Michael Paré (d. 9 Ekim 1958; Brooklyn, New York), Amerikalı oyuncudur.

- 1983: Eddie and the Cruisers
- 1984: (The Philadelphia Experiment)
- 1984: (Streets of Fire)
- 1986: Madrid Connection
- 1987-1988: Houston Knights - Die glorreichen Zwei
- 1988: (World Gone Wild)
- 1989:
- 1991: Heiße Nächte in L.A. (Sunset Heat)
- 1992:
- 1992:
- 1993:
- 1995: (Village of the Damned)
- 1996:
- 1998: (Hope Floats)
- 1999: The Virgin Suicides
- 2000:
- 2000-2001: (Fernsehserie)
- 2001: A Month of Sundays
- 2003:
- 2004: Gargoyles - Flügel des Grauens (Gargoyles)
- 2005:
- 2005:
- 2005: Crash Landing
- 2007: (Furnace)
- 2007:
- 2007:
- 2007:
- 2008: 100 Feet
- 2008:
- 2008:
- 2008:
- 2008:
- 2009:
- 2010:
- 2011: (The Lincoln Lawyer)
- 2012: Das Philadelphia Experiment – Reactivated (The Philadelphia Experiment)
- 2012: (Maximum Conviction)
- 2013: Assault on Wall Street
Dış bağlantılar
- IMDb'de Michael Paré
- Fansite21 Ekim 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
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Michael Pare d 9 Ekim 1958 Brooklyn New York Amerikali oyuncudur Michael Pare 2008 Filmografi1983 Eddie and the Cruisers 1984 The Philadelphia Experiment 1984 Streets of Fire 1986 Madrid Connection 1987 1988 Houston Knights Die glorreichen Zwei 1988 World Gone Wild 1989 1991 Heisse Nachte in L A Sunset Heat 1992 1992 1993 1995 Village of the Damned 1996 1998 Hope Floats 1999 The Virgin Suicides 2000 2000 2001 Fernsehserie 2001 A Month of Sundays 2003 2004 Gargoyles Flugel des Grauens Gargoyles 2005 2005 2005 Crash Landing 2007 Furnace 2007 2007 2007 2008 100 Feet 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2010 2011 The Lincoln Lawyer 2012 Das Philadelphia Experiment Reactivated The Philadelphia Experiment 2012 Maximum Conviction 2013 Assault on Wall StreetDis baglantilarIMDb de Michael Pare Fansite21 Ekim 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Amerikali oyuncu ile ilgili bu madde taslak seviyesindedir Madde icerigini genisleterek Vikipedi ye katki saglayabilirsiniz