 - The Insurgents
- 2005 - Whiskey school
- 2005 - Intervention
- 2005 - The Sisters
- 2004 - Something the Lord Made
- 2002 - Um motivo para viver
- 2002 - West of here
- 2001 - Three blind mice
- 2001 - The Book of Stars
- 1999 - Black and blue
- 1999 - The Florentine
- 1998 - Digging to China
- 1997 - The Postman
- 1997 - On the 2nd day of Christmas
- 1997 - Dogtown
- 1996 - Lily Dale
- 1996 - Heaven's Prisoners
- 1996 - Bed of Roses
- 1994 - Radioland Murders
- 1994 - Bad Girls
- 1993 - Benny & Joon
- 1992 - Mad at the Moon
- 1991 - Fried green tomatoes
- 1991 - Married to it
- 1990 - Funny about love
- 1989 - Immediate family
- 1989 - Chances are
- 1988 - Mr. North
- 1987 - Gardens of stone
- 1987 - Some kind of wonderful
- 1986 - At Close Range
- 1986 - My little girl
- 1985 - Love lives on
- 1985 - Heaven help us
- 1980 - City in fear
- 1975 - Stepford wives, The
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Mary Stuart Masterson d 28 Haziran 1966 Amerikali oyuncudur Rol aldigi 1991 yapimi Fried Green Tomatoes adli yapimla tanindi Mary Stuart Masterson 2007 Filmografi2006 The Insurgents 2005 Whiskey school 2005 Intervention 2005 The Sisters 2004 Something the Lord Made 2002 Um motivo para viver 2002 West of here 2001 Three blind mice 2001 The Book of Stars 1999 Black and blue 1999 The Florentine 1998 Digging to China 1997 The Postman 1997 On the 2nd day of Christmas 1997 Dogtown 1996 Lily Dale 1996 Heaven s Prisoners 1996 Bed of Roses 1994 Radioland Murders 1994 Bad Girls 1993 Benny amp Joon 1992 Mad at the Moon 1991 Fried green tomatoes 1991 Married to it 1990 Funny about love 1989 Immediate family 1989 Chances are 1988 Mr North 1987 Gardens of stone 1987 Some kind of wonderful 1986 At Close Range 1986 My little girl 1985 Love lives on 1985 Heaven help us 1980 City in fear 1975 Stepford wives TheDis baglantilarWikimedia Commons ta Mary Stuart Masterson ile ilgili coklu ortam belgeleri bulunur IMDb de Mary Stuart MastersonAmerikali oyuncu ile ilgili bu madde taslak seviyesindedir Madde icerigini genisleterek Vikipedi ye katki saglayabilirsiniz