Michael Lewis (d. 1960), kurgusal olmayan eserler veren yazar ve finans alanında çalışan gazeteci. En çok satan kitapları , , , (film uyarlaması Kazanma Sanatı), , Panic ve Home Game: An Accidental Guide to Fatherhood'dur. Şu anda Vanity Fair dergisinde editörlük yapmaktadır.
Michael Lewis | |
![]() Michael Lewis (2009) | |
Doğum | Michael Monroe Lewis 15 Ekim 1960 New Orleans, Louisiana, ABD |
Eğitim | Princeton Üniversitesi Londra Ekonomi Okulu |
Meslek | Gazeteci, yazar |
Evlilik | Diane de Cordova Lewis (1994-1995/6) |
- Michael Lewis. (2010). . New York: ISBN .
- Michael Lewis. (2009). Home Game: An Accidental Guide to Fatherhood. New York: ISBN .
- Michael Lewis. (2008). Panic: The Story of Modern Financial Insanity. New York: ISBN .
- Michael Lewis (ed.) (2008). The Real Price of Everything: Rediscovering the Six Classics of Economics. New York: . ISBN .
- Michael Lewis. (2006). . New York: . ISBN .
- Michael Lewis. (2005). Coach: Lessons on the Game of Life. New York: . ISBN .
- Michael Lewis. (2003). . New York: . ISBN .
- Michael Lewis. (2001). . New York: . ISBN .
- Michael Lewis. (2000). : A Silicon Valley story. New York: . ISBN .
- Michael Lewis. (1997). . New York: . ISBN .
- Michael Lewis. (1991). The Money Culture. New York: . ISBN .
- Michael Lewis. (1991). Pacific Rift. Knoxville, Tenn.: Whittle Direct Books. ISBN .
- Michael Lewis. (1989). : Rising through the Wreckage on Wall Street. New York: . ISBN .
Dış bağlantılar
- CBS's 60 Minutes, interview w/ Lewis on The Big Short, March 14, 2010
- Bloomberg.com/TV 42 min interview w/ Lewis on The Big Short, March 16, 2010
- List of books and articles23 Kasım 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Birnbaum v. Michael Lewis, an interview4 Temmuz 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . at
- Recent articles for Vanity Fair28 Mayıs 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
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Michael Lewis d 1960 kurgusal olmayan eserler veren yazar ve finans alaninda calisan gazeteci En cok satan kitaplari film uyarlamasi Kazanma Sanati Panic ve Home Game An Accidental Guide to Fatherhood dur Su anda Vanity Fair dergisinde editorluk yapmaktadir Michael LewisMichael Lewis 2009 DogumMichael Monroe Lewis 15 Ekim 1960 63 yasinda New Orleans Louisiana ABDEgitimPrinceton Universitesi Londra Ekonomi OkuluMeslekGazeteci yazarEvlilikDiane de Cordova Lewis 1994 1995 6 EserleriKitaplari Michael Lewis 2010 New York ISBN 0 393 07223 1 Michael Lewis 2009 Home Game An Accidental Guide to Fatherhood New York ISBN 0 393 06901 X Michael Lewis 2008 Panic The Story of Modern Financial Insanity New York ISBN 0 393 06514 6 Michael Lewis ed 2008 The Real Price of Everything Rediscovering the Six Classics of Economics New York ISBN 1 402 74790 X KB1 bakim Fazladan yazi yazar listesi link Michael Lewis 2006 New York ISBN 0 393 06123 X Michael Lewis 2005 Coach Lessons on the Game of Life New York ISBN 0 393 06091 8 Michael Lewis 2003 New York ISBN 0 393 05765 8 Michael Lewis 2001 New York ISBN 0 393 02037 1 Michael Lewis 2000 A Silicon Valley story New York ISBN 0 393 04813 6 Michael Lewis 1997 New York ISBN 0 679 44660 5 Michael Lewis 1991 The Money Culture New York ISBN 0 393 03037 7 Michael Lewis 1991 Pacific Rift Knoxville Tenn Whittle Direct Books ISBN 0 962 47456 8 Michael Lewis 1989 Rising through the Wreckage on Wall Street New York ISBN 0 393 02750 3 Dis baglantilarCBS s 60 Minutes interview w Lewis on The Big Short March 14 2010 Bloomberg com TV 42 min interview w Lewis on The Big Short March 16 2010 List of books and articles23 Kasim 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Birnbaum v Michael Lewis an interview4 Temmuz 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde at Recent articles for Vanity Fair28 Mayis 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde